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Yoga For Beginners At Home (30 min class) 30 Day Challenge Day 25

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Hello , it's Leslie Fightmaster .

Welcome you .

Welcoming you to day 25 .

Sit up , nice and tall with your hands together , close your eyes , create your intention or create your dedication for your practice .

And then inhale and sweep your arms out around and up palms , face each other , exhale the fingertips to the floor in front of you and walk yourself forward .

Any amount doesn't have to be far just until you feel a nice little stretch , maybe in the hips , maybe in the lower back .

So today's class is going to be a hips class .

We'll do some hip opening today and then Ian how walking up and we'll switch the cross of the leg .

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So the other shins in front and again , sitting tall , sweep the arms up as you inhale and then exhale again , hinging from the hips , fingertips down length and inhale and walk yourself out on the exhale .

So again , finding length through the spine as much as you can long , smooth breaths in and out through the nose , that slight constriction in the back of the throat as you breathe .

If the nose breathing is not possible , of course , breathe through the mouth inhale , coming up and then roll yourself forward , gonna come to hands and knees and walk your hands in front of your shoulders about a handprint .

Now shift your hips to the right and start to bring the hips back toward the heels and then shift them all the way to the left and then bring your hips forward .

So we're making a big circle .

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So hips to the right and back toward the heels .

Inhale , shift the hips to the left .

You can go fast or slow , feel free to stop anywhere , bring the hips forward , exhale , take them over to the right .

Let's just take one more circle .

Inhale hips to left and forward , exhale hips to right and back , pause a moment and then we're gonna go the other direction .

So we'll inhale the hips to the left and then to forward and sweep them over to the right .

Exhale and hips to heels .

And again , now if you find a spot in the circle where you're just like , oh , that feels so good , then just stay there and stretch , you can do your hip circles faster , you can do them slower , just be sure that you're breathing .

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So one more in this direction and then we'll stop with the hips back at the heels and reach the arms forward , spread your fingers wide , turn your triceps , your upper arms down toward the floor and your inner arms , your biceps spin up toward the ceiling , then come up onto the knees , shift forward and lower slowly to the belly hands by the lower ribs in cobra , inner thighs spin up tailbone toward the heels and then exhale , press up to the knees , lift the hips and to down dog .

Then , then we'll just buy some of the legs .

One of my private clients says , walk your dog .

So I'll go ahead and walk your dog bending one knee and the other .

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Then ben both knees get length and reach the heels down any amount .

They don't have the touch and the knees don't have to be straight .

Draw the lower belly in and up , arms and ears in line and breathe .

Inhale a up , bend the knees , stepping the feet to the hands , take an inhale halfway , lift , exhale , fold forward , kind of the head reaching down , bend , the knees is needed .

Press of the feet and he'll the arms up , exhaling , find your cena feet together or hips with , make sure the outer edges of your feet are parallel , press evenly through the feet .

Lift up through the arches , spin your inner thighs back , tailbone down , lift the chest , put shoulder blades move down toward the waist .

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Nice long , smooth breaths .

And how sweep your arms up and exhale , fold in , in hell , halfway left and exhale , bend the knees , plant the palms and step back into plank , post , knees down , shift forward , exhale lower all the way down to the belly .

Inhale for cobra or you can come into updo shoulders over her wrists and then exhale over to down dog .

So if you can straighten the knees here , make sure to pull up on the knee caps , firm your quadri muscles , keep your front ribs in and then look up , step or hop your feet up in hill .

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Halfway lift ax , he fold in and press down to rise all the way up .

Look up lengthen and exhale to inhale again .

Sweep the arms up and exhale hinge from the hips and fold hips over heels .

If your knees are straight , inhale , look up , lengthen , hard forward , exhale , step back into plank , knees up or down trot around the shoulders , no lower than the elbows .

Inhale , press into updo or stick with cobra .

Exhale downward .

Dog spread the fingers wide , press into the base of your fingers as your forms lift up away from the map and keep working the way up to the hips and down toward the heels .

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Now , looking forward , bend the knees step or hop feet up to hands , never have to hop .

But if you want to , you can inhale lengthen , exhale , fold , press of the feet rise up as you inhale tailbone , down ribs in exhale , inhale , we in the arms and exhale to fold .

Inhale , lengthen your spine .

Look up and exhale , bend the knees , step back into plank chatter on , keep the legs firm as you lower .

If they're off the floor , inhale , press through the hands and feet , stretch the front of the body .

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Exhale down , ducks , stretch out the back body , steady breathing .

Take a moment to revisit your intention or your dedication .

And now looking up , bend the knees step or hop your feet up in how to lengthen , exhale to fold and press down to rise all the way up and look up and exhale .

So must eat the .

So I'll take a quarter turn toward the long side of your mat , turn your right leg all the way out your back toes in a little line up your front heel and your back arch , inhale your arms to a tee and exhale , bend your right knee over the ankle .

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So as you draw your right knee over the ink , all press it toward the pinky toe side of the foot a little and lengthen your tailbone down toward the floor of the right hip .

Down .

Gaze over the fingertips , lift the chest but allow your shoulder blades some softness and then lean forward and take your right form to your right thigh and reach your left arm up and over , spinning the left tricep down .

I'm gonna use my block on the pinky toe side of the right foot .

Feel free to use yours as well or you can keep form on thigh or hand to the floor .

So looking up a little bit toward your upper arm .

If that bothers your neck , you don't have to .

Now I can press or press lightly , press my knee into my arm , press into the heel , come on up , inhale and now straighten the leg feet to parallel , I'm gonna take the block to the other side so I can use it there .

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Spin your left leg out all the way back to in a little and bend the knee for a warrior too .

Make sure you're still lined up on this side , heel to arch arms to a tee .

And again , lifting the chest but softening through the shoulder blades , back toes are in slightly and your back , inner thighs lifted , nice , steady , calm , breathing strong through the arms and the legs , but find some ease and comfort in the breath and shoulders .

Lean forward , take left form to left thigh , reach your right arm up and over , sink your back hip a little bit forward .

And you can also take the left hand to the block if you wish , reach the right arm in line with the ear .

Keep sinking that back hip a little bit forward .

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Draw in through the lower belly , the top arm spin the tricep forward , pinky finger , facing the floor , thumb , facing up the long line of energy from your fingertips all the way out to the outer edge of your back foot .

Such a nice hip opening pose , inhale , press for the heel to come up .

Now I take the feet to parallel toes in a little so the outer edges of your feet are parallel hands to hips , inhale , lengthen your spine hinge from your hip creases and take your hands to the floor lengthen as you inhale , exhale crow of the head reaching toward the floor .

So if you're kind of close and you wanna rest your head on a block , then do that .

Or if your head reaches the floor do that .

There's never any pressure though .

You don't have to reach your head down at all .

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If you are to a point where your elbows are bending though , line up your wrists underneath your elbows and make sure your elbows stay parallel and lift your shoulders up toward your waist and firm your leg muscles .

Imagining holding a giant beach ball between the inner thighs .

Inhale , come halfway up .

Exhale , bring your hands to your hips and inhale with a nice flat back , reach all the way back to center and then point your toes out and your heels in and take a high squat .

So you drop your tailbone down , lift your hip points up and then hands lightly on the legs rocking side to side , try and keep your lower belly lifted .

It was rocking back and forth .

And then in Harry , each up through the arms keep dropping down through the tailbone .

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Keep pressing your knees back , press into the heels .

One more breath slowly , slowly straighten the legs , either heel toe or hop your feet together and then turn back to the front , back to inhale .

Bend the knees for chair , pose , weight into the heels , exhale , belly to thighs and then straighten the knees any amount .

Inhale halfway lift , exhale , stabbing back to plank pos chatter knees can be down here , of course , inhale cobra or up dog and exhale back into downward facing dog .

Now , step your right foot up by the right hand , the back foot is flat heel to heel alignment .

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Inhale warrior one pull the right hit back , exhale right away to if that's too much go to down dog inhale , pressing up , stretching the front of the body .

Exhale back right away .

The right foot steps your back foot already flat .

If you can rise up , inhale , pull the left hip , back tailbones , reaching down , exhale , bring the hands back , stepping into plank chatter on the knees up or down .

Inhaling upward dog and exhale , stretch into down up .

I'll take a few breaths here .

It's a nice time for a child's pose .

If you'd like one , you can take the knees down , rest for a few breaths or push the pause button and rest longer , but keep nice steady breath .

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If you're in down dog or child's pose , look forward step or hop your feet up , inhale , lengthen your spine and exhale .

Fold in bend the knees , drop the hips , reach up in her thighs , spinning down and then back to I'm gonna do one more inhale , bend the knees again , sweep the arm's tailbone down , exhale , fold in inhale come halfway up , exhale , step back and lower .

Inhale , a poor dog , exhale downward dog left foot flat , right , footsteps , inhale Warrior one , you can also lift the leg into the air first .

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If you need exhale , inhale or , or cobra exhale downward dog right foot flat , left foot steps , inhale Warrior one , your heel to heel , alignment with the feet are wider .

Exhale , step back to chatter on or skip it and go to down dog inhale , lift those legs off the floor and up dog exhale , tuck the toes down , dog stretch back , find your breath again .

Sometimes when we do these Syria , our breath gets a little bit labored .

So if that's the case , rest in hell , right leg up .

If you're keeping on going , we're going to bring your right leg forward for pigeon pose .

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So sometimes it hurts the knee if that's the case for you , come on to your back like this , take thread , the needle pose .

Instead , it's an alternate hip opening that usually feels better on knees .

If you're going to take pigeon poses , make sure your left leg is straight back and all the toes are pressing down , your ankle is not turning .

And now if you roll off to your right hip , you'll need to prop it up , put a block under there or a blanket because it's important to keep the hips level .

It's an important part of the pose .

Inhale lengthen through the spine .

You can stay right where you are or exhale , maybe to the forms or you might lengthen all the way out .

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So again , if you are having a stretch in the knee , if you're feeling anything there come out of the post , take the other pose instead because in yoga , we do not stretch the knee , don't want to stretch it .

This post can be very calming , but it can also for some be a little emotional .

Sometimes hip openers can stir things up that we didn't know were there .

So just know if that happens , it's totally fine .

Now , coming up , let's take the left form parallel at the front of the mat and inhale , reach the right arm up .

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Keep drawing your right hip back with this twist and then unwind , tuck your back toes under , sweep your right leg up into the air , stretch it out , stretch out your hip and make a circle if you wish hand to that hip joint and then set the right foot down , left side , inhale , left leg lifts from the inner thigh .

Exhale your left ankle goes over toward the right wrist and again , come into it .

Now , even if the first side didn't hurt your knee , but this side does , don't take any chances .

Just roll onto that left hip and lie on your back , bring your left ankle , just pass your right knee and flex your left ankle .

You can hold the right leg anywhere you wish it's a very nice pose .

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Also , and then coming back up , if you're taking pigeon , the left leg forward , right leg behind , make sure the right leg is straight behind you .

If you're rolling onto your left hip at all , put a block underneath or a blanket or a pillow , whatever , you have to level off your hips and a length and here on the inhale , you can stay right where you are or exhale , come forward to the forms or you might lie all the way down .

If your hips are more open , my hips were not open for a very long time .

They've gotten open over the years , but it was um , they were probably the last thing to release .

And like I mentioned before , sometimes you can feel emotional when you're trying to stretch out those hips .

And that's what happened to me .

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I would get um these emotional responses and I don't really know what was being released , but I was happy to be rid of whatever it was .

Things can sometimes settle in our bodies and our tissues .

There's a saying the issues are in the tissues so sometimes things can settle there that we don't know anything about , but I can let them go all right , come back up right forearm , parallel at the front of the man , left arm up and twist , keep pulling your left hip back so that the hips will stay level , take one more breath and then release .

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Come on up , tuck the toes sweep your left leg back and up , stretch it out , maybe big circle or just bend , straighten the knee and then take the left foot down , inhale plank , exhale to the belly .

So we're gonna reach the tail bone toward the heels , pubic bone down , belly up .

The inner thighs will lift up toward the ceiling as you come into shallow .

Imagine you have a block and you're holding it between the inner thighs to keep the back of the neck long , lift the shoulder heads and then rest .

So you're resting here , press all your toenails into the floor and then dry your outer ankles in an app that will get the legs in the proper position .

So that when you lift them , you just keep them like that .

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So the arms by ears and he'll lift everything up , draw the ribs and belly and tailbones reaching to heels .

You may like to swim the arms back , take the pinky toe sides of the feet and he'll lift up , pressing back with the feet to your and a bow pose .

Same actions , tailbone reaches to backs of knees and then come down to rest hands by the ribs , press up on to the knees and then take your hips all the way back to your heels for a child's pose and rest smooth out the breath .

Return to your intention or your dedication .

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Looking forward , we'll come back into downward facing dog , look up , step or hop to seated take the soul of feet together for inhale length in your spine .

Exhale with a long spine hinge from the hips to come forward .

So , don't worry about rounding the back and getting low .

It doesn't matter .

Just try and get length if you don't come forward really at all , that's completely fine too .

You can , it's , it's a , it's a process , it takes time as long as you feel a stretch , that's the only important thing .

Inhale .

Come up , grab your big toes with your first two fingers , gonna lift those feet right off the floor and try to balance on the sit bones .

So you have to draw the belly in .

You might roll back , make sure there's nothing behind you .

Exhale right leg out to the right and hold on to the right leg .

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If you can't reach the toe , that's great .

Inhale , back to center .

Exhale slowly the left leg out .

You've lived in the belly .

We're using belly muscles to help us here .

Inhale , bring the leg to center chest , lift it , exhale both legs out any amount .

Feel free to hold the legs instead of the feet , keep the chest lifted .

Now , release the legs , but hold them up palms touching .

Now , we're really using core muscles , including those hip flexor re grab the toes .

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Hopefully the legs didn't fall and then taking the feet together and down staff pose sitting tall and he'll sweep your arms up , exhale hinge from the hips to pull the toes back , inhale , lengthen a hell to extend forward , feel free to use your strap .

So again , it never ever , ever matters how deep we get in .

It just matters that we feel a good stretch that , that way we know the blood is moving in and the toxins are moving out in .

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He'll head up and exhale to release , roll down onto your back , dry your knees into your chest , arms out to a tee , drop the knees over to the right and look over the left shoulder .

You can also cross your right knee over your left knee .

Inhale back to center and cross your finger crossed and exhale knees to the left looking right option to cross the left knee on top of your right knee .

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So if it bothers your neck to look over the opposite shoulder , then don't just look up and then I inhale , coming back to center and hug your knees in one more time .

He laying thinning through the tail bone .

And now we're making our way into let the feet flop , open arms by your sides , palms up , let everything just relax into the floor .

Come to natural breathing , quiet , mind and quiet body .

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Our quote today comes from Dr Seuss .

I like this one .

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind .

So true .

We have to be ourselves because everybody else is taken .

I think that's a , I know that's a quote .

It's not mine .

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Make some movements and your fingers and your toes and your hands and your feet stretch out through your arms and your legs roll off to the right and then with your left hand , make your way up to see it and sitting up nice and tall hands together and spring our hands to the forehead .

Reminding us to have clear and loving thoughts and our hands to the heart center , reminding us to have clear and loving intentions , hands to the mouth , reminding us to have clear and loving communications , sending out wonderful energy to all beings everywhere .

Thank you so much for joining today .

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow .

Don't forget to push the subscribe button and the like button too .

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If you can afford a donation of any amount , there's a link below or you could go to Fightmaster yoga dot com and there's a button there .

If you do any Amazon shopping , we also have a banner , an Amazon banner or button .

And if you click there , it doesn't cost you anything more to shop through Amazon , but it does help support Fightmaster Yoga .

If you want any information about our ladies retreat , March 5th through the 10th , 2016 off the coast of Cancun Isis , it actually means Isle of Women .

Email me .

It's below .

Bye bye .

Have a wonderful , wonderful day .

Oh , and there's Indy and there he goes .


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