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2023-07-19 14:33:40

20 min Standing Yoga For Beginners _ Back To Basics _ Beginner Hatha Yoga

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Welcome to standing yoga for beginners in this practice .

We are going to do some of the most common standing yoga poses and hold them a little longer .

So you have time to notice how your body feels in each posture , which muscles you feel working and which muscles are getting a stretch .

Let's get started standing in mount fit together or why they're apart .

Keep distance apart tends to feel the most stable and comfortable ground your feet down into the mat .

Lansing through the crown of the head , relax your shoulders down away from the ears , arms alongside the body .

You can close your eyes for a moment if you like and just notice how your whole body feels right now .

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At the beginning of the practice , we are going to come back to the same post at the end of the class .

So you may notice some difference later .

Take a big breath in through the nose axle , through the nose and how I exhale , open your eyes , this inhale , reach your arms up to the sky axel pumps together to your heart in how circle your arms up , stretch up , maybe bring your pumps together axle pumps to the heart one more time .

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Ian Hall , I so lift your arms up , elbows in line with the shoulders , palms facing forward , lift your chest up , pull your arms back and slightly push your hips forward into standing back .

Keep breathing , lifting up through the chest , slightly leaning back just as far as it feels comfortable on the back .

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One more inhale , release your arms down , bring your feet around hip , distance apart , bend from the hips or lien your upper body down to the legs .

Hold your elbows with opposite hands and sway your upper body side to side a few times .

Keep your knees bent as much as needed in this posture position or standing forward .

Fault variation .

Take one big inhale through the north axel through the mouth .

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Your elbows is a little more and slowly roll up to standing head comes last .

Now bring your feet together , big toss , touching a little space between the heels , bend your knees as if you are sitting on the chair , reach your arms out in front of you or up .

Depending on your shoulder flexibility .

Look down to your toes .

If you don't see your big toes , try to shift your weight slightly more into the hills .

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Notice your legs working here , take one or inhale inter axel , bend forward , inhale half , leave hands underneath the knees or above the knees on your thighs , straighten your spine , pull your chest forward , shoulders back .

This can also stay slightly bent , try gently pressing your hands into the sides .

Lansing your back even more , look slightly down or in front of you so that the back of the neck stay is long .

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One more big inhale axel bend forward , slowly , roll up to standing , bring in your head last and then come to the front of the mat .

Step your right foot back into high line , left knee bent over the ankle , your right leg can stay slightly bent .

And then this time try to straighten it a bit more to increase the stretch on the front of your right side , on your hip .

Flexor .

When you feel stable , bring your palms together to your heart .

Legs are really strong here , pressing down into the mat , keep your glutes engaged , especially your right glute .

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It helps with flex or stretch , straighten your legs , step your right foot closer so you can lower your heel down .

Hips and chest are still facing forward , bring your hands to the hips .

This inhale , lift your chest up , axel , bend forward with straight back coming in as low as you need to feel the stretch on the back of your left leg .

Keep your hands on the hips with each inhale .

Try to lengthen your spine a bit more .

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Is exhale , release your chest down closer to your knee to your leg pyramid or if your upper body coming back to standing , step your right foot forward and left foot back , switching sides high lunch , find your stable position and bring your palms to your heart a couple deep breaths .

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This is a great pause for improving balance and strength , straighten your legs , step your left foot , closer hands to the hips .

Inhale , lift your chest up , axle , fold down with straight spine .

Keep Lansing the spine with it in hell .

Relaxing your chest down a little more with exhale .

It's a very small movement .

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Lift your chest up , come up to standing and step your left foot forward and next to your right now places it out white to turning out heels in .

We are going to do pulse , bend your knees , sit as deep as you can into this position and make sure your knees point out facing over the toes in the same direction .

Keep your upper body lifted to bring your palms to your heart and stay here for a few breaths .

Imagine you're trying to push your hips forward and knee back to create a bit more intensity and stretch in this pulse .

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One more breath .

Try to sit a little deeper and then straighten your legs .

Tornadoes in fit parallel place your hands on the hips with inhale , lift your chest up this axle fold halfway down , keeping your spine straight in hell .

One more time lengthening the spine even more .

And I fall all the way down , release your upper body .

Try to bring your fingertips down to the mat if this is hard to con try separating your feet a little wider apart or keep your hands on the yoga blogs , keep pressing down evenly through your feet .

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Notice if your weight is more in the heels or in the ball of the feet on the outer or inner side of the foot and make any adjustments that you might need .

Like they are really strong , upper body relaxes more and more towards the ground with each press .

Good job slowly make your way up to standing and turn your right foot out so that the toes points to the short edge of the mat .

Heels , stay in one line for warrior two , bend your right knee over the ankle .

You might need to widen or shorten the stance for this man .

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If you are stable , reach your arms out in line with the shoulders and look over your front hand .

Strong warrior two paws , look at your right knee and make sure it's facing forward , pointing forward over the toes .

Sometimes it has a tendency to fall inwards .

Now , lower your left hand down to your left leg , reach your thumb up and back over the head .

Rodney stays bent .

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Lower body doesn't move , take a big inhale , stretching through the right side of the torso , axle , side angle , right forearm to the side , left arm reaches up to the sky or over the head for a bit more shoulder stretch , press your forearm down into the side to create space for your shoulder chest is open , facing the long edge of the mat , come back to Warrior two and straighten your right leg .

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Reach forward with your right hand as far as you can from the hips , then drop this hand down to the shin .

As you lift your left arm up to the sky triangle .

Pause , you can look up to your upper hand , look down or just in front of you .

Whatever feels better on the neck with the next in .

He come up to stand in and switch to the other side .

Turn your left foot out right foot parallel to the short edge of the mat .

Me , your left knee , sit into war .

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Your two paws , extend your arms in line with the shoulders and look over your left hand for reverse warrior , lower your right hand down to the side , reach your left arm up and back over the head .

Keeping the all over body as it is front knee band inhale , reach up a bit more through your left hand , a side angle , forearm to the side , right arm up to the ceiling or over the head .

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Keep pressing down through the feet , especially through the outer edge of your back foot , keeping your leg strong and upper body open .

Come back to warrior .

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Two straighten your left leg , reach forward with your left hand , lower this hand down to the shin and extend your right arm up to the sky , point your focus point up or down on my breath and come up to standing .

Do you feel closer together ?

We will do three post next , starting with your right foot , shift your weight into your right foot .

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Activate your leg , especially as the glutes find position for your left foot on the inside of your standing leg below the knee or above the knee .

Just avoid placing your foot directly on the knee joint , press your left foot and inner side against each other .

Find the focus point in front of you to concentrate on and bring palms together to your heart .

A couple of breaths and three po working on the balance .

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If you fall out of the post , just try again , it gets easier this time , release your left foot down , shift right into your left foot and bring your right foot to the inside of your shin ankle or to your inner thigh , press your foot into standing leg and leg back into foot , creating stability here , palms to your heart , focus and breathe .

If you feel that one side is harder than another , it's completely normal .

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We often have one side that is stronger or one side that is more flexible , slow , release your foot down and break your feet while they're apart .

Again , we will do one more forward band feet parallel as wide as it feels comfortable .

Hands on the hips , inhale lens in the spine , el fold all the way down from the hips and hold your elbows .

With opposite hands , adding a bit more weight to the upper body .

You can stay still .

Also the upper body side to side , back and forth a few times .

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Make sure your weight is evenly distributed on your feet .

One more inhales through the nose , big axle through the mouse , release your elbows and make your way up to standing .

And we will finish with mounting post just like we started fit together or keep distance apart arms alongside the body , eyes , open or closed .

Pay attention to how you feel .

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Now , if there are any changes in the body breasts or mind is your next inhale ?

Reach your arms up to the sky axel pumps together to your heart .

Thank yourself for showing up today on the mat and open your eyes .

I hope you enjoyed this video and see you in the next one .

Bye .


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