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2023-07-17 08:29:09

Burn to the Beat Dance Intervals - Hip Hop Cardio Dance Workout- Keaira LaShae

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I'm and this is hip hop dance intervals .

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You ready to have some fun ?

I hope so .

Here we go .

I'm Kiara .

This is Be Fit hip hop interval training .

Let's get right into the warm up ear , touching the shoulder .

Then we're gonna do the same thing on the other side .

Here we go right here .

Good .

Gonna warm up that neck .

Get it ready to work .

Doing some of my favorite hip hop moves today .

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Good .

Now , turn it right to left , good and lead with the chin .

You got it .

Next move we're gonna do is one of my favorites .

It's the boogie neck right here .

Go .

Awesome .

Now you're gonna give me a shoulder roll forward and fold the arms .

Here we go in 5678 .

Roll it right here .

23 .

Good .

Let's have some fun with it and add a hip roll this way .

Go .

Hey , hey , good .

Bounce it other way .

Go nice .

Hey , warm those hips up and warm that lower back up .

Good .

Next thing back , warm up , taking it out .

567 right here .

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Open the arms .

Go good .

Cross it .

Cross it .

Good .

Few more .

Four , three , two .

Step it in right here and just give me those circles and those knees warming up the joints .

Getting them ready to work way .

Go .

Good .

Excellent .

Step it out right here .

Roll it up , good shoulders , back and down .

Awesome job .

Let's get into it .

We are doing five moves , four rounds per move , 20 seconds on 10 seconds off .

Then you get 32nd break .

Ok .

First move .

It's just like a jumping jack .

So we're just taking it from , to just like that and pulling back with the elbows .

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All right , you're gonna give me everything you got .

I got my girls here with me and we're gonna rock it out today .

Here we go .

Go .

Hey .

Yes , good .

There you go .

Pull those elbows all the way back .

This is working that upper back , shoulder area .

Keep your abs , tight core engaged , working those calves that booty gonna be right .

Good .

You got it .

Good job .

Bring it down .

Excellent breathe .

You're gonna give that to me again .

Here we go .

Let's go for it .

Hit it .

All right .

Let's have some fun with it right here and turn .

Go .

Go .

Good , go .

Yes , you got it right here .

Go other way .

Go .

Yeah .

Go bring it back to the front .

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Awesome job .

Oh my gosh .

Breathe .

Third round , third time is the charm you're gonna really give it to me .

Here we go .

Go .

Hey , good .

Bring it up .

Pluck it up .

Take it back .

Go .

Who go go .

Let me hear it .

Hey , let me hear it .

Hey .

Yes , good .

Let me hear it .

Hey , good job .

Bring it down .

Excellent .

Breathe .

Get ready for that last round for this move .

Here we go .

Get it .

You gotta go .

Don't you give up ?

Keep moving .

Keep moving .

I know it's tiring but you gotta challenge yourself .

You're gonna get this 32nd break coming up .

You deserve it right here .

Bring it down .

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Oh Breathe , grab some water , inhale , exhale .

You keep moving no matter what .

Watch me .

The next move is one of my favorites .

It's a double booty hop .

You're hopping up two times 12 , down , two .

So in and out just like that .

That's how you doing ?

All right .

Here we go in 567 .

Let's go hit who ?

Hey , hey , yes , guys who have some fun with it .

Get funky .

Go .

Whoa , whoa whoa You are .

Hey , stop it right there .

Take it down .

A How you doing ?

You feel good .

Hey , here we go .

Let's go for it right here .

Go .

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Let's have some fun .

Turn it to the side , go , stay right here .

Stay here .

They got to see that bounce .

Boom , boom , boom .

Boom .

Yeah .

Oh , yes .

Good job .

Back to the front .

Let's talk .

Breathe .

Yeah .

I know .

Good job .

Let's go for it again .

Go hit it .

Yes , you got it .

Let's have some fun with it .

Turn it , go right here .

Stay there .

Bounce it and bounce it .

You're gonna feel it in those caves .

You're gonna fill it in that back .

Oh , that booty .

Good .

Bring it down .

Oh , man .

Oh , man .

Let's go for it .

Last one .

Go .

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Who ?

Take it up so fat .

Oh Back up , back right here .

Stay here .

Do breathe .

I know it's tough but you can do it .

Bring it down , shake it out .

Good job .

You deserve that break .

Breathe .

Who get your water ?

Because I need you to come back .

Strong .

Recovery is just as important as the workout .

All right , next move you're gonna clap above the head and push the knees down .

Knees up , hands down .

Are y'all ready ?

Let's go .

678 .

Go .

Now this is totally up to you .

If you wanna hop it , you can always keep it here .

This is your workout .

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I'm just here to help you .

Stay motivated .

Hey , come on .

Good job .

Bring it out .

Oh yeah .

Good job , ladies .

Good job to you .

Breathe .

Let's go for it again .

567 .

Go .

Yes .

Come on .

Give me everything you got .

Who ?

Let's go .

What do you have to lose ?

Nothing but the pound .

Hey , come on , let's go .

Get it up there .

Whoa , whoa OK .

Bring it down .

Who breathe ?

They time to charm .

Let's go for it .

Go .

Oh get those arms all the way up there .

Let's take it around the world .

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Go , go , go , go the way , go , go , go , go , go take it down .

Yes .

Last one .

Give me everything you got here and go .

Oh , come on .

I'm gonna challenge myself just like I want you to challenge yourself up .

Go free .

Almost done .

How you doing , Sasha ?

Hey , bring it down .

Good job .

Good job .

Grab some water .

This is your 32nd break .

This is your recovery .

Inhale , exhale .

Next move .

How are you doing ?

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Jumping out in , back to the front , knees up , out and in and knees up again , out and in , knees up , out and in knees up .

Here we go .

Get it .

Hands on the hips .

Go right there .

Hey , it's really worth getting .

Go .

Go .

Go .

Oh You got it .

Come on .

Hey , hey , yes .

Bring it down .

Bring it down .

Whoa , three .

Here we go .

567 .

Go .

Hands behind the head right here .

So let's have some fun with it .

Oh Who ?

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Hey , go , go , go , go , go .

Breath .

Who bring it down ?

Whoa .

Talk about cardio .

Oh my goodness .

Last one around here we go .

Go .

Oh Let's add a cloud right here .

Go .

Yeah .

Go .

Hey , hit it , hit it , hit it , bring it down .

This is your last round right here .

Oh , here we go .

Go .

Hey , clap it out .

Go .

Hey .

Yes .

No .

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00 , let me hear it .

Oh , let me hear it .

Let me hear it .

Yes .

Bring it down .

You deserve it .

You deserve it .

You deserve it .

You deserve it .

30 seconds inhale , exhale , grab some water .

Next move is a jump lunge switch .

All we're doing is 1 ft in front , 1 ft in back and bring it back to the middle and do the same thing on the other side and you're pulling the elbows back , leading with the elbows .

Always meet me in the middle right here we go .

567 .

Go .

Yes .

Oh yeah you got it .

Come on , come on , come on , come on , go , go go .

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This is working that booty those calves , those legs break it down .

Oh yeah this is your last round of moves so I need 100 and 50 million% from you from y'all .

Let's go .

Hit it go .

Alright let's have some fun with this .

Take it around , go turn it , turn it go .

Oh no .

Right here .

Yes .

Right here .

Good .

Stay here .

Get low .

Get low , get low .

Who bring it down now if you know me , you know we gotta work the other side .

Here we go and go .

Hit it .

All right .

Turn it , go , stay , stay here , go , go right there .

Good .

Go good .

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There you go .

You gotta stay here .

Get low .

Come on , come on .

Last one you got this .

Let's go for it right here .

Go hit it , push those elbows back .

Really ?

Work that upper back area .

Who work those abs ?

Go down .

Hey , you got it .

Hey , good job .

Bring it down .

Oh my gosh .

Yes .

Yes .

Yes .

Breathe .

Grab some water .

You're ready .

So cool it down .

We check it out .

You deserve this recovery time .

You've worked very high .

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Pick it out .

Oh , good job .

All right .

Here we go .

Chasing arms , taking it back right here .

Let's go back and just tap the heels , bend the knees just a little bit .

Let's have some fun with this .

Lean it to the side .

Oh Yes .

Oh and just breathe great job .

Now take you forward right here .

Go , hey , and just bend the knees just slightly .

You got it .

Good .

Step it out .

Rib circle that way .

Ok .

Oh Breathe .

Really ?

Isolate that core .

We work the back .

We work the core other direction .

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Go breathe excellent body roll .

Step it in right here .

Go step it back .

Go breathe , step it in .

Go breathe , step it out .

Go good job and step it in .

You got it .

Oh , excellent .

Give me a cat stretch .

Slip it out .

Good inhale .

Take it up .

Roll it up , slowly , shoulders back one more time .

Good stack that spine , shoulders back , good .

Walk it in .

Big inhale .

Take it up .

Exhale one more time .

Big inhale .

Take it up .

So take it down .

Good shoulders back .

Just freeze .

Yeah .

Good job guys .

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Hey , side to side right there and just bend the needs just a little bit .

Yes .

Last time .

Big inhale .

Take it up .

He take it down .

Great job guys .

I'm Karla .

She and I will see you next time right here .

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