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2024-06-01 08:43:36

11 Vitamin B6 Deficiency Symptoms You've NEVER Heard Before

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Today , we're gonna talk about vitamin b 6 deficiency symptoms that you've never heard before .

Now the data I'm gonna share with you is out of this book right here .

One of my favorite books , laboratory evaluations for integrative and functional medicine .

It's amazing because it covers every aspect of nutrition , in-depth .

So I've tore this book up many times , so it's fantastic .

Now what's interesting about b 6 is that if you look this up , they will tell you it's very rare to have a deficiency and they never talk about this idea of subclinical deficiencies of nutrients .

Instead , they focus on these major deficiency symptoms , but this is gonna be interesting topic .

Let me just kinda go through it .

Most people might know that if you're deficient in b 6 , you'll typically have rashes around your nose .

You might have cracks or rashes around your mouth .

You might even get pink eye as a symptom .

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You can get anemia , as well as neurological problems , which involves numbness in the bottom of your hands and your feet , which typically come from a B one deficiency , but also from a B six deficiency .

Some people might know that you can get depressed if you're deficient in B6 .

But today , I wanna talk about all the other problems that you can end up with if you're low in B6 .

But first , let me just kind of give you some interesting information about B6 .

Vitamin b 6 is involved in over a 140 different enzyme pathways .

So you can imagine how broadly this vitamin extends into our bodily functions .

And , yes , there are toxicity symptoms , but typically , b 6 is a water soluble vitamin .

So you would have to consume over a 1,000 milligrams of b 6 to have some problems .

Now typically , there are no side effects if you're taking less than 200 milligrams per day , but the side effects start going up , if you get over a1000 .

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And the main side effect will be neurological issues like neuropathy .

So neuropathy can come from a deficiency of b 6 and too much b 6 , but rarely do I know anyone taking over , you know , 200 milligrams per day .

Now the other interesting thing about b 6 deficiencies is it can be used as an indicator for inflammation status .

It's highly correlated for c reactive protein , which is an inflammatory biomarker .

And people , especially with gut inflammation , IBS , have low levels of b 6 .

And when people talk about b 6 , they're really talking about a collection of a group of different compounds that are precursors to the active form of B 6 .

And the active form is , p 5p .

I won't get into the long name .

You don't need to know that .

But when you see the form p 5p , that is the active form .

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The other forms are like precursors that have to turn into this active form .

And the food to achieve the best bioavailability of b 6 would be from beef , pork , fish , and chicken .

Dairy and eggs are not the best source , and even plant based b 6 is not the best source .

So here are the symptoms that , very few people know about that that are related to a b 6 deficiency .

I just mentioned inflammation , so let's put that in the top of the list .

So inflammation , especially of the gut , could be related to a B6 deficiency .

Number 2 , B6 helps control polyunsaturated fatty acids .

Those are the ones that I always tell people to avoid , like from corn oil , soy oil , canola , cottonseed oil , things like that .

And also , if you're consuming a lot of these oils and you can't metabolize it because you don't have enough b 6 , this can lead to the dermatitis rashes that I mentioned when I first talked about this .

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Number 3 , b 6 is intimately involved in making neurotransmitters like serotonin , dopamine , and you can imagine all the symptoms that can occur from having a deficiency of neurotransmitters .

So in other words , b 6 is necessary to make all of these neurotransmitters .

So it can affect your mood .

It can affect , having addictions .

It can affect your general state of just , nerve communication .

And number 4 , b 6 is involved in the conversion from something called ALA to DHA .

Now what is that ?

Walnuts have a good amount of ALA , which is a precursor to the active form of the omega 3 fatty acid .

So let's say , for example , you don't consume a lot of fish or fish oils or cod liver oil , and you're doing a lot of walnuts thinking that you're getting all the , necessary precursors to make your omega 3 fatty acid .

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Well , without b 6 , you might not be able to convert this as well , and this could lead to more inflammation .

Alright .

The next one , number 5 , b 6 is necessary to make selenium work .

Now selenium is involved in a lot of other things from making glutathione , to involved in converting your thyroid hormones from the inactive to the active .

So you can see indirectly that b six deficiency could lead to all sorts of other deficiencies related to a lack of selenium doing its work in different enzymes .

Number 6 , b 6 is necessary to convert tryptophan into niacin .

Number 7 , b 6 is necessary in a lot of different things related to amino acids .

One of the things that can occur as a problem is alopecia hair loss because you don't have enough b 6 .

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In another study , I found that b 6 is intimately involved in an enzyme that if you're deficient , you can have a higher risk of getting seizures .

If you know anyone who has seizures , you should make sure they're consuming more b 6 .

Another thing that b 6 is needed for is lowering homocysteine , which can affect your heart in a negative way .

Typically , people might know to reduce your homocysteine , you take enough b 12 and folate , but b 6 is also necessary as well .

So let's say someone's deficient in b 6 and they also have a problem with their gut microbiome .

They're greatly more susceptible to having autism than if they just had a b 6 deficiency and they had good microbes .

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In other words , there's this whole gut brain interaction that , can influence symptoms of autism , especially if you're deficient in b 6 .

Does it all come from diet ?

Actually not .

A portion of this b 6 comes from your own microbiome in the large intestine making b 6 , just like it makes a lot of other b vitamins .

So this relates to one of the reasons why people are deficient in b 6 when they take antibiotics , especially for things like TB because of this lack of b 6 .

Anyway , I would just recommend if you know anyone with autism , make sure they're taking the active form of b 6 p 5p , as well as taking a good probiotic .

And just to give you a little more information about that , b 6 helps regulate or suppress gut pathogens .

So those are the symptoms , but how are people deficient ?

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Well , eating too many processed foods , also taking diuretics , certain medications like high blood pressure medication can create a deficiency , taking certain antibiotics , also being on birth control pills , drinking alcohol , if you're pregnant or lactating .

Also , smoking creates a deficiency .

Certain herbicides , as in glyphosate in all the GMO foods .

And even taking high levels of an herb called Ginkgo Biloba can create a deficiency , but you'd have to take quite a bit of that compound .

Now because of the censoring and the suppressing of the algorithms on YouTube , it's becoming more difficult to find my content .

And there's a lot of content that I cannot put on YouTube , unfortunately .

So to make sure you have full access of all my information , go to and subscribe to my newsletter by clicking the link down below in the description .

I will see you on the other side .

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