Watch the man's hand carefully .
He bends and the lady does a right turn .
Now we should look at the double caress followed by the lady's left turn .
This movement is quite quick and it has to be done with precision 123 and then 567 , I take my partner's hand again to do another caress .
123 .
And on five , the lady does a free spin to the left .
Let's look at it again .
123 .
The first two caresses take place during the first two bars and a simple caress is followed by a free spin to the left by the lady one more time 567 , the simple caress and the lady's free spin to the left .
Summing up .
The first part , there is a basic step , a cross body lead , a cross body lead with the lady's left turn , followed by the circle in which the man keeps his right hand down .
The lady does a right turn in the double caress .
It is important that the man moves out so that he can let his partner go through and he does it again here once more in slow motion .
Observing the line of dance is one of the fundamental principles of Puerto Rican salsa .
And it is therefore important that the man should move out of it whenever it is necessary so that the figure is accomplished with as much delicacy as possible .
So we have , remember , bring those , keep those arms going .
We have one , 23 and slide right there .
All right , everybody kind of got that .
Let's try one more time .
So we have 123 and slide right now .
Let's try it from the left .
Same thing .
Exact same thing .
Except you're doing it with the opposite side .
You have one , two , three on your three or your weight right now is on that right foot , which is behind you .
As you step it out , you're gonna take a huge step .
It's almost like a back step with that left foot .
As you come up , that weight is going to be , it's gonna switch over here and you're gonna slide that right foot up to the left , how you end it is up to you .
So let's try it from the left .
So we have 123 and slide .
It's actually a push off .
And the lady's free spin to the left cross over .
Now we'll look at the shine .
This is a new shine called the crossover Kura .
The man here is on the diagonal .
He does a crossover Kura moving his left foot in front of his right .
He then makes a quarter turn to his right and then another quarter turn to his left again .
23 .
He comes out of the Kura and comes back to face his partner and they finish with a basic step again .
123 .
I get ready for my shine .
123 quarter turn to the right 56 , another quarter turn to the left crossing my right foot over to come out of the shine .
And I now come back to face my partner 567 123 .
I cross my left foot in front of my right and then my right foot in front of my left .
As I do the quarter turns 567 and come back to face my partner facing my partner 567 .