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2023-07-18 12:36:32

Yoga For Beginners _ Easy 20 Minute Yoga Experience

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Hi , it's Leslie Fightmaster .

Welcome to Day number 10 .

So we're gonna sit back on a blog today .

This is called .

So the block goes right between the ankles .

If you have two blocks , you could sit up on two blocks if that's better for you .

Um , if you don't have any blocks , you can sit back on your heels .

The knees are as wide as the hips and start to lengthen through the spine as you sit up tall , widen the collarbones , shoulder blades relaxed .

Take a moment to check in with your breathing and we'll bring hands together in front of the heart to set our intention .

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I'm honored to have you join me today in the presence of Lake Mate , one of the holiest waters in the world as we flow and move through this beginner yoga practice today .

May we listen to our body deepening the connection to our internal experience of self care and self love .

May this practice and this time we dedicate to our health and well being , remind us of this incredible and rewarding journey called human life .

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My intention today is to be nice to myself and of course you can choose your own intention .

Let's release the hands down and he'll sweep the arms out around and up pumps , facing each other ribs in .

Now it release the fingers , reach the palms up toward the ceiling , stretching nice and tall .

Reaching the , the palms up , exhale and turn to your right as you inhale , get some length and exhale , maybe turn to your right a little bit more and then inhale center and release the arms exhale in house with the arms up .

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Now , interlace your fingers with the other pinky and fronts , face the palms up , reach nice and tall .

Watch out for that back arching and the rib cage popping out and then exhale , turn to the left .

You reaching through the hands , take an inhale to the length in the spine as you exhale , maybe twist a little bit more .

Relax the shoulder blades back to center inhale and release the arms .

Exhale from here , I'm gonna roll the shoulders back and back and back and then forward and forward and forward , stretching out the shoulders a little bit .

And that will come off the block and tuck the toes under , sit back on your heels again .

This is a very intense pose called thunderbolts .

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Let's move the block off to the side and now back into our table position , but the hands are a little bit in front of the shoulders , turn the triceps back and then tuck the toes and make your way into down to bicycling the legs for a little bit , stretching out those hamstrings on them and her thighs are spinning back as the legs are straightening out and looking to the hands will step the feet up , take it inhale , look up lahood , you exhale , fold is needed in .

He'll press down to rise up .

I exiled to some .

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Come back to the front of the mats , lift the chests off and the shoulder blades quiet the mind and he'll reach the arms all the way up as you exhale , hinge forward , hips over heels .

If the legs are straight , inhale hard halfway up , exhale just up your right foot back and take your right knee down .

Inhale , reach into low lunge for the left hip back as you do and then exhale hands down , lift up , step the left or back to meet the right plank poses knees up or down , lower , slowly .

Exhale to the belly as you inhale , peel the chest up for a little baby cobra .

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Sweeping the arms up , exhale to fold in hill a couple of lengths and halfway x he'll step back or just the left foot , take the left knee down .

Inhale , rise up right knees over the ankle , make sure that knee stays lined up .

You don't have to sink in as far .

Exhale the hands down .

Tuck the back toes come a plank and holding plank knees up or down lower to the belly .

Exhaling inhale Cora and then it will exhale back to the knees and to down up .

Hm .

Breathing here in hell , right leg up and then exhale , step it all the way through .

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Good , reach both arms up and then exhale , come to center and then release the arms to the side .

Well done .

Let's take an inhale .

Now , just take a gentle sun salutation , reaching both arms up to the sky .

Exhale forward full to the mat .

Bend your knees .

If you have to inhale halfway length and egg sale from here , step your right leg all the way down , drop your knee to the floor .

Inhale , reach both arms all the way up low lunge , egg seal hands back down .

You're going to lift your back knee and step into plank and then take your knees and then your chest and chin to the mat extending forward and then lifting up into baby cobra pressing your hands onto the mat and then release yourself back down , bending the right knee .

Now begin to turn over to your left side and pressing your right foot to the floor .

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If it doesn't make it , then remember , pick it up and put it left knee down and he'll come on up , spinning the triceps forward , draw the lowerer ribs in back ribs are lifting up and then exhale , bring the hands back down , step your right foot all the way to the front of the map and he'll lengthen , exhale fold and then pressing down , rise up as you inhale some must he exhale on the inhale , bend the knees to toss in a chair post .

So sit back but watch that your tailbone doesn't lift .

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Exhale four in inhale , slowly rolling yourself up to standing .

Exhale , hold in , inhale , reaching both arms up to the sky .

I exhale hands to heart .

Wonderful .

Just take a moment for yourself .

And then when you're ready , reaching both arms again up to the sky .

Exhale forward , fold , inhale halfway length and through the spine .

Exhale , bend your knees .

Now step your left foot to the back of your mouth , reaching both arms up , low lunch , open yourself up hips or square your front knee is on top of your ankle , release the hands , tuck your toes , lift your back , knee and step into plank , knees come down chest and then your chin , slide yourself forward , release the toes inhale , coming up into your low cobra or baby cobra .

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Step your left foot to the front , take an inhale and lengthen as you wax , he'll fold , bend the knees , drop the hips , reach up into and back to .

Let's take a moment at the front of the mat .

Check in with the breath check in with how your body feels and he'll bend the knees into .

Yeah , because they are folding in .

Hell .

It would turn a halfway up ax .

He'll step back .

Oh , sorry .

Just the left foot steps back on the ball of that foot , reach up tall and then again , bend the back , knee a little drop the tail bone and lift the hip points up .

Spin the triceps forward , let the shoulder blade release toward the waist .

Exhale , hands down , pack to plank .

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You can hold it here or exhale to the floor hands by low ribs .

Inhale co or upward dog and then exhale downward dog .

Feel free to rest any time left leg up in hell , he'll step it up , staying on the ball of your back foot and he'll come on up , be in the back knee so you can lengthen through the lower back and lift the belly and reach up top .

Your triceps are spinning forward if you can look up a little bit too , but no need to throw the head back .

Exhaling the hands down , step your right foot to the front and he'll look up , exhale fault , bend the knees , inhale , drop the hips .

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Egg seal .

Walking your feet forward , taking four steps or even more .

If you have to coming back into a forward fold this time , go ahead and grab those opposite elbows just like we did in the beginning of our practice allowing your upper body to be super relaxed .

Beginning to take that rag doll again .

Just a gentle sway side to side .

Let yourself be super loose here .

Make sure you're not folding from the lower back .

You want to fold from your hip joints .

So if you need to slightly bend the knees to protect your lumbar spine , please do , go ahead and keep swing side to side and then release your hands and inhale , come up halfway .

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Inhale all the way to center and arms to a tee .

Inhale here , exhale , interlace , the fingers do the funny interlace .

If you know what that means , inhale , open up to the chest and exhale fold .

So the funny interlace is really just what I would call the nondominant hand on top .

Basically reach the crown of the head toward the floor doesn't have to touch and then allow the irons to come forward gently , very gently , squeeze the outer thighs , inner outer hips , inner thighs and come up , step or hop back to the front of the map and then inhale , sweep the arms up .

Thanks , because they'll fold in , inhale .

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Let's open up through the chest , taking a gentle back , bend , inhale , sail slowly returning back to your center .

Great job .

Just take a moment .

Find your breath , standing at the top of your mat .

Let's take an inhale .

Reach both arms up to the sky .

Exhale , hamster , inhale from here , bend your knees and then step your right foot to about three quarters of the mat .

You're going to bend the front knee and make sure the knee is on top of your ankle .

As you reach both arms up into our warrior one vera in a one , just find that center , try to keep your hips square as possible .

Then extending the front knee and release your hands either to your hips or a little bit more challenging .

Version is to place the hands behind your back and grab your opposite elbows .

Hips are square , begin from here to come down halfway and you can either just stay here at level one .

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Look up and exhale , step back to plank or you can just stay in down dog , lower down , knees up or down , shoulders in line with elbows , inhale , pressing up , exhale , tuck the toes down dog and then looking forward will come through and sit .

So have that block handy when you come onto the floor light up your heels , under the knees , you're gonna lift up and put that block right at the base of your spine .

You can't really see where it is on me , but it's right at the base of the spine .

There's a , a flat bone that's kind of horizontal and it's called the scrum .

And you want to put your block right there and it should feel super nice .

If it doesn't feel really nice , then release it and come into regular bridge .

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It's one of those nice poses .

You can stand for a while .

So now we're gonna lift the legs up .

This is pretty Krai without the wall and imagine you're holding a block here between your inner thighs and now start to bend your knees , take the feet back down , lift up and lower back down , exhale , hug your knees into your chest , give your knees a little bit of a hug , rocking a side to side and then rolling to the right or sorry .

Knees to the right , no knees to the left looking right .

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And then with your left hand fresh yourself up to see it , take a nice comfortable seated position and bring the hands together in front of the heart , palms , touching and then hands to the forehead .

Reminding us to have clear and loving thoughts , hands to the hearts are reminding us to have clear and loving intentions , hands to the mouth .

They're reminding us to have clear and loving communications , sending out wonderful energy to all beings everywhere .

Must stay .

I thank you so much for joining today and don't forget to subscribe .

We want , we want you as part of our yoga community and also a way to be part of our community is to go to Fightmaster yoga dot com and join our mailing list .

And we really believe the more people practicing yoga will make a happier world .

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So spread the word and help us and have a wonderful day .

Bye bye .

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Really feeling that release of tension out of your hamstring , out of your glutes , even breathing deeply , inhale and then exhale .

Let's lift backup .

I'm here .

Lift your back heel off the mat , square off the hips even more , bend the front knee and then stepping back or wiggling slightly back into our crescent lunch .

Both arms reaching up , square off the hips .

Inhale egg .

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You'll dive the hands back down , step back into playing knees to the floor , bend your elbows , chest and then the chin sliding forward onto the belly inhale , lifting up into your cobra sitting and go a little bit higher this time really engaging through the back muscles and then release from here , bending your left knee , turning over to the right side , release the left foot on the mat , lift your hips , lift your belly and the chest up to the sky and into your lipped downward dog .

Really open yourself up in Hale and then exhale , release it down , bend the knee and release over to your belly .

Inhale here .

Egg seal , press yourself up to your knees and let's release into child's pose just round up the spine in the opposite direction .

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See if you can release the hips a little bit closer to your heels , your forehead is grounded on the mat , keeping your eyes closed .

Just bring your awareness back into that feeling within you .

That internal awareness .

Notice what kind of thoughts are coming in and out of your mind , whatever you may be thinking about with your exhalation , let it go , bringing yourself into this present moment as you come on up to your knees , tuck your toes and release back into downward facing dog notice if you can go a little bit deeper this time as your body is warmer and then begin to walk yourself forward to the top of the mat , bending the knees and making our way down onto the mat .

So sit over to the center , go ahead and extend both legs out .

We're going to take our seated head to toe forward , fold , inhaling , reaching both arms up to the sky .

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Now , a couple versions here , version , one is to bend your knees and grab behind your knees and simply begin to reach forward .

Version two is to reach towards the ankles and version three is to reach all the way down .

So depending on the range of flexibility within your hamstrings , just take whatever level feels best for you today .

No matter where you are , go ahead and close your eyes and begin to bring your awareness to your breath .

Your breath is so important to allow you to go deeper into this posture with each exhalation .

Give your body the permission to surrender , surrender into this pose , letting go of any worries or expectations simply allow yourself to breathe .

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Now , whenever you're ready to release , go ahead and bring yourself back up , bring your hands behind your back and just gently scoot forward , releasing your back all the way down this time into our final pasture , relaxing your head all the way down , open up your feet , allow the palms of your hands to open up to the sky .

And at this time , go ahead and close your eyes , taking a deep breath in and on your exhalation .

Give your body the permission to let go to relax , to surrender .

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He the gentle movement of your chest and your belly as you breathe in and out , letting go of any tension in your face , relax in your forehead , allowing your shoulders to relax and release into the mat , feeling your heart beating in your chest , reminding you of your health and your well being in this beautiful existence that you get to experience every single day .

Notice the heaviness of your legs and arms with each inhalation .

Welcome the feeling of gratitude .

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Being grateful for this beautiful healthy body that you have and for the happiness that surrounds you , no matter how big or small it is with your exhalation , visualize yourself , letting go of any negative energy that may be around you right now , knowing that you are in control of your feelings and your reactions to the circumstances that life brings your way .

Take a deep breath in and exhale .

Let it go as you begin to bring awareness to your body , reaching your arms up over your head , giving yourself a big stretch .

Then whenever you're ready , rolling over to one side , taking as much time as you need .

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Once you're ready , come on up to a seated position on your mat with your feet crossed in front of you , sit up nice and tall .

Just take a moment to find that center , close in your eyes , opening the palms of your hands up to the sky with the acknowledgement that you are ready to receive joy and abundance from this universe inhale .

When you're ready to reach your arms up to the sky and then seal , bring your hands to your heart , just taking a moment to bow down to your heart .

And thank yourself for your incredible and peaceful practice today .

Thank you so much for joining us in beautiful Tibet .

May you continue onward with your day with the awareness of gratitude and the constant beauty that surrounds you , Mustang .

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Thanks so much for watching and we hope you enjoyed this video .

Don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more yoga classes like this , sending you all our love from Tibet and we'll see you soon .


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