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2023-07-19 14:50:21

How to Create A Free Blog for Affiliate Marketing

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Hello , people .

My name is Rudy and I have the privilege of being a content creator .

What does it mean ?

I create videos , I create blog posts .

I put them on the internet .

People find my content , they consume it and through various mysterious ways , I make a decent amount of money .

And I will show you in the story of how I do that or what I'll show you in this tutorial is how you can start writing your own blog posts .

And what I can do , I can create an eight minute video where I show you how much money I make and how amazing I am and show you a few blog posts and how I make the money without telling you a lot about how I really did it and then make money through the advertisements on this video .

What I'd rather do in this video is show you the complete process from nothing , having no website , no blog post , no ID to having a website .

But I mainly creating an amazing converting blog post that is optimized that is written very well even when English is not our main language .

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And that is what I will focus on in this tutor , I will show step by step how to create an amazing blog post .

And before I start , I want to tell you that creating content on the internet is hard work .

It's not like you create a blog post , follow my video , just do a few things , publish it and then wait and then you start to make a lot of money the next day .

Now it's hard work .

You need to have dedication , perseverance .

It's , it's a long run .

But I believe that through time when you persevere put into practice , every step I teach you , you can start to make a lot more money than you do right now .

And it is passive income .

So if you decide not to create that for a while , you still can make the same amount of money and even more because it grows exponentially .

But in the beginning , it's hard work .

You put a lot of effort in it , but without seeing the results immediately .

But when you persevere , you start to see an increase in revenue and I will show you step by step through the tutorial how you can achieve that .

Talking about hard work , I put a lot of effort into this video .

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So if you can appreciate it , please like this video .

And if you want to go to a certain part in the tutorial , that's possible .

I have time stamps in the description and that can help you to go to a specific part in the tutorial .

If you're only here just to learn how to create a blog post with the Gutenberg editor , also known as the block builder , then you can go to this time stamp in the video or you go directly to the part .

So you can learn how to write your blog post in Gutenberg .

If you like what you're seeing so far , and you want to learn more about e-commerce , making websites , creating blog posts , ai marketing and feel free to subscribe to this youtube channel .

And having said that , let me tell you why you should start making blog posts .

So why should you write blog posts ?

Well , there are a lot of reasons why you can write blog posts .

There are a few , I want to mention a great reason for everybody to start writing blog posts is because you will get visitors to your website .

You get free traffic .

When you have a website about selling car tires or auto tires , you can write blog posts about different kind of tires .

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People go to your website and they through that website , they can make use of your service .

When you're a photographer , you can write blog posts about where you've been , what kind of photos you made and then through the block post , they can want to make use of your services .

So you get free people to your website .

So when you write more blog posts about the subject , you have a website about the chances are bigger , you will get organic visitors to your website and those visitors can click on your advertisements , can click on your affiliate links or can start to make use of your services or they can buy your course .

If you have one another reason why you should start writing blog posts , you will learn a lot when you create a blog post and I will show you how you do that .

You'll learn new things about the things you write about writing blog posts is a great way to develop yourself .

So the more you do it , the better you become at writing , the more things you will learn about the things you write about and the more you can help other people .

So it's a great way to develop yourself not unimportant through writing blog posts , you can start to make money and you can make a lot of money .

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The sky is the limit .

If you make $100 per website and you have 100 visitors per day on your website , what would happen when you have 1000 visitors per day on your website , you start to make $1000 per day .

If you have 10,000 visitors per day on our website , $10,000 per day .

That's a theory .

I know more about the , the how it can be in real life .

It is crazy .

The sky is the limit .

The more content you create and the , the higher the quality of your content , the longer people will stay on your website , rich or uh content and the better you will rank , the more people will find you .

It's , it's , and then you make more money .

It's , it's crazy how it works and it all starts with high quality and everything .

You do .

Please have high quality standards , standards .

It's for the long run , it's the best .

Don't write a blog post below the enter , publish and start a waiting .

No , I will show you in the store how to write an in-depth high quality converting blog post .

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So you can turn your website into a money making machine all while helping other people .

That's what I always keep in mind .

Always keep in mind the person that read the content or watch the content you create .

Don't think about yourself .

How can I wrap this up as soon as possible ?

Make as much money as possible ?

No .

Think about how can I go to ?

How can I make this blog post better ?

How can I make this video better ?

How can I make my course better ?

So those are reasons to start .

And the great thing is that the tutorial you're about to see .

I have recorded it eight months ago .

I recorded it .

September 16th 2021 .

And the great thing about that is that I can show you the results of the blog post .

I show you step by step how you can create it or create your own similar blog post .

So let's take a look at the Google adsense revenue from a particular blog post .

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Because on my website , I only have one blog post which I created this September $30 or euros , €100.60 euros , 40 95 59 .

Well , in total , I made €400 with this single block post in eight months .

But I also made money using my affi link .

Because if you take a look over here , this is the block post .

I will show you how you can create that one .

I have an affi link , multi affiliate links in my blog post .

So if I take a look at those results , uh I made a blog post in September in October , November , December .

I made no money .

Then in January , it started $64 and this is this recurring revenue .

So every month I will make that .

So more people were at it 94 in February 1 out of 55 in March 160 in April with the affiliate program of convert it .

I made more than $600 by this single block post .

So one blog post really high quality .

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I made more than $1000 with it in the first year and I will show you step by step how you can do that .

So let me show you the seven ways we're gonna use to create an amazing high quality converting block post .

First , we're gonna do market research really important to find out what people are searching for on the internet .

Then based on the information , we're gonna write a blog post , then we're gonna improve our writing skills and the more you do it , the more you write , the better you become at it .

But I will show you more ways on how to improve your writing skills .

Really important .

We're gonna add images to Google and I will show you how to make images for free and also through images you can be found on the internet .

And adding images to your blog post is really important for readability .

We're gonna add Google Analytics .

So we see all the statistics on our website , we will add Google search on .

So so we can see on what terms we are found on our current blog posts and in the whole website and we will optimize our blog posts and our website for all search engines .

So we will be found better on the internet .

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So if you're ready to learn all this stuff , learn how to make money through writing blog posts on the internet , then let's get started .

Let's get started with market research .

There are two ways on how to write books .

Of course , there are more ways but let's talk about , let's talk about two .

The first one is you like to write about stuff because you have passion for it and you're just gonna write , write , write and you're happy and since you're writing , people will come , when you build it , they will come and everything will be fine .

It will make a lot of money with .

It doesn't matter what you write about .

As long as you write from your heart , that's all that matters .

That's the first way and it will not get you a lot of skills .

Probably it can be , but probably not .

You need to do market research .

And um I have a question for you .

How can we find out what Google likes to post on the first page of Google in the search results ?

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How can we find out what are the best ways to create blog posts ?

If there will be a way , if there will be a tool that costs $1000 per month , I will be willing to buy it because then I can find out how to write blog posts .

But that tool is free .

Let me show it to you .

Let me demonstrate it .

Let's let's take a look convert kit review and Google probably likes this post .

Why ?

Because it's the number one result .

So if you want to find out how we need to write blog posts , we should take a look at the best results .

So let me click on it .

Hold in command .

So I will open it in a new tab , then I say control tap and then I go to the next step or you just click over here , convert it review .

So what I think now , OK , maybe it's a good idea .

If I write a review about convert it , the title should be convert it review .

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And that's how we can learn the newsletter to for coders .

And this is something they do , something like what ?

No , it's for bloggers .

He says it's for coders .

Oh , I'm confused .

I'm , I'm interested right now .

There's the I A formula .

I , I look at this first .

We need to get awareness .

Now I have awareness .

I'm here at this website .

I'm aware of this website .

I clicked on it .

I saw the title convert case Review 2021 .

OK .

Now they need to get my interest .

It's not for bloggers , it's for coders .

I'm interested .

What does he mean ?

So that's the second point .

Then he wants to build up desire .

This is the tool you need .

Look at this .

There's a video again , there's a video in it .

There's screenshots .

The pricing looks really nice like that .

Wow , he really is doing great thing .

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The pros is he gives you the con .

So it's not like buy this from me because I want to make money .

Now , pros and accounts , they're also , it's pricey .

Well , I don't agree because I will show you how much money you can make with that board .

Design options .

Yes .

But what I think when it comes to design , it's not about the best design .

It's about the design of the comforts .

The best reports are lacking in depth .

Well , I think they're working on it so they also maybe read those cons and do something about it .

But look , I like this .

It looks beautiful .

There's a button over here .

I can try it for free .

I didn't know that it was a uh a new option over here .

We can go to certain areas .

Look at this .

It all looks beautiful is convert it to the right newsletter , search for you .

So when people search for it , this , it will probably go also to this result .

So what we can do , we can take a look at this block post .

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I can think , OK , it looks great , not , not much reactions , but um I think this is amazing .

And then here at this area we also have over here .

So let me talk about this .

Why do I have this step open ?

This is a block from me in 2011 .

I was blogging like crazy .

I blogged about falling in love about my adventures in America and in India .

And over here Tuesday , January 18th , I was in reading and this is in Dutch .

But this is how I wrote my blog post , blah , blah , blah , blah , blah , blah , text , text , text , text , text , a lot of text , more text , no images , a lot of text .

And that's not how you should write blog posts anymore .

So we need to see what is working right now .

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So he wants to create a desire in his blog post to make use of this tool .

And then we want to them to take action .

That's the I I model .

That's what we can use in order to get seals .

So we need to be clear .

This is AAA convert , get review that we need to um like trigger something and then like , hey , I'm now , I'm now , now I'm interested .

So what I can do I made $5000 in three days .

I need to check if that's really the case .

Maybe it was 3.5 hours .

I'm not sure .

Ok , let me check that but I need to , I can use it as a trigger to , to trigger the interest .

I made $5000 in three days using convert kit or using email marketing .

Let me show you how , so that's what you can do than the desire .

It was not , it was easy .

What I just did II I helped people to get something for free in exchange for the email address .

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Then I built my list and when there was a discount uh price for the thing I promoted in my free free giveaway , then I sent it to all of them and people started buying it like crazy .

So and um so I give them desire to also do that and then I can let them take action if you want to take action .

I have a course for you about convert kit or I have a tutorial for it or uh buy , convert it over here and then you want them to take action .

So there's so many uh ways to write blog posts .

But I like the I A module .

Mo mo model model .

My wife is a model .

That's not what for me .

She is .

Sorry , guys .

I'm really excited in the beginning of the tour .

I probably started a bit .

I don't know , I hope you enjoyed it , but I'm getting more and more excited because I'm learning new things and it makes me excited .

Oh man , I feel like I'm , I'm stepping on my game and I like that .

So this is the first one .

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How about the second one ?

Both commands ?

Click TK review .

So again in the title , the first two words are convert , get review .

So people search for convert , get review .

And what do we find out ?

Convert kit , review , convert kit oh Pricing converse , get review , converse , get review , convert , get reviews , brutally honest , converse , get reviews .

So also this is a way to , to get in to make , to , to trigger interest like brutally honest .

Whoa What can here look at this review after five years and 3 million .

So his trigger is , is getting your attention by saying they probably made or 300 million $3 million or 3 million subscribers .

So um that's how I do my , my uh my homework .

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And then over here you see side grounds , side grounds body bars , even those like that man everywhere else .

Yeah , it's , it's a great way of making money and they're providing value .

I really like the , the , the display big titles , big text and that's why I did it also over here .

Um I have not written , written any text but the text is quite big um on our blog post because that's , that's how it is these days .

Not , not like I did in 2011 .

So promoting block posts .

What can you do with it ?

And again , a long block post .

So what I know if I take a look at this , I really , by the way , I , I would go from this website because I don't like all the ads .

It's too much , so nice overview with six a few points and then a lot of images , a lot of ads , too much in my opinion .

But that's how you can write a blog post .

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So these days block posts need to be long and they can have an overview like this pros guns , they got to come get freezer .

So if I open this in a , in a incognito window , there's a limited thing .

OK .

I'm just starting , let's , let's do this .

Do we have a website ?

Yes , wordpress .

I'm a blogger .

II , I don't trust this yet .

So OK .

Uh and then you get a free trial and then after two weeks , they will probably bill you and then they get the commission .

So that's how it works .

So what I can do when it comes to converse kits , I can create a tutorial in block post format about convert kit , I can create a review which is probably a bit shorter .

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I can create comparison videos of block post like a convert kit versus mil chip .

Hey , better than milk chip converse get versus um active campaign .

So we about about one product of Earth , we can create so many different blog posts .

So um if I go to I scroll down or I search for affiliate affiliate program , look at this recurring .

Where are you recurring ?

Yes , to earn that sweet recurring commission .

All you need to do is start sharing your custom link we send you .

But how much is this ?

Is it 30% commission for every person who signs up ?

That's 30% is going to be your to your bank account .

So imagine I myself have 50,000 .

OK .

Ok .

Let's do it differently .

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If , if 100 people uh through the months through the years will sign up through your uh affiliate link with converted .

If converted , it would be the case .

You'll make $870 per month , which is really nice .

OK , let's , let's say I want to start with a field marketing , a story with uh with convert kit .

So um pricing , let's say I have uh 50,000 people in my list .

So let's say 55 I will pay $379 per month .

And if I go for this one , 590 ok , let's go , let's say if I go for this one , that's around $100 per month , that will go to the affiliate .

So if I teach a lot about convert kit , then a lot of people will uh grow their email list and then when they grow their email list , they will stick there .

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Probably uh they do not leave that often because it's , when it's working , it's working , why would you change your whole um email list to a different one and then you can start to make money .

So , um do we need to sign up for the affiliate program already ?

No .

First , we're gonna create value first , we're gonna get people to our website and then we'll sign up because we need to probably show our website at some places in order for them to accept us as um affiliates .

So first we need to create something and then we can add the affiliate links later .

So that's one way of doing research .

But you also can do , let me close everything .

We can go to 30 Corp dot com forward slash A RF dot com .

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And here we can get so much statistics on how to find the right keywords to use in our blog post and how to rank better , how to see , uh what kind of keywords do not have a lot of competition but have a great value to your blog post .

So let me explain to you what would you rather have a store on a place that's not crowded where not much people uh come by and go to your store or a store in the heart of a city with a lot of visitors .

Well , everybody wants that .

So what happens when you have AAA store in the heart of a city ?

A lot of people have their stores over there .

So there's a lot of competition .

So the more crowded , the places , the more visitors are interested in a certain subject , the more people will create a website about it .

So if you have a uh blog post about convert it versus pudding or yogurt , you , it's like you have your store on a really a place far out of the city .

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Not a lot of people come back , probably nobody who's searching for converted versus yogurt .

Nobody .

So you don't write about it .

But if you're gonna write about things people are really searching for and interested in , then there it will be much more crowded , there will be more competition .

And with Aras what you can do , you can find high converting keywords with low competition .

So you can find the low hanging fruit in order to create blog post about what I suggest you do .

It's an expensive tool , especially if you're a beginner .

I suggest you go for a seven day trial of $7 and then you cancel it .

So you have seven days to use the tool and I will show you how you can use the tool .

And by the way , I'm not affiliated with them .

I do not get a commission when you sign up .

So you can click on the orange button to get a seven day trial for $7 .

And then you can choose between two packages .

If you go for seven days , you can .

So you can go for the standard one .

You have a little bit more functions .

You can also go for the light one .

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I will go for the light one for seven days for $7 .

And after that $99 per month , accept to the terms and conditions and privacy policy and I click on continue .

You need to leave your email address .

You can pay with credit card or with paypal and then fill in your first name , last name , your company if you have one and your credit card number .

Well , I don't get a auto suggest for my credit card .

So I will pay with paypal again .

I agree to everything and I will pay €7.42 for seven days .

And there it goes .

I click on continue and now my account has been created .

I got a few emails and I need to confirm my membership by clicking on this .

Beautiful button in my email .

Then I will create a password and I need to confirm the password and let them know what I expect from a refs .

I click on continue .

I do not want to invite other people .

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So I skip this part and since I already have a few websites in my Google search , and so I link it with my Google account if you don't have that .

No problem , just click on add manually , trust them completely .

So I check everything and then I click on continue like the websites I want to monitor using A FS and it's my Corp dot com website .

But of course , we will take our brand new website and then I will click on imports and now we are in our brand new A RF account .

I dismissed the message over here and what I will see , I have my trial and it will end the 19th of September .

And over here I see how my website is doing and it can do better .

So I will also make a complete tutor about this .

I will make my website look so much better right now .

Yeah , look at this , those negative things .

So um I will make sure I'll make a tutor about it .

But this right now , I will show you how everything works .

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So first go over here to the account settings , then two billing and I can cancel my subscription over here if you can .

So now you'll keep full access until the end of your billing cycle .

So I don't want to make sure I , I want to make sure you don't pay too much money .

Well , I will keep it , so I will not cancel it .

But if you cancel over here , you can , you can still use everything .

But then after seven days you do not get surprised with , hey , $197 you have to pay or 99 .

So um cancel it over here .

Really important .

OK .

Well , there is so much to talk about this , but I want to focus on how we can use this tool to create a killer blog posts or actually a blog post that brings people to life because they learn something and all that stuff .

We will make use of the site explorer and the keywords explorer .

We will use the site explorer .

OK ?

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There are seven hour tutorials about this tool and I will not do that .

I will not , I will not talk too much about it right now .

I just want to show you how I would use a refs in order to bring better with my blog post .

So if I go to my favorite blog post to convert , get a review , let me show you how I do this .

We've already taken a look over here and this is how it looks quite interesting .

This is the number one .

So Google somehow really likes his blog posts .

So we need to think of that .

When we create a blog post , it's not a big block post .

Uh relatively .

So what I want to do , I want to grab this link , copy it .

I go to the site explorer and I dump it over here and I click on search .

OK ?

You can get overwhelmed .

It's OK .

A lot of information over here , what I'm interested in showing you is that there are a lot of back links .

So a lot of links on planet Earth or on the internet are linking to this blog post .

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More than 2000 links .

Those links come from 35 websites .

And if I want to know which websites they are , I can take a look over here , maybe they bought them .

Maybe people are , people are really excited .

I want to send traffic to the blog post .

So for instance , Nala Sasaki Club is having a lot of links to the blog post , 664 links .

So you can take a look later on to see if there are some nice websites over here , email marketing journal .

And then you can ask them , hey , would you like to include my link in your link and I can do something for you .

But again , that's not what I want to focus on .

I'm getting distracted because there's so much to talk about .

Let me go back to the overview .

You see this blog post is doing better and better .

That's what we want to see .

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But if they're marketing exponential growth when all of a sudden there it is so I can collapse all this stuff .

So I don't get overwhelmed too much .

I want to go to the organic search over here .

I'll take a look at the organic keywords .

So I click here .

Those are the most popular keywords for this particular block post convert kit review .

So we need to make sure we use convert review in our search result .

So in our title in the titles of blog posts in the headings , but what also is interesting , 250 people per month , per month , search for converted review , but 400 people search for converted reviews .

So if you have that information which you cannot get by just going through their website , what we can do , we can update Photoshop .

But right now , I don't want to do that .

We can make use of a sender , we can create a sentence like of all the converted reviews .

This one is the best .

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So you use this keyword in your sentence in a title in your blog post and that will make it extra interesting for Google .

And then that way you can rank .

So there are two things really important .

Those are the keywords you use .

And here you see the best keywords for this particular block posts .

And the second one is back links .

You need to have other people to send traffic to your website .

So that's the first thing the site explorer , as I said , there's so much more to talk about .

But right now I leave it with this when we just think about optimizing your blog post for the best search result in Google .

Now we can click on those keywords .

So for instance , convert it review , I click on it and now we go to the keyword explorer .

So also this can look a little bit overwhelming .

What it says .

Really interesting is the keyword difficulty is really low .

So it's a good market converted review is a good word to use in your blog post and to try to rank for and to write about because there's not much competition .

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If I search for affiliate marketing , look at this keyword difficulty super hard .

Why so many people are searching for it ?

So that's why so many people are also trying to write about or writing about it because they want to get those views .

So going back to convert the review , 250 per month people per month are searching for it in the United States but from all over the world .

So 500 people per month search for convert kit review .

But if you only search for convert kit , look at that 72 2000 .

So it's a lot more .

But then the competition is also higher convert kit review .

And you see that a lot of people click on the organic results .

Some people click on the advertisements only 2% .

So that's also interesting to know .

So what we need to do , we need to find out what people want to learn about convert kit .

How can we do that ?

Well , that's the last thing I want to show you over here .

And then we can really start writing the blog post , search for convert kit hit enter .

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Now we click on matching terms .

Oh Look at this .

And then over here we see the keyword .

People people are interested in convert , convert , get pricing , convert , get login , convert it versus meal chip .

So all those things over here , all those key words I can use them in my titles and write about it , write available information about it over here .

You see 29,000 people in the United States are searching for convert kit .

1.7000 are searching for pricing .

That is why I found out over here when I click on email marketing service and I go for convert kit , I see convert kit pricing , constant contact pricing , mil chip pricing .

If I would search for click Fun House hit , enter .

Look at this .

The second keyword .

The first one , click funnels .

The second one pricing .

People are interested in pricing .

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And when people search for click funnels pricing , they did not buy the tool yet .

They are interested in buying the two .

So that's why it's ranking so well , people want to write about click funnels pricing because those people are really interested in buying it and you can give them the latest information to convince them to buy it .

So we definitely should use convert kit pricing in our blog post as a keyword .

So that's how I do my market research .

I take a look at all those words over here .

Can you become affiliated with it ?

Well , maybe that's not the right thing to write in a blog post about a about convert .

What is convert ?

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So that's if you take a look at um convert , get review , hold command , click , click , click , click and click , we can see what people are writing about it because other people are also doing their research convert kids review over here as a title , converted screenshot convert , get pricing again there .

It is why because they , those people also know it's an important keyword and that's why they are ranking so well , pros and cons .

It's converted the right newsletter service for you .

Next one on first kit .

Review better than milk chimp they have seen versus milk chimp .

That's interesting because milk chimp is a lot of times the most popular one because it was free for a long time .

Now there are a lot of other ones .

So they all want to know is it better than meal chip ?

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So again over here , hey , what is convert ?

That's what people are searching are searching for .

What is convert kit another one ?

What is convert kit , convert , get pricing there .

They are again .

So do you see how important it is to take a look at all those things over here ?

Now , if you want to start out with a keyword , that's perfect for you as a starter , we can do a nice trick right here .

You see the difficulty of every keyword .

So convert , get the ranking for that is difficult .

It says 30 it's difficult .

So if I click over here , it says medium difficult over here , it says you need to have at least 36 websites to send a back link to you in order to uh reach the top 10 for this keyword .

So what we want , we want to have a lower keyword difficulty so we can rank easier .

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So over here , I can say I want to have a minimum of zero and a maximum of 25 of keyword difficulty .

So only the keywords that are lower than 25 as you see over here all in the green area .

And if I click on it , it's medium .

But if I would go for one , that is two , it says easy .

We want to rank for those words , but we are also searching for low keyword difficulty , but a high volume right now , this is a great one , key converted pricing is a great one because the keyword difficulty is not that hard , but still almost 2000 people are searching for this per month .

So if you can rank well on this keyword , you can get great results .

Yes .

So keep that in mind at this point , we're really gonna work .

I can't imagine .

You're excited .

You have seen what is possible way to fit the marketing .

But now we need to create block post .

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This is where people can get stuck .

That's why I created something for you .

I will create it right now a song .

If I can do , you also can do it .

So if I can do you can do so .

If I can do it , you can do it .

It's a matter of mindset .

It's a matter of persistence .

I'm excited .

I'm looking forward to this .

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I believe I will succeed with this and you need to have the same belief and I don't want to be uh have cliches .

But if cliches are working , I would like to give them , I've read the books thinking grow rich .

And I think personally it's a really good book .

I don't like everything about it , talking with people in your mind and OK , stuff like that .

But it's just a really good book about how we think and how the way we think can change things in our lives .

So , a few quotes I've mentioned in this video are from the book from Napoleon Hill .

And one of those is that we tend to uh quit when we have temporarily defeat .

So maybe you're excited , you're gonna learn how to write a blog post , you start writing , you're like , I don't know what to write .

You know what I will do it tomorrow and then you quit .

And when you quit , you fail .

If you decide you're not gonna quit , failure is it's almost impossible .

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Let me share , share this quote with you without persistence , you will be defeated .

Even before you start with persistence , you will win .

When you don't quit with this , you will be successful with this .

And now it is time , ladies and gentlemen , for the hardest part , it is time to create our first amazing blog post .

I go to my website sf income with 30 dot com forward slash WP dot admin or slash admin in order to log in and I go to new post , I want to create my first blog post finally .

So we will use Gutenberg for that .

We don't use Elemental for that .

With Gutenberg , you can write beautiful blog posts .

So what you can do , as I said before , you can take a look at what they are telling you over here .

You know the I a formal form form , formula attention , interest , desire and action .

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So I want to get their attention .

So what will I do as a blog post title ?

I will say convert kit review because that's what I want to rank on .

And later I can write a blog post , convert kit pricing and maybe what is converted as a blog post .

Because what I write over here , let me show you in a minute .

That will be the the link you'll see over here .

So I will show you what I mean , convert get review .

And now I need to have something to grab their interest .

So I can say how I made $5000 in three days or get started for free .

That should both get their interest .

I think the first one is a little bit too , too optimistic and now we need to start writing .

So don't copy , never , never do this copy based safe and don't do that .

No , no , no , no .

But you can get inspired .

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What I always prefer really , really know the tool you're talking about .

Don't Britos and then make it your own text and then try to make money with it .

No overliver get to know the tool , try try it , buy it and then you have something good to say .

There's also , there's a friend of mine .

I really like this one .

Unlike of all the other reviews about convert out there which were written by people who have never used the email marketing platform and solely wrote a review for the sake of generating a field income .

I love it .

I love it .

This guy , he's crushing it .

But again , what does convert ?

Get , hey , con first get pricing man , those guys know what they are doing .

Convert , get support .

Is it also something people are searching for ?

If I search for a convert kit support .

So for every key word I think , hey , that's interesting .

I can see over here how it is doing .

It's hard but people are searching for it .

It has everything to do with over deliver .

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And for every , every uh key keyword , you see also the top 10 over here and how many back links they are have .

So you don't have to have a lot of back uh links in order to rank high .

It's one of the is one of it is , it is one of all the different aspects in order to rank better .

But what I keep in mind in order to um rank have high quality content .

So how about I start with the title ?

What is TK ?

So I start writing , I hit enter and when I hit enter , I create a new block , now I can select this block or click on it and now I can change it from a paragraph to a heading .

And by default , it will be a heading two and that's perfectly fine with me heading .

This is heading one .

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You can use the heading one , only one time per block post and as always the title of your page , so converted , review gets started for free or convert , get review , 2021 get started for free .

Or if I want to in September , I can al already try 2022 and then maybe I will rank better when it is 22 .

I have not tried that yet .

What is Convert kits ?

Convert kit isn't , by the way right now , I'm like , ok , what am I gonna write ?

And that's the feeling we can all have like , oh no , it's really going to start , but it's the moment we keep crushing it better .

Have something than nothing .

Just start writing and then writing and then make it better over the years , people still make their block post better .

So you're building something and right now and you keep on making it better through the years and you will get found better and better .

As long as the quality is really high and so high that people want to link it , link back to you and you get back , link back links .

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So uh I , I'm talking too much because I want to postpone procrastinate .

So I don't have to write .

So convert kit is an email marketing tool that enables you to grow your audience .

And uh by the way , let's go to convert kit .

They always tell what this features .

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Yeah , to grow your audience , connect with your subscribers and earn a living or sent automated emails percent auto made it no sequences and that is all our part .

OK ?

I sometimes have teacher Instagram really knows what they are doing because I don't , I'm from the Netherlands , English is not my main language if I would publish this and I will , I can take a look Ok .

What I also can do , I can go to the post and make it private until I'm finished and I can take a look over here in a new tab .

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And what I will see con first get review 2021 get started for free .

Ok , that's not what I want because it will be 2022 hopefully in a , within a year and then um I don't want this because then it looks like it's old .

So over here I go to the , the link and I changed it .

I wanted to this to be called con Get Review .

And now when I go to my website block , since I'm logged in , I can see the blog post .

Look at the specific income with 34 slash converted review review , just like over here reviews , convert kit , convert kit , review over kids or get reviews or get review .

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It's just the best way if you want it to be like this , you can also do that and we go to the back end to settings Perma links .

And then over here we need to remove all this stuff .

Then first I want to go for the category and then I want to have the bow's name .

So if I save it and I open this in a new tab and I go to block , I see block and now if I go to this block post , I see unc categorized overt get review because the category is not there .

So that's also what you can do .

I prefer to go to Bo's name .

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So one more time , let me go to blog , click over here and you see right after the domain , you don't see blog or store or whatever , just only this .

So um I think the text is a little bit small by now , I will make sure that the the template will be bigger , but right now I can go through the customizer and just take a look at all those others .

There is also really small , bigger , smaller , really small , bigger .

My son is calling me OK .

Really quick .

I go to the typography base fan .

Make it bigger .

Come on minus .

Yeah .

Publish close it .

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And now I click on edit post and I continue to write over here .

So I asked myself the question , what do I want the reader to know about converting ?

What I'm excited about ?

Well , what I'm excited about is the pricing you can start for free .

So I say or hit enter , I say get started or or get over it it for free or start with Con first kit for free .

What I really like about Con first kit .

So I will keep continue to type and I will fast forward and I will talk a little bit about it .

What I can do now , I can make use of internal linking , internal linking is linking to a different page or blog posts in your website and then that way you can increase your seo score .

So I say over here uh that gives you the opportunity to grow and get used to the interface of convert kit .

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If you want to learn from scratch , how to work with comfort kits , you can watch this tutorial gone first kit .

Oh , I don't have that tutorial yet , but what I can do , I can make this a link So I select it and then uh if I would have that link , I could say HP SI can just type in the title .

And then here you see some I Ds .

So right now I'll link it to the home page update .

Ok ?

Over here , I want to have a list .

So I click on the plus , search for a list .

You can one parade of informs , get 1000 subscribers sent , broadcast emails .

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That's all what you can do for free .

So you can get up to 1000 subscribers and send them broadcast emails .

So you send an email to all those 1000 people without paying one night .

That's what I really like for a free tool .

That is amazing when you like the service and you get more then subscribers you can upgrade .

So I click over here , change this into a heading .

Sometimes you need to make things bold to put emphasis on it .

Ok ?

So let's talk about convert kit rising .

Remember the keyword converse , get support , converse , get rising per month , 30.6000 people are searching for it .

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There's not much competition and people start to use be ads more and more .

I like breaths .

I don't exactly know how to say , but it gives me the information I want to know .

So I hit enter and I started writing about the OK .

Now I can create an overview and I can do it a lot of different ways I can do it with a list .

I can do it with a table .

So I click on the plus , I search for a table .

I select it and I want to have two columns and more rows , let's say five rows or seven .

OK .

When I select a block , it's called a block .

This is a block , a paragraph , graph block , paragraph block .

And this is a table block .

As you see over here , I can have additional settings .

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So if I click over here , I have different settings and when I click over here , so we can browse through all the blocks .

When we bring them over here , we have additional settings and when you don't see them click over here and there they are .

So what I want to say over here , I want to have a header section or label and I say amount of soup subscribers and here I want to say rice per month .

So we have up to 1000 subscribers .

The price will be $29 per month .

Then I go to convert kit and then over here until three subscribers if I pay monthly $49 .

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So um this amount is applied when you decide to pay per month , instead of per year , when you pay per year , you get two months for free , all the subscribers 1000 and then I saw 3000 .

I wish I could do a tap to go to the next one , but I cannot do that .

So I need to do it like that 49 .

So I like to copy this base it and there are more than seven numbers .

So instead of going through all of them , I will skip a few .

So uh let's say 1000 3000 5000 .

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OK .

I hit enter and then I say if you want to see or you know what click over here , search for a button , see all the risings , the right thing to say OK , link and of course we have not fitted link yet .

Ok .

Ok .

Ok .

Ok .

Let me update it and let me show you something really nice plugins at new redirection Fred .

What are we gonna do ?

Let me explain to you with this tool .

We can create beautiful redirection because when you get an affiliate link , people see it as an affiliate link with the ref stuff , all that stuff .

So over here , I can create beautiful links .

And in that way when an affiliate link is changed , I can change it .

OK .

Let me just show you .

Let me just show you activate .

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I have no affiliate link yet so I can place convert kit everywhere over here in the blog post .

And then when I get my fit link , I need to change it on all the places in the website where I use that link .

So instead I go to redirection , I set it up just a matter of clicking .

Start the setup , continue the setup , finish the setup .

I click , I'm finished .

OK .

What I can do the source uli I can make it forward slash convert kit or forward slash go forward slash convert kit .

Then the target URL in this case is HPS convert kit dot com because I have no AI link yet .

If I get my affi link , I need to place it here at the target right now .

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I am saying everybody that goes to passive income with 30 dot com forward slash go forward slash convert kit , goes to my A link .

So I click on add redirect .

What I also really like is that I can see how many people clicked on it .

So look at this , I copy this and now if I go to passive income with 30 dot com and I paste it , let me copy it again and I have entered , look where I will go to convert it .

So now if I go to my blog post and I add it to the post , I can click over here and I can paste the UL open it in a new tab like that .

Ok .

Well , I can do .

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Now over here you can see all the pricing .

I don't know if pricing is the right word , older lens and the R sis , I don't know over here .

Ok .

And then over here I can also make it a link , there's a link and now if I want this to be on top , I just click over here .

That's how it goes .

So I think you know what ?

I , I don't need a button .

I don't like the button .

Moved the block .

Oh , so so far so good .

Let's see how we are doing .

Convert , get review .

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What does convert , get start with , converted for free an internal link over , get pricing to create a plan .

OK ?

Don't look too much to the styling right now .

Right now we're just creating content .

If you see uh uh take a look over here , all those texts are different styles right now .

We just want to focus on creating the content .

And then later on , we can see if we can make it look better .

What I always suggest when you have a blog post , show it to someone else , let them give you honest feedback .

So the surprising of the creative plan , let's talk about the convert kit crater bro plan .

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If I take a look over here , the , the paragraphs are quite big .

Um It depends on , on what kind of over here ?

That's also the case .

Some people have shorter sentences , less sentences or uh shorter sentences , all those English words .

But I think if I take a look over here , this is all fine .

What I'm doing that like this , by the way , something interesting about the , the maker Nathan Berry , really nice guy .

I , I just watched him on , on youtube is , is , is , was like , I want to create a better tool than all those other tools because I convert is from 2013 which is relatively late compared to other email marketing tools .

But I but he did a great job .

So over here make this a header .

And now I want to show you something .

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I want to go to the workers area .

I want to go to plugins at the new and I want to add new blocks from ultimate so I can search for Gutenberg blocks .

Gutenberg blocks , ultimate announce from Gutenberg from brainstorm for an amazing company .

I click on install now and now we can have more , more freedom to do whatever I want to do within Gutenberg .

And there are even more .

So over here , you see what's added right now , we can use all those things and I like to use a table of contents .

A but we can add more .

So if you go to plug ins again , add new again , let's search for Gutenberg blocks , Gutenberg template library from redex framework .

More than a million installations .

Now , let's install it and activate it and it will give you more functionalities for instance , custom CS s for every block .

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So one more cadence blocks , it's the competitor of Blocky .

But hey , who cares ?

We are the winners here .

We can use all this stuff for free , activate it .

So I go back to boasts , converse it .

And now I want to create a table of contents .

So I straw up and over here below this , I click on the plus , I see a table of contents .

I can also search for a table of contents because there are more .

I use one from Gutenberg and this is how it looks automatically .

So if I would update it , it's getting crowded over here , I also make my screen a little bit smaller for the recording .

So I think with your page , this should be fine .

So if I refresh this , look at this table of contents , if I click over here , I go to the area .

So that's really nice .

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Uh Let me make it look a little bit better .

I don't want to include all this .

This is based on all the headings in the website .

So over here , I can include all the headings .

I want to show , I only want to show two and I scroll down over here .

I want to show converted pricing , but not the creator plan .

So I create a H three for that , I I made it A H 33 is so hard for me to say .

So I often try to see if I don't have to say it .

So maybe I should H four .

Yeah .

Yeah .

OK .

That's how it looks .

Let's change the style scrolling down content .

The heading is OK .

This is all fine .

Do I want to have bullet points or not ?

And if I want them , do I want to change the color ?

The gap in the list ?

I , I think it's all fine .

OK .

Let's go to the style background color .

Let's make it light .

OK ?

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And then this is fine .

We can change the margin , it changed the border color to this one for instance .

OK .

What I personally want to do , I want to get rid of that underly so I can do it over here with custom CS S OK ?

A semi column link , opening parentheses , closing , text decoration .

None .

There it is when I hover over it , it's also gone .

So a little bit of coding .

Why not as a free addition to this free video ?

OK .

Um I don't like it .

That is not over the whole with .

So I forgot somewhere to do that .

Got some with .

There it is 100% .

It takes some time to update it .

OK .

What I can do over here with a paragraph , I can style it so I just need to select it .

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Now it is selected and then here at the block I can say I want to have certain colors .

So I want this to become dark and this light , but it's not in the style of our website .

So I can't make it like this and then this .

But I'm ok .

It's ok as it is updates .

So what I want to tell you that with every block you have over here , you can change things over here , you can change the color et cetera and change the backgrounds updates .

Did it say that the co color combination was not as good ?

That would be interesting .

The color combination may be hard for people .

Wow , I like press .

This is great .

That's nice .

So , so far , so good .

Let's remove this button .

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So that's how I create blog posts , writing , writing , writing , let someone else read it .

That's uh that can give me feedback .

So what I will do uh we made use of headers , text , a table , table of content .

So what I will do , I will finish this .

I don't want to make this a seven hour video and then I will talk about what I've created for you .

So I will not skip this part , but I just want to save you some time .

So this is my blog post , a lot of text , no images yet .

That's what we will take a look at later .

And I want , I want to tell you right now , I think with everything you do in life , you can become better at it when I first played soccer , I was not that good , but the more I did it , the better I became the same thing is with writing .

Don't expect to become a super writer at once .

We need to learn how to write .

So we need to become better .

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There are a lot of things we can do in order to improve .

One thing is we can let other people read it and give comments and really simple .

We can use Google , Google it .

Now the gym mentality .

So what I can do , I can say , search for how to become a better writer or better better block post writer as I searched before and there are few s a great black writer reads .

So really important you need to become a reader , jot down your ID .

So what I did over here , I bought something , I write ID down beautiful pen .

I made it really expensive €200 .

So I'll take it more seriously sometimes how weird I work .

Uh start some habits .

Well , you can click over here , start reading it , make it it is .

This is what you're doing is a business and need to become better at doing uh executing your business .

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So um read this and then when you are ready , when you're finished , go to the next one , Neil Patel .

It's becoming better , start , start uh reading this and start practicing , the more you do it , the better you become at it .

Do I have a ball soccer ball over here ?

So I don't have a ball , soccer ball but I have this look at this .

Hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , I don't know if you saw it , but I was , um , juggling a stuffed animal .

What I want to tell you the more you practice things , the more you do things , the better you'll become at it .

So the more you write , the better you'll become at it .

So read books , write things down , put into practice all the tips and advises you read , I need to take break and then you will become better at it .

The big chance this blog post is not that good .

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We need to become better at it .

Well , there are some things we can do in order to become better .

One of them is called grammar lee .

You can go to Corp dot com forward slash grammar and enter .

This is in the link .

You can use the free version and you can use the pro version and these people will help you to become better at writing .

It's all on the automatic pilot .

So what I can do over here , I can click over here and it will give me feedback on everything I've written .

So OK , two things .

First , the settings I write in American English done and the second one over here set goals .

So my audience is general formality is informal , like chill allow uh allows slang and other more casual usage .

The domain applies more rules and conventions , medium strictness .

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Um Creative allows some intentional bending of rules .

Yes , the tone is friendly , respectful , optimistic , and joyful .

And I want to inform and those three , if I click on done based on those settings , I can go through all the settings here and see .

This sentence appears to be written in the passive voice .

So where is this ?

Where is it ?

I just click on it .

The free plan .

No , this is OK .

Remove it .

Before we talk about all the features of pro version features the pro version contains , let's talk about pricing .

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There are two Pro plans and the price is based on the number subscribers you have on your list .

OK ?

When you go for the Creative Pro plan , it's convert , get you .

So here it will remove a few things they think uh will make it better .

So it's thinking a little bit and then when it's um rephrasing it , I can replace it .

And then that way I can make my blog post better and better rephrase the sentence .

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Great .

I can move the punctuation , small things that , that will make it better .

A lot of times it's just clicking on the , on the new ID .

So I update it .

What I did , I talked about convert kit .

After that , I talked about um how you can start and while I talk about how to get started , I will talk about uh all the options .

The landing page share con converted , get landing page .

What do we have to offer in exchange for people to opt into your email list ?

You can send broadcast emails .

Then there's a 40 day trial for the converted pro you can use email automation , all this that other stuff .

And there's a lot of text , but I'm missing something really important .

And that is images .

So let's talk about creating images for your blog post .

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So we're gonna add images if I take a look at my competitors , video images , not too much .

This one , a lot of ads , a few images .

So I want to do it also , I will close this now .

So what I want to do and close this , I want to read through my text .

What is Converse kits ?

OK .

This is all fine start with , convert it for free .

OK ?

So what I will do go to convert kits .

There are two ways to do this .

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The first one is with Photoshop uh on the Mac , I say shift command four and then I can drag an area out to use for the picture .

OK ?

Now it will go to my desktop .

I can use , use Photoshop to make it look better if I double click and then I can use the arrow over here , use shapes .

This one over here , I can create a shape .

OK ?

I want to get rid of the stroke .

OK ?

And now I can select the color .

Well , I want to choose an orange color because that's what I want to use in my website .

I want to use an orange color in my website .

So I click over here .

I want to change this to orange .

OK ?

I don't wanna use this one .

And now if I want to point to get started for free , I can just track this over here .

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Go to edit , transform , rotate and then again you removed the border and changes to orange .

OK ?

Now I go to fell export safe for web , I use je 100% the width I changed it to 90 20 and I save it .

And really important you need to optimize it .

So uh first I will make a new folder call this one convert , get review blog posts and I need to rename this .

And this is really important convert kit start for free because when people search for that , look at this convert get pricing and some people go to the images , your image can pop up over here .

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So always give your images and name so I can get started for free .

I made the first image I need to answer a few questions .

So I talk about it over here and then the converse kit pricing .

So what I will do , I will go back to convert kit , I go to pricing and then I want to make a picture of this area .

So um I I normally II , I do a lot of Photoshop , I get rid of those edges , make it look better .

But what I want to do just keep it simple .

So I create an outline within that area .

And this is fine for me , I don't want to be pixel perfect with everything .

So what I will do , I will open this in Photoshop .

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I can also command alt option S or go to F expert C for web like all this comfort kit dash pricing dot JP .

Like that's always 100% later .

I will make the the fell uh smaller starting at $29 per month .

And then here's an overview and then I can show you .

No , I don't have to show you that .

OK .

Let's continue .

Create a pro plan .

OK ?

What I can do , I can do this , OK ?

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Look at this , I can grab this image , I can grab this image , I open it and I save it s creator plan or convert , get greater plan .

That's Je and then the second one , save us , convert git creator pro plan .

That's JP .

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And that's how I go through the text which converts the plan is best for you .

Somehow the text over here is uh I can get rid of this block , how to get started , create a landing page .

So I have a free account .

I sign up for free .

Now , I want to sign up with a free account .

I'll talk about learning pages , create a landing page and I can talk about choosing a template .

There's a tool , it's called Go full Page with Chrome .

And if I click on this , it will make a picture of the whole page .

It's a big pay show will take your time and then I can download it .

I can open it in Photoshop .

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I can make a selection and I can decide to go with the first four image corrupt augment shift TS .

You can take a look at the short cut .

Uh make it in 1920 again .

I forgot it with the other ones .

And then I say convert kit landing page templates dot J PC .

OK .

So that's the first way on how to do it with those arrows and stuff .

But maybe better .

If you go to F Corp , let's come forward slash get cloud app hit , enter , you can make use of this amazing tool .

You can download it for free and it's really easy to create images but also videos and also GS .

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So uh and then you don't need to have Photoshop so we can download this for free or we go to the pricing and we see all the benefits .

When you go for individual , you can use the Pro Pro for free for seven days if I click on buy now .

Oh , look at this .

It is um 9 95 per month .

I can , I can have unlimited skes , unlimited uh recording length and I record in four K .

It is nice .

But uh let's start with the free one .

Continue with free .

I can sign up with Google .

Why not ?

Anti was free ?

My name is Ferdi and my role is I'm into actually I'm into sales .

No , no , I'm more into education .

I want to use a chrome extension .

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Add to chrome , added the extension .

There it is .

Ok , great .

I can see this video if I want to uh see how it works .

But now look at this .

OK .

Next one landing page share or converted learning page .

OK .

What do we have to offer ?

Ok .

Broadcast email .

So I go to sent broadcast or not , I will go to my premium account because I want to show them that I really use this tool and then I go to sent broadcast and then I can point is over here , I can make a screenshot of this area .

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There it is and I can download it over here .

So that goes show and find her hit enter .

I call this one convert get Rod cast and remove the E OK .

And I want to drag it to the folder on my desktop with all the images .

So now if I go to the next thing 14 in a free trial , what I can do , I can go back to the free version .

And again , it's a lot of work .

I know if it was easy , everybody would do this and the great thing is it's hard .

So now you can stand out by doing the hard stuff .

If I go to automates and I say , oh no , no , no , no to send sequence , it will say no , no , no , you don't have access .

Then I want to make a selection of this area .

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I click over here and to make a screenshot , I think it's a little bit smaller over here and then like this .

OK ?

I click on add a date and I want to have an arrow and I can point it over here .

So I save it .

I click on download and that it goes and I can call this free upgrade convert kids .

Remove the E OK .

What I will do now , I will go to tiny BNG dot com hit enter .

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Then I open the folder of all the images I have meant a gonna direct them over here and they go all from big files to small files and here you see the amount of percentage that is downgraded .

So I click on download , download , OK ?

And I'll go for the first one .

So start for free .

Then I click on the plus .

I search for an image .

I want to upload an image .

I go to downloads and I search for this one .

Go get start for free open and there it goes , we can do multiple things with it .

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I can click on it and bring it to the align it to the right and then if I make it smaller , the text will be wrapped around it .

It's something you can do .

Um I personally like to use the whole width .

So the pricing enter , I can um add an image .

But first let me do it like this .

That's what I prefer .

Go back to wordpress , wait , first update , go to wordpress , go to media at new select files and then all these fouls over here open .

That's it .

Now I go back to the boasts all posts .

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I click over here and then over your converted pricing image and I can go to the media library and I can search for pricing .

I selected like that over here , the creator plan .

So now I can click over here .

Sorry , I hit enter search for an image media library and I go for the pro plan greater the pro plan , this one , sorry , the creator plan .

OK ?

I make it smaller , lining it to the right like that .

OK ?

And then the second verse get to create a pro plan .

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I can hit enter if I click on the plus , I'll see image over here because that's the last one I used media library .

Yeah .

Create a pro plan and then create a pro plan .

And again , I can bring it to the left or first align it to the right or to the left , make it smaller .

And then that way you can make this work , how to get started with convert kit , create a landing page show with the landing page over here image meet a library and then the landing page I this one she likes it , broadcast emails .

So that's how we do it .

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That's how it is done media library and I select the broadcast emails .

So I make it a little bit more visual and it can also be found through those images .

So if I click on update and I take a look at the preview in a new tab , it looks like this .

What image is over here ?

An image image you mentioned in that in that way , you can make your blog post so much better and you can be found better and you can do that with Photoshop or you can do it with the Get Cloud App app .

So I will finish that and then I will be back with you .

So over here is my block post but all the images and I think it looks great .

So what I want to do here and then I want to place my affiliate link .

Not too much over here .

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I have my link so I copy it and then let's see , start with converse kits for free enter .

I can have a but start with converse kit for free .

OK .

The link here is this one open a new tab .

OK .

So here's a button .

I don't want to use buttons too much .

So um you just can't play your link anywhere , get your free reporting day trial over here and always check the link .

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Otherwise it will be a waste if you lose commissions .

So I think my blog post is finished .

I also added something at the end , the converted pros and the cons .

So what I want to do , I want to go to post and I want to adjust a few things over here .

Let me update it right now .

The visibility is private .

I can change it to public .

And when I do that and I update it , that means that right now my website , my blog post is invisible to the whole world .

I can also publish it on a certain date .

So maybe I want to publish it next Friday in a certain time format .

Uh Right now it's plus and zero .

So when it's um eight o'clock BM at UC zero , it will be scheduled .

Now , if I update it , it's already published because this was yesterday .

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So I need to go for the next week .

And now if I click on update , it says schedule .

So right now it's scheduled for next week .

So what you can do , you can hire a block post writer and create a few blog posts or let him create it .

Uh Let him or her create that and then you can schedule them for every Friday .

So your website has fresh new block post every week .

So this is what I like to do right now , I want to bring it back to , let's say 16th of September .

So now it's just published and now it's published again .

So , what else are your luck ?

Well , that's what we will see over here on our website if I go to the front end to the block page and over here it says converted review , I think that's perfect .

You can change over here if you want to , then there are categories .

We have a lot of categories already , but they don't have a name .

So I can create a new one by clicking here .

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And I say email marketing , add a new category .

I can also have multiple categories .

So I can say um software , I can also have sub categories so I can create a new one , email software and then I can create a parent category which is software I edit and then it will be selected over here .

So now if I update it and I refreshed the page , look at this in email marketing , email software and software .

So if I click over here , email marketing , I will see all the block posts of the category , email marketing .

And that is a great way to have internal linking and to have more structure in your website , especially when you will have a lot of block posts , then we can have text .

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It's almost the same as categories , but this time it's just random words .

So if I say email marketing and I will have another block post also with email marketing and I click on the text , email marketing .

I'll see all the related block posts .

I hit the comma convert kit , email marketing case study .

And this can also be seen as keywords .

So when you have this , you can be found on those keywords featured the image I keep over here .

I drag it .

What I didn't tell you yet .

You can change the title , remove all the dishes , then copy the title and place it in the alt text .

That's a way to get to be found better on the internet with images .

So there it is , doesn't matter how it looks it , it's fine .

And then an excerpt , there is a small text about what this blog post is all about something like that .

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I'll show you later how you can applied is how you can use this and discussion on to uh people to be able to allow comments and ping backs and track backs .

Yes .

Update Freddie .

What is a ping back ?

Well , what is a thing ?

Be true back ?

No track , track back .

What , what was it ?

What was it ?

Mm Trek back and then you can find out .

Yeah .

So people can see uh when they link to me or the other way around .

That's how I learn things .

Just Google it so , so far , so good .

Let me refresh this page now .

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It looks like that convert get reviewed 2021 get started for free email , marketing , email software software .

Great .

Now it's time to optimize our blog post .

And before we are gonna do that , we need to do a few other things in order to set , set a strong foundation when it comes to optimizing your website when to get the right data .

So we can analyze the data and see how we can perform better .

So the first thing we need to do , we need to line up my website for the Google Search console .

So we can see how we are doing .

We want to have feedback , we want to know how we are doing .

We're gonna use a a for that .

We're gonna use Google Search Console , Google Analytics .

We're gonna use a rank math to optimize our website where we want to get feedback just as with grammar .

I want to know how I am doing .

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So I want to have feedback from friends from grammar le from Google Search Console from A I want to know how I'm doing it .

And if you know how we are doing , we also know how to improve .

And I'm gonna take you with me on this journey .

So the first thing we need to do , we need to go to Google and the Analytics , Google Analytics .

You need to have a Gmail account for this and then you can sign up um uh really simple if you and not sign up and you really have no idea how you can do that , please uh watch a tutorial on how you can do that .

Um And when you've done that , go to Google Analytics to your account .

So if I go to Google Analytics to the home page , this is what I will see .

Then I go to the admin .

I want to create a new account .

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My new account name is passive income with 30 is all fine with me .

I click on next .

The property name is again passive income with 30 .

I focus on the United States of America , United States and the currency on my website is dollar .

Next .

OK .

I'm a small business .

How do I want to ?

Well , I want to know everything .

Uh use it for everything .

I want to get everything out of it .

I accept everything .

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OK ?

Next step , set up data stream to start collecting data .

So I choose uh the web as a platform I have this best .

Can I base it ?

No passive in come with 30 dot com .

My street name is income with 30 .

I want to see as much as possible .

So I click on create stream .

OK ?

And now we need to scroll down and we use the C MS gold wordpress .

So uh we need to use the global side deck .

So I click over here .

So what I need to do , I need to place this code in the head of my website .

We can do it like this .

But what we also can do , we can use Google side kit .

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So if I go to the back end and then I want to go to plugins at new search for Google side kit install now activate , I want to start the setup first .

They want me to verify that it is me .

So I need to verify the ownership .

So I was signing with Google , I use my uh GMO account I use for everything I click on continue .

I need to verify my ownership .

And again , this is a uh a moment where I can get stuck or give up .

Please don't let me show you how it is done .

Yes , I allowed them to have access .

I'm a verified owner .

So sometimes you don't need to follow the steps .

Somehow they know I am the owner of this website .

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So I click on add site .

I have successfully set up everything I go to my dashboard .

I still need to link it with Google Analytics .

So over here analytics connect service again for the Corp , the same email address I use over here at Google Analytics Continue .

And then I need to select my account , which is this one .

And then I say configure analytics .

Additional permission is required when you need to grant cited permission and then click on cancel .

Not just kidding .

Click on , proceed again .

It's just a lot of clicking continue and now it is connected .

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So it will get our information it has no analytics yet because we just sign up through the days , it will become more clear .

So that's Google Analytics .

I see I have 24 unique visitors .

Wow , that's really impressive .

But I don't want Google analytics to see myself as a visitor .

Otherwise I have visitors all the time because I'm working on this website .

How can I block myself from Google Analytics ?

Well , first we need to go to an a analytics at google dot com for new users .

So there are users over here somehow , I don't know how I did not place anything about this website yet .

So if I click over here , I go to the admin , I want to block myself .

Then over here I need to select passive income with dot com .

Yes .

And now I see this area over here .

Now I can click on filters and now I need to add a filter .

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So I click on , add the filter name is exclude verde IP .

Then the filter type is predefined and I want to select the type which is exclude and I go to the internet .

What is my IP address ?

OK .

It seems that they have new IP addresses .

It looks really weird .

I copy it and I click over here and I say traffic from the IP addresses and I wanted to be equal to this one and then I save it .

And now when I'm working on my website , it will not be seen as a unique visitor .

So I'm really happy with that .

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So what I want to do now search console , I want to connect it because right now it says it's connected and let , let me make it sure Google Site on Soul .

I want to start now and again , if you're not a member yet , you can see on the internet how you can get started over here .

Fred Corp is already a property and they click on add property and I somehow I already see it over here .

I don't know what they did sf income with 30 dot com .

If you don't see that you can add your own .

So somehow it is already linked .

And again , we don't see anything because it's just connected .

So um search consoles connected , analytic is connected and page speed insights is not connected , but I just want to focus on analytics and search on .

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So what I can do , I can go to appearance , sorry to , to not let's go to the dashboard side summary .

So when I have data , it will be displayed over here .

So we have a Google search console linked and we have Google Analytics linked and now they will get our data and in the beginning , it will probably not be much because nobody knows about our website yet .

What I want to do now , I want to optimize our website for the search results by making use of 30 Corp dot com forward slash rank .

Meth hit enter .

This is an affiliate link .

We're gonna start with a free version and we can download it for free over here .

Yeah , we go to plugins at new and then I search for rank Meth .

There is more than 900,000 installations .

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A lot of likes people like it .

They like it more than Yos seo and it has more functionalities and you get the pro version even have more functionalities .

I think when you take the series , you should go with the pro version .

So we can connect the free accounts , connect your account , you can link uh log in with Facebook um with Google and with wordpress , I use Google again , Freddie Corp .

You're about to activate or arrangement free plan for the zero L OK .

Activate it now .

So let's go for advanced and start the wizard and I will show you step by step how you can do that .

Input data from redirection .

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We have to plug in uh it's not much data but we will uh no , I want to skip this because I want to keep using redirection .

But rank math also has a plug-in within it that can do that , but I prefer redirection .

So I turn this off , skip the imports and we go to the second step your site .

What is it ?

Is it a personal blog for me right now ?

It's a personal blog .

This is my logo , uh my default social share image .

So when people .

Uh I want to share it on Facebook .

I want to show my face as to this one save and continue connect Google services .

Yes .

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Uh It's , it's the best when they are all connected with each other , they can see all the information so they can help me to optimize it .

Continue there .

It is at one and for the Google Analytics best of income with 30 that if income with 30 oh website data .

And that's also a thing .

You can install the analytics code , but we don't need to do it because we already have Google site .

Git do I have a sense ?

I don't have that yet .

So I'll skip that .

Do I want to get email reports ?

Yes , save and continue .

Next really important site maps with site maps , you can create one file of all the index pages and blog posts on your website and send it to Google .

So Google knows what to index in your website .

And here we can set up what we want to include .

We want to include everything .

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Hm .

So I click on save and continue sl tweaks .

Well , they do the Twix for us .

This is all fine and click on save and continue .

And then my site is ready .

Enable auto update , auto update after the login .

Yes , and know more about the pro version .

You can take a look at that and right now I click on set up advanced options .

I don't use this .

So I click on save and continue money through to 404 .

So when pages are not found monitor that I don't want to use redirection save and continue .

They want to make use of schema markup .

I leave it all as it is save and continue .

We can also always change this later .

So we have set up rank math .

Now we can do so much more .

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If I go to the dashboard , we see rank man overview .

And that's why I like to bring this one .

You know , I like Google Analytics at the left and rank math at the right .

So in a few days , you start to see data over here , you will see more about the simple pricing plans of rank rank moth for unlimited websites .

You can track 500 keywords , powerful schema generator or a schema .

If I search for 30 Corpus Hook , I'll make sure this all looks really nice uh this for personal use .

And you can also go with this one .

This is in my opinion , the better one perfect for freelancers , businesses , agencies owners and it will cost $199 per year and you can have up to 100 websites , track 10,000 keywords , powerful generator and renews at 1 99 plus taxes .

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If you want to go with them , you need to accept what the terms .

Well , right now , I will not use this yet , but I will talk about it later .

So let's go to our blog post and now it's time to optimize it .

So I click over here and what we see now is over here , our score , our rank math score .

So if I click over here , this is how it will look when people search on the internet convert , get review 2001 gets started .

It's converted the best email marketing tool out there .

Let's find out the pros and cons of convert kits .

I can edit this snippet over here and then again , I can take a look at others how they do it .

What do they say ?

Convert kit review again , IDA attention interest , desire and action .

It makes it extremely difficult for people unless you pay for their plan .

Wow , convert , it is a great email service provider for content creators .

It offers a lot of advanced features that will help you to build an online business .

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So right now the the title is created by default .

Later , we can change this by removing the site and all that stuff .

So over here , I can just create from scratch convert kit review 2021 get started .

43 , the thermal link is this one the description .

So convert kit review is the word I want to be found on .

So in this convert kit review without capital , you can see that prose guns off our first kids .

We will also sure U A $5000 case study it can all be a little bit longer to title review .

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2020 get started for free with over kit .

So now it's more green the link .

I think it's still great .

Even though we can have a longer one , I want to keep it like that in this converted review .

Ok .

On social media , you can customize it .

I just look on the mobile .

Great .

So I really like this .

Um We edit the snippet and this is really important the focus keyword .

What do we want to be found on ?

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What if I take a look at a refs dot com and I search for the keyword explorer , I see convert kids search , I go to the matching terms or related terms , offers good pricing offers , good reviews or first get review .

I want to be found .

Look at this convert kit is been searched .

We also rank for this one .

You know , it will go for convert kit itself .

Converse kids .

No , it is uh too , too broad .

So I want to focus on convert review convert kit , review , convert kit go get pricing or you go for the low hanging fruit .

Remember ?

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So you say um keyword difficulty maximum of 25 but the volume should be minimum of thousands .

Then you also need to write about that and keep in mind that when you grab those stacks , definitely talk about it .

If you want to rank for converted pricing and you use it over here because it's a , a great word to write about and also really dive deep into that subject that we over here .

Yes , updating .

I can have multiple keywords , but this one is the most important one .

So again , what do I want to focus on ?

Well , what do I talk about over here ?

Start with a K start with convert kit .

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So I use it covers get pricing , convert kit free plan , we plan .

OK .

What is pillar content ?

Well , actually it's kind of evergreen content .

So will this be changed in two months ?

If the answer is no , in a year , people can read this and then still applies .

Of course , a few images can change because they change the look a few .

But this is pillar content .

If you want to learn more about things , just click over here , select one or more pillar content post .

So then we scroll down and then we see there are five errors .

The folk skewer does not appear in the seo title .

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The folk keyword is converge a review and I wrote it the wrong way .

So that's the reason why uh I look at this .

That's the reason why I'm not ranking for it .

So again , converge review .

Yes , better .

It's not right anymore .

I want this to be the the folk cure .

So what I need to do a little bit interesting that it needs to be done this way .

It needs to be the first word .

So again , convert kit , no convert kit , review over it , convert kit rising .

And we already see a lot of great keywords , convert kit .

I should never do convert with first milk chain because I don't talk about it yet .

I talk about the landing page .

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However , convert , get free plan offer a kit creator pro so there are a few keywords .

It's not ranking well con convert it .

I'm writing it the right way and over here we can fix it .

So a few things that are going great folks , key word use inside SCL made a description .

Folks cured in the U is these amounts , these amounts of words .

The folk skewer doesn't appear in the EO title convert it .

It's not an seo title convert again and convert again .

I forget the T and that was bold and I it was bold because I used it over here .

So convert get reviewed 2021 .

Now it's too long .

Convert , get review 2021 .

Gets started for free .

OK ?

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So now it's getting better aang um score but we need to , we need to be found better .

By the way , I forget one importance one , this one I cannot use it .

I got only five .

So I say Convert kit and now it gets reviewed somehow .

Look at this .

It's magic .

You're using the focus keyword in the se title folks skewer in the S A description .

So we're getting feedback from rank met on automatic pilot and that's why I use it .

Folks doesn't appear at the beginning of your content .

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So in the beginning of my content , it is to the in this convert get review , I show you how .

So now look at this , it's getting greener and look at this .

It's getting to 90 from 30 to 90 .

So then there are additional things .

No outbound links were found to external sources .

We found zero upload links in your content and all of them are no follow .

So what I can do , look at this , look at this , look at this .

Um No , no , no , no , I can't guys .

Come on , sorry guys .

That was not to you but to myself .

I mean , come on .

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So do I have a convert tutorial ?

The weird thing is I cannot see it here .

There's so much I can do to make my website better overt get tutorial 30 .

So I can link to this page and then I'll link to an outbound outbound page and I have an internal link in the beginning .

How to get started .

Click here to go to convert K DS .

But did I not use a link in the beginning ?

You can watch this tutorial .

That's an in in .

OK , let's make it an unbound link .

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No , you can , if you want to learn how to learn from scratch , how to work with conversate , you can do that over here or watch this youtube tutorial .

Look at this I selected past the link open in a new tab enter .

OK .

Wow .

96 I like this .

I like this process .

So we're just doing everything they say we have an outbound link .

Now we have an internal link .

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It's all good .

We we score well , so what you just need to do is fix all these issues , readability .

So if we start to create a lot of blog posts like this and we link them to each other .

So convert , get review , convert this first mil chip , converts gets tutorial and then we link everything to each other .

It becomes a beautiful spider web of the worldwide web and everybody is happy and you start to get visitors and you can turn those visitors into buyers .

I'm excited .

This looks really great .

And if I go to the home page to block , we can hover over here and we see it looks great .

There's a green area that means that this page is doing great .

So that's it .

We made a blog post .

We did so many things already guys .

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I'm proud of you ladies .

I I always say guys with guys , I mean everybody , wow , I'm happy it was a lot of work but um I'm happy with the result and now it's a matter of creating more content or let others create content for you .

So let's go to the settings of arrangement .

There are a few more things we can do if I go to rank math dashboards is all fine .

We can go to analytics , we optimize one page a little bit of uh analytics site analytics , one good score .

Again here for this , we need to upgrade , let's go to the general settings .

What I want to do ?

I wanna go to a then I want to change something .

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When I make use of a separator , I want to use this , this personally what I like , save it .

And then I go to the post and I don't want to use the site name , my affiliate marketing website .

Now I want to only use this the site title , the Separator , only the title .

That's what I want to show .

I only want to show the excerpt .

So by default , but my , my snippet in Google will show the title , not something else .

Save the changes .

Did you save it ?

It's really important because if you don't save it , it will not be saved .

And all the things you've done on that page will be gone and they will be finished and um need to do it all over again .

That would be such a waste of your time because if you would have saved it .

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But on a serious note , this is the end of the tutorial .

I hope you like it .

I hope you learned a ton of stuff and I hope you will make money which are blog posts .

And what I want to urge you to do , don't write one blog post on your website .

I did one blog post .

It made me $1000 so far , which is amazing , far better than I expected .

Especially if I take a look at the time I put into it .

The story two hours , two hours of hard work , maybe a little bit more research and $1000 is not bad , not bad at all .

I cannot promise you , it will go the same with you .

Maybe it's more , maybe it's less .

But what I urge you to do is start writing more posts .

When you finish your first one , you you can think like , OK , I'm gonna relax .

I'm gonna wait , no , start writing new content because uh in the same niche and then um I , I want to advise you if you want to learn more about this matter , go to youtube and search for affiliate marketing .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

30 at enter , I have a few tutorials and a field marketing course .

That's four hours long .

Then I have one that looks really similar , but it's a different one .

This is really focused on creating a website .

So um yeah , also six hours or 12 hours of video tutorials , there's a little bit of overlap .

This is more uh a field marketing in general because there are more multiple ways to do a field marketing and this more on how to create a field marketing website .

So if you want to learn more about that , how to do market research for great mitch to do a field marketing in .

You can choose one another .

Example , a little bit older .

It's also a , a great story and a short , I have a lot of tutors about a failed marketing that ideas for affiliate marketing .

And that's it about that subject .

And , um , yeah , that's it .

Keep on perceiving .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

That's what I've done since 2015 is when I really started to , uh , to , to take a video marketing serious .

I persevered even when I was not making any money and now I'm doing really fine .

So good luck .

And also keep on thinking about that .

You want to help other people go to XML , keep the people in mind that visit your website .

Think like , hey , I want to help him as good as I can , the , the best way possible .

And I think when you do that and you persevere , those are two amazing ingredients too .

Create something amazing that people will like and this will make you money .

OK .

Feel free to like this video , subscribe and leave a comment if you want to leave a comment about what you think of it or something else .

Yes .

Ok .

Bye bye .


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