I could get in trouble for saying this .
But according to a study by the University of Oxford , 93% of countries are using sneaky manipulation tactics to get you to spend more money , follow their political agendas and control the narrative .
Now you're probably wondering what exactly are they doing to bend you over ?
Let's take a look at this graph .
It shows students standardized test scores versus their grade point average year to year .
It clearly shows that test scores are going down while grade point is going up .
Numbers don't lie .
Right .
But let's say I standardize this graph on a one point scale for both test scores and grade point average .
And now it's almost completely flat .
If I wanted to say that students are getting dumber because they cheat more by using A I for their homework .
I could use the graph on the left .
But if I wanted to oppose that view , I can use the standardized graph , it might be hard to believe .
But this is exactly the same data by displaying it in a different way .
I can completely change