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2023-07-18 12:36:32

Yoga For Beginners At Home 30 Day Challenge (20 min) Day 10

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So if you're ready to get started , roll out your map , find a quiet space and let's begin , right ?

Friends .

Let's begin today .

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Seated at the back of your mat with your niece together , placing your hands on the knees or the thighs and taking this moment right now to close your eyes and just bring all of your awareness to your breath in and out .

And then from here on your next breath , reaching both arms up to the sky .

Then as you exhale , releasing your body all the way down into your child's pose , reaching your fingertips to the top of your mats .

You're feeling that gentle stretch through the upper body , allowing your hips to sink all the way down to your heels .

See if you can bring your forehead as close to the mat as possible .

Go ahead and just take a deep breath in through your nose in long exhalation out , slowly rounding out through the spine coming up into all force position .

Go ahead and tuck your toes underneath .

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And then from here , begin to lift your knees off the ground and then press away with the hips pointing up to the sky and keep your knees bent .

And then slowly over time , begin to work to extend both legs all the way out .

So either staying here or beginning to add movement by walking it out on one spot , bending one at a time and pressing the opposite heel into the mat .

So just going a little bit deeper into the hamstrings into the calf muscles , pressing both palms of your hands on the mat .

Then once you got some movement , just hold that downward dog a little bit longer , allowing that sternum to fall towards the mat .

Breathing deeply into your body , allowing yourself to find this present moment with your breath , gentle inhalation and exhalation .

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And if you haven't done it before , it could be excruciating to your toes .

So take it easy .

Come on up untuck the toes and sit back again .

Inhale .

Sweep the arms halfway up .

Exhale right arm over left .

For Garrido arms , the arm over arm , you can touch palms or you can touch your shoulders , lift the chest to lift the elbows up and reach the arms gently away from the body and check in with your breath , release arms up , inhale , aha .

Left over right or touch the backs of the hands or give the ribs .

Stay no , the breath and released it .

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Just feel that stretch and then slowly from here rounding through the spine into plank , go ahead and drop your knees to the ground , then the chest and then the chin could release and then as you come onto your belly , just lift halfway up into baby cobra , squeezing the shoulder blades together , lifting up through the heart center , open up through the chest and then release yourself all the way down .

Press yourself up to the knees , tuck the toes and press your way up to downward facing dog .

Beautiful .

Hold that here .

Take a deep breath in bending the knees and then exhale , taking two or four steps all the way to the top of the mat and then grabbing onto the opposite elbows and just staying in this rag doll , this forward fold .

So as you're holding on to the opposite elbows , you're just swinging side to side , allowing your upper body to be nice and loose while at the same time releasing any tension out of those hamstrings .

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Now slowly roll yourself up , holding on to the elbow , still lift your body up and just begin to open up through the chest , inhale and then exhale a gentle back release as you open your heart even higher up to the sky , took a deep breath and then you will come to center on your next exhalation , you're going to release over to the left side .

Now , if you found that nice straight position , see if you can look up towards that right elbow , deep breathing , come back to center and then you'll take it over to the other side towards the right .

See you can look up towards the left elbow now , making sure that your shoulders and your hips are squared towards the front of your mat .

Just stay here for a moment and breathe .

Feeling that nice release through the left side of your body .

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And as you exhale , press on to the knees and tuck the toes for down dog and how life leg up and exhale , step it through , take the right knee to the floor and inhale .

Well , that was the right leg forward .

I'm sorry , inhale , reach up to pull the right hip back So the right knee is over the ankle .

I exhale the hands down , step the left foot all the way to the front of the mat .

Take an inhale .

Look up as you exhale fold , I'm gonna inhale .

Press through the feet and stretch tall and exhale to some the here inhale again .

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Then from here lifting the pelvis all the way up , reaching your right arm up to the sky and over towards the front of your mat .

So this is called a wild thing or a flipped downward dog .

So all we're doing here is just opening through the chest , you're keeping your weight on your right heel and then release yourself back down , turn yourself back over to your belly .

Good .

Release both hands next to the side of your body .

Let's lift back up .

Baby cobra .

Lift a little bit higher if you can and then press yourself up to your knees , rounding the spine into child's bows , reaching both hands to the top of the mat .

Take that breath , eggs , you'll come forward , tuck your toes downward , facing dog .

Good .

Look to the top of the mat and bend your knees .

Go ahead and take two steps to the front of your mat .

Inhale halfway lengthen .

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Hold it here in hell .

And then exhale , release , go ahead and bend your left knee .

Now , roll onto your right side and press your left foot to the mat .

Your right hand stays grounded on the floor , flex your right foot and begin to lift your body up .

So you're lifting your hips and your belly and your chest as high as you can up to the sky , that top left arm reaches up and over .

If you can a really nice way to open and release any tension along the frontal area of your body , and then once you're ready to slowly release yourself back down , roll over to your belly , hands next to the side of your body .

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We wanna keep length in the lower back ax hele fold in , in hill , halfway left a exhale , step back , just the right foot , stand the ball of it and keep the left knee over the ankle for high lunch , then bend the back knee and tilt the pelvis forward a little bit .

Keep the left hip pulling back as you straighten the back leg .

He and he'll reach up nice and tall with the arms .

So again , it's important that the right knee lines up over the ankle and exhale the hands to the mat .

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So come to plank , you can go right to down dog or , or knees up or down , inhale cobra or up dog and exhale , make your way back into downward facing dog and inhale right leg .

I Yeah , right leg up and step it forward , stand the ball , the back foot and rise up for high lunch .

So right hips pulling back , left hips coming forward , pull the ribs and bellion stretch up through the arms , bend the back , knee , drop your tailbone down and then lift up your hip points , reach up tall through arrow straight arms and then exhale the hands to the mat .

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Let's lift back up into that low cobra , baby cobra and then release , press yourself up to your knees and then release back into child's pose around out through the spine , forehead down , taking that deeper inhalation into your lungs , into your belly with your ecze letting go of all that no longer serves you let go of any negativity , any stress , any negative thoughts and simply welcome this present moment right now .

Welcome in your breath , welcoming self love and acceptance and patience with yourself .

You are exactly where you need to be right now .

Well done .

Let's roll over to your knees and come on up into your downward facing dog when you're ready .

Beautiful ja , let's just take a deep breath in here .

Let that sternum fall closer towards the mat .

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So just lengthen through the spine and then take your arms behind your back , interlace the fingers and then just see if you can extend those arms and you may just want to stay halfway up and hold , if you feel it can go a little bit lower , then begin to release your body all the way down , allowing your hands to fall towards the front of your mat .

With each exhalation allowing your forehead to come closer to your knees .

Deep breathing and ceo beautiful and again , deep breathing long ation out .

Feel that nice stretch through the shoulders just allowing yourself to let go deeper and deeper with each exhalation .

Wonderful .

Now let's slowly begin to lift up .

I'm up halfway and then all the way up to standing with your hands behind your back .

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Weight is in the hips , press the inner thighs down , shin's back and then to stand some , gonna take a block and have it handy by the side of my mat .

Step it feet out wide , inhale arms , reach exhale hands , hips , inhale length and look up and exhale pro to poo a bring the hands to the floor .

If they don't reach , put them on a block , you can also see a book or a water bottle , whatever we've got around the house lengthen the spine , inhale and fold and exhale .

Be sure the toes are pointed in a little toward each other and pull up on the kneecaps , firm your quadri muscles .

Gaze off the tip of the nose .

Inhale halfway lift , exhale hands to hips .

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Feeling that stretch through the hamstring or level two is to come all the way down into our pyramid pose .

And once you come down , if you feel like you're losing your balance a little bit , you can release your hands to the mat or if you have any other props around you like a block or even a chair , you can hold on to that and let's find the pyramid pose and really focus on the alignment of our body So you want to think about pulling that left hip back , like you're trying to squeeze something between your hip and your thigh and then your right head gently forward and now slowly lift yourself back up .

I'm here .

Lift your toes square off the hips , bend the knee and just take a deeper step back with your right foot .

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So high lunge or crescent lunch here , binding that balance and center , take a deep breath in and then exhale , release your hands down , step back into plank knees , chest and then chin all the way down , reaching forward with your belly to the ground .

Let's lift up into our cobra pose , resting your hands onto the mat and lifting yourself up as high as you can .

Using those back muscles , strengthening the back of your body .

Deep breath , thin , lift a little bit higher if you can and then exhale , release your forehead down , bend your right knee , turning on to your left side , press your right foot to the floor and then lift up into our wild thing .

Left fingertips and hand are on the mat .

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You're lifting up , arching and then releasing yourself back down , returning back onto your belly , forehead down , come on up to your knees , tuck your toes in this time .

Let's extend right into our downward facing dog .

Great .

Take an inhale and exhale .

Let it go bending your knees , taking two steps or four if you need to , to the top of the mat .

Inhale halfway lengthen , exhale forward , forward .

A and he'll slowly come on up , reaching both arms up to the sky and eggs seal .

Bring your hands to heart , feeling that energy within you .

Let's take another inhale .

This time , you're gonna bend your knees and step your left foot , three quarters of the mat behind you , bending the front arms up .

Warrior .

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Yikes having some left and right challenges today and in Hill center , aha , knees to the left looking right .

Oh my gosh .

I said they're wrong again .

Knees to the right looking left .

Yikes .

Anyway , do the other side .

Wow .

And back to center , make our way into and I thank goodness .

So take the feet hips with their wider feet flap open , bring your arms away from your body your palms facing up and close your eyes and rest .

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Our quote today is again from the same book called Seven .

How many days of the week can be extraordinary down deep inside .

We all know that life is not a race to run .

It's a journey to be savored every step of the way .

I always enjoy nice reminders like that .

Sometimes we just get caught up in our same old stuff .

But you're not because you're doing this , start to move your hands and your feet take a nice long stretch through the arms and the legs now bend your knees and roll to the right side .

That really is the right side .

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One , keeping your shoulders square and make sure that the front knee does not roll forward .

So you want to keep it on top of your ankle .

I was continuing to reach deep breathing .

You are now extending the front knee , hands over to your hips or remember , you can take them behind your back and grab your opposite elbows , square off the hips a little bit more extending through the body coming down halfway pyramid poses or all the way down into your full pyramid .

And again , just feel how your body is responding to this posture .

Making sure that your hips are square , continuing to pull the right hip back and gently pushing the left hip forward .

Again , don't get discouraged .

If you begin to lose your balance , that's totally normal .

Feel free to release your hands onto the mat to give yourself a little bit more support .

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You'll dive the hands back down , step back into playing knees to the floor , bend your elbows , chest and then the chin sliding forward onto the belly inhale , lifting up into your cobra sitting and go a little bit higher this time really engaging through the back muscles and then release from here , bending your left knee , turning over to the right side , release the left foot on the mat , lift your hips , lift your belly and the chest up to the sky and into your lipped downward dog .

Really open yourself up in Hale and then exhale , release it down , bend the knee and release over to your belly .

Inhale here .

Egg seal , press yourself up to your knees and let's release into child's pose just round up the spine in the opposite direction .


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