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2023-07-18 12:40:39

Full Practice - Beginner 1 - 20 Minutes

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Let's begin in a seated position .

Cross your shins and let your sit bones root and settle the shoulders right over your hips , pushed down through the seat and grow tall through the crown .

Take a deep inhale and a heavy exhale .

And one more here inhale and exhale .

Easy .

See to twist , bring your right hand behind you and your left hand to your right knee .

Twist right exhale , rotate your right rib cage back , push down through your right hand to sit up tall .

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Inhale , twist deeper , exhale , let the right shoulder , pull back , crown tall in hell , twist deeper exhale .

Let your shoulders relax down .

Release , come back to center , switching sides .

Easy .

See to twist left hand behind you right hand to left knee , twist your left rib cage back , exhale , root through your seat and lengthen your spine .

Inhale , twist deeper , exhale .

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Let the left shoulder pull back , lengthen , inhale , twist deeper , exhale release to center , find tabletop , roll over your shins and plant your hands .

Inhale cow , shoulder blades pull together , heart reaches through .

Exhale .

Cats push through the hands to round the spine .

Inhale , cow , pull back with the hands to send the chest forward .

Exhale cats , puff up the upper back .

Inhale cal , exhale cat one more .

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Inhale cow and exhale cat come back to tabletop , root through the els of your hands .

Tuck your toes .

Take a deep breath in a hale lift hips up and back downward facing dog , push the mat away .

Let your side body stretch .

Inhale , let the heart soften toward your toes .

Exhale , send your tailbone high to the sky and hail .

Relax your ankles to the mat .

Exhale deep breath in deep breath out .

Inhale plank .

Keep the core engaged , hips high .

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A exhale lower down to your belly in hell , cobra , lift your heart , exhale lower back down , chest to the mat .

Plant your hands on the mat under your shoulders .

Inhale aha .

Back to down .

Do push back up , walk your feet slowly to your hands .

Inhale up halfway flat back , long spine exhale and fold forward in the hail circle .

Sweep arms to sky .

Erva , hasna exhale and spill over your legs .

Inhale halfway , lift hands to shin spine , long exhale left foot back , low lunch inhale here .

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Eggs hail stepped the foot back downward , facing dog inhales , shift forward to plank shoulders over wrists , exhale , chatter lower halfway down , elbows , go straight back , inhale up or facing dog , open your chest .

Ax hail down , dog lift up from the core , walk your feet to the top of the map .

Inhale and lift halfway up .

Exhale and fold .

Erina inhale as you reach your arms tall , softening your shoulders down your back .

Exhale and swan dive forward .

Inhale halfway lift up , exhale right foot back , low lunge , push their hands and inhale eggs .

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Hall , step back downward , facing dog slowly make your way to the top of your mat .

Inhale to a halfway lift .

Exhale fold .

Erina inhale .

As you reach your arms tall , softening your shoulders down your back , soften your knees and spill forward .

Inhale halfway lift , exhale left foot back , low lunch , inhale high lunge arms to the sky deep in the lunge .

Exhale , stretch the arms overhead and hail .

Exhale Warrior two seal the back foot down arms to a tee stretch the fingertips away from each other .

Breathe in , reach through the fingertips , relax the shoulders down .

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Exhale , inhale Peaceful Warrior right arm to the sky .

Breathe in to the side body , left hand slides down the back leg .

Exhale , reach tall breath in exhale , triangle post , straighten the front leg and reach the right arm forward .

Keep reaching the arm away from the hip bone .

Feel the stretch in your front inner thigh .

Inhale without moving anything else .

Sweep your left hand to the sky right hand to your quad shin or the floor .

Exhale , lengthen spine , inhale , ground the front foot down and pull it back .

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Exhale once again lengthen your spine , crown reaches forward , inhale , ground the foot and pull it down and back deep and into the stretch .

Exhale , inhale peaceful warrior .

Bend the front knee , right arm to sky .

Just one breath here .

Exhale low lunge , windmill the hands down , push through your hands .

Inhale eggs .

Hale stepped the foot back , downward , facing dog inhale forward to plank exhale , chatter , Unga lower halfway down .

Inhale upward .

Facing dog flip the feet and roll the shoulders back .

Exhale down .

Dog , lift up from the core and press back slowly .

Walk your feet to your hands .

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Inhale and lift halfway exhale to fall in the hail circle .

Sweep arms to sky .

Erva HASA soften your knees and spill forward .

Inhale halfway , lift , exhale and step your right foot back to a low lunge .

Inhale high lunch .

Sweep the arms overhead , relax the shoulders down .

Exhale flex and straighten the back leg .

Inhale , exhale warrior , two back healed floor arms out wide , shift the front knee a bit to the left open , the hips and Hale and another breath out , lower the shoulders away from the ears .

Inhale Peaceful Warrior reached hall slide the right hand farther down toward the floor .

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Exhale , reach a little higher breath in exhale , triangle pose straighten the front leg and reach the left arm forward .

Keep reaching lengthening through the torso and hail right hand to the sky , left hand down , exhale lengthen spine , inhale , ground the front foot down and then pull it back to deepen the stretch in your left inner thigh .

Exhale again , reach your crow forward , lengthen , inhale ground down and pull back .

Exhale peaceful warrior bend the front knee left arm to sky , take one breath in .

Exhale low lunge , windmill the hands down to frame the front foot .

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Engage your core , inhale eggs .

He'll step back downward facing dog inhale plank , exhale , chatter , unga elbows bend to 90 degrees .

Inhale up dog exhale downward facing dog slowly walk your feet to your hands .

Inhale to a halfway lift , exhale to fall in the hail circle .

Sweep arms to sky .

Erva HASA exhale fine to Dana Staal Warrior .

Three hands to heart center .

Inhale , float the left leg up behind you and tip forward .

Even at the hips .

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Breathe out to draw the belly up and in feel the back muscles and gauge as you inhale , anchor through the standing foot , breathe out to press it down into your mat .

Big inhale , get even longer from the crown of the head through the back heel exhale to Daina .

Release the foot down Warrior three hands to heart center then inhale , send the chest forward as you float the right leg back and up until your body comes parallel to the earth .

Lower the right hip toes point down , breath out on your next breath in .

Find cobra in the spine .

Steady gaze route down through the standing foot .

Exhale , stay for and inhale urine , the heart forward even more .

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Exhale to , to Daina lower the foot down feet together , extend your arms overhead , inhale , exhale and Swan die forward .

Inhale chair pose .

Drop the hips back and down and reach your arms tall , bend the knees a little deeper weight in the heels .

Exhale , take one more breath in and exhale forward , fold , straighten your legs and reach for the floor .

Inhale halfway , lift up , exhale , plant your palms and step back to downward facing dog .

Easy seats , lower your knees to the mat and bring your legs in front of you .

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Boat pose , place the soles of your feet on the mat .

Let your hands rest on your shins .

Keep the spine long .

Engage the abdominal muscles and lean back slightly floating your toes off the mat .

Take an inhale here and if this gets too fiery , flip the feet back down to the mat and just sit up tall to keep working the core .

Exhale and soften the shoulders away from the ears .

Big inhale , lift through the heart , exhale .

Low boat , curl your tailbone under , bring your low back to the mat and hover your legs just above the ground .

Roll up to easy seats , hands rest on knees , lean back , draw your knees together and place your feet onto the ground .

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Press your hands down beside your hips and extend your legs out long for staff poses .

Start to stick your butt out and drive your thighs into the ground .

Inhale here and then exhale , start to tilt forward , hinge from the hips and walk your hands out in front , maybe grab onto the calves or the feet and then urine , the sternum forward , let your elbows go wide and soften your torso down .

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Walk your hands back and lift your torso up , bend your knees and place your feet on the mat .

Spinal twist , pull your right knee in and lay your left leg long , then step your right foot to the outside edge of your left quad and hug your right knee with your left arm , glide your right hand behind you and press it down into the mat .

Sit up nice and tall .

Take a deep breath in exhale .

Twist , draw your right rib cage back .

Let each inhale , invite space into your spine .

Let each exhale deep in the pose .

One more inhale , grow nice and tall .

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Exhale twists , release and turn to your left side .

Find a counter twist , just bow your head to the left , come back through center and plant both feet on the ground .

Second side , draw your left knee into your chest and lay your right leg long for a spinal twist .

Then step your left foot to the outside edge of your right quad .

Hug your left leg with your right arm and plant your left hand behind you lengthen your spine , put your sit bones down .

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Big breath in exhale , twist , inhale , create space in your spine .

Grow tall ax hail deep in the twist , press your sit bones down and lengthen your spine .

Inhale , exhale , twist a little deeper and one more here .

Deep breath in exhale , deepen release and bring both hands all the way to your right side .

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For a counter twist , hang your head here , release your left leg alongside your right bound angle pose .

Draw the soles of the feet together and let the knees open wide , wrap your hands around your feet .

Then inhale as you sit up tall , begin to hinge at the hips .

Breathe out as you pull your chest forward , straight out in front of you .

Take a deep breath in as you lengthen your low back , then exhale , fold down over your legs .

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You can put your face to your feet or your chest to your feet .

You can completely release and let gravity pull you deeper into the stretch in your inner thighs or you can keep lengthening on your inhales and pulling yourself further down on your exhales gently start to rise back up shoulders over hips , draw your knees together and plant your feet on the map .

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Slowly lower your back down to the mat , hug both knees into your chest .

Take one last inhale and exhale .

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No mistake .


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