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2023-07-19 14:05:38

5 STEPS TO IMPROVE YOUR ART! _ How to Develop Your Art Style _ Beginner Art Tips

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So one of the questions I get almost nonstop is how do I find my art style ?

Jazz hands ?

I've been thinking a lot about what an art style is and I think I would define it as a collection of the artists inspirations and their skill level and skill set and their personal lazy tendencies that you know , influence their art .

And that's all collected inside a visual form .

And you'll notice by that definition , anyone who draws has an art style , they assume when they ask this question , what they really mean is how do they improve upon the art style that they already have ?

So I've come up with four , actually ignore what I'm saying .

It's actually a five step process cue , the tutorial .

By the way , there's no way to move forward unless you know where you're at .

So step one .

So what I want you to do is just draw a character without looking at any references , just put down something on the paper and that is your art style .

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For the purposes of this video .

I am going to pretend that this is my art style so that I can show that you can literally start from anywhere and use these tips and improve .

There's my , my art style .

Look at that is a cutie , whatever you've drawn , this is your art style , whether you like it or not , it's yours .

You can let it evolve slowly with you over like time and years or we can take steps to improve it .

Both ways are equally valid .

But I'm going to talk about today how to consciously adapt and improve your art style .

I've been drawing and forming my art style for about 10 years .

And I've noticed some things that have happened over that time that I can condense and abbreviate into some easy to follow steps .

So we've completed step one , we've put our art style down on paper and we can see it and it's represented in front of us and it's perfect and it represents your current skill level and like the things that have inspired you up until this point .

And if you're comfortable with the way this looks , you can skip the rest of the video .

If not , that's OK .

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That means you have an eye for seeing the flaws in your own work and that can definitely help you improve at a faster rate and continue to push yourself in the future .

So how can we take our art style to the next step ?

So now we're going to hone that desire to improve our art and use it to our advantage for this .

We're going to look back at step number one .

So the drawing you just made , we're gonna look at it and analyze it and figure out what about this drawing needs to be improved and don't say everything .

No , no , no , no , no .

We're gonna look at one specific thing that we see as the most pressing and important thing to improve for me .

Looking at this honestly , I like him , but I think I'd like to take my art style in a direction that has a bit more form to it because this little guy is looking very thin for you .

You may want to improve the way you draw eyes or the way you draw hands or legs or things like that .

Just try and pinpoint one specific element for me , it's going to be form .

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We're going to redraw our picture from number one and really hone it in and try to prove that element that I want to improve , which is form .

So his head already has a lot of form .

But I want to give his body some more dimension and form to it .

So I'm going to just thicken up these shapes basically and maybe even give him some feet .

So whatever you've drawn for step two is what you're able to achieve just by thinking about what you needed to improve and applying it to your art .

But you may have realized that there's a better way to do this references which leads us to step three .

Let's look at real life .

Art is a representation of real life , especially if you're drawing people like we are today .

So don't be afraid to look at the source .

If you're drawing people , look at people .

If you're drawing houses , you'd look at houses back in the height of like the Deviant Art days .

There was this really weird stigma about using references .

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You'd often see like in the description of a drawing that someone had posted no reference used or without reference as if that was some kind of achievement .

And that looking at references was somehow cheating .

I'm not telling you you have to use references to improve , but actually , yeah , it's gonna help you improve way faster .

OK ?

Like just just do it .

So we're gonna need some references here .

I've printed out some references of some people , I was gonna say all different shapes and sizes but they all kind of look very similar , don't they ?

Anyway , what we're going to do is we're going to look at these and apply them to our art .

What about real life is different from our art , even the most cartoony of art styles reference real life in some way .

So there's nothing wrong with studying the human body and looking at it and figuring out what it looks like , you know , so what I'm going to do is redraw one of these references situated here .

And so what we're gonna do is we're going to try and redraw that reference .

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Take a look at it here .

So one thing I'm picking up on that , I'm looking at real life that's different from what I drew here is that I drew the neck , the exact same width as the body kind of like I'd done in number one and number two , the neck is the same width of the body .

But if we look at real life , we'll notice that the neck is much skinnier than the shoulders .

So I'm going to apply that to my art style here .

And we'll notice that I'm missing a lot of elements that a human body has like ears , so we can add some of those and maybe a nose and hair too .

Why not ?

Let's give them this guy's hair and now that we've started adding form to our character , there's room to add clothes so we might as well do that .

So you'll see there's a bit of an evolution here .

We had our original art style .

We added some form to it .

And now we're looking at real life and adjusting what we thought of as form and applying it more of a real life spin to it .

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And the more often you do this and the more times that you do this , you're going to pinpoint different things that you notice , like maybe the way wrinkles happen on a shirt or the way fingers fall in your hands and like the way you can bend feet and different things .

So every time you do this , you're going to pick up on some more things .

And so I definitely recommend doing that over and over and over again .

However , if you're looking at your number three and it's not really seeing the improvement that you want and you're having a hard time recreating that reference onto paper .

Don't worry , just keep practicing .

But something you can try in the meantime , which I think would be very helpful .

Let me get this out of the way , which is instead of printing this out in um full color or gray scale .

As I did , you can print it out at 30% opacity .

This time , I accidentally did it in color , but I'm not gonna reprint it again .

I hit the wrong button anyway .

Now you'll see all the people on this page are lighter .

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The whiteness of the paper is showing through a little bit more and a really good exercise you can do after you've printed it out at 30% opacity is trace over these characters .

And one thing you can do is , you know , trace the outside of them like this and try to like add some muscle memory and realize what the shapes are .

But what I would prefer to do and what I would recommend is to look for the shapes inside the characters .

You can look for circles and squares and of course , the line of action , where's the weight of the character .

What I like to do is look for the non generic looking shapes like a wobble or a squiggle and just build your character from there .

What do these shapes make you think of ?

And anyone who looks at them can see a different shape .

It's kind of like looking up at a cloud , try to break it down and simplify it .

You can even draw a line across where the facial features are .

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So you can get an idea of where those lay on the face , where the ears compared to like the eyes and things like that .

And you can just keep doing this .

It's quite fun .

And this will really help you understand like the structure of the human body and how you in particular will break it down and just keep doing that until you get a pretty good grass .

Like try using different shapes like a triangle circles for the knees and things like that .

Try to be soft and squishy with your lines .

Oh This is a real , oh I love this pose because you can see the bottom of the shoe and you can see every time I do a different pose , I'm seeing different shapes in the arms and the legs because of the way the character is bent up and bent up .

I guess how the pose is laid out would be a better way to say that .

And this is really , really fun if you're bored and don't know what to draw as well .

You can try making the skeleton as well .

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Hi , friends .

In this video , we are creating a multi vendor food ordering system like tomato , Sui Uber eats , et cetera with GPS enabled and fully functional website .

In this section , we are also discussing about the delivery app and app for a restaurant and donors for managing their store easily and it is totally free .

The app is totally free and the best thing is it's completely built in wordpress and it is GPS friendly and it is very beautifully designed and it has a lot of functions and you can add tax categories , etcetera for your restaurant .

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They're not that straight stick man that we started with .

And there's a little bit more form and volume to our character and even the face changed a bit here , I went in a bit more of a realistic direction with the proportions of the face .

We lost that perfectly round shape that we had before .

Our hands are still sloppy blobs .

But you know , baby steps even paid attention to where some of the wrinkles were and applied that to our art as well .

So you can see how our art style is evolving slowly over time here .

So , yeah , look you there .

I would call that improvement especially since step one .

If you aren't seeing any improvement with your art , stick around step three for a little bit longer .

Um You're basically training your wrist and you're getting that muscle memory and you're understanding the shapes and you're learning , you're teaching yourself these different things and that can definitely take time .

So there's no shame in that .

Take your time .

Luckily , art's fun .

So enjoy the process .

So what could possibly be ?

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Step four steal ?

But isn't that plagiarism ?

Yeah .

Step four is still like an artist .

But if you're looking at your art and you're still not thinking that you have an art style , what you really mean is that your art doesn't look like ?

So and so's art and I hate to break it to you but um you're not so and so and you never will be and there's nothing wrong with that .

The world is made of many people and many different art styles .

And that makes it the fun and creative and diverse place that it is .

I mean , imagine if everyone just drew the same stick man over and over and over again , like no different colors , no variations .

Museums would feel more like torture chambers but maybe you're looking at some artists you follow on Instagram and you just wish you could draw a little bit more like them and you're feeling an urge to copy them .

Why don't we figure out the right way to do that ?

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A person can contact the store owners or a store on donors and they can add to cut the product and they can check out and you can also put various options over there for the cash payment system .

Actually , this is a demo set .

So I'm putting all the cash on delivery and you have , you will get a restaurant manager app and a delivery app for free .

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And here you can adjust the time length .

Once you finish that , click on , check out now and you can log in with your social media network account , Google , Facebook , etcetera .

Once you log in , you can pay with this payment methods , upaptm , paper , et cetera .

Once you have finished the payment method , you can go to a control panel .

Ok .

Once you enter your control panel , then your control panel will be look like this .

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And we have to install wordpress and they crawled out and select this auto installer option , select the auto installer option and click on wordpress and type the user name , password , et cetera at me , email address , et cetera , your website name and everything you can be added here and click on install and wait for some time to wait .

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And if we look , we flip this over and we look back at Sophie Scribble's Art .

We'll see this drawing doesn't look like they , it doesn't look like a direct copy .

We just took a little bit of an element of their art and applied it to our own and we can continue to do that with our other inspirations like this one .

So , something I really like about their art style is the way they draw ears .

And if you look at it , they're very circular and in some of their other illustrations , you can usually see both ears at the same time and that's something that's really cool about their art style .

And then the way they draw ears is they have the big circle and then they have like AJ shape and that makes the ear .

So now that I've put that into words , I can kind of visualize it in my head .

I want to flip it over so I don't see it anymore .

And then I'm going to apply it to this art that we've already made those big round ears like that .

Well , that's cute .

I love it .

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Install your website is is installed , just click on that button .

Now you can see your website is live and this is a default word trust website .

And now we can customize everything from the wordpress dashboard itself .

Just enter into your wordpress dashboard , just typing WP hyphen log in dot P and you can enter your dashboard once you enter in your dashboard .

You will see a theme option , click on upload theme .

Just choose the theme , the link I will give you in the description box .

Just install that theme and click on activate and wait for some time to activate and you have to install these plugins .

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Just click on begin installing plugins and select all the plugins and select install and click on apply and wait for some time to get installed the plug in and once the plug in is installed , just activate all the plugins and all our plugins has been activated and our website is looking like this now and we have to install the demo content in order to do this .

Click on appearance , click on the set up and select , click on and start and click on install , install the how to install that .

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All be products has been imported and all the images have been also imported and now go to the settings and select your country where your product is selling .

Just select the country and select the specific country and choose the country over here and you can disable and enable the shipping and shipping calculations and choose your currency , currency and click on save changes .

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Now , click on the Mullings and select the Perma link and select this post to name and product prima links also can be changed here , select the default Perma links for the products and click on sale changes and just refresh and check the links this very fresh and see how Perma links has been changed and it is deferred plus per link .

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Now , go to your plug in settings and type WCFF and install and activate all the three plugins which is fronted manager marketplace and W CV FM membership , install and activate all these three plugins and just activate the plugins on the plugging settings .

In order to do this , just go to the plugins again , install plugins and select on enact you and select all the plugins and just click on activate and click on apply .

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Auto filter means the GPS enabled shop will be shown there and default map , default the location and click on save changes after the everything works , click order settings and you can disable and enable everything commission set ups .

If a product sell a commission will come to our account and select that also .

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Like we all have to start somewhere and it's actually really good for teaching your wrist these specific shapes .

That's why I don't really frown upon tracing .

I just don't think you should pass it off as your own because obviously it's not back to the lesson class .

So what I want to do is take all of these different things that we've learned and I'm going to apply it to our very first drawing by redrawing it right next to it , which is I guess step five redraw .

This is a good way to track your progress and see what you've learned in that time .

But I'm keeping in mind the form that we added the shapes that we learned from looking at real life and then the different elements that we stole from the artists that inspire us .

So I know heads have like a circle shape that round head , our quirk , big ears spenders .

Never forget those tiny feet from Sophie scribble , clean up the face .

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Once you've finished everything , just click on save and you can change or withdrawal settings , their men settings , shipping settings , refund settings have you settings , dashboard style .

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You can change the colors , et cetera , notifications and store opening houses and everything .

You can be changed here and to add a vendor for a restaurant store , just click on add store window and type a user name and email for the assurance .

Ok .

And you can type their email address over there .

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Just add a logo and a banner for the the store and do and you can also add a banner mobile banner , just selecting a banner for the website did select and you can give the short description , store list banner and all other settings can be changed here for the restoration .


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