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2023-07-18 12:33:16

30 Minutes Full Body Deep Stretches Yoga

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Hey , what's up everyone ?

Welcome to the practice in today's class .

I will guide you through a pretty chill and gentle flow .

So it's still a flow practice .

We're still connecting the poses nicely .

We're still connecting everything to the breath and , but we're not doing any strong things in today .

Today's practice .

There's no long holds , no strong holds .

It's pretty much like a flowy stretching practice .

So we're focusing more on staying in the poses , feeling the lengthening of the different areas of the body and really connecting to that sensation with the breath in today's class .

We're focusing on the back line , lengthening the back line and also on twists when you're ready to begin .

Let's come on to the back for half of a , bring the heels close to the hips .

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Take a moment here to just lay on your back arms down by your sides , close your eyes , feel the support underneath , you feel the weight of your body , notice the breath , the air coming in and out through your nose .

Let's set up your breath that works well for you nice and controlled deep breaths through the nose throughout the entire class .

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Press into the heels , lift your hips up for bridge posts , just a little bit of , of activation in the glutes and the back line before the will continue with all gentle stretches and movements .

Maybe it's early morning for you and you want to activate the glutes in the back line .

First thing , maybe it's the middle of the day and you have been sitting a lot either way .

It's always good to activate the back line .

Let's stay for two more breaths , nice and full into the belly and release the hips down .

Very good .

Bring your knees together .

Don't move the feet .

Just stay there for a moment .

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Let's cross the right ankle over the left thigh .

For figure four , reach through with your arms and your hands grab behind the thigh or the shin and then pull your legs towards you .

Keep your right foot flexed that that foot that's closest to you .

So you really want to see the toes pointing towards the knee , breathe into the area where you feel this pulse .

So you are using the breath to really go deep into the pulse .

We're not talking about physical depth , going deeper in the physical shape , but going deeper into the pose and the sensation and the presence of it with your awareness and your breath .

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That means as you can imagine , you can , there's really no end .

There's infinite depth in every post , slowly release the left foot back down , keep the legs as they are or slide the right leg over the left thigh for a twist to the left , bring the legs over to the left side .

Scoot the hips to the right , extend the right arm away from you .

Breathe into the spine , travel a little bit deeper .

That'll be good .

Use your left hand to bring your legs back to center .

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Come back to bridge , pose , heel , it close to the hips , lift the hips up , engage the roots , lift your hips up high and last deep breath in XL .

Release the hips down , figure four on the other side , pull the legs towards you .

Most important , keep those left toes flexed , reaching towards the left knee .

I like to flex both feet actually close your eyes and breathe .

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We're here for about five more breaths , nasty breathing .

Excel release , twist to the right side , readjust your legs if you need to otherwise keep them as they are extend the left arm away from you .

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Release , use your right hand to bring your legs back to center , hug both knees into the chest and let's come forward into a table top , cross your ankles , roll over the knees , come onto all fours unto the toes .

Few rounds of spinal segmentation , nice and slow cat cow start with cat around your back , roll from the base of the spine , slowly , slowly upwards into and then back to cat from the base of the spine upwards .

One more just like that .

Nice and slow .

Think about moving each butter spray .

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That'll be good .

Sit back onto the heels , come onto the toes , slide the hands back , keep the arm straight , lean forward , shoulders , lean over the wrist , feel the wrists stay there for 54 .

Push the ground away .

Three to and one , lean back .

The fingertips are pointing outwards them to the right to the left , to the right to the left , one more each side back to neutral fingertips are pointing towards the knees and the hips back , lean back , keep the arms straight .

The palms lift up , breathe and feel into the forearms .

Bend the arms if you need to sit on the heel , shake out the hands beautiful jump .

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Let's meet a downward facing dog .

Walk your dog if you want to , if you need to do whatever fields right in our first downward facing dog of the practice , connect deeper to the breath and let's meet in this pretty static downward facing dog .

The only thing moving is the breath .

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Even the mind is still unclear , focused and lift your heels , bend your knees , walk your feet forward between the hands in .

He'll lift up halfway , exhale forward , fold , stay there for a couple of breaths .

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Just relax your upper body , relax your head , relax your arms straighten your legs , give the back line some time to open up , bend your knees , roll up through the spine to standing the arms , reach up deep breath in exhale .

Forward fold , he lift up halfway lengthen through the spine .

Exhale , step the left foot back for runner's lunch place , your left fingertips on the ground inside the right foot , reach your right arm up , revolved side angle , straighten your left leg , reach out through the arms , rotate the chest up towards the ceiling .

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Pull the belly in , reach your right arm forward place that right hand inside the right foot , release the left heel down side angle , reach your left arm up .

You can also come on blocks here if you want to with the hands or just on the fingertips .

I straighten the right leg , pivot both feet to the left for standing straddle forward , fold , fall down .

Mhm Keep the breath soft and you walk the hands underneath , you pull yourself a little bit deeper into it just so that it feels good that you feel the sensation in your body .

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Take a deep breath in , lift up halfway , exhale spider lunch to the left scada and bend your left knee straight in the right , maybe with the hands or without set the hips down for half co face across the left leg over the right thigh .

Maybe that's where you are now .

Just bending the leg over the right thigh .

Maybe you can stack the knees fully , whatever it is , it doesn't matter .

We're all going for the same thing which is the sensation in the body and connecting to the breath , fold forward and down feel the sensation in the body invited .

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Send your breath there , send some love there some good prayers or words of kindness .

Slowly release , push yourself back up back to scan .

The left foot comes next to the left hip .

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Move to the front of the man for pyramid post both heels on the ground , straighten your legs deep breathing to lengthen the spine forward , exhale , fold forward and down , make sure both heels are on the mat .

Otherwise shorten your stance even more .

Again , the invitation to use blocks here or books or just bring the hands on top of your shin .

Keep the left fingertips inside the right foot .

Reach your right arm up , revolved triangle , draw the belly in both legs are straight .

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The breath is soft , reach your right arm forward , shift forward , rebind the right knee .

While your three prep , both fingertips down , the left leg floats up .

Both legs are straight , lower , the left hip down , shift more weight into the right heel to really lengthen the back side of the right leg .

Last deep breath in exhale , stepped the left foot forward to meet the right inhale , lift up halfway , excel forward , fold , bend your knees , roll up through the spine just standing .

Take a deep breath in as you do .

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So the arms reach up , exhale forward , fold in here to lift up halfway , exhale , stepped the right foot back .

A runner's lunch , right leg is straight , both fingertips or both hands are framing the left foot , reach your left arm up , revolved side angle , pull the belly in lengthen through the spine .

Rotate the chest to the left , reach your left arm forward , bring your left hand inside the left foot .

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Keep your left leg bend , rotate the right heel down , reach your right arm up side angle , draw the belly in , soften the breath .

Last deep breathing eggs are released straight in both legs , heels out toes in deep breath into lengthen excel to fold .

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Three breaths here , rise back up on an inhale , exhale and on to the right and slowly set the hips down , half cow face , bring the right leg over the left thigh to whatever extent is accessible for you .

That's great flex .

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The left foot toes are pointing towards you , fold forward and down and stay for about five breaths really going deep with the breath with the awareness into the body going and exploring within .

Yes .

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Slowly release , rise back up , let's meet in SCADA .

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Bring your hands behind you , the fingertips are pointing towards you .

Bring the feet wider apart a little bit wider apart than the hips .

Reverse tabletop , lift the hips up , look up towards the ceiling , relax your head back a little bit .

So we don't have this forward head posture , lean forward , shift forward and set the hips all the way down to the ground in hell to lift the chest up .

High , exhale , bend your arms , send the elbows back , be gentle here to the body .

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Breathe into the shoulders and just enjoy straighten your arms , lock the hands forward and come onto your back .

Happy baby .

Grab behind the knees or the outside edges of the feet gently pull the knees towards the armpits .

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And if there's any modification or any last post that you would like to do here to finish up your practice , then please go ahead and do that and we'll meet back in about five or seven breaths .

Whatever feels good for your body .

Let's slowly come back to a happy baby and then release , hug the knees , the legs into the chest .

Give yourself a nice hug .

Take a deep breath in and exhale .

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Extend the X forward for bring their arms down by the sides , relax your feet , let the feet , the legs fall open in their natural position .

Fully relax your body before we drift away , going deep into with our awareness and presence .

Before we go into this meditation on the back that synchronize our breaths .

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You and I together with a Pranay called Sati where we inhale for five seconds , hold for five seconds .

Exhale for five seconds and hold again for five seconds and then repeat .

Let's start with five second count .

Exhale all the air out , start to inhale for 54321 .

Hold your breath 54321 .

Exhale 54321 .

Hold 54321 .

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Inhale 54 321 .

Hold 54321 .

Exhale 54321 .

Hold 54321 .

Inhale for five .

Continue on your own .

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So each part is five seconds .

Let's do two more rounds .

Continue counting in your own in your own thoughts .

We will finish up this breathing exercise after that .

Hold for five seconds after the exhale .

So whenever you get there , you exhale and then you hold for five and then come back to a normal breath .

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Relax your body more all the tension you're still holding on to the shoulders , the chest , the fingers .

Can you let all of this be a bit heavier , more relaxed ?

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Let's all come up to a seated position without looking , feel your way there instead and sit nice and tall .

Bring the hands of the heart .

Thank yourself for showing up for doing the work today for grounding down and connecting more to the stillness within .

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Thank you for allowing me to share my practice with you and I'm looking forward to seeing you in the next class tomorrow with love and gratitude .

Must .


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