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2023-07-19 14:36:33

30 min Beginner Yin Yang Yoga Full Body Class _ Yoga with Dr. Melissa West 426

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One , keep shifting your weight back into your right foot .

Two , trying to level the hips three and put the twist into the upper back .

Four and five .

Ok .

Next inhale , punch , you push to your left foot , come all the way up , stretch the arms out and then exhale back to inhale , extended side angle , big step arms up and then do exhale , just turn the right foot like last time .

But now you're gonna bend your right knee .

So the bottom of the right thigh is parallel to the floor and then slowly come down , see if you can get your right finger or palm down on the floor outside your right foot , left arm comes over the ear and your gaze is towards your left fingertips .

One try to open your left hip more towards the ceiling .

Two , try to bring your right knee onto your right shoulder .

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If you have any injuries or illnesses , be sure to speak to your doctor and ask your medical doctor , what exercises or movements should I avoid to make my injury or illness worse ?

And what exercises or movements can I do that will help to make my injury or illness better ?

That way when you come to a yoga class , you can best look after yourself .

We're going to give you a short preview of today's class to make sure it's doable for you .

And then we'll get right into the yoga .

We'll begin with the centering , then keyhole keyhole twist Sphinx and lunge .

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Three , keep the outer edge of your left foot on the mat .

Four nice full breaths .

Five inhale , clean push to your right foot until the leg is straight straight in your feet .

Arms out and then the left side , turn your left foot first , then bend your left knee and then once your left knee is bent , bring your left hand down to the floor outside the foot , the right arm stretches over your head .

Gaze towards your right fingertips .

One try to open your right hip more towards the ceiling .

Now , two , keep stepping into that left foot .

Left leg is strong .

Three , bring the left knee back against your left shoulder .

Four , reach from your right heel to your right fingertips .

Five inhale punch , you come all the way back up , arms out , left foot in and now BD a exhale , turn your right foot .

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Feel the support of the earth underneath , you allow your attention to release from your body and breathe into your belly .

Yin and Yang are complimentary and interconnected forces .

There's always Yin and the Yang and Yang and the Yin .

If you think about the Yin and Yang symbol , there's light and darkness , darkness and light night gives way today and day gives away tonight .

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If you need to , if you don't just go ahead to step two or step three , the full version otherwise work your right elbow , right shoulder to the outside of the left knee and then work at getting your right fingertips or palm down on the floor on the outside of the left foot , left arm comes over the ear one and then when you're ready , it doesn't have to be .

Now you're gonna lift your right knee up to pushing through that right heel three .

And if you're ready , you could roll that right thigh out , try to bring your right heel down four .

If you made it that far , that's it .

You're in the full version and five .

Ok .

Next inhale punch you push to your left foot , come all the way back up , arms out , toast forward and then exhale , come back , feet to the front , press the Paas wide foot forward , bind inhale , step to the right and catch your waist , keep your toes pointed forward .

Now , exhale , fold and bring your hands to the floor .

Bring them back .

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So they're between your feet with the fingertips in line with the toes .

You might need to bend your knees .

That's ok .

If you can't get your hands flat , you could be on your fingers .

Inhale here with your back .

Nice and straight .

And then eggs hale creamy , slowly pressing into the hands or the fingers , bring your head down towards the floor .

Eventually it'll touch .

Don't worry if it doesn't one keep your legs nice and strong .

Two , try to tuck your tailbone .

Pull your sixth bones down .

Three , pull your lower belly in four and five .

Inhale .

Push into your hands slowly , lift your head up , straightening your arms and then stay here as you exhale .

Punch on the inhale , now catch your waist first and then pull your tailbone down as you come up , keep your neck a little bit relaxed .

Exhale here .

B inhale .

Lift your arms up .

D exhale again .

You're gonna catch your waist , squeeze your elbows together behind you .

Inhale here .

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Nice full breath and then egg hale .

Keep the hands on the waist as you fold all the way down .

Head towards the floor .

Gaze towards your nose .

Breathe one , try to relax your neck .

Just let the weight of the head lengthen the neck .

Two , keep pressing the fingers into your belly .

Three , keep your legs working four and five .

Next inhale , pull your tailbone down as you come up , use your leg strength exhale here .

See , inhale , lift your arms again .

Exhale , reach back , interlock your fingers behind your back .

Inhale here , cleaning on your exhale .

Go forward and you're gonna start to stretch your arms away from your back .

One , try not to bring your chin to your chest here .

Just relax your neck again .

Let your head drop down .

Two .

Keep reaching with the arms .

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Three , looking for the sensation of stretch across the shoulders and the chest .

Four and five inhale , come all the way up .

Keep your hands clasped behind your back .

Exhale here last one D inhale .

Catch your waist .

D we exhale halfway down , catch your big toes like we did before with the first two fingers inhale again and then on the exhale , then the elbows start to fold , releasing your neck , let your head drop towards the floor .

One , see if you can bring your elbows back towards your shins .

Two , your upper back gets nice and broad .

Three legs stay working .

Four gazes on your nose .

Five inhale , slowly lift your head until your arms are straight and then no movement here as you exhale , punch on the inhale , catch your waist tailbone down .

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Come all the way up , press through your legs and then come back as you exhale to some at the front .

Our last pose of the fundamentals .

Ya inhale .

Step to the right .

This is a side stretch and turn around to face the back .

So your legs are like us in a position .

Your right toes , point to the back of the mat .

Left toes point to the left side and bring your hands behind you into a reverse prayer position behind your back .

So if you can easily get your hands together and behind you , that's great .

Otherwise you might just have your fingertips steepled together .

And if that's too much , you could even just put your fists together behind your back .

Ok .

Next exhale , keep your right leg straight .

Start to go forward over your right leg and your drift to your gaze this time is towards your right toes .

Breathe one , look for the feeling of stretch in the right hand strings .

Two .

So keep the right leg straight regardless of how far that lets you come forward .

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Three , you might be quite high .

That's OK .

Four , if you're feeling the stretch in the back of the right leg , it's working five .

Ok .

Next inhale , come all the way up and turn .

So you're switching your feet left toes , point to the front of the mat and exhale .

Keep your left leg straight to coming forward and gaze towards your left toes .

One , keep lifting the elbows to open the chest .

Two nice full calm breaths .

Three , see if you can shift a bit more weight forward into your left foot .

Four and five .

Inhale punch it come all the way up , turn to the side and then exhale , release your arms as you come back , feet together , back to all Right .

So that's it for the fundamental poses .

Now we're going to move to the floor .

We're going to do a mascara a inhale .

Lift the arms up .

Remember this ?

Palms together , exhale , draw the belly in hands to the floor .

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Inhale , straighten your arms , chin up eggs , hale step or hop back and lower down into push up position .

Punch out , inhale , pull through a nice full breath in shut eggs hale , go back , hips up and then inhale this time right away .

You're going to step forward , cross the legs and come to sit good .

So we're going to do these last posters in uh cross leg position .

Some of you might be able to do a full lotus .

That's fine .

You'll bring your right leg and then your left leg up into uh that fancy full version .

If that's too much .

No big deal .

Often it is for the first little while .

So you'll just cross your legs .

We call the easier pose , bring your arms around behind your back good .

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Try to catch your elbows or your wrists behind you and lot you could catch your toes and then next exhale a go forward and start to bring your chin and your nose towards the mat .

Breathe here one , let your gaze soften down towards your nose .

Two full breaths .

Three , try to feel the breath in the upper back .

Four at the same time , keep pulling back to your lower belly .

56 bones .

Stay on the floor six seven , letting the breath deepen .

He ate and still trying to create sound with the breath at the base of the throat .

Nine and 10 .

Next inhale .

Slowly dash to come all the way up and now put your hands on your knees with your palms facing up and your thumb and index finger tipped together .

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The other three fingers extended .

Yoga Mudra , one , drop your chin slightly and gaze towards your nose .

Two , once you're in position , resolve to be still three .

So no scratching , no shifting for using the internal strength .

Your bund is pull in on your lower belly .

Five , you can feel your hips sink into the floor .

Six .

Feel how the breath lifts the shoulders and chest .

Seven , soften the jaw , soften your face .

Eat , stay still , stay focused .

Nine and 10 .

OK .

Inhaling .

Now bring your hands down by your hips , bring your knees up towards your chest and then shift forward , pushing into your hands straight in your arms , lift your bum up off the floor one , this is called two .

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Keep trying three .

If you can get your bum up , see if you can lift 1 ft up .

Four , five , keep breathing .

Keep working .

Six , seven almost there .

Lift up eight , maybe both feet .

Nine .

Lift up last time .

Lift and then 10 come sit down good .

OK .

We're going to do one more here .

So you're going to cross your legs and rock forward onto your hands .

Onto your feet and step or hop back into your push up position and then inhale into upward dog .

That's it .

Exhale , go back into down .

We're done .

Inhale , hop your feet to your hands .

So this time you're gonna end up standing on your feet and then egg Hale , fold your head down and inhale , come all the way up to standing in and we're going to finish with a closing chan .

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So bring your hands together and take a nice deep breath in and you repeat after me .

OK , Swati Raja and Tom .

Yeah .

Go look at some stuff .

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So one more sensation , inhale , lift your arms up , exhale , you fold hands to the floor , inhale , lift your head up and then exhale , go back into your push up position , inhale and the upward dog exhale , go back into downward dog and then right away , inhale , walk or step your feet to your hands , cross your legs , sit down and that's it .

It's over .

Now you get to lie back and relax .

So good work .

If you enjoyed this , please make sure to subscribe , follow us for more classes and keep practicing .

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And then let's feel the effect of the posture by taking a moment to lie on your back from here , going to bend your knees , roll to your side and come up onto all fours .

We're going to move into the young portion of our class .

So the young portion of our class is lighter , masculine , more active , you're probably going to want to put this , pull a blanket underneath your knees .

Again , if you want extra padding underneath your knees , we're going to do some cap pose , spread your fingers wide , place them underneath your shoulders .

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If you have wrist issues , you can come down onto your forearms instead or even onto the fists .

And if that still doesn't work for you , you can always do this pose in a chair .

So you're gonna exhale round up through your back and inhale an arch through your back .

So in young practices like ha yoga , we'll bring that .

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We're bringing into the latter half of today's class , we'll practice yoga that develops the muscles , particularly muscular strength , but also endurance and flexibility from here .

We're going to really notice how in the yang portion of the class , you're gonna start to feel your muscles .

So we're gonna do a plank from this position .

So again , if you have wrist issues , you can always come up onto your fist and I'm gonna show you an option in the video of how to do this .

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If you have back issues or if this is still too much for your wrist , you're going to tuck your toes under and you're going to draw your navel up to your spine and lift your knees .

So in this portion of the class , notice how we're generating energy producing heat in your body .

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And this is the more expansive portion of the class that builds muscular strength , endurance and balance and then slowly lower down , sit back onto your heels to release your low back and then you're going to sit up on your but , and if , and bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor .

So this one , if you have any herd discs or uh slip discs , then you're going to do ab curls on your back .

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Otherwise you can join us for this , you're going to lengthen up through your spine , draw your arms in front , inhale and then you're going to lean back until you feel your abdominals engage and breathe here .

And then you're gonna slowly come up , open your knees and lean forward and then for the next pose you're going to come up again .

Using the blanket can be really useful here .

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You put your right knee on the blanket and take your left leg out to the side , you're gonna inhale , take your arms up and overhead inside , bend over your long leg and I'm gonna show an option of this in a chair if this is still too much for your supporting knee , otherwise , we'll take this to the other side .

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So standing on your left leg , taking your right leg out to the side , inhale , reach your arm straight up , lengthen up to your body and side bend over and then come back up , release and bring your foot in and you'll come up to standing from standing .

We're going to do mountain pose .

You're going to take your feet underneath your hip bones , hip with the part lift and spread your toes lengthen your legs long out of your pelvis .

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You'll be able to feel your muscles when you do that and you'll feel your spine lengthen up long , draw your ears back over your shoulders , feel the back of your neck , open the back of your head lengthen up and you can even just close your eyes there and feel your body from here , feeling the ball joint behind your big toe , your baby toe , the inside of your heel , the outside of your heel , bring your arms out in front of you .

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You're going to sit back , keeping your toes light , feeling the weight in your heel , sit back into chair post and then you're going to slowly come back up to standing , take your feet wide on your mat .

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If you have any low back issues , you're going to bend your knees , you're gonna roll your pelvis over your leg bones and you're going to fold forward , dropping the crown of your head towards the ground , and then you're going to come back up to standing and we're going to make our way back down to lying down on our backs , on your back .

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You're going to have your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor with your arms by the side of your body , keep your knees parallel and then you're going to press into your feet and lift your buttocks off the ground .

Feel your inner thighs draw up through your pelvic floor and then slowly lower down and you're going to roll over onto your left side , stack your knees one on top of each other so that they are at a 90 degree angle .

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Take your right hand on top of your left hand , you're going to glide it along your left arm , roll all the way onto your back and breathe here .

Then you're going to roll over onto your right side .

Stack up your legs and your arms , take your left hand , glide it along and roll onto your back again .

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And then you're going to come onto your back , hug your knees into your chest .

If you have knee issues , hold on behind your knees and then you're going to rest back for your final resting pose called Shabana .

If you have any back issues , then you want to rest with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor .

This is really important for you to integrate and receive your whole practice .

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You can continue to rest back here in Shabana , receiving your practice .

I'm going to help you do that by sitting up and reading you a poem .

This poem is called for a new beginning by John o'donoghue in the out of way , places of the heart where your thoughts never think to wander .

This beginning has been quietly forming , waiting until you are ready to emerge for a long time .

It has watched your desire , feeling the emptiness growing inside of you .

Noticing how you willed yourself on , still unable to leave what you had outgrown it .

Watched you play with the seduction of safety and the gray promises that sameness whispered , heard the waves of turmoil rise , rise and relent wondered .

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Would you always live like this ?

Then the delight when your courage kindled and out you stepped on to new ground , your eyes young again with energy and dream a path of plentitude before you though .

Your destination is not yet clear .

You can trust the promise of this opening , unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning .

That is at one with your life's desire , awaken your spirit of adventure , hold nothing back , learn to find ease and risk soon you will be home in a new rhythm for your soul senses , the world that awaits you slowly deepen your breath , wiggle your fingers and toes , bend your knees and roll to your side and make your way up to seated .

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Thanks so much for joining us for this class .

If you made it all the way to the end , then put my Yin and Yang are now interconnected .

Thanks so much for pressing the like button and sharing this on your socials .

If you'd like to learn Yin yoga in just five days , then go to the website on your screen .

Not my mistake .

Melissa would love to hear your questions and thoughts .

Please leave your comments below the video .

Thank you for your reviews on itunes and youtube .

Your reviews help us to share yoga and a yoga lifestyle with others around the world .

If you have a question for Melissa , you can leave a voice message at Melissa west dot com and Melissa may answer it in an upcoming blog .


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