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2023-07-18 12:31:08

Detox and Reset _ 40-Minute Yoga Practice

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Hello , everyone and welcome to yoga with Adrian .

I'm Adrian and this is sweet bungee .

And today we have a detox and reset practice for you for us for the now .

So this is perfect for kind of letting go , releasing , shedding , kind of getting lighter so that we can build with more intention or rebuild with more intention .

So hop into something comfy and let's get started .

Okey doke , my friends , let's begin on our back .

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So come on down to the ground , take your time getting there , extend your legs out , long rest your head , relax your shoulders , take a deep breath in as you land here and as you exhale , really think of this breath out as an opportunity to release to let go .

Benji has now joined us .

Now we're all laying down here on the earth , lying down here on the earth , close your eyes and again , take a deep breath in and all throughout this practice today , using the exhale , really seeing it as an opportunity for a big release .

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Now continue to gently deepen your breath on your own nice full Breen and exaggerating that exhale each time , seeing it as an opportunity for a release .

Thank you for joining me for this practice today .

I invite you to really stay present with your breath .

Remember it's ok to have a little fun and in the spirit of the reset today , see if you can maybe forget what you think , you know about yoga , really allowing yourself to have a experience .

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Go on an experiential journey through this practice .

What do you say ?

All right on your next big breath .

Thin , use your exhale to hug your lower ribs down .

You feel your abs kind of turn on here and we're gonna lift one knee up , then the other keep breathing deeply here as you walk the heels up , just a bit , toes pointing forward , could then press your palms into the earth and now we're gonna lift the shins .

So the knees are over the hip points , shins parallel to the ceiling and just take a second to send the knees out and in a couple of times and , and really find that connection to the abdominal wall .

So the abs are getting some love here in the warm up .

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And eventually we will want to maybe challenge ourselves by aligning the knees over the hips .

But if your abs need some strengthening and the low back is kind of coming up not supported , it's really not worth it .

So you can hug the knees in , start to strengthen the abdominal wall and we'll build it from there .

All right , dipping the right toes down here as you keep that connection to your core and lift them back up , get dip the left toes down here as you keep connection to the abs and lift up .

And now we're just alternating here , keeping the shoulders relaxed .

You can move at a pace that feels good for you .

Neck is nice and long .

So you can tuck your chin slightly if that's helpful .

And we're just dipping the toes down , can close your eyes now that you got the Diddy and just imagine dipping your toes in a little water and it creates this ripple effect in the water .

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Breathing deep here .

Beautiful one last time .

Now we're gonna do both toes dipped down together and you can bring the knees together for this one .

So you can really zip through the legs of it both feet down .

We won't do as many of these .

So finding that connection .

This one you should really feel in the low belly , continuing to knit those low ribs down , feeling the upper abs though as well .

Ok .

Let's do one more .

You got it , press it into the palms .

Do one more beautiful .

Now , wrap the arms around the shins and rock a little gently side to side .

Let's take a deep inhale in together , nice full breath and exhale out together again , an opportunity to let go drop the left foot down to the ground .

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We're gonna take the sole of the right foot up towards the sky .

Right knee stays bent .

You can grab your right ankle , right shin or interlace the fingertips behind the right thigh .

You can also grab the outer edge of the foot or the big toe .

So we have lots of options here .

A little half , stir up posture here .

You're gonna really draw down with your right knee opening up through that right hip .

Really breathing deep into the belly here .

Nice , then send your right foot straight up towards the sky .

This right knee can be bent as generously as you need here as we just point and flex the foot , point and flex and then rotate the ankle one way and then the other beautiful .

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Now , cross the right ankle over the top of the left thigh , thread the needle here , you'll interlace the fingertips behind the left hamstring and you can rock a little gently side to side here if that feels good , stay active in your feet here .

And I like to press my right elbow into my right inner thigh just encouraging that right hip crease to drop , keeping the side of the torsos nice and long .

And then option here to inhale and deeply as you exhale , draw your navel to your spine and lift the head up , try to reach your nose towards your right leg and then let it all go unravel right foot comes back down to the ground and we're gonna repeat on the other side .

So as you're ready , left foot up towards the sky , you're gonna find your half stir posture .

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Your version with the left leg , breathe deep .

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Really drawing the left shoulder , left knee , down your left hamstrings , getting some sunlight here beautiful then release and the left toes up towards the sky point and flex point and flex and just notice if you're kind of gripping in your left glute left hip here , really want kind of gravity to help us draw this line , drop the femur down into the hip , pull the left hip crease back and down , rotate the angle one way and then the other .

So great , great to kick the feet up in the air , even in a warm up , just kind of let the blood flow opposite direction , great for circulation .

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And then here we go , crossing left ankle over the right thread , the needle here , find what feels good , close your eyes or soften your gaze .

Find that gentle rock back and forth .

It's right in your body .

Breathe .

All right .

Option here to take a deep breath in exhale , navel to spine , lift the head up towards the left shin and then let everything go .

Ok .

Unravel here , we're gonna walk the feet as wide as the yoga mat .

Just allow the knees to fall in , take a deep breath , hands come to the belly , fill the belly with air and then exhale to let it go .

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Also , we're gonna lift the knees up to the chest again , we're gonna bring the hands behind the thighs and we're gonna rock and roll up and down the length of the spine .

Get a nice massage here and then we'll cross the ankles .

Come all the way up .

Head over heart , heart over pelvis , right hand to the left knee , left fingertips or left palm behind .

Inhale big full breath here .

Exhale , twist opportunity to release , inhale , fill the belly , fill the chest and then exhale a full release .

Good .

Bring it back through center and to the other side , left hand to the right knee , right fingertips behind , sit up nice and tall lengthen through the low back .

Inhale , full breath , exhale full release .

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Twist good , nice and easy .

Inhale , fill the belly and then fill the chest good and then exhale release , lovely .

We'll come back to center and keep this forward momentum as we come to all fours .

Hi Bengie .

So sweet .

Table top position , wrists underneath the shoulders , knees underneath the hips .

You guessed it cat cow , drop the belly , open your heart , chest forward , press into your fingertips , make sure your fingers are spread super wide .

Press into your toes good .

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Then exhale round through the spine , chin to chest , naval jaws up , up , up and again , inhale , drop the belly , open the heart , open the chest , open the whole front body good and then exhale around through feeling that stretch through the back body is the heart , the chest , the navel draws up couple more times with the sound of your breath , then we'll meet back in that table top position , nice neutral spine .

And can't really tell with my baggy tank top here .

But I'll invite you to really think about drawing your abdominals up , up , up towards your back body .

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So almost as if you're lifting the front body that's kind of hanging down here with gravity and you're actively drawing it up to meet your bones .

So in a way you're defying gravity .

Ok ?

See there's so many cool things about yoga , curl the toes under .

Use that connection here in your core ultimately to lift the knees and let them hover breathing deep .

Once you um peek at the screen , if you need to send your gaze straight down .

Once you're ready , neck , nice and long , good , then we're gonna dip the knees down just to kiss the earth and gently no crashing and then lift them up , lower them down and lift them up , slip in in the elbows , lower them down , lift them up three more .

You got this lower and lift lower and lift last one lower and lift excellent lower all the way to the ground .

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Bring the the toes to touch knees nice and wide .

Send the hips back , reach the fingertips forward and mount your heart down , close your eyes , inhale lots of love in here and big release .

Lots of love out .

Breathe with me here , inhale deeply and exhale completely and one more just like that as you inhale it , the breath be full and wide , like moving into all four sides of your torso and then let the exhale be slow and long , melting your heart to the earth .

Beautiful press into your fingertips .

Nice and slow .

No need to rush .

We're gonna draw the navel up , that helps lift the spine .

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We're gonna come all the way back up to all fours , curl the toes under and send the hips up high and back for downward facing dot So there was the invitation to kind of lovingly , just forget what you think , you know about yoga and , and really enter in this practice and these shapes with the willingness to kind of experience things in a new way .

That's really what a a detox and a reset is all about what we're looking for , what we're craving .

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So , can we put that into consideration , put that into play throughout this practice and then see what the ripple effect may or may not be taking a moment to pedal out through the feet , feeling that stretch that connection through the fas of the foot , the achilles , the calves all the way up through the thighs , the hamstrings , the quads , the it band drawing energy up from the arches through the ankles through the inner thighs .

And then finally find stillness .

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Here is you really peel your hip creases up , shine your sits bones , shine your bum up to the sky and close your eyes for just a moment , maybe drawing the navel in to support the low back , then take a deep breath in and exhale to release , bend the knees generously carve a line with your nose to look forward and walk or step or hop your way to the top feet , hip with apart toes pointing forward , grab your elbows , bend your knees and begin to rock a little side to side .

Nice and slow .

Feel this nice connection through all four corners of your feet .

If there was any doubt that this was the practice for you today , maybe let that go here .

You're already in it .

Let's let's be in it to win it together .

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Whatever happens , take a deep breath in and you just take a deep breath in with us and then exhale , release the arms again .

Let everything go , drop your hips down in space .

Feel this strength in your legs , this grounding through the feet as you begin to slowly roll it up to stand .

Yeah .

Crown of the head rages up nice and tall as you come to standing here for me .

I know this might sound silly to some of you .

But for me , that transition is so empowering or it can be so life giving , it can be a real reset moment .

You know , it's small but mighty .

So take advantage of it .

No worries if you missed it that time , but we'll do it again .

So here we are mountain pose on your next breath .

Thin .

You're gonna draw the shoulders up to the ears .

Big breath thin and then exhale , take them around and back and down .

Big release .

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Could inhale , squeeze the shoulders up to the ears and exhale around back and down one more time with the sound of your breath .

Good .

Spread the fingertips , inhale , reach for the sky , grab the left wrist with the right hand and nice and easy .

We're going to think up and over as you tilt towards the right so nice side body stretch here .

Feel that connection first through your left heel by lifting your left toes just a bit good .

Then I switch it , lift your left heel , drag your left toes behind you .

We're gonna come into a little courtsy stretch here .

So think about turning your abdominals on engaging your abdominals rather a little bit here , turning your abdominals on , why not ?

Ok .

And then release and we'll switch to the other side .

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Reach the fingertips up , grab the right wrist , think up and over .

So keeping that left side body long as you find that stretch , lift the left right toe , excuse me , just a bit .

Dig into your right heel .

Feel that connection from right shoulder to right heel good .

Then switch it .

Lift the right heel this time come onto your right toes and then drag those toes behind you and around and back .

Finding that courtesy stretch here on the other side , knit the lower ribs in engage the abdominal wall and then slowly release , come back to mountain pose , turn your gaze to look at the screen .

And of course , now he stopped , ok .

He was running , he was doing a little jog in his sleep .

Ok .

Back to the practice .

Here we go .

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Inhale , reaching fingertips up high this time , wiggle your fingertips as you slowly melt down into forward fold , bend your knees generously , tuck your chin into your chest and just feel that length in the low back .

Take a deep breath in .

Exhale .

Fingertips come to the mat and we're gonna step just the right toes back , lower the right knee to the ground , loop , the shoulders forward up and back and let that be what lifts your heart up .

Least the fingertips , take them to the top of the left thigh .

Beautiful toes are pointing forward , check to make sure you can see your front left big toe .

So that front knee is over the front ankle .

And then notice if you're just kind of dumping into the stretch here , see if you can find that lift up from the pelvic floor .

So you might even back up out of it a little bit .

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So we started in a cross legged seated position , Susanna sitting up straight and tall , closing the eyes , quieting the mind and just take a moment to center in .

And once you reach that place of quiet , open the eyes and go into a twisting action , turning to the right right arm comes behind .

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Finding that pelvic floor lift , you might need to press into your front foot to come out of the posture a bit , waking up the hips , the soas squeeze in her thighs just a bit together and then bring the palms together .

Your heart space , lift the chest up to the thumbs , take a deep breath in and a long breath out and a deep breath in and then exhale to release .

All right .

This time we'll lift the left knee up and then step the right toes back into a plank .

We're on the palms here with fingers slightly turned out externally .

Here we go .

We're going to drop the right knee and then lift left knee and then lift right knee and left me .

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Keep it going nice and slow neck is nice and long crown of the head reaching forward .

Do one more on each side .

You got this Hello , abdominals good and then slowly lower to both knees .

Squeeze the elves into the side body as you lower down to your chest and chin .

Excuse me .

Benji and then press into the tops of your feet , slide the hands back in line with the rib cage and a beautiful mindful cobra here .

So keep it nice and low and you can peek at me .

I'm finding a little soft swaying motion here from the waist down .

I'm , I'm pretty much glued .

So I'm keeping my pubic bone pressing into the earth , hips evenly , pressing down into the earth tops of the feet .

But I'm finding a little swaying motion , soft and easy .

Don't overdo this left to right .

Good .

Now , bring it to center .

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Now we're gonna go up and down .

So a little wave lifts you up and exhale , brings you down .

A little wave , lifts you up and exhale to come down and one more time , little wave catch it and exhale to release .

Beautiful curl the toes under , inhale , exhale like a rocket ship .

Press up to plank .

Quietly whisper to yourself .

I am strong , strong hips up high and back downward facing dog .

Inhaling deeply , exhale , full release , whatever that means to you , inhale the car of a line with your nose to look forward and exhale to make your way to the top this time .

Let's try feet together really together .

If that doesn't feel stable enough , then you can go back to the hip with the part everyone toes pointing forward .

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Left arm comes outside the right thigh again , try to deepen the breath , sit up tall and as you exhale , roll the nave a little from the left to the right and then release and come back to center again , reestablishing a tall feeling deep inhale and on the exhale , twisting to the left left hand falls behind right hand crosses and again , use the back arm to help to sit you up taller , use the right arm to help to turn you a little deeper into the twist without aggression .

These come back to center , sitting up straight and tall and then laterally stretch to the right .

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So the right arm comes out , left arm comes up beside the head and then come back up to center and keep that length to the left side .

As you laterally stretch to the left , left arm goes out , right arm comes up and keep the right arm and the head close together and then release and come all the way back up to sitting upright .

Take a deep breath and on the exhale , fold forward , just try to keep a length to the side body and exhale into a forward stretch .

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Let the grinds the lower back stretch out and on the next inhale , slowly release come all the way up to sitting and then uncross the legs and lie back onto the back and take the right knee into the chest .

Grab the right shin .

Give it a gentle squeeze .

Yeah .

Releasing that right leg down the right leg .

Firm , bring the left knee into the chest , grab the shin and again , just let the hips and grinds release into the pole , then release the left leg down .

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Take the right leg into what we would call a half happy baby .

You keep the right shin vertical .

You catch the outside of the right foot , you pull the knee straight down beside the ribs , left leg strong and then release the right leg down .

Keep the right leg , firm , left leg comes in , catch the outer edge of the left foot and once again , just allow the knee to come gently down beside the ribs on the outside and then release lower the left foot down , straighten the left leg and from there , bring both legs out .

Happy baby .

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Catch the outer edge of the feet keep the waist long , keep the hips down and just gently go into the grinds as you pull , the inner knees is toward the floor to the side ribs and then release and lower the feet down .

Once again , straighten the legs out , keeping them active .

Take the right leg straight up toward the ceiling .

Keep your left leg on the floor .

Grab the back of the right side and then releasing the right leg down and bring the left leg up , clasped behind the left thigh .

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Keep both legs firm , widen the elbows and ease into the stretch and then slowly release and lower the left leg down and then bend both knees into the chest and just shift your arms out to the side wide apart the palms on the ground and take both legs over to the right halfway .

Hold , keep the left shoulder firm onto the floor and bring the legs back up to the center and exhale over to the left halfway and then bring the knees back up the center over to the right one more time .

Legs back up to center over to the left again , little lower , possibly .

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Xau squeeze the breath out one more time on the inhale .

Move into the exhale breath and then you start to come into the inhale breath .

Lift the pelvis roll over the toes , go back into downward facing dog poses and then one more time come down onto the hands and knees .

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And right leg extends back , left arm reaches out to the front and balancing , pause and breathe and then release , come back to center and just change sides .

Take the left leg back and reach the right arm out which out of the left shoulder and release .

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And one more time back into downward facing dog poses and then take the right leg back , bring it up halfway .

Continue stretching back , evenly , reach through the right leg .

Right leg comes down , reenter and left leg goes back .

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Keep rediscovering your center and then kind of sweep the right knee forward as you reach down , catch the right shin , keep your balance .

Draw the right thigh into the chest , bend the elbows wide , center , pause , breathe .

And then we'll go into another adjust and a dancer's pose catching the top of the right foot .

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So uncurl the toes here , press into both palms evenly as you lift the right knee up , you're just going to take it for a big circle one way and then the other and then bring it back down and same thing on the left side one way and then the other sweet .

Now both knees to the earth , we're gonna shift the feet to one side .

Any side come to a seat , send your legs out in front .

Good .

Bring the left knee up , hook your right elbow on the left knee , left fingertips behind again .

Inhale , think full , beautiful buoyant breath and exhale opportunity to release as you twist here , right foot is active , flexing the right toes up towards the sky .

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Firm .

The right leg stand tall have a moment there .

And once again , into dancers pose , left hand catches the top of the left foot , right arm comes up , be a little more active in taking the left side back , pressing the left foot against the left hand , ease your way forward .

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Take the arms out , bring the arms up , arch back xal for open halfway lengthen out through the front of the spine .

Exhale from the hips , fold forward , deepen that forward , fold , bend the knees blank pose to up to down dog poses .

Then the knees step open , fold and arms out to the side .

Deep in Hale .

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One more time come all the way up , arch back and X A will bring the palms to the chest and third round inhale , raise the arms up , arch back , exhale and fold forward once again , opening halfway on the inhale , breath on the exhale , bend the knees , step back plank up dog and two downward facing dog pos then bend the knees and step your feet forward again .

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And in closing our little sequence , open , fold inhale come all the way up and last time arching back , exhale palms to the chest and in closing arms come down beside you have a in a moment once again and then the right foot will step back into a long stance .

Keeping the hips facing forward , bend the front leg into a warrior .

One pose .

Raising the arms up as you inhale , exhale , bring the palms to the chest fair position and then twist the right elbow outside the left thigh .

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Keep the palms by the chest .

Inhale .

Come back up to warrior .

Keep the left leg still in the right angle .

Once you're up straight in the left leg and fold forward into a standing forward , fold hands come to the shin lengthen out through the spine a bit as you open and deepen the inhale breath .

Keep the right hand on the left shin .

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Take the left arm out to the left side and turn your left chest up toward the ceiling and then untwist step the right foot forward and inhale , come all the way up standing xao palms that ads and now we step the left leg back warrior .


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