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2023-07-19 14:27:06

How To Do A Wheel Pose _ The Right Way _ Well+Good

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Hi , my name is Andrea Russell .

And you're watching the right way today , I'll be showing you how to get into a wheel pose the right way before we do that .

I wanna show you some of the really common mistakes .

I see my students making all the time and often our , my students will have their feet too wide apart .

Their knees will be spreading wide .

They're laying down , their hands are back by , by their ears , but they're either too wide or too narrow .

Another common problem is elbows spreading too far apart , which can it get really hard to lift up ?

And my students are struggling , they're trying to come straight up .

Their hips are going all sorts of ways .

It doesn't feel too great .

And let me show you the right way , start with moving your feet back .

So the heels are right below the knees , take the hands back by the ears , at least shoulder distance apart with the fingertips pointing towards the shoulders .

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And rather than trying to come straight up in one go , start by lifting up first to the top of your head .

Once you're here align the elbows in line with your wrists and then press straight up like you're lifting something heavy , press your hips up towards the ceiling , extend the arms , take deep full breaths .

Another area where I see a lot of students doing it the wrong way is coming out of Wheel when you come out , be sure to take the chin in towards the chest and lower the shoulders down first so you can have a nice smooth landing .

Remember to be gentle with yourself .

Now , wheel can be a pretty challenging pose .

So here's a few ways to know if you're prepared to do a wheel pose .

The first is if the hands can't touch the floor when you put the hands back by the ears , if the palms aren't completely flat , then maybe you're not quite ready .

Pay attention to how your body is feeling in the practice and it's not feeling right , maybe stick with a bridge pose or just stay resting on the top of your head , taking a few deep breaths to get the opening in your chest .

Wheel pose will be there for you every day .

Feel free to come back to it .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

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