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2023-07-18 12:30:08

Yoga For Beginners - 22 Minute Yoga Flow At Home _ Breathe and Flow Yoga

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Hey , yo , welcome back today .

We're going through a beginner yoga practice .

Nice and slow , nice and easy .

So this is perfect .

If you are new to yoga and you want to try it out .

This is also great .

If you are an athlete and just want to do yoga on the side , we're going to lengthen and strengthen the entire body in a pretty gentle way today .

When you're ready to come into a child's post , you can keep either the knees apart or bring the knees together .

The feet are touching , walk the arms forward , relax your forehead down to the ground .

We're just here for a couple of breaths .

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Feel free to close your eyes , relax , arrive mentally , get ready for the practice today , whatever you had going on and whatever your plans are for the next 20 minutes or so , it's just time to focus on you .

That's really all that matters .

Keep the breath going nice and slow , walk the hands move forward , find somewhat length in the upper body , maybe move the shoulders up and down to lengthen out the sides of the body .

Take a moment to set an intention for this practice .

Today .

If that's something you would like to do and the intention is important .

The why is important ?

The how is usually easy ?

But why are we do ?

Why are we doing certain things ?

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Why do you practice today ?

Is that something you're working on ?

Let's take a deep breath in through the nose open .

Now , let it go two more just like this in here .

Open North , last one in here , open mouth , exhale .

Come on to all fours .

Coming to a table top , the shoulders are above the wrist , the hips are above the knees unto your toes .

Now with your inhale , arch , your back , look forward , exhale around your back , push the ground away for cat post , inhale out your back , look forward for cow post .

Let's do two more moving with the breath , especially in a practice like this .

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It's um very typical and unique for the style to connect the breath to the movements .

Last breath in exhale back to neutral .

Beautiful .

Now start to come onto your toes , rock forward and back with your arms straight .

We're warming up the wrist just a little bit before you put any weight onto the hands and the wrist .

You want to make sure that the wrists are nice and warmed up .

So you're looking for a strong sensation in the wrist as you come forward and a nice stretching sensation in the feet and the toes when you come back , let's come back to neutral and make some circles around the wrists , always keeping the wrist safe .

Really every single one of my practices or classes I teach at a studio or workshops or retreats which directions I always do a wrist warm up .

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It's just so important , especially because most of us spend most of our time on a keyboard .

So it's not really the best for the rest .

So you got to take care of those beautiful not fine table top .

Again , unto your toes , shoulders over the wrists , hips above the knees , start to extend your left leg back and the right arm forward , call the spine balancing .

Keep breathing .

Keep reaching back through the left heel , the left toes are pointing down at the same time you reach forward through the spine .

So usually what happens is you arch your back and you kind of come into a little back bend , try to do the opposite tuck your tailbone , keep the core engaged , keep the breath going .

Feel the weight in your left palm , push the ground away more .

Now , with the breath again , you're moving with the breath , connect your right elbow to the left knee , curl into a ball .

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My day one .

My pay 14 here for your language .

Over 40 .

Count on me .

Hi , everyone .

I'm in .

Let's do began yoga to tighten up your sagging belly .

Began yoga consists of four she Meridia massage , stretch for deep tissue samurai breathing strength training .

That's why whatever age you are it works .

Here we go .

Check your stomach condition .

How is the complexion ?

How is the stiffness ?

Is it cold ?

Any part ?

Feel pain when pinching ?

I recommend you to measure and leave photo sit comfortably like this or like this .

You can use cushions if you need it .

Rotate your waist , breathe in , freeze it out .

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It's really all about the breath melting , surrendering into those poses .

And if there's something challenging , of course , you want to also use the breath to power through it and stay present , stay calm within , even though you're doing something challenging with your next in here with your right arm up to the sky again , bring the hand back down , table top , start to extend the right leg back the left arm forward , other sides , spine , balancing , press into your right palm , reach back through the right heel , the left arm is reaching forward now , tuck your tailbone a little bit to engage the core .

Will you find that stability from the center of the body ?

Keep breathing .

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Now , on your exhale , connect the left elbow to the right knee , curl into a ball around your back in and extend el connect , I extend one more in .

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Welcome and welcome back .

Thank you for joining today .

I am so glad that you are sharing energy with me .

Now , the other way around , breathe out , breathe in .

You can do yoga every day , morning , daytime or evening any time you want never force yourself too hard .

Do began yoga at your own pace .

Put your hands on here and breathe in from and breathe out back .

Stretch your lower stomach , stretch your lower back .

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So put your hands on your shoulders like this and rotate forward .

Let's loosen your shoulders .

For warm up .

Yes , I want to .

Hm .

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It is because your muscles around your stomach gets stiffer and stiffer ear by ear .

Then your muscles around your stomach does not get to move sufficiently as a result .

No matter how much training you do , it's difficult to get the results you want .

So I share with you this magic massage to release the stiffness , you will be ready to burn fat .

Now pinch your lower back because you kissed a girl .

I tell you the secret to getting rid of your fat fast .

It is to loosen the opposite side of muscles .

This is important .

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So I whisper , then you can burn fat many times more efficiently and rules don't stop while airs are on .

Yeah , legs like this and head like this .

Keep your back straight and feel the stretch and it's like when your body is closing a mind , you got me .

Yeah .

And you start seven .

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Asked me spending Yeah .

And now half like this and up , down , up , down hard to stop .

Remember to keep your back straight .

There's no feel the pain in your upper stomach burn , baby burn .

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Put your hand like this and shake your stomach like this .

This is another magic you can get rid of your fat by shaking , massage with love and care so you can activate your magic power in your hands .

Let's keep this for human .

Let's keep this for you .

Using this part , shake your lower back .

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Closer , extend , closer , extend , closer , extend , closer , extend , closer , extend , closer , extend , rest the moment your elbows on the floor are like this and do like this and closer and extend .

Closer , extend , closer , extend , closer , extend or start feeling burning .

Come on .

It's working right .

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Inhale , lift up , halfway hands to the shins , exhale forward , falling down , pull the lower belly in bend your knees , roll up through the spine to standing , reach your arms up , exhale forward , folding down in her , lift up halfway excess at the left foot back , set the left knee down to the ground .

You can either stay on your left toes or you untuck the toes depends how your left knee feels .

I like to stay on the toes and then reach your arms up for low lunch , send the hips forward and down .

But to make this nice and active and not dump all the weight into the right hip flexor , you want to pull the right heel back and push the left knee forward .

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Yeah .

Now straighten your legs and do like this make your fingers like this and need your stomach like this .

Another thing that keeps you stubborn fat from going away .

It is the waist around your stomach .

This massage helps moving your waist to go away .

Slowly apply pressure to your stomach .

Do you feel pain at all ?

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Do you feel the movement of gas with the power of your hands ?

Plus you was away .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Hands like this and massage your lower back .

The you with your , we don't stop while ads are on Yeah .

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Your el loosens the floor like this and do like this .

I can see it is dry and now I feel like it is rest the moment .

Do this one .

Again , these exercises can be very tough for people over 40 .

But please give me a permission to ask you for a week to continue .

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Trust me , you will see a magic do this one again .

Don't stop while airs are on stomach , on the floor like this and other .

Now we train the opposite muscle to boost the effect .

Try to raise your arms as high as you can , Try to lift your buttocks as high as you can come on .

Keep it up .

Rest the moment .

Do this one again .

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Now , slowly stand up .

Now we train to tighten up your stomach more by tightening up female core muscles .

Squeeze your pelvic floor upward .

Imagine to pull it up until your upper stomach .

There you go .

Pant pants that fits in front of your to pat .

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Remember to keep your belly tightened pants , pant pant pants , pence pants , pants , pants , pants , pants , pant pans now quickly and as fast as you can keep it up as fast as you can .

I'm proud of you and now put your hands like this and stretch .

I'm so glad that you chose to embrace yourself with love .

You're amazing .

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Your one step today is a great investment to your future beauty .

Let's grow our beauty more together with me again .

Let's check again .

Look at you so tight and depth .

Congratulations .

Let's poster the power of your body and mind with me every day .

Now we massage .

Do this one to thoroughly discharge waste .

Listen to me until you finish this massage .

Share your challenge of big and yoga .

Please send you up before after photos by email to I am waiting so badly for your photos and videos to share in my show that I can give you more concrete advice .

Your share contributes to help uplifting others , all the world .

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So we stop controlling the breath , let it come back to its natural rhythm .

Instead start to observe the breath , feel the air coming in through the nose and I put in us , feel free to stay as long as you want in this final resting post , the video will just end you to stay and relax before you continue with your day .

I hope you check out all the other videos I have on this channel and I'm looking forward to seeing you soon on the mat .

Thank you so much for practicing with me today .


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