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2023-07-17 08:31:13

30-Minute Old-School Hip-Hop Grooves Workout

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Hey , beautiful people today .

We're gonna groove it out with Lucky Creator of old school skin .

Yes .

We have some nineties groove fitness for you .

That's definitely about to take you on a funky trip back into time .

Thanks for having us .

Let's get this party started .

Let's go .

What's up everybody ?

This is old school skinny .

We're just gonna start with a quick groove side to side .

Hey , open up your breath , open up your mind , open up your body , breathe , breathe , breathe , reach it up .

Hey , breath , keep it going .

Keep it going .

Keep it going .

Hey , take it around , take it around .

Take it around .

Yes .

Yes .

Yes .

Let's hit these two steps .

Here we go .

Nice and smooth .

Hey , getting it warmed up .

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If you're feeling good today .

Say yeah .

Make it deeper .

Let's go .

Hey , breathe all the way through .

Hey , hey , get a little zip .

Hey , now pick it up .

Let's go pick it up .

Hey , let's go .

Swing it out to over .

Nice and wide breath .

Let's put a little power on this .

Hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , wait , how low can we go ?

How low can we go ?

How low .

Can you go ?

Hey , hey , hey , hey , can you pick it up ?

Can you pick it up ?

Can you pick it up ?

Hey , that's right .

Breathe .

Let's hit four corners .

567 corners .

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Go up and down .

Oh , down .

Go as low as you can keep the chest forward and up .

Three nice .

Hey , green .

00 , ok .

Switching it up y'all .

DJ got it .

Hey , hey , hey , let's twist , let's twist , let's twist .

Hey , that's right .

Y'all keep breathing .

Here we go .

Tuck that foot back .

Let's go and age .

Nice and smooth .

Like you're from the west coast and push it out .

Go push , push , push big circles , push , hey , push , push .

Now we're gonna take this step back .

Here we go .

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Take it back back back .

Pump those arms like you're walking into the party .

Hey , now get it back for the step .

Go step .

Can we pump a little bit ?

Can we pump a little bit ?

Hey .

Ok .

Hey , back step .

Here we go .

Hey , back , back hands up .

Keep those elbows away from the body using all your arm motions .

Breathe .

Can we dip it all right .

Yeah .

Oh , take this around .

Ok .

Take it all the way around .

Just feel yourself for a second .

Hey , no .

Keep breathing all the way through .

Keep those arms pumping .

Double pump .

Here we go .

67 pump .

Take it .

No , no now .

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No , no , no , no .

You feeling that take your time at huh ?

After uh uh Yes , y'all .

Hey and Bo OK .

All right .

Take a deep breath .

Hey , give me that snap .

Hey , oh make that funky .

Hey , I gotta break this down real quick with a butterfly with a butterfly with a butterfly with a butterfly with a butterfly .

Hey , take this step up and keep it tight .

We know your space may be confined to just go here and keep it right in the groove .

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Hey , point it up .

Let's go .

Take you back .

Hey , take you back .

Take it back now .

Keep it low all the way .

Take it low .

Hey , maintain your love .

Maintain your love .

Hey , point it up one more time .

Let's go .

Hey , hey , and you can even look back at it if you're feeling real good .

Hey , keep it low .

Let's go .

Hey , back it up .

Yes .

Breathe all the way through .

Hey , up , down like this .

Go , hey , oh , come on now we're gonna switch this to the side , go up and down of the side , go down and up and down and up .

Hey , let's go .

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Give me , give me , give me your groove .

Give me , give me , give me your groove .

Hey , I see you , I see you .

I see you breathe it out .

Hey , let's go .

Hey , let's go .

Breathe it out .

Hey , you remember that one ?

Breathe , let's go breathe .

Let's go .

Keep it low now y'all .

Hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , can I point this up like this point up , up , up , up , up , up , up now , 1231 , 23 out , one 23 out wherever , wherever , wherever , wherever .

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Hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , out , where you at ?

Let's go , let's go check it out .

Hey , hey , there we go .

Keep it going .

Breathe in through the nose out , through the mouth .

Maintain this low , keep it low , creeping through the fall , creeping through the fall .

Hey , this was a little sneaky like breathe it out .

Ah Always maintain your motion .

Say breathing , I'm gonna give you a Reebok like this like this like this .

Let's go .

Hey , this is called the Reebok .

Hey , hey , can I go up up ?

Uh uh that's the true , true , true , true , true , true , true .

Let go .

Hey , alright .

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Alright .

Keep breathing .

Keep breathing , keep breathing , keep breathing , keep breathing , keep breathing .

Let's go .

Let's go .

Let's go .

Let's go .

Hey , we're gonna rock it out real quick .

56 and and rock and step rock and step rock .

Let's go rock and set and step right now .

Make it really smooth right here .

Go elbows up , push down control first day .

One more .

Push up .

Hey , and then yourself up and dance .

Let's go .

12 , let's walk .

Oh Keep that energy up .

Let's go .

Hey .

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Oh , hey , let's go .

Give me these body rolls up up , double up , double big breath .

12 , double .

Hey , 12 back into the rock set .

Let's go .

12 .

Hey , 12 .

Hey , 12 .

Hey , 12 .

Let's go .

12 .

Hey , 12 .

Hey , now let's take this all the way down y'all .

Let's go go .

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Uh uh Hey uh hey uh ah oh here we go I think hey , 947 double up on this real quick like this .

Go stop then going to take it up .

You ready ?

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I those nineties knees up and you can even look at it .

My final call .

That's Ghost .

What's up now ?

Now we get to breathe , take a breathe .

So we're gonna smooth this out real quick .

Take a deep breath in through the nose , out through the mouth that breeze flow by if there's no breeze , pretend like there's one I need it in a second .

We're gonna start this off opposition two pumps like this 241 to the back play strong .

Let's do that again .

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Bye seven double let go .

Four and 43 place to the back .

Hey , great .

One more time .

Just so we have it here we go .

Breathe and four times then I'm gonna go up , reach for the stars up .

So you have to swing through , swing through up and how let's try it .

567 .

So Bush won three to the back .

Swing it up , reach for the stars up .

Now you can't reach all the way up .

Keep it based on the floor .

Janelle will be the one to show you .

Can we do that one more time y'all ?

567 , all the way through and through .

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Take it one three .

Push it down , go up , reach for the storms , go up up hot .

Then I step , then I'm up , I cabbage patch all the way around .

Kick it up .

Then I step cabbage patch again .

Then keep that foot on the floor like that .

Yeah .

Yeah .

So that goes one all the way around .

1 10 , all the way around .

Nice from the top .

Here we go .

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Seven , a double up , pumping , pumping , pumping , swings one , three , push it down , go up up , reach up up inside , go down , kick it up and one read through it and stop right here .

Say bow , it's coming , it's coming , right .

It's coming .

So after we go here , we're gonna switch real quick to our side using our core , pushing all of our energy to the side .

Yeah .

Oh yeah .

Here we go .

Breathe .

567 .

Pump it out .

Go .

Yes and one , please push it over one , reach up uh step through up .

Let's keep it going .

Hey , hey , hey , hey , now watch this win .

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It's going one quick on the toes one quick on the toes .

Just like that .

You guys , let's go from the top 67 .

Hey , hey , and one up , hey , up , hey , stuff is and give a little backyard boogie to your group .

Hey , know those collard greens cooking Hey , let's go twist it out .

Go one to the side , go one to the side .

I'm gonna step one to another cabbage bash like that .

So that'll be a step over side and side to turn it out .

Breathe it out .

Y'all breathe it out .

I get up dang from the top .

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That's swing it out .

Go one down , go up , reach , hey , reach , hey , step it through , kick it up , turn it on .

now .

Come on .

Keep it going .

Take it from here that steps out then out then 5678 with another one .

Now that we have the beat .

Let's groove it out .

Hey , hey , let's go .

Let's go .

Hey , let's go from the top and bye .

Seven .

Step it out .

0000 get those elbows involved .

Wobble out .

Go up .

Hey reach , go up and step , go , go smack smack it .

Hey , hey , 00 make it .

Fuck y'all .

Let's go .

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Hey , twist to the side .

Go one double up and switch .

Hey , hey , step through .

Oh and cabbage batch .

Hey , make sure you make it back so we can see your beautiful face at the end of that eight count .

We wanna see you .

Can we do that one more ?

That's it .

Hey , place it back weeks and set , go one it out .

Work it out .

Twist it out .

Let's go .

Yeah , go .

Hey , turn it out .

We got this .

Tell me you say we got this .

We got this here .

We go .

Hey , come on party people .

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Hey , hey , can we get this ?

Just breathe ?

Just breathe ?

Oh 00 , all right .

This is the moment when it's time to put some sauce on it .

OK , so I put a little sauce on it .

OK .

Here we go .

Deep breath from the top 67 .

Finish on .

Go .

Hey , Bush one back through everything .

Breathe and control .

OK .

Go , go , go , take it all the way to the floor .

Let's go .

Hey , here we go .

Twist it off .

Let's go .

Twist one , double steps , double step , step through .

Go one .

Yeah .

Hey , let's finish this off .

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Pump up .

No head back then some elbows really strong .

Hey , so let's do that one more time that yeah , from here breathe and 567 double pump .

This is kick the butt and kick the butt .

Take it low four .

Let's go .

Take it up .

Hands , go up on the ears then elbows .

Hey , you like that .

Yeah , it out .

Breath it out .

Breath it out .

Hey , yeah , pop one more all the way through .

Let me hear you say we got there .

Let's go .

Hey , just grew no pressure .

Reach up and step .

Turn it out .

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Keep this last foot down and then twist into your transition .

12 , get it funky .

Step through .

Go through , hey , turn it up , turn it out , double up on the side .

Go 12 , 1234 up up , head up and then I'm gonna just go right here .

Uh uh Hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , if you feeling good , say yeah , alright .

If you feeling good , say yeah , no deep breath , you guys breathe through it .

Step all the way through .

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Great job .

I see you guys , I see you deep breath so we're gonna speed it up just a little bit .

Is that cool ?

Shutter dot co .

Hey , hey , groove it out .

Go for a shot street for stars .

Step .

Go once .

Hey , you gotta scrunch your face just a little bit .

So you know you're really getting in .

Hey , put it over .

Let's go .

That's the truth .

Go .

Food .

Let's double up your notes and high and high .

Take it back , back low with the thump .

Go pop , pop , pop , pop , pop .

Hey , y'all good .

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No , we see you breathe it out , read it out .

Breath it out one more y'all give it bit .

Hey , what ?

Reach step , I see him breathing .

Hey , hey , uh switching over .

Let's go .

Hey , you hear it .

Hey , hey , hey , double up your oh no .

Take it up .

Hey , step it out a step .

It out .

Keep the body moving all the way through .

Breath .

We OK .

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OK .

Keep those shoulders rocking .

Hey , back it up , back it up .

Hey , when you walk in the crew with your home boys and your home boys , you gotta go like this .

Hey , hey , hey , Hey , hey , from the top let's go .

56 .

Hey go .

123 .

Push .

Hey reach .

Ok , I hear you .

Hey , we got these steps going .

Let's go y'all .

Here we go .

Let me hear these steps .

Step through and turn it out .

Pump up .

Let's go .

Hey , take it up back up .

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Then I pump uh uh uh a three .

Let's go .

Hands up .

It's getting hot in here .

It is hot today .

Yes , it is free .

Let's take it slow .

Had a from the top 678 .

Nice and smooth .

This is when you just put that sauce on it back , everybody back it up , back it up , age .

Breeze all the way through .

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Hey , hey , hey , twist it out , go and twist , go , twist step it through , go .

Let's go double up , go .

Hey , go 123 .

Come up .

OK .

Back it up .

Smooth .

Hey , oh you thought it was over ?

Not yet .

Make some noise y'all .

Here we go .

Hey , stop .

Give me all you got .

Push it through .

Reach it up and did you know , hey , hey , put it out .

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Let's go that through and cabbage .

Hey , hey , if you sweat and say yeah , take it 432 .

Take it up .

Head back now let's go .

Hey , I see you .

I see you breath tick that .

Hey , you know it .

Hey , can I do it home shake ?

Let's go .

There we go y'all .

Yes .

Make some noise .

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You guys waited through is this deep breath in through the nose out through the mouth ?

Hands up sweet breath , hands up one more hands up .

Nice and just take it over .

Breathe switch three , switch breath , switch free switch .

Now I gotta go a a can I go full circle ?

Full circle .

Hey , there we go .

Now .

Break it down , break it down , break it down , break it down .

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That's how we cool down in old school .

Skinny .

like let's go .

Hey and breathe nice .

Y'all .

Come on , let's go .

Double 567 .

Go double , double .

Hey , staying light on those toes .

Breathing all the way through .

Hey , hey , wave it out like you're on the islands of Hawaii .

Thank you guys for coming and joining us today .

Single step .

Go single .

Hey up , single go .

Hey , take it out .

Rock it out .

Go .

Hey , hey , and turn that thing around .

Can we do it ?

Uh Hey , give me that hip .

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Y'all stir it up .

Stir it up up , come up , keep it going .

Keep it going .

Keep it going .

Hey , there we go .

If you're sweating like us , you really put in work but it's time to go .

Let's go .

Yeah .

Crap it up .

This is the end of the show .

Hey , the lights are blazing as the smoke machines are going .

Hey , it's your time to party .

Let's go .

Let's go check it out .

Hey , yeah , that's it .

Yeah .

Dip , dip , dip .

Now I'm gonna do the bounce like 00000000 , this is what the nineties was .

It was the be myself .

Then you run it out .

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Fishing pole .

Go up .

Oh , they're all bad .

Yeah .

Right .

B we gonna go one more time .

Is that cool ?

Ok .

I'm got it out there breeze now that we cooled down .

Let's good .

Reach it up .

Yeah .

Cabbage fast .

Keep breathing a last one .

Give it all .

You got to a step through .

Let's go it out .

I what ?

Ha 23 .

Go up .

Head up .

Hey , hey , back , back .

Give it up for yourselves real quick .

You did it .

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We made it all right .

Thank you so much .

Thank you to my party people , my wife Janelle for helping us create it .

We do this all the time .

I just wanna thank you guys for joining us .

See you soon .


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