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2023-07-18 12:06:23

How to Draw a Child, Teen, and Older Person (MALE)

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सिंपल यहाँ पे कस्टमाइज्ड बट जो है इसके ऊपर क्लिक कीजिए अभी यहाँ पे आप इस पेज को अपने हिसाब से कस्टमाइज कर सकते हैं ।

जैसे कि अगर आपको यहाँ पे लोग वो चेंज करना है तो इस लोगों के साइड में जो ये ऍम है इसके ऊपर आपको क्लिक करना होगा ।

अगर आप डर के कलर को चेंज करना चाहते हो तो यहाँ पे ये जो प्रिंसिपल वर्ड है इसके ऊपर आप क्लिक कर सकते हो ।

जैसे क्लिक करोगे तो यहाँ पे डिजाइन का एक ऑप्शन मिल जायेगा ।

बॅाल आप देख सकते हो , हाइट है तो इसको हम यहाँ पे चेंज करेंगे आप देख सकते हो ।

जिस तरीके से यहाँ पे जो भी कलर आप रखना चाहते हो वो यहाँ से आप अपने हिसाब से सेट कर सकते हो ।

जैसे कि ये जो कलर है ये अगर हम यहाँ पे स्टार्ट कर देते हैं तो यही रह जाएगा अभी अगर लोगों हमें चेंज करना है यहाँ पे मैं एडिट पर क्लिक करूंगा ।

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यहाँ पे डिफरेंट लोगो फॅस को हम करेंगे अभी फॅस जाएगी यहाँ पे लोगों का ऑप्शन आ जायेगा , लोगों पे जाएंगे चेंज लोगों पर क्लिक करेंगे इसको सलेक्ट करेंगे , ॅ करेंगे जैसे क्रॉप करने के लिए बोल रहा है फॅमिली मेरे पास लोगों नहीं है बना बनाया तो मैं इसी इमेज को सलेक्ट करता हूँ और अभी यहाँ पे जो ये ऍम लोगों है इसको भी यही रख देते हैं ।

मुँह पे क्लिक करता हूँ तो यहाँ पे आप देख सकते हो ये जो लोगों है ये चेंज हो गया इसी तरीके से अगर आप लोगो बना के रखे हो कुछ तो वो यहाँ पे आप डाल सकते हो और इस लोगों के साइड को आप यहाँ से चेंज कर सकते हो ।

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अगर आप यहाँ पे लोगों नहीं देना चाहते तो सिंपली आप इसको यहाँ से रीमूव कीजिये और रीमूव करने के बाद यहाँ पे साइड टाइटल को आप इनेबल कीजिये तो आप अपने ॅ जो भी नाम रखोगे वो यहाँ पे शो करेगा ।

अगर आपके साइड में कुछ टैगलाइन शो करवाना है तो यहाँ से आप इसको एक्टिव कर सकते हो ।

जब सब कुछ सही लगे तो यहाँ पे पब्लिक बटन पर क्लिक करके आप उसको पब्लिश कर सकते हैं ।

जो भी चेंज आप करोगे वो चेंजिंग यहाँ पे एप्लिकेबल हो जायेगा ।

बट मैं यहाँ पे कुछ चेंज नहीं करना चाहता तो ये जैसा था वैसा ही मैं इसको कर दूंगा ।

यहाँ पे क्लोस बटन पर क्लिक करके अभी चलिए एक बार मैं आपको होम पेज पे ले के चलता हूँ ।

यहाँ पे हमारा होमपेज कुछ इस तरीके का देखने को है ।

अगर आपको यहाँ पे कुछ भी टेक्स्ट वगैरह है या बटन वगैरह कुछ भी चेंज करना है तो यहाँ पे ऊपर ऍन टर के बटन पर आपको क्लिक करना होगा ।

अभी अगर आपको यहाँ पे इस बटन को चेंज करना है यहाँ पे सॉफ्ट नहीं लिखा हुआ है ।

यहाँ पे अगर बाइना लिखना है तो यहाँ पे एडिट पर क्लिक कीजिए ।

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यहाँ पे सॉफ्ट न को हम बाइना कर देते हैं ।

यहाँ पे अगर आपका अफिलिएट लिंक लगाना है वो भी आप यहाँ ऍम कर सकते हो ।

हम ऍन से किसी भी एक प्रोडक्ट का अफिलिएट लिंक ले लेते हैं ताकि कोई अगर इस बटन पर क्लिक करें तो वहाँ पे राॅक हो जाए ।

यहाँ पे ये जो फोटो है इसको भी आप चेंज कर सकते हो ।

यहाँ पे अपने हिसाब से इमेज लगा सकते हो और उस फोटो का या उस प्रोडक्ट का लिंक आप यहाँ पे ऍम कर सकते हो तो यहाँ पे हम इस लिंक कॅश करते हैं ।

अपडेट करते हैं फॅस यहाँ पे रिफ्रेस करते हैं तो यहाँ पे आप देखोगे साँप न उनका जो बता था वो अभी बाइक का बटन हो गया है और कोई अगर इसके ऊपर क्लिक करेगा तो ऍन के पेज पे ऍफ हो जाएगा ।

तो इस तरीके से आप यहाँ पे होमपेज में अपने हिसाब से कुछ भी चेंज कर सकते हो ।

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यहाँ पे जितने भी मुँह आप अपने हिसाब से बदल सकते हो ये सब कुछ आप फॅार के बटन पर क्लिक करके चेंज कर सकते हो तो फ्रेंड्स साइड कस्टमर एशिन के जितने भी बेसिक्स थे मैंने आपको बता दिया अभी आपको क्या करना है ।

आपको अपने हिसाब से अपने पसंद के हिसाब से एक्ट इम्प्लीमॅन्ट करना है ।

अपने हिसाब से कस्टमाइज करना है ।

जो भी टेक्स्ट आपको डालना है डाली है जहाँ पे जो भी बटन आपको डालना है डाली जितने भी प्रोडक्ट को अपने हिसाब से करना है कीजिये और अपना ऍफ साइट स्टार्ट कीजिये ।

इस विडियो से रिलेटिड कोई भी अगर ऍम है आपका तो विडियो के नीचे कमेंट करके आप मुझसे पूछ सकते हो ।

अगर विडीओ आपको हेल्प फल लगा तो वीडियो को लाइक कीजिए ।

हो सके तो शेर कीजिये मिलता है नेक्स्ट विडियो पे तब तक कॅालिंग इस विडियो

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Um Although I am kind of coming up to the edge of my um video screen here , so I probably won't get into this too much either , but this kid uh parts his hair to the side and that's something that we will see uh continue throughout his life .

Although I suppose a person can start parting their hair in the other direction .

What is this ?

Clearly ?

He's , he decided at the age of five , what his hair would look like for the rest of his life .

Come on , man .

Uh But just to help you read this as the same character .

And that's kind of your concern , I think as a cartoonist , uh or a storyteller , um , that you , you want anyone looking at this to say , oh , ok .

That's him as a child .

This is him as an older person .

Sometimes you have to exaggerate the consistency , I think in terms of the hairstyle uh from one age to the other .

One last thing before we move on to the next uh age group is his neck .

Um I'm gonna be in almost in an exaggerated way , making sure that his neck is quite small compared to his head .

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This , of course , uh helps convey this feeling of uh youth and um maybe just a little bit of an indication of the collar uh even to make it more ridiculous in terms of consistency , he's gonna be wearing the same thing in uh each uh scene that we draw .

Now , uh I'm gonna save the sort of finishing touches in terms of shading and so forth .

I'm gonna save that for the very end of the video where we come back and do all of the characters uh at once , maybe uh the finishing touches .

Uh For now , I'm gonna just move right along to the next one where we're gonna see the same character as a young man .

Uh And we'll stay kind of zoomed in , I think maybe .

Um so as to uh you know , keep the focus on the facial features uh rather than the uh entire drawing of the head and shoulders and so forth .

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Ok .

So the first thing you're gonna notice that is that the chin has gotten quite a bit larger .

And I think that maybe is the most important thing in terms of uh a aging this character .

But I'm gonna go in and uh do the eyes and maybe show you how uh maybe just subtle uh changes here , what I'm doing and this is , you know , kind of goes against the laws of biology or whatever .

But I'm actually making his , um irises a little smaller now .

Uh I believe that the eyes actually stay the same size throughout life .

But uh cartoonists will sometimes um do little things like this , like make the uh uh child's eyes larger , I guess in proportion to the face , you can um explain that away .

But the main thing I want to talk about is how getting just a little more of a line under here , the lower eyelid by defining that just a little more , we're gonna begin to um age him up .

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And of course , we want to also get that same uh fold of the upper uh eyelid in there .

And uh , as I was saying , the eyebrows uh begin to uh become more prominent as one gets older .

So I'm gonna go ahead and sort of uh thicken these up , uh darken them a little bit , this face is in a little bit of a three quarter point of view which causes the eyebrows to shift , uh just a little bit across the face .

Now , the nose is gonna be very important as this character gets older in terms of defining this uh bridge , you know , just dropping in that one line begins to do quite a lot in terms of making him look older .

Um I'm gonna go ahead and do this same thing with this sort of pug nose , get a little bit of shading , which uh I see uh manga artists sometimes will do some manga artists .

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Uh Although most manga artists uh choose to , you know , deemphasize the nose , there are some manga artists that will do this little bit of a nose bless , I guess you might call it , call it to uh to emphasize that uh tip of the nose area .

But certainly that adds to his age .

Now , as I said , the , the ears , not uh uh uh in terms of uh uh making , you know , uh the character get older or , or revealing the age , but I will just go ahead and dash these in as quickly as I can .

And uh maybe the last thing is to show you where the uh well , let's do the hair line real quick .

I'll go ahead and do this .

Now , the hair uh as someone uh goes from uh early childhood up into um you know , just uh like your early twenties or something , uh , sometimes kids have very curly hair when they're young and then it gets straighter as they get older .

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Sometimes it's very blonde when they're young and it gets darker as they get older .

You could try that kind of stuff .

Uh , if you like , uh , in terms of defining your character .

But as I said before , I'm trying to kind of , um , almost in an exaggerated way , make this character retain the exact same hairstyle as he ages .

But we do wanna make sure that the , um , you know , we had that first line there that was sort of the scalp .

We wanna make sure that the hair , uh the actual contour of the hair is coming a above that line .

I don't want to get too sidetracked with the hair because that again , it doesn't seem like it should be such a crucial uh thing in a , in a video about aging a character , but more importantly than that probably is the neck and we're gonna show this uh neck get considerably wider .

Some people may even object and say , oh , his neck looks too wide .

Uh What is he a football player ?

What are you doing ?

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Um But uh I'm doing my best just to sort of um take any of the uh the little tricks of the trade in my arsenal of aging a character and uh pulling out the stops .

So , uh I'm gonna indicate a little bit of a collar here like he like I said , he's gonna be kind of wearing the exact same , uh , clothing .

Maybe it's like one of those where the family gets the kid to pose in the exact same place year after year as they get older .

That's what's going on here .

It was a lifelong project getting him to wear the same clothes so that he could pose in the same , uh , position year after year .

Um , and maybe the best thing to do here , uh Although we are at the very edge of the uh video frame is to show you where the uh , the collar is gonna come right there and then maybe it's time now to move on to the next thing I feel like his eyes are a little bit off .

I'm gonna be tweaking some of this stuff at the end .

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If he looks a little bit sort of uh wall eyed or , uh , has a strange look to his gaze , please forgive me at this stage .

I'm gonna try to uh correct some of that stuff at the end of the video , but let's move on to what will probably , I think be the most interesting one and that is to show this uh same guy as uh an old man .

All right .

Well , here's where things really start to get interesting because of course , we're going to get into drawing the wrinkles and , um , that , uh , you know , is sort of interesting because if you look at this at this stage , he really doesn't look all that much older , uh , than the previous character , but this is where we , uh , start to add a lot of extra lines around the eyes .

Now , this upper fold of the eyelid may be the same , largely the same .

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You could make it look a little heavier , a little sort of sleepier looking if you like .

Um , the eyebrows should be if anything , uh , more defined .

Although I suppose some people when they get really old , uh start to get less defined eyebrows , but here's where I really uh start to uh go kind of crazy with the extra lines .

And that is getting these uh crow's feet in the , the wrinkles that form around the edge of the eye , um maybe a few couple of lines over on this side , um get a uh the indications of a bag , uh uh sort of tired looking bag under the eye .

And then uh we really wanna start defining the bridge of the nose in a way that we didn't in uh either of the previous um illustrations .

Go ahead and get that .

No bless .

And I gotta warn you , there are not gonna be blushes in this illustration .

Those of you who love blush , just brace yourself and they ain't gonna happen in this one .

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But uh here we go with uh adding those same kinds of lines here , defining more and more the um uh wrinkles around the eyes and I should say , just to , to let you know , as I prepared for this , I was trying to think , you know , what photographs can I look at to make sure that I'm getting this , um at least somewhat accurate to real life .

And I decided to look at photographs of uh the actor and turned movie director Ron Howard .

Um because I figured Ron Howard , this guy has been , uh you know , he was on a TV show when he was a little kid .

And then he , um , you know , was in a teen , he was like a teenager or in his twenties when he was in the TV .

Show Happy Days .

And finally , now he's a movie director .

So we have photographs of this guy throughout his life and I could sort of look at him and , and study his face and see what happened as he got older .

And , uh in his case , he ended up with a lot of wrinkles around the edges of his mouth , which I'm gonna start to add here .

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And , um , I should just say that , you know , everyone ages in different ways and , uh , you know , like in the case of Ron Howard , he didn't , uh especially put on a lot of weight .

He sort of seems to be around the same weight , maybe not much more than when he was younger , but he certainly started to get , uh , some , uh , wrinkles going around the edge of his uh mouth down here , lower part of the head .

And uh then this uh and this happened in my previous video of showing an aging woman uh that uh the chin begins to sort of jut out a little and you see it uh defined against the rest of the lower uh face .

So that's another thing that you can do another little trick you can do down here to , to make your character look older .

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And um uh as I said , you know , the ears are not a big part of it , I think as you get really old , the ears can get larger and larger and sort of um , uh droop a little at the bottom or they just sort of um get a fleshier .

Uh I suppose so , yeah , you might find that , uh you can uh with your character , uh draw slightly larger ears as the character gets older , but now we can have a little bit of fun with uh the uh wrinkles across the forehead and , and I would caution you not to go too crazy with this .

But again , when I looked at uh uh movie director , Ron Howard , he had uh kind of two um very subtle lines going across his forehead .

Of course , he's , he's not super old .

I mean , he's , he's getting up there , but he's , uh , he's maybe Ron Howard is not quite as old as the character that I'm drawing here that is based , um , just a little bit on his face .

Um I feel like the wrinkles here .

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The crow's feet are , may be going a little too far here as I begin to move towards the , um , sideburns .

So I'm gonna tame them back , back , you wild crow's feet , uh , bring them back a little bit .

So as to , uh , indicate his sideburns coming up to , uh , thinning hair .

Now , Ron Howard actually is , uh , almost completely bald , uh , has lost almost all of his hair .

But I thought with , in my case , with this character , I would show a guy whose hair is thinning .

Um uh but sort of still there on top just again , uh to give us every uh means possible to identify this as the same guy just a little older .

Um You know who he's starting to look like to me is uh is it Owen Wilson ?

The movie actor looks a little bit like him to me .

Um I hope I'm getting that right .

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Uh But that , what that means is that we're generally uh with manga characters , especially giving them a very full head of hair .

Um That goes well beyond where , where you imagine the contour of the skull would be uh with this guy .

I'm just having it go a tiny bit above that line .

Uh And that's gonna help to convey that feeling of um sort of thinning hair as he gets older .

Well , I uh kind of am coming down to the end of this .

Oh , I don't wanna forget to draw the neck because that is actually another uh crucial aging element .

What happens to the neck as someone gets older , I'm gonna bring the back of his neck down here coming off the bottom of his uh ear .

And uh just beneath the chin again is where the um the other line of the neck is gonna come in .

And then um uh a again looking at photos of Ron Howard , I saw quite a pronounced Adams Apple .

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Um , I don't know if I saw that many lines right here going along , but I certainly with older men , you'll see wrinkles along the neck in that way , even sometimes going uh , crossways .

Uh But I , what I noticed in this photo of Ron Howard is that he had , uh , wrinkles here at the back of his neck .

Uh And , um , I may be only slightly exaggerating , uh from the photo I saw and then again , what I'm gonna be doing later on is adding the collar of a shirt .

Uh So as to have this character wearing the same thing in every , um , image that we've done of him .

And that pretty much brings us to the end of the sort of uh basic , uh , guidelines , the , the most important lines that define the age of this character .

What I'm gonna do is all in time lapse .

Um , uh , you know , add the final touches and shading and so forth on all three of these illustrations , then we'll be back to compare all three of them , uh , and have some final words .

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All right .

Well , there's my little video on how to draw the same character at three different ages .

You can see , I decided to leave this guy's hair , a little white on the side .

It's a classic way of indicating age .

Of course , it's based on real life .

And , uh , I shudder to think how soon I will look just like this dude right here .

But let's go ahead and thank anyone who has supported me by getting any of my books .

We've got Brodie Ghosts , we got me falls and we've got my how to draw book , mastering manga .

I greatly appreciate anyone who supports me by getting those books or just by clicking , subscribe , leaving comments , supporting me all the various ways that you do , but it's time to end this video .

Thanks so much for watching it .

I hope you found it useful and I'll be back with another one real soon .


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