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2023-07-19 14:28:48

How To Headstand & What To NEVER EVER Do! _ Headstand For Beginners Masterclass

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Welcome friends to a quick little headstand tutorial where we're going to focus on what not to do what to do and how to get you up and running and in your headstand .

Nice and quick .

So grab your mat and your water and join me .

The thing about the headstand is it's all about strength .

And the number one problem that people have when they're getting into their headstand for the first time is not focusing on a warming up and b building enough strength to get into it safely .

It is incredibly important that you focus on your dog dolphin .

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It is the number one exercise you can do to build up the shoulder strength and the arm strength give you enough balance , not only to hold your headstand because everyone thinks that's all it's about .

But actually the main focus of all your strength comes into getting into your headstand safely .

So let's work on the dolphin number one .

So a dolphin is very much like a plank on your elbows and you start just like that like this here , but you walk your toes a little bit forward , bringing your chin just above your hands .

So that you're able to push back just like this .

So this is your starting point for dolphin starting 0.1 .

Then on the exhale , you bring your body , putting all your weight into your shoulders and your arm and almost touching your chin to the front of the floor in front of you .

That's one do this with me right now .

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10 times two , three , exhale down , four , inhale , exhale down , five , inhale , exhale down six , nice and slow fluid movements .

If your toes come back on the mat , bring them up .

There we go .

Seven , eat nine , 10 .

Usually on the last one , I like to hold here for an extra second or 23 , two , one and down .

So that's pretty much the strength secret is the dolphin .

I usually do that honestly , probably once a practice .

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Um When I'm doing an upper body practice just in general for yoga , I try to rotate through that at least three times anywhere from 10 to 15 reps .

Super important .

And as we get into the headstand , you'll see if you can't accomplish a safe execution .

You just go back and do more dolphins .

It's all good .

So as we get into the technique of the headstand , this is equally as important as a strength because the number one thing you can do wrong is follow the name of the snow , which is headstand .

I know that sounds a little funny , but the thing is you don't want to put your weight on your head , your head will be touching the mat , but 95% of your weight is gonna be on your forearms .

And that's super important , especially as you're building more strength in your neck .

When you're doing your head stand for the first time , you have literal , literally no strength whatsoever built into the neck muscles that it would be actually bearing the weight .

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So it's incredibly , incredibly important that you build the strength in your arms .

So that only 5% of that weight is , is actually being bear on your neck .

So the idea is you're gonna be end up putting your hands together , not exactly like this .

Because if you put your , your , if you put these fists on the floor like that , all your weight will end up on this pinky .

So actually you can do this or you can kind of go do this .

But however , so that you're sharing weight across the basis of your hand , I usually actually do this like that .

So the idea is liking your dolphin now that you have your , your hands down in a triangle such as so just like you're doing a dolphin , you're gonna end up putting the crown of your head right in between .

So you're kind of clasping the top , the top of your head , just the crown part here and that's sort of your basis and structure for the entire execution .

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So while you're here , the first exercise , you can do if you're getting ready to get into .

It is just lift and just play around here for a second .

You know , put the weight on either hand on either your forearms , check to see how much of that weight is actually on your head .

I tend to pull my head right off the mat a lot of the time just to ensure that I'm being incredibly safe for my neck .

And once you're up here , you can practice walking your toes up and walking your toes back and walking up .

Now , as you feel , the closer you can walk towards your face , the more weight just naturally transfers to your forearms .

In fact , my toes barely have anything at all because they've , all of it is all about weight transfer .

That's the thing with headstands .

Everyone thinks it's some secret , but it's honestly , it's just a weight transfer as you walk up towards and get comfortable for it .

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Now , the idea is as you get closer here , you can try if this is as far as you feel comfortable for today , go back , do more dolphins .

Come back tomorrow , it's totally fine or you can practice just raising 1 ft and getting used to the balance , getting used to the weight transfer .

That's all this is just you could do this 10 , 20 times .

Call it a day , come back tomorrow , do it again and every day you going to feel more and more comfortable with the idea of doing something you probably haven't done since you were a kid , which is being upside down , which is actually really fun , which is actually something I think more people should do , have fun in their life , play with their bodies .

Experiment , do stuff that like we used to enjoy that all of a sudden once we started adulting , we decided it's not cool to do that .

That , that's not something you're supposed to do .

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But honestly , yoga , it's taught me to just have fun with my body doing it like I used to when I was a kid .

So you're practicing a few times up and down , then just bring those feet up just like this .

And if this is as far as you wanna go , step three , totally fine , totally fine to just hang out here , bring your feet down and you can call it a day .

But the idea here is to work your way towards because the worst thing you can do getting in a headstand is just launch your feet up and expect to all of a sudden have the strength and have the training to understand the balance without falling for me .

I don't know , off the edge here and into the jungle .

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So once you get up just to this point right here and you feel comfortable enough , check that your weight is on your hands and your forearms instead of your head and you can slowly extend .

Now , once you get to the top and you're extending , it's a very unique sensation if you haven't done it for a while .

But eventually you're gonna really work towards engaging those glutes , engaging those quads straightening like a pencil and pointing those toes and you can just hang out here .

They say it's incredibly great for brain health to be upside down .

So is lions main .

So take your lines main upside down and get double the points .

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And now once you're up , it's important to not just throw yourself down either , try to come down with ease , using that core strength and slowly come into Charles Post .

This is the last what not to do .

Do not forget to come into Charles's Post .

It is the counter to all of that pressure .

You just put on your shoulders and your arms in your neck , even though it was just 5% this counter .

If you get up right away , you grasp great injury .

I had actually , it's funny , I'm doing headstands .

Now .

I had a herniated disc in my lower neck and a herniated disc in my lower spine and slowly through patience , through safety , through strength and recovery , I can hang out upside down all I want and I don't have to worry .

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It's kind of amazing .

So honestly , I mean , that's really it , the thing is at any point when you're going level to level , if you don't have the strength to feel comfortable , to feel stable , just go back and do more dolphins .

That's really the message to this whole thing .

The dolphin is the key builds your strength , builds your core , strength , builds your shoulders , builds everything you need .

And once you're up there , you'll see .

It's , it's actually um it's really freaking fun .

So have fun .

Work on it .

Let me know in the comments how this goes .

I'd love to know how many days it took you .

Maybe you get it right away .

Maybe it takes a week , maybe it takes three days .

I don't know .

But if you nail it by using this tutorial , let us know in the comments .

It's gonna be super exciting to see all you guys learning to have fun .

Like you're a kid again doing things with your body you haven't done in years .

All right .

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Well , other than that , subscribe to the channel , give this video a like we're here at Mystic Retreat Center in Costa Rica .

You can go down click a link to their spot in the description .

It's a fantastic place if you ever want to travel to take your yoga journey a little bit deeper and if you don't want to travel , you can go click this little button up here .

It's an I it says be beautiful official .

That's our app and streaming platform .

We have videos just like this .

Tons of tutorials .

Actually , we just finished posting , I think like 21 different tutorials , including another one for the headstand and all kinds of other things .

There's full length classes , exclusive content are basically everything we've ever done is right there .

It's free to check out .

So go check it out .

It's a great way you can support us .

And if not subscribe to this channel is more than enough .

We're just honestly being here and just trying and knowing that you got something from this , that means the world to us .

All right with that .

I wish you all the love and light for my heart .

Now , I must stay .


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