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2023-07-18 12:24:35

How to Write the Perfect Resume Career Profile

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In this video , I'm going to help you make this simple resume template in Google Docs , it's a need a formal template that encourages hiring managers to read through .

Now , if you prefer to save some time and want to download some fancy matching resume and cover letter templates , then I would advise you to click on the link in the description for more information .

Ok .

First things first , we need to adjust some settings in Google Docs .

Let's start with the margins , go to file , click on page , set up and change the margins accordingly .

So the normal word settings are one inch on all sides , but I'd like to narrow it down to 0.5 for some extra space and then we click on .

Ok .

That we need to start with .

I have a section where you need to put your personal information .

So your name and surname .

All right , let's enter it and press enter .

Then we add the physical address .

So the city and state you live in for some jobs .

The hiring men just want to know if they need to fly you in or not .

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I'm gonna show you how to place a little summary at the top of your resume that will absolutely positively reshape the way somebody looks at your entire resume .

And I'm not just talking about the humans here .

I'm also talking about the computers and those pesky applicant tracking systems which will .

Absolutely thank you .

So , I've got a lot in store and , and just so , you know what the agenda looks like for today , we're gonna talk about the career profile .

I'm gonna tell you what it is .

I'm gonna tell you why it's important .

I'm gonna debunk a whole bunch of myths about what people think about it .

We're gonna go through , we're gonna talk about specifically what to include in .

I'm gonna show you a sample .

We're gonna have some fun with some pictures and then we'll do the Q and A uh like my normal Q and A kind of the live office hours , regular programs .

So I got a lot of , I got a lot in store for you .

OK ?

So we're talking about the career profile , this thing .

Uh Let's , let's , let's not overly complicate what it is .

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And as you can see , you can add different board of styles and colors .

I like to keep it simple .

So I press the top and bottom border and click on apply .

I also want to bold highlight the first one and increase the phone size to let's say 14 .

I would suggest keeping these between the 13 and 16.4 size and to save you some time , we can copy the style to our other sections .

First , you need to put the cursor in the middle of the keyword and then we go to the format painter icon and select each section like this .

Now the sequence of these sections highly depend on the job you are after .

If you apply , for example , for an internship , then hiring managers often prefer recent schooling or for working experience and make sure to put the best off above the fold because that's what the hiring manager is going to see first .

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All right , let's start with the educational background place the cursor in the middle and add , for example , the university name and the degree make it sent out a bit more using bolt and italics .

OK .

That looks fine After that , we include the city , state and state now to align these to the right .

We need a ruler .

Now , if you don't see this option , you need to go to view tap and select show ruler .

OK ?

Let me show you what this option does .

Click on this number and select add left tab stop .

So if you place the cursor here and press tab , then it will jump right there .

You see .

Now , I want to align it to the very end .

So I simply drag it accordingly pretty easy .

I just need to use bolt and cursor style to finish it off .

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All right , press enter and then we want to add a bullet point by clicking on this icon or enter , shift eight space .

OK ?

Let me add all the information .

OK ?

That brings us to the skill section .

Go to the insert tab , click on the table , dropdown menu and pick a three by one table .

We need to adjust the margins of this table to make it aligned to the edges , highlight the table and go to the table properties and bring the cell panning back to zero .

Insert a bullet point and add skills that match with those listed in the job description .

I like to categorize them to make it even more clear .

Let me fast forward this section .

I want to create a bit more space between the columns .

So I center the middle column and try the line this one .

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This isn't just I'm gonna send my resume and I'm gonna get an interview .

This is I'm gonna send my resume and , and I'm gonna get the job and so I'm gonna go through a whole interview process to do that .

I need the people along the way to be able to recollect who I am in a whole sea of other job candidates .

So when I think about and , and , and I'm having it reinforced about who that person is , what they're about , how big their accomplishments are .

I can retain all that if I've got a nice little , I got a nice little summary .

OK ?

So that helps the memory .

But I want you to make an impression and I want you to be able to tell your story the way you want your story to be told in the way you want me to receive it and what you want me to know about you .

I call that controlling the narrative , controlling the narrative .

So think about whoever you are , it doesn't matter where you're currently working , where you've most recently worked or where you've spent the last five years , you get to spoon feed me the narrative , you want me to know about you .

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Now once you've filled all the cells , you need to remove the borders .

So select the whole table and go to the border with IKE in the right upper section and select zero .

There we go .

Then we arrive at the experience section .

OK .

So let's say you don't have any full time working experience yet but had some experiences as a financial advisor at a start up for several months .

Let me add all the information .

First , any content you include in these upcoming bullet points need to inform the reader about the problem solution and results you faced see how I structured each sentence and also quantified some of the information .

Now , by quantifying your experiences , you inform the reader exactly about the impact you made .

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Another thing that's important is to include action verbs at the very start of each sentence , action verbs like checked , analyzed and managed , add impact and verbs to your resume .

OK , let me copy and paste the whole paragraph and move to the interest section .

Now although this section is not a requirement .

I would advise you to include it in your resume because it takes just a couple of sentences to show the human side behind the resume .

And that doesn't mean you should add some commonly used keywords like watching Netflix traveling or socializing .

No , try to make your interest a bit more quirky .

For example , I like football in the US , also known as soccer .

And my favorite soccer team is AFC A X and my favorite player is Frankie Dion .

Another interest of mine is watching Netflix , but it should not end there because I need to inform the reader a bit more .

So I include Binge Watch , Ozark and Breaking Bad .

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I really like this series and there's a big chance that the reader watched one of these as well .

Anyway , see it like this , it's an opportunity to show your genuine interests and also relate to the readers' interests .

OK ?

As for the last part , you can add a references section .

Again , this is not a requirement , but if you have some satisfied ex employers and some space left , and I'd certainly recommend you add such information in your resume .

But remember , you need to keep everything short , concise and to the point don't exceed the one page document .

Lastly , I also want to emphasize the importance of properly sending your resume .

Now , if there are no employers' instructions on how to submit your resume , then the common rule of thumb is to email your document in a PDF format or a word document attached to the email , go to file , download and choose the format you would like and save your file accordingly .

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So name , surname resume that way the employer knows it's yours without even opening the document .

Now , all these little things proof your attention to detail and can make the difference between getting hired or not .

Ok .

So before I end this video , I would like to know if you watch the whole video and I'm even more curious if you actually got the job even more with glasses .

If you watched the video till the end and then emote you with sunglasses .

If you got the job , I want to thank you for watching .

And if you have any questions , leave a comment down below and I will respond as soon as possible .

If this video was helpful , then I like and subscribe is greatly appreciated .

Thanks again for watching and see you next time .

Bye .

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Now , when I have conversations with people and we talk about their resume , I get a lot of questions about , well , you know , I've been told , I shouldn't have a career profile .

I should put my education up top .

I should put , uh just where I start , recruiters don't want to take the time .

I would like to run through some of these myths and give you some lessons from them .

Just a completely different perspective in , in ways that you may never think about this stuff .

All right .

So number one I get is , hey , Annie , won't I be repeating myself ?

Won't I be repeating myself ?

If I say this up top , then they go down into the body of the resume .

They start looking at it , won't it ?

Won't it be repetition ?

Well , the one thing that I would say about repetition is number one , if you package the career profile properly , you won't actually be repeating yourself .

Remember , the career profile is a summary and we'll go through an example .

But the career profile is a summary .

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If you're a seller and you've sold $10 million in consumer products , goods , you're not gonna repeat in the body .

I sold $10 million of consumer product goods .

You're actually gonna show me in your career trajectory over the companies that you work for .

I sold 2 million here and 3 million there and 2 million there and so on , it's gonna add up to 10 .

So that's really nice .

And , and as a matter of fact , people are skimming your resume , we're gonna talk about this a bit throughout and , and it's gonna be a recurring theme , but they're , they're skimming .

So the reinforcement of who you are and the substantiation of it is very , very important .

So not only are you saying I did all this , you're showing and providing evidence of where you've done it , that repetition is actually quite helpful is actually quite helpful .

So that's , that's one , this one coming up is my absolute favorite if we are gonna beat this one to death .

All right .

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So Andy , won't it take you more time or the recruiter more time to read my resume to read my resume ?

Well , a couple things you gotta know here .

This is , this is total insider talk .

OK ?

So , so when you think about , uh , that logic , that logic actually applies .

If , if somebody , if , if , if it , let's assume that somebody actually starts at the top left of your resume , reads it from left to right and top to bottom , then turns over the page then reads that from top left to right and top to bottom .

It would take me longer to read more words than less words .

Yes , that's true .

Except that , that's not reality .

Number one , nobody and I mean , nobody reads a resume .

It's skimmed .

And the other thing we're gonna talk about a few times is recruiters are looking for what it is .

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They want , not what it is you wrote .

So based on whatever it is you wrote , I'm looking for the things that I need to see that this job candidate actually has to know if they can satisfy what it is I'm looking for .

So now I have to just go find it .

That's one , that's one perspective .

The other perspective is if you're thinking in terms of time for me to read your resume , your focus is on the wrong goal .

Your goal in putting a resume together is not to get a job because resumes don't get jobs , resumes , get job interviews .

Your goal in submitting a resume is to get whoever is receiving that resume .

And to the point where they say I need to speak to this person , I need to speak to this person .

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And the faster I get to that conclusion and give you that job interview or that phone screen or that Skype interview or whatever it is , the faster I get there , the more effective your resume is the time you should be thinking about is not the time your job is not to make it shorter for me to read your resume .

Your job is to make it faster for me to get to the decision that I want to speak with you , that I want to speak with you .

That's what's most important .

Now , in order for me to know whether I want to speak with you , I have to imagine who you are , what you're about , what you can do .

I have to create a story in my mind to know whether I want to talk to , to , to talk to you .

If you don't give me that executive summary or that career profile , I have to go through the body of your resume and I have to look for everything that I want .

And then I have to assemble the story which takes more effort .

And here's the worst part .

The worst part is you run the risk of me creating a story that isn't you .

That isn't you ?

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Because I misinterpreted mis misconstrued , filled in a bunch of gaps that weren't , weren't accurate .

Wouldn't it be better ?

Wouldn't it be better if you just told me what you wanted to tell me ?

And for me to decide whether I wanted to speak to you .

True story , true story .

We were , we were actually , uh when we were recruiting Karen and I were doing a lot of recruiting , we still recruit .

We were doing a lot of recruiting some years back .

And this person sent me an email with his resume in it and it , in , at the top , it said something about , you know , inquiring about this position , uh , referral from somebody or some , just a loose acquaintance .

I'm not even sure I knew the person sent .

I mean , the , the referral sends me an email .

I'm going through , I ha I happen to get the email while I'm going through my emails .

It was just my email hour of the day .

I'm going through my emails .

Uh I get the email .

I open it up .

I see he's got about this much in maybe four lines in the email to introduce himself .

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And then he , he got his resume attached , his cover letter attached .

I open the email .

I know he's looking for a job .

I know he's interested in a job that I think we're recruiting for .

I click open his resume .

I read his career profile .

I shut the thing .

I emailed him back and I said , send me some times this week when you can speak to me on the phone for an hour , he emails me back and he says , and that was , wow , that was fast .

Did you even read my resume ?

I said not only did I not read your resume .

I didn't read your cover .

Let I didn't even read your email because I got to the point where I knew based on his profile and then I just went down , boom .

And I didn't even , I didn't read anything .

I picked out a company or two that he worked at and I thought this guy's worth my , worth my time .

He's either gonna be right for this job , which would be a miracle or , or this would be somebody that would be good for me to know to either network with or maybe for future jobs or whatever .

I , I've got a whole host of goals that I can accomplish by speaking to him .

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So just remember it , the , the only goal you should be focused on based on time is right there on the top of everything you do and every day that you think about sending out your resume , how fast can I get somebody to say yes , how fast can I get somebody to say ?

Yes , I need to speak to this person .

That's the time you should be thinking about not worrying about how long it's gonna take me to read your resume .

Just make sure you have in your resume , what I needed to have in there , what I need to have in there .

OK .

Can you tell I'm a little about that one when I hear that .

Ok , what's this one ?

Ok .

White space .

But I've been told I need white space at the top because that looks better .

Who told , I don't know who told you that .

But think about this logic .

What does white space do ?

Nothing ?

It's white , it's blank .

It doesn't tell me anything that I need .

And what's worse is what you probably have in the white space , which I'm gonna show you in a few minutes .

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What most of them look like is you probably have a table with stuff in it with bullets that are very generic , either business functions or skills you have or traits you you have or whatever .

None of that stuff gives me what I need .

And just because you say you have , that doesn't mean you actually have that .

I need evidence of the fact .

So if in a career profile , you can give me some text where I can pick out some of that evidence .

I'm loving it .

So the white space doesn't do I understand the concept of white space .

And I'm not talking about like my walls and art and those kind of things .

I'm talking about your resume which has to have data in it which I need to see or any recruiter needs to see to make sure that they know you got the goods and trust me when I tell you and I'm gonna show you here with some samples , recruiters know how to pick out that information .

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I mean , I don't want you to have 0.6 font where I can't read it but just have a normal text , separation paragraphs and all that good stuff and we'll find it , we'll find it .

How about this one applicant tracking systems ?

What do those computers want ?

They don't want white space .

They can't do anything with whitespace .

Applicant tracking systems are so stupid .

All they do is companies feed in keywords and key traits and other things that they want .

And all the applicant tracking system does is take the , the the garbage it was given , it takes your resume and it looks for that in there and you gotta have it otherwise it doesn't filter you through .

That's it .

It's just , it's nothing more than keyword matching .

And if you start putting things in tabless which creates white space .

Applicant tracking systems cannot digest the white , they , they can't digest the table .

Uh They burp on them .

I've gone into this ad nauseum .

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I actually got a video out there called three free tools for your resume to beat the applicant tracking system .

When we record this , we'll put this up in the card .

Uh uh I , I think maybe we should , we put it in the description here too so you can find that .

But , but keep in mind , applicant tracking systems are looking for those words .

And if you write the career profile , the way I'm gonna show you here in a minute , then you'll , you'll have the stuff that the applicant tracking system desires that it's , that's actually looking for .

So , applicant tracking systems don't like white space .

Applicant tracking systems don't like tables .

They do not , they do not .

I've gone and giving you a ton of insight on that .

All right .

So all this said , you know , why it's important , you , you know what it can do for you , what , what goes in it , what goes in it .

So it's not very complicated .

It's actually , it's actually quite simple , maybe , maybe 1 to 2 paragraphs .

I like two because of the way I'm gonna show you how to separate out the things that I want you to put in there .

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Um You know , one paragraph gets a can get a little long but uh 1 to 21 to 2 paragraphs , it's an aggregation , it's an aggregation of you in all of its forms .

This is more of a theme than what goes in it .

But along those , along those lines , when I talk about aggregation , I'm talking about the total number of years of work experience or maybe the total number of relevant years of experience or if you have 20 years of , of work experience in the information technology arena and you've got 10 in financial services and 10 in health care .

And you want to call out both .

That's fine .

If you say I've got 20 years of experience in information technology and 10 years of experience in health care , that's fine .

But basically , it's an aggregation that gives somebody an understanding of what it is and how much of it or how , how many years of it in experience that you have of it .

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And you've done , I also love company types , uh sizes markets and those kind of things .

So small companies , big companies , medium sized , private , public , non for profit , those kind of things .

Uh what industries , financial services , health care , manufacturing and so on .

That kind of stuff is , is really cool because that gives people an idea of the experience .

You can call it out when you send your resume to the health care companies and you don't have to call it out .

If you're sending it to the manufacturing companies or whatever , you can kind of play around with that .

The other thing is it should have a high level achievement that encapsulates everything that you are stand for and will be soon .

So uh you know , I I use those seller examples a lot because we do a lot of sales people .

So if yours , I've sold and managed $10 million in consumer product goods .

Awesome .

That's all I need to know .

That's all I need to know .

That's a high level achievement .

It's an aggregation of who you are .

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Have you built market brands for whatever types of companies .

That's great .

I just need to understand what that accomplishment for high level achievement is .

And then we round it out with core competencies .

These are , you can call this whatever you want , I call it core competencies .

A competency is a business function that you have specific working knowledge of .

It is a hard core skill slash knowledge .

It's complex sales , it's forecasting , budgeting cost based accounting things that are very discrete that somebody says , oh , you've got experience doing that software development , implementation or whatever it is not character traits or opinions of yourself .

Like I'm a self starter , I'm detail oriented .

I'm a leader .

I'm a strong communicator says you says you , so , so what you're trying to do is you're trying to give them an idea , an idea of what business functions , you know .

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Now let's have a little fun .

I'm gonna show you some pictures , we're gonna dress some more of these things for .

I'm gonna repeat myself .

We're gonna do some reinforcement , but I wanna show you , uh I wanna show you some of this stuff .

All right .

So , uh right now you should be seeing a blue screen that says a real pro can skin .

So I wanna go back and I wanna share with you those of you that are worried that I cannot decipher white space .

We're gonna spend a few slides on this .

Um I did this actually , I don't know if you guys are with me .

I think I might have done something really similar like three or four weeks ago when I was talking about resume , uh when I was talking about resume tips , but I'm guessing uh can I can , I get a shout out in the chat .

Can you give me and I got it if that took you like , three seconds to read that and understand exactly what I said .

Scream out in the chat .

Let me know .

And I got it .

That's funny you say whatever you want .

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But the fact of the matter is these are misspelled words and , and I'm guessing that all 135 of you that are on here with me now can read this can read this , right ?

I mean , how funny is that ?

So imagine what a trained recruiter who is specifically looking for exactly what they want to know that they're looking to match up you the top portion of your resume and your entire resume with the stuff that they're looking for .

Imagine what that recruiter can do .

Ok ?

Now here's , here's the thing about , about the white space , ok , John Smith , uh we're , we're gonna beat up this dude .

Uh he , he says I'm a senior project man .

This is what a lot , a lot of resumes look like .

This is the top portion .

They got their name on the left or the right or the center .

And then , and then all of a sudden I see this , hey man , uh look , there's a lot of nice white space there , right ?

There's also a lot of bullets and there's 12 core competencies which I have no problem with , by the way that he this guy lists that .

Tell me nothing .

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So he's a senior project manager .

That's all I need to know .

I know that a senior project manager knows how to design scope , manage , run a team , do risk profiling , budgeting , forecasting and so on .

So he just wasted two inches of the top of his resume with nothing .

Now , Jane , we love Jane because Jane knows what she's doing .

So this one here , um And by the way , we're gonna break this down in the next slide .

So I'm gonna go through this kind of quickly .

The thing I want you to take away from this illustration is she says , all right , I'm a senior project manager just like jam .

I got 10 years of experience .

Nice .

Ok .

It beautiful fortune .

500 large companies .

Fine .

They could be small .

They could be , I don't care .

Financial services .

Great .

She knows how to manage software .

She up up to $2 million in budget and 25 people .

Wow , that is , I don't know , what is that ?

Like ?

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Nine pieces of information , 89 pieces of information that she gave me in two sentences and then what she did for the cheap seats and , and not really for me , but for the computer is core competencies .

Ok .

I know what's to follow and I wouldn't look at that .

But what I do know is she needs that in the resume because if she's putting this in an applicant tracking system , the applicant tracking system is looking , is looking for those words .

Those are obligatory .

She needs to put them in there .

It doesn't bother me and it doesn't cost me any time because I skip right out .

I saw core competencies .

I'm gonna drop , my eyes are gonna drop down .

Let's actually let's let's let's take a look at this .

So Senior PM 10 it Fortune 500 Financial Services and she's the manager M two mil 25 people .

Nine beautiful pieces of information in what actually is about one inch on the resume .

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The gray part I will not look at and , you know , I'll skip down .

But if she , if she threw in uh something else that would be really nice to know .

Uh like her MB A from Harvard Suite , her P MP certification .

Wonderful .

Maybe she's got AC cie , maybe she's a CFP , whatever it is .

That's cool to get those other bright spots of your background , your education , your certifications and so on .

I in the career profile , I do not like them next to her name because applicant tracking systems don't like a lot of letters , numbers , other things , parentheses and things up at the top .

It just wants to break the field up and populate it as your name .

Plus when somebody's reading the resume , whenever I see NBA MP , CFP .

This , that and the other thing up at the top , it sends off the wrong kind of message .

But what she did here was she got it in .

I will pick it up .

I would never miss that .

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I would never miss that and she got it in and she downplayed it and that actually is a cool move .

Ok .

So this is a quality layout .

Now , when you're looking at this , uh and , and you know , by the way , you can come back and revisit this , you've got the little template here .

But what you're really trying to do do is over on the left .

You wanna give a descriptor of yourself .

Uh Maybe you are a senior accountant , maybe you are a chief financial officer , maybe you are a whatever uh 10 years of experience , maybe you've got 20 years of experience with 10 in financial services because you're trying to highlight that .

That's cool .

What , what's the main thing that you do in her ?

She implements it stuff .

Ok .

She's an it person .

Awesome .

Not gonna forget that .

Uh She's highlighting big companies .

Maybe that's important for her to do because she's applying for a big company .

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But , but maybe , maybe she uh has small company work uh in her background and she wants to show you that she's got a range , small big companies , that's fine too .

But you're , you're getting the sense that , that in that second sentence is her , her major accomplishment .

And then like I said , for the , for the system , she calls out those specific functions and what you can do in that gray area is , you can actually swap out the nomenclature based based on the keywords that are in the job description for the job you're applying to .

So , if she would have said , you know , I , I , um if she needs to throw in here that she also knows agile methodology or waterfall or whatever she can do that , she can do that .

All right .

So wait , I wanna , I wanna head back here , do me a favor in the chat .

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So we run surveys on this and I wanna survey you guys , we run surveys on , on these , on these things like we , we , we run surveys with uh hiring officials and recruiters .

Um Well , I'm not gonna tell you who , who wins , but will you in the chat ?

Will you give me a John or a Jane depending on which one of these you favor ?

And I promise I won't make fun of you if you don't like the one that I don't like .

Uh which I know , you know , but we survey , we survey uh hr people , recruiters hiring officials by the thousands every year .

And we send them lots of questions about hiring and how many people they hire and what , what type of resume format they favor .

And I just , I would be curious to know , uh because we have percentages of what these people report back on , on these , on these surveys , of what the percentages of how many of these people .

Um Absolutely Jane .

Crushes John's butt every single time .

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So anybody who tells you that they need to see white space up there , that's not an actual hirer .

That's not somebody who's reviewing a lot of resumes .

Ok ?

I need the data .

I need to make a decision and I wanna get there quickly .

You do not get there .

You do not get me there faster .

When I see the top thing , I have to search for more in insight .

Ok .

So uh we'll , we'll , we'll , we'll check in in here , you know , when we hit the Q and A I , I , I'll , I'll look at the chat and all that good stuff .

But you , you get , you get the , you get the stuff and if you don't believe me on this , that this stuff works , by the way , don't worry , I'm not gonna sell you anything here .

I , I just , but I do want to show you these people .

Now , Stephanie uh had her resume like John's , we changed it to Jane's , she's in my boot camp and , you know , she sent it out to 10 uh to 10 1 week and we communicated , I said , can you know , report back to me how you doing ?

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I've been getting responses by sending my resumes to sea levels uh with , with your help and I'm getting emails back on almost all I apply .

I've got a husband and wife , Anastasia and Michael who are in these programs .

Um Anastasia talked to her husband Michael into joining , um , one of my , my , my programs and look at this , uh , you know , we had a , we had professionally written , a lot of plagiarism wasn't getting us anything .

He enrolls in your course , rewriting the rewrote the resume with a rewrite within two weeks , six interview requests .

And I think he is actually working for Google right now and then Jill , hey , Jill , I don't know if Jill's here , but Jill starts her job on October 22nd .

So , uh you know , give a , give a shout out to Jill since I revamp my resume , I mean , these are all people in my programs , but I just grabbed some from youtube .

I mean , you could go to any of the videos that I have on resume writing and look at what those people say .

Um You know , I reconstructed it based on the guidelines .

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You gave me this guy , I think watched CBO , watched uh how to build the ultimate professional resume , which is a free video that's out there .

I give you the template and all that good stuff .

Three interviews out of five , Bob went from 0 to 8 .

OK .

Eight for eight .

And then Sarah , Sarah cracks me up .

Um and I love the picture , but you know , your suggestions gain me abundance of interviews .

This stuff flat out works and , and I , you know , I know there's a lot of different resume templates out there .

I know there are a lot of different formats and you can play around with it .

But I've looked at more than a half a million resumes .

Way more than that .

We've helped people write them .

I've interacted with more than 200 companies that we've worked with .

Uh , my executive Search for Mile as an executive recruiter , we've helped nearly 600 people uh attain jobs .

We work with the higher officials .

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We see what works and what I've done from all of these resumes that I've been given by people is I've designed what I think works and it is curated to work not only for the human but for the for the applicant tracking system .

So just make sure , you know , revisit this when you get the replay , check out that template and if you want more on , you know , resume writing , I got two great free resources .

One of them and , and this is in the description is uh a free uh resume webinar .

It's about an hour long called Three Secrets to get your resume .

Noticed in that free webinar .

I show you exactly how somebody looks at the resume .

I also go into uh topically the kind of content you need to have in the resume to create a winning one .

But this is , this is insider stuff .

And then the other one , if you're looking for something , a little bit more prescriptive on how to write the resume .

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Oh , I know I had a resume writing class , a couple of weeks ago , that's now retired for a long time .

Uh But I do have a video called Build Your Ultimate Professional Resume .

It's a resume template , there's instructions and I take you through all the sections .

So , uh the career profile though , this is a great template to use for that .

All right .

So if you're loving this , uh if you're here live , give me a thumbs up in the , in the uh you know , on the video , make sure you're subscribed to the channel and , and make sure you are watching or setting reminders for uh Saturday for Tuesday for the subsequent sessions that we're gonna have in this program .

I don't want you to miss any , but if you do the replays are gonna be up for a limited time , you can check out the event page that's in the description as well .

And if you are watching this on a recording so long , I will see you in the next video .


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