Welcome to Siberia in the midst of the magical untouched forest of my hometown in Russia .
I welcome you to join me for an easy gentle yoga workout practice .
This class today is going to be focused on working the entire body through easy movements and postures to help anyone looking to start their fitness journey or as a gentle recovery back into their workout regime .
This class is perfect for anyone and everyone as it offers different modifications for any level .
So with that said , roll out that mat and let's begin , right ?
Friends , let's begin today at the very back of your mad .
Go ahead and come into a nice seated position with your knees together .
Go ahead and reach your arms out up to the sky and then all the way down towards the mat , resting your forehead onto the floor .
Just take a moment in this child's pose to bring your awareness into the present moment , feeling that gentle stretch through the shoulders , take a deep breath in and then as you exhale , slowly begin to roll forward into all four positions , starting with a gentle cat cow dropping the belly as you inhale .
And as you exhale , rounding out through the spine , tuck the chin in inhale arch , the back , look up , exhale round and release .
This is a very nice way to gently warm up the spine .
Inhale , arch , exhale , round and release and again , deep breathing arch , the back , look up , exhale , round out the spine .
And then from here , drop the belly all the way down as you release your chest to the floor , hands next to the side of your body .
Palms down slowly from here , lift up into a baby cobra .
Now see how high you like to lift .
If you're comfortable , go a little bit higher .
If you're recovering from any back injuries or just not feeling strong enough today , keep your height a little bit lower .
Let's release , not rest your way back up to your knees and sit back into child's pose , rounding up the spine in the opposite direction , taking a deep breath in into your nose .
Eggs seal round back up into your all force positions starting by extending your right leg all the way out .
Keeping your hips square .
Take a deep breath in on your exhalation .
You're going to bend that back , knee , tuck it into the chest and think of touching your forehead and the knee inhale , extend it out .
Exhale , crunch for two .
Inhale , extend , exhale , crunch for three .
Starting to engage the abdominal muscles .
Exhale , crunch for four , inhale , open egg seal , crunch for five in hell .
Open XCL six inhale , open , exhale 71 more time .
Inhale open and I exhale eight .
Great job extend and open .
Keep those elbows close to your body a lot push ups , bring it down and up for one and two .
So working the tricep muscles and three get low with the chest and four , keep that back leg up , bring it down and release all the way with your chest to the floor .
Lifting up into that baby cobra sitting a little bit higher .
Now , engaging through the back muscles , strengthening the back muscles , lift a little bit higher , drop the chest down , press your hands next to the side of your body .
Come back into child's pose around out the spine .
Deep breathing egg seal , come back up all force position , other leg extending your left leg , out hips are squared , deep breathing egg seal lets crunch , bring that knee to the chest round out the spine , forehead to knee inhale , extend egg seal .
Crunch for two .
Inhale , extend , exhale , crunch for three .
Stand and for extend and five , you're almost done .
Three more extend and six and seven .
Last one in .
He extended out , exhale , crunch it in for eight .
Extend it out .
And now from here let's do our Pilates push ups slowly .
Keep those elbows in .
Take it down and up for one , bring it down and push out for two , bring it down and three , bring it down and for a great job , bring it all the way down , drop the leg and the body come on up into that baby cobra sitting and go even higher this time .
Almost up to an upward facing dog hold and breathe .
Look a little bit higher .
Deep breathing and exhale .
Drop the body down , press up into all four position and then slowly release back into child's pose .
Rounding up the spine .
Beautiful .
Just take a moment to find your breath again .
Inhale el Checking in with your body , checking in with your mind and then slowly come on up to all fours .
Tuck your toes at this time .
Let's press into your hands , lift your hips up and begin to extend into your downward facing dog , extending through the upper body .
Think of your sternum falling towards the floor , your elbows are pointed downward towards the mat .
Feel free to walk out your dog here .
Let it go of any tension in the back of your legs and your hamstrings , resting the opposite heel a little bit closer into the floor .
Really feeling that release and stretch along the back of your legs .
Take a deep breath in again , holding this downward facing dog for two more breaths .
You fall on your exhale , slowly begin to walk forward , take as many steps as you need until you make your way all the way forward to the top of the mat , coming into your standing forward , fold and then slowly rolling up one vertebra at a time as you stand up , inhale , reach both arms up to the sky and exhale hands to heart .
And again , let's do that .
Reach up to the sky .
Exhale , bringing your body all the way back down into that standing forward , fold fingertips , touching the mat , deep breath in on your exhalation .
You're going to step your right leg all the way back , finding that center and then reaching both arms up to the sky into your high lunch .
Bind that balance interlace the fingers , index fingers pointing up to the sky , extending the front knee on your exhale , bend , both knees extend and bend for two , extend both knees and bend for three .
Your back knee hovers above the floor as you come down , five lift and six are strengthening the lower body or strengthening your legs .
Your quads your glutes , it keep going extend and bend , extend and bend .
And now let's hold , extend the back knee , holding that high lunch for one more breath .
Keep lengthening through the upper body , keeping the front knee above your ankle .
And then from here , you're simply going to drop the back knee to the floor , release the back toes and open up your hands as you open yourself up into your low lunch with your low lunch .
Think of bringing the hips a little bit closer towards the floor really focusing on releasing any tension out of your hip , flexor out of your ass while still remaining with that knee above your ankle .
In the front , lift your back knee and then step back into plank position .
Let's hold your plank .
Really think of pulling that naval into the spine .
So you're engaging through your core , your shoulders are above your wrist and then come down onto your elbows .
Now , from here , what we're gonna do is bend one knee , tap it to the ground and then extend , tap , extend , alternating the knees , tap and open , tap and open .
So staying in a nice straight blank position and simply bending one knee at a time , touching it to the ground .
Keep going and tap and tap tap .
Almost done .
Try to stay straight with your upper body .
Don't move your upper body .
Good .
Now , coming up to your hands and keep going one more set , tap and tap .
So same thing , we're tapping opposite knee to the floor .
This time , we're staying on our hands .
You're almost done .
Tap and hold .
This is an incredible exercise to stabilize your core .
So , not only are we working on your core , but we're also engaging the shoulders , great job from here and drop your knees , chest and then chin .
Let's release the legs and come on up into a full upward facing dog .
See if you can lift your thighs off the floor , tuck your toes and lift yourself back up into your downward facing dog .
Great job .
Take a moment , take a breath , allow the heels to go a little bit further down closer towards the floor and then walk your feet towards the top of the mat .
Great job .
Take a deep breath in and then as you exhale , slowly begin to roll yourself up to standing inhale , reach both arms up to the sky .
Exhale hands to heart inhale , reach both arms up , exhale , diving your body all the way back down to standing forward , fold inhale halfway length , then exhale at this time , let's step your left foot all the way back , finding that balance and then reaching both arms up to the sky into your high lunge .
Finding that center through your body , interlace your fingers , index fingers pointing up to the sky .
Now , let's take our squat exercise here to build a little bit more strength in the lower body .
Extend the front knee , exhale , bend both knees for one and bend both knees for two , bend and three and four and five and six and seven and almost done 91 more .
Hold it here .
Now , extend the back knee opening yourself up , lifting up with the chest a little bit higher , then drop your back knee to the floor , release your toes , release your fingers and open yourself up into your low lunch .
Drop the hips a little bit closer towards the floor , your knee on top of your ankle , take a deep breath in , exhale out , release the hands , tuck your back toes , lift your back knee and let's step back into plank position again .
So you have a couple of options here .
You can come down to your elbows to make this a lot easier on your body and your wrist or you can stay on your hands and continue with our knee taps , tapping and alternating each knee at a time .
Or you can take it up one more level up with knee to chest exercise .
So I'll do the hardest level .
We're gonna bring it in .
Step back , bring it in , step back .
So let's go pick whatever level fits you best in and plank in and plank .
Keep going , get that knee as high as you can to the chest or keep alternating and tapping the knee to the ground in and plank and plank and plank , keep going .
Stay strong with the upper body , shoulders above your wrist , engaging through the core , strengthening your core , your back , your shoulders , a great exercise to gain complete stability in the body .
Great job from here .
Let's lift up into a downward facing dog .
So wherever you are , come on up and join me here , take a deep breath and allow those shoulders to release away from the ears elongate through the neck , allow those heels to sink down towards the floor .
Another deep breathing exhale , slowly , walk your feet towards the front of your mat .
Again , standing forward , full , beautiful , take a deep breathing eggs .
You'll slowly roll yourself up , reaching both arms up to the sky and then hands over to your heart , great job .
Let's do that one more time .
Big breath in , open the arms , reach them up to the sky .
Exhale , dive your body all the way back down .
Inhale halfway length and through the spine .
Exhale , bend your knees and let's go ahead and come all the way down onto your mat .
We're going to do one final abdominal exercise here to work the lower abs and the obliques , hands behind your head , rest your head on the ground .
You're gonna touch opposite elbow to knee and then relax , alternate the leg and then open elbow to knee , relax elbow to knee , relax , elbow to knee and open and open me and open .
So if you can get complete physical contact with the elbow and the knee each time and open , twist and open to twist and open , twist and open .
Keep going over time as your abdominals begin to feel much stronger .
You can make this exercise a little bit more challenging by keeping the bottom leg hovered above the floor .
But for now , just see how your body feels here and take the time that you need to gain the confidence and the strength in your body .
Great chap .
Let's release now , reach both arms up over your head .
Give yourself a big stretch here .
Take a deep breath , be and exhale .
Let it go slowly roll yourself up and then let's go ahead and come into a seated position on your mat .
Rossing your feet .
In front of you , resting your hands on the knees .
Let's just close the ice for a moment , finding that center .
And if you feel like rolling your head in a big circle , go ahead and do that to release any tension in the neck or you can just sit and take a moment for yourself here .
You don't have to do any movement if you don't want to .
Let's take a deep breath in now , reaching both arms up to the sky , then exhale , bring your hands to your heart one more time .
Big breath in .
Opening yourself up to the universe , welcoming all that positive energy into your body and the exhale , bring that energy down towards your heart .
Thank you so much for joining me today in beautiful Siberia .
I send you so much love and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day .
I must stay .
Thanks so much for watching .
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Thanks again and we'll see you soon .