Hello , everyone , and welcome to the channel .
Today , we'll be showing you how you can search for a specific word on YouTube videos .
So for example , if you are watching a webinar or a long video and you want to see a specific part where the video mentions a word or a certain topic , but you have no way to know which part of that long video that user or the video owner start talking about that topic , especially if the video doesn't have chapters on it .
Because YouTube includes a new future on YouTube videos .
If the owner of the video wants to make chapters , you can see on the video player each chapter on the subject of it .
But unfortunately , not all the videos on YouTube have chapters .
It's okay .
You did click on the right video .
I will show you how you can search for a specific word or topic on a video doesn't have chapters , and it's pretty easy to do it .
You can do it just from the video itself .
So let's get to it .
So as you can see on the screen , I will use this video , which is mine on my channel to do this demonstration just to avoid someone claiming the video for copyright use .
And also , as you can see , this video doesn't have chapters on it .
So the first step here is to click on the 3 dots at the top of subscribe button .
And also by mentioning the subscribe button , please subscribe to my channel .
If the video helps you out , that would really make me smile for the rest of the day .
And thank you for doing it .
So let's get back to our tutorial .
After clicking on the 3 dots at the top of the subscribe button , you should see a button called open transcript .
Click on it , and it will show all the transcript from the video on the right of the video player .
So as you can see , this is the transcript from the video and each transcript has the time for it .
So as you can see the title for the video says how to stop ops from running in the background .
So basically I must have said background bunch of times on the video .
So let's demonstrate on that .
So the next step is to click on control f if you are using windows .
I'm using Mac , so I'm going to click on command f , and this will show you this bar right here at the top right , and it will give you an option to type in something on it .
So you should type in in the bar the word that you want to look for in the video .
So as I said , I will be demonstrating on the background word .
So I'm going to type in background , and as you can see , it highlights all the word background on the transcript .
And if I scroll down , it will show me all the parts that I did say background .
And as I said , each transcript has the time for it .
So let's just remove background and type in app just to make sure it's working fine for everything .
And as you can see , it highlights all the app words on the transcript .
So I think my job here is done .
I hope the video helps you out .
If it does , help me out , press in the like button .
And also make sure to subscribe .
I just surpassed 100 videos on how to do stuff online .
So if you like the content and you want to see more , make sure to subscribe for more future videos .
And thanks for watching , and see you on next one .
Bye bye .