So the highest zinc food in the world is oysters .
That's number 1 .
Oysters are loaded with zinc and the type of zinc that's bioavailable .
Then we get red meat .
Okay .
Then we get fish .
And the list goes down from there .
There is a small amount of zinc in pumpkin seeds for example and there are a few other things .
But here's the problem with zinc .
There is no storage system in our body for zinc .
So if we're not getting it from the diet , we are gonna be deficient .
25% of the planet is deficient in zinc , And it's very difficult to determine if you're deficient other than symptoms because when you do a blood test , it's not detectable even though you're very deficient .
It's only detectable after a long term deficiency or a severe depletion .
But let's talk about the consequence of not having enough zinc in the body .
First of all , you're gonna have decreased amount of lymphocytes through white blood cells .
So you're gonna have a hard time fighting off infection and pathogens .
If it's very severe , you may get an enlarged spleen , get a decreased response to pathogens .
So not only do you have decreased numbers of white blood cells , but your response to pathogens is sluggish .
So you can't fight infection as well as you did when you had enough zinc .
The thymus , the training camp for the white blood cells gets smaller .
Next one is increased susceptibility to an infection .
So you're more susceptible to getting sick .
So whereas one person would not necessarily get the infection , you might get it .
Next one is loss of taste and smell .
Next one is decreased wound healing and decreased testosterone .
And because zinc is an anti inflammatory , you lose your ability to get rid of inflammation so you have more inflammation .
There are a couple other reasons why people are deficient in zinc .
A big one is phytates .
Phytates are in fiber .
They're in whole grains .
So when you consume flour products , breads , pasta , cereal , crackers , rice .
Along with phytates , it's in the bran .
It's a fiber .
And phytates block zinc .
Okay .
So that's number 1 .
Number 2 , stress will deplete your zinc .
High levels of cortisol over a period of time will deplete your zinc .
Sugar , as in not just sugar , but high fructose corn syrup and honey and all the other types of sweeteners .
Also coming right down here , diabetes , which is a condition where you have high sugar , will also deplete zinc .
So these 2 are very similar .
The longer you have an infection , the less zinc you're gonna have in your body .
And you need zinc for these things right here .
Antacids will deplete you of zinc .
You need an acidic stomach to absorb zinc .
So as you get older , you lose the stomach acid .
You can no longer pull zinc in like you did before .
Malabsorption .
If you have gut damage , you're gonna have a hard time absorbing zinc .
If you have liver damage , even a fatty liver , even in a liver that's inflamed , even a liver that has scar tissue , you're not gonna be able to absorb zinc .
And so many people have a fatty liver , and they don't even know it .
If you're a vegan , it's gonna be a lot more difficult to get zinc because you're consuming things that are pulling it out , and you're not consuming animal products .
So you're not gonna get the bioavailable zinc that you need .
So anyway , I just wanted to increase the awareness of zinc and the importance of getting enough zinc in your diet .
Hey .
We're back .
With another amazing recipe .
No grains , no sugar , totally keto .
There's no suffering in keto .
Absolutely not , Karen .
And it's an immune system builder .
Absolutely .
You have to check this out .
I think you should hurry up , watch the recipe , and make it yourself .
It's just so easy to be keto .
But is it simple ?
It's super simple .
We hope you enjoy making it as much as we are