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2023-07-19 14:25:59

10 min Morning Yoga for Beginners - Perfect Way To Start Your Day

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I created this beginner level yoga video as an easy and fast way to wake up your body and increase your flexibility and strength .

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So keep going through these two poses and inhale a little back , then exhale round and contract broaden through your upper , back , in and out , inhale and we're breathing in and out through our nose trying to get the inhales and the exhales to be just as long one more cycle and help drop the belly lift , the gaze exhale around and contract .

Now come back to a neutral table top hose and you're gonna step your right leg and right foot out to the side .

So I have my foot flat to the floor , my ankle , my knee and my hip are all in the same line and then see if you can do cat and cow right here .

You'll most likely feel it a little more through that right leg in this year is Maggie .

So as you inhale , drop the belly lift the gaze curl tailbone up , you'll notice it's a bit harder .

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Exhale round and contract just two more like this .

Inhale and exhale .

Last one and exhale , come back to neutral and you can just come up onto your fingertips , walk your hands back until you can lift your seat up .

Stacking your shoulders over your hips into your gate pose .

You're gonna reach your left arm up , really stretch along the side body into a side bend .

So reach that left arm up and over .

I'm letting my right hand kind of slide down my leg here for support , relax your neck , relax your head .

This is your opportunity to set the tone for the day ahead .

Come all the way back up and through to center and we're gonna step our right foot forward to the top of the mat .

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So , however , you need to get it there , you can always help yourself out .

You want to make sure you have your knee over your ankle .

My feet are about hip with distance apart here and I'm melting my hips forward and down , rolling my shoulders back , big thigh stretch and see if you can keep your right hand on the mat and extend your left arm up .

So this is an open twist and then left hand comes down .

Let's do a closed twist .

So left hand stays down and you're twisting over towards the right towards that right thigh and right hand comes down to the mat , curl the back toes under .

So you can lift the back , lift knee off the mat and you're gonna spin your back foot parallel to the shorter edge of your mat .

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We're coming up to warrior too .

So you really need to push into your feet to lift up .

My front heel is aligned to the middle of my back arch and then we're reaching the arms out palms facing down and I'm squeezing my knee open here .

Let's find another side body stretch .

This time , left hand comes down , right arm reaches up and over .

Still bending deeply into that front leg .

Come all the way back up .

Let's straighten our right leg .

Trina into your triangle pose , your hips are gonna move back .

You're gonna reach that right arm forward as far as it'll go before dropping that hand down .

Left arm reaches up to the sky and you can just hold and prop yourself up on your shin where you can engage a little bit more abdominal strength to hold yourself in the shape .

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And let's all actually grab a hold of our shin if you weren't doing that already and reach left bicep along the ear , a big side body stretch , looking down to the mat , bend into that front knee .

Let's find our first downward facing dog .

You're going to step your right foot , back hands or shoulder with distance apart , feet or hip with distance apart .

If this is too much , simply come down in table top poses , otherwise try to lift your seat up nice and high , pressing your chest back towards your thighs .

Don't worry about having your legs straight or your heels down , especially in the morning , we tend to be quite tight .

So the odds of that happening , I know for me anyway , are quite slim .

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One more big breast and let's bring our knees down to the mat , readjust yourself if you've shifted table top poles and we'll do that cat and cow version with the leg extended this time on the left side .

So just step your left foot , left leg out , make sure that foot is flat to the floor .

You're still in one long line .

Three rounds of cat and cow from here .

So as you inhale , think of lifting your feet , lifting your heart , exhale round and contract two more .

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Last one coming back to neutral , just lift up onto your hands so you can walk them back until you're lifted up , finding your balance here , realigning yourself into your gate pose , you're gonna reach your right arm up to the sky and lean over to the left .

Let go of any tension in your neck or in your shoulders , lifting all the way back up .

So this time we're gonna step our left foot forward to the top of the mat you can do .

So , however , is most appropriate and comfortable for you framing your front foot , you have your left knee over your ankle melting and pressing your hips forward and down , rolling your shoulders back .

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Mhm Big thigh stretch on this side and we'll do our open twist .

So this time left hand stays down , right arm extends up , switching to twist on the other side , right fingertips to the mat .

Left arm stretches up , think of rolling that left shoulder further back and left hand to the floor , tuck the back toes under and lift your back knee off the mat and spin that back heel in .

So your right foot is now parallel to the back of your mat and you lift on up with your arms and your upper body bending into your left knee .

Think of squeezing it open with your shoulders over your hips .

Let's reverse side , body stretch right hand down left arm up .

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I know this is a challenging pose .

We're just here for one more breath and come back up through the center , straighten your left leg into triangle pose .

Hips go back , lean your chest and your arm forward .

Right arm stretches to the sky and maybe you're just propping yourself up on your shin .

Here .

You can reach your right bicep along the ear to go even further into this one .

Look down to the mat , start to bend into your front knee so you can frame that foot , planting your palms a not your downward facing dog , stretching it all out .

And let's find child's pose a big toast together .

Press your hips back towards your heels and bring your forehead down to the mat .

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Hm Let him go here trying to slow down your heart rate .

Finding this connection .

We do these morning practices to feel good , to feel better , to really enquire as to what's going on in our body , our minds , our emotions and really to set the tone and set the intention for the day .

And you can lift your upper body up and just come to take a seat any way that you'd like either kneeling or crosslegged .

I'm just gonna stay kneeling here and you can bring your palms together at the front of the heart on July Mudra , closing your eyes .

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You might choose one word that focuses on how you want to feel today .

A one word intention and we'll set this together by chanting 01 time .

Let's inhale to chant .

Breathe deeply .

Thank you .

So very much everyone for doing this short morning yoga practice with me .

I hope you feel a bit more energized and comfortable in your body overall .

Leave me a comment before you go .

Let me know what your intention is and hopefully I'll be practicing again with you very soon .


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