Welcome to the channel , everyone in today's video .
I'll be talking about the best web hosting platforms covering their price speed features and other areas that will help you make your decision .
Fortunately , when talking about the top of the line web hosting platforms , we don't need to look any further than blue host and hosting her .
However , a key difference between them is that hosting her is more beginner friendly with their age panel and Zyra website builder .
While blue host uses wordpress integration to host their sites , which requires a bit more technical knowledge , but they both provide three hosting packages of which two are the same that being shared web hosting and BPS hosting and the others being cloud hosting for hosting her and dedicated hosting on blue host .
I also found the best available deals for both hosting her and blue host and put them in the description below giving you guys site wide discounts and helping you get started with whichever one you choose .
All right .
So the shared web hosting is the best option for beginners regardless of the place form you choose since they're just cheaper .
The reason for the low price is because shared web hosting is stored on a shared server .
So resources are unlimited and providers lower the price regardless of both platforms .
The plans start at $3 but then they diverge and hosting says I'm stopping at nine and blue host keeps going to $14 for their most expensive plan in this tier , which is also something you should keep in mind on average , blue host is more expensive than hosting her .
If we just look at the cheapest plans , hosting are dwarfs blue hosts one website and 10 gigabytes of SSD with 100 sites and 100 gigabytes of SSD .
Not to mention the necessary weekly backups SSL certificates and firewall to keep your site secure .
Even blue hosts most expensive tier struggles to come close to that .
You should also know that both offer cheaper prices .
If you opt for a long term plan for blue host , shared web hosting , you could save 100 and $45 when you pick the three year plan as opposed to the 12 month one where you'd be spending $323 .
And if you end up not liking it , then the refund policy includes 30 days on all plans , excluding the domain registration fees , hosting or is more flexible on term .
However , as you can choose to pay monthly annually as well as every 2 to 4 years .
The longer it is , the less you pay over the course of that period .
The refund policy , however , is more specific on what they won't refund such as domain name renewals or VPs licenses .
But when it comes to plans , all of them are refundable within 30 days .
Now , if you want something that also shares a server , but you get your own separate section of that server with more dedicated resources , then VPs hosting is a better choice .
This is the best next step for those of you who began with shared hosting and want to scale up .
This is where the decision gets less obvious because both offer strong plans but the prices are drastically different .
However , there are some possible extra fees with hosting or of their bandwidth restrictions .
It ranges from 1 to 8 terabytes depending on the plan .
But in the case that your site requires more bandwidth over the course of any given month , you will have to pay that extra bits .
Consider it like your phone data you can go over but you still have to pay as opposed to blue host un metered bandwidth that is flexible in case your site requires more of it .
Granted one terabyte is enough for most sites , but it is something worth keeping in mind and to throw another bit of conversation into the mix .
You should also consider the CPU because blue host uses physical CP US that are from your computer , the physical components within your system while hosting or uses VCP US which are virtual CP US .
Stored on a server .
CP US are generally better for dealing with high traffic and performance .
And VCP US are better for scalability .
They're both efficient .
But when it comes to the traffic side of things , your VCPU depends on the strength of your CPU .
So it's a double edged sword really .
However , one interesting thing to note is that even though blue host uses the stronger CPU , it still has a lower up time than hosting her over the past six months and up time is the stability of sites on a platform .
And in that time hosting or has maintained 100% 5 times while blue host has not done it once .
So in terms of features , I still give the edge to blue host for VPs hosting , but all those features don't count for nothing if your site is down .
So it's really a choice between reliability and of power .
Then we have the two outliers in our plans , cloud and dedicated hosting , kicking things off with cloud .
This is much better for server reliability because unlike the previous two , cloud hosting is set up on multiple points .
So it is much better at dealing with traffic spikes .
It shares the workload on multiple servers .
So if one is down or strained , it then transfers that work to another server and maintains your site stability .
It has all the same perks as shared hosting , just more of it along with NVME storage , which is 10 times faster than SSD storage .
Something that blue host doesn't include in any of their plans .
Therefore , cloud hosting is for people with larger sites and want to work with more resources as for dedicated hosting , this is where you have a whole server to yourself .
And while this costs a lot more , you do get the resources for most of you out there .
I wouldn't imagine that you would need something like this at the moment .
Dedicated hosting is for very large websites who require all the possible features and stability .
So simply put this is the best hosting plan for someone in that position .
I can't compare it with hosting or because it doesn't offer a comparable since it's more tailored to beginners .
And the last thing to consider is the customer service because when you're in a right , you wanna know that the provider has your back and with blue host , they offer a pretty comprehensive range of options , whether it's 24 7 chat support or over the phone , you can even email specific departments to receive more specialized help hosting or lacks the phone support .
But their 24 7 chat is very helpful .
Actually , a few days ago , I needed help with some domain issues I was having and they were super quick to get back to me and it was resolved within 15 minutes .
So while they don't have phone support , that doesn't mean it's any less helpful .
As for which one I would choose .
I prefer hosting her because I feel like it offers a lot more in terms of features and value for money .
Not to mention it's cheaper and well , apparently a lot more stable granted blue host is stronger in terms of VPs .
But hosting optimization makes it so that you can get to work on your site and hosting much sooner and for the majority of people , they won't need to scale up right away .
So the strength of blue hosts offering isn't exactly necessary if your site doesn't absolutely need it .
Especially if you're a beginner , being forced to learn wordpress right away can be challenging .
But fortunately , I do have tutorials for wordpress and hosting or to help you get started as well as a review for Blue host and hosting her .
So you can check those out in the description below for some more info .
And with that , we wrap up today's video .
If you guys enjoyed it , then consider hitting the like button and subscribing to help us keep the lights on over here .
If you have any further questions for me , then don't hesitate to ask them down below .
Also , don't forget those offers I placed in the description if you do choose to go with either of these providers at any rate .
Thank you so much for watching .
I really appreciate it .
And until next time , take care .