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2023-07-18 12:39:26

10-Minute Guided Meditation For Complete Beginners _ Mindful Breath & Body Awareness

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Welcome to this beginner friendly meditation .

This is a simple practice you can do at any time of day to help focus on the breath and settle the mind .

Let's begin in a seated position , find a comfortable crosslegged seat , either on the floor or even on a chair to make yourself more comfortable .

I recommend having a bolster or a pillow underneath you .

This is just going to help bring the hips elevated above the knees to maintain a straight spine .

Go ahead and begin to ground down through your sit bones , keep the shoulders stacked over the hips , spine tall and belly soft , relax the shoulders away from the ears , allow the palms to rest face up on the legs for receiving or allow the palms to rest face down for grounding .

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Keep the chin tucked in , slightly head stacked over the heart and crown of the head lifts up towards the sky .

So after all of that is done , go ahead and close your eyes , take a couple of deep , full breaths in and out of the nostrils .

So the goal of meditation isn't to control your thoughts .

It's to stop letting your thoughts control you the content of your mind doesn't necessarily matter .

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Instead , you want to cultivate awareness , learn how to observe non judgmentally and condition yourself to not follow your mind wherever it goes .

So today we're going to practice becoming the observer , simply witnessing what is happening in the body and in the mind , bring your attention to your physical body .

Let yourself relax and become curious about your body .

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Seated here , notice the connection you have to the floor or maybe the pillow underneath , you become aware of the different sensation , the feeling of your clothes against your skin , the temperature of the room do your best to relax any areas of tightness or attention in your body , soften your eyebrows , your job , relax the shoulders .

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Now , bring your attention to your bra without changing or forcing anything .

Simply notice the rhythm of your inhales and your health .

Can you bring your attention to the rate of your breath ?

Does it feel slow or does it feel fast again without any judgment ?

So don't worry about what you think the breath should be like .

Simply allow it to be as it naturally is .

Now notice where you feel your breath in your body .

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It might be in your abdomen , in your chest or throat or maybe in your nostrils .

See if you can feel the sensations of your breath , one breath at a time when one breath ends , the next breath begins .

Notice the pause , the stillness in between each breath .

Now as you do this , you might notice that your mind starts to wander .

You may start thinking about other things .

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If this happens , it's ok .

It's completely natural .

But remember that just because you have a thought , it doesn't mean you need to engage with it any further or even attach to it .

Just try to notice that your mind has wandered and then gently redirect your attention back to your breath .

Come back to where you feel the sensations of the breath within your body .

Let yourself relax even more deeply .

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Take this next minute here to explore this experience on your own practice being the observer .

If a thought comes up that distracts you from what's going on in this present moment , simply redirect your awareness back to the body and back to the breathing .

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Notice where the mind has gone .

And if your thoughts have wandered , allow yourself to come back to where you feel the sensations of the breath within the body .

With each inhale , feel the breath enter the body , the chest and the belly expand and with each exhale , feel the breath leave the body through the nostrils , feel the sensation of the air on the upper lip .

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Notice the coolness that enters the nostrils with each inhale and the warmth you feel with each exhale .

Now bring your awareness to your body as a whole .

Noticing yourself seated here , slowly begin to wiggle the fingers and the toes find small movements to awaken the body maybe roll the head gently from side to side .

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And with your next inhale , reach the arms out , wide and up overhead palms touch .

And as you exhale , bring the hands down through heart center , offer yourself some appreciation for doing this practice today .

Now , must stay .

Thank you for joining me for this short beginners meditation and I hope you have a lovely rest of your day .


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