Sit with your legs stretched out , bend the right knee and place it on the left side .
Repeat the same step with the outer left .
Make sure that the so 10 ft point upward and the healing smooths to the ab to place your hands on your knees , close your eyes and relax .
Come onto the floor on your hands and knees , inhale while raising the head and repressing the spine so that the back becomes fun .
Exhale while lowering the head , stretching the spine upwards and pulling the buttons .
The hands should be in line with the knees .
The arms and thighs should be perpendicular to the floor .
The knees may be slightly separated so that they are well aligned under the hips .
Repeated 5 to 10 drums , stand straight , fold your left leg and place the sole of your foot along with your inner thigh .
Inhale and raise your arms up , keeping your palms together .
Hold the posture for about 10 seconds and exhaling , lower your arms and your leg back to the start position .
Now repeat the same with the other side .
Sit in a out and stand on the knees with hands close to your tires .
Stretch your arms up , lean backward and slowly reaching the hills with your hands , push the hips forward and bend the hand and spine backward as hard as possible .
Remained the final teacher for as long as his team return to the starting position by slowly releasing the hands from the hand one at a time .
It's important that this ana is followed by a forward pending arsenal .
Like Shahan Kana sit with the legs outstretching slowly bend forward and try to grasp your big toes with your fingers .
Try to touch your knees with the forehead .
Hold a position for as long as it's comfortable .
You can ask your instructor to help you with this Arsen sit with the legs stretched out , bend the left leg , place your foot close to your hand , bend the right leg and bring the foot behind the left knee .
Inhaling place your left arm over the right knee , rotate your torso , place your hand next to your left thigh .
Look over to your right shoulder .
Hold the to for a few seconds , reverse the movements to come out of the posture and repeat on the other side like that in your stomach , arms to the side of your shoulders , you slowly raise your hand and straighten your elbows .
The arms may or may not be straight , hold the position for a few seconds slowly release the upper back by bending the arms , lower the navel chest , shoulders and finally the forehead to the life flatten your stomach , bend your legs upwards and hold both the ankles with your hands .
Inhale while raising your thighs and chest simultaneously , upwards , arching your spine as much as possible .
Hold the position for as long as it's comfortable .
Exhaling .
Return to the original position , support yourself and your elbows , raise your legs up to 4 to 5 degrees to stretch your arms out towards your knees .
Hold it for a few seconds and lower your legs , hands and head line your back with feet together .
Using your arms for spot inhale , erase both legs and slowly roll the vertex and spine of the floor .
Raising the trunk to a vertical position .
The elbows should be about shoulder with a part gently push the chest forward so that it presses firmly against the chin , release your hands and place the arms on the floor beside the body with the palms down .
You slowly lower the torso , the buttocks and the legs relax and lie on your back with feet together , place your arms inside the body with the arms facing down , using your arms for support to help raise both legs , keeping them straight up together .
Swipe your legs in the arc over your head till your toes touch the floor .
Relax and hold the final pose for as long as it's co table exhaling , lower your legs and go back to the start , lie on your back with feet together and handy underneath your hips .
Inhaling arch your chest up and dress your crown on the ground .
Hold the poster for around 10 seconds , lie on your back with legs straight , fold your legs and bring your knees close to your chest .
Wrap your arms around your legs and draw them as close as possible .
Bend your neck and try to touch your knees with your forehead .
Maintain the potion for a few seconds .
Break down your head and neck to the floor and release arms from the knees .
Strengthen your legs and return to the starting position .
Lie on your back with arms away from your body .
Pounds facing upwards .
It should be slightly apart .
Head and spine should mean a straight line , relax the whole body and be aware of the breath .