Transfer your weight over to the left side , reach down and hold on to your ankle and place the heel as close to the groin as possible .
Keep the proper alignment in the tree , press back with the left thigh and straighten your spine lengthening your upper body .
If you're not able to take your heel closer to the groin , start placing your heel closer to your knee , keeping the right hip joint externally rotating .
So come onto your mac come into all fours .
What we are going to do is drop the spine down as you lengthen upwards with the chin and the tail bone on the exhale , you'll round through the shoulders , pull the belly in and bring your chin to your chest as you look to your nale few more times , inhale deep breathing as you drop your spine down and look up to the ceiling and exhale round through the shoulders , pull the belly and squeeze .
And if you look within , make sure your fingers are separated and pressing equally into the floor and try and take your legs a little more backward , attack your toes and slowly lift yourself up and up .
So lengthening , lengthening your spine , keeping that position of your spine completely straight .
You're gonna press your heels into the floor , begin to lie down on your back and place your heels as close as possible to your butt and hold your ankles .
Make sure your thumb is outside , slowly inhale and lift your hips all the way up .
So try and reach as high as possible , but your breath should be in the normal range and stay here for a couple of deep breaths in the lengthen your spine .
Create a space between your pelvic and your wrist cages and then arch back , squeeze your back , drop your shoulders back and then arch , mouth close up and , and in contact with each other .