So let's talk about the importance of zinc in your immune system .
Zinc is probably one of the most important trace minerals because it does so many things .
But one of the most important things it has the capacity to help is supporting your immune system .
It's involved in genes , DNA , synthesis , making DNA .
It's involved in many different enzymes .
It's involved in protein synthesis , wound healing , heart health , joint health , insulin , thymus function , and your gonads .
If you're low in zinc , you're not gonna make enough testosterone .
So let's take a look at what occurs if you become deficient in zinc related to your immune system .
First thing is that your thymus gland starts to shrink .
Okay ?
It's called thymic atrophy .
Well , you need the thymus gland to make T cells .
It's a training camp for white blood cells .
Also , your lymphocytes go down .
This is part of your army that fights infection .
Next one , defective white blood cell response .
So your immune system doesn't respond correctly anymore .
Also , you get a decreased recovery rate of the infection so it takes you longer to heal .
There's an increased duration of the infection .
There's also increased inflammatory response .
There's increased oxidative stress which creates a lot of collateral damage .
And then you have a general decreased capacity to fight off infections .
And you're susceptible to viruses and bacteria .
Other than that , you're good to go .
Now the question is how do you get it ?
Well , there's certain foods that are very high in zinc .
Oysters are at the top of the list and all also other shellfish .
Red meat is a good source of zinc and other trace minerals .
Seafood , fish and pumpkin seeds .
If you wanted to get it as a supplement , I recommend getting the Zinc Byglycinate chelate .
Why ?
Because this is much more bioavailable than other sources .
It has a 230% better absorption rate than zinc sulfate and a 390% better absorption rate than zinc oxide .
There are certain things in your foods that can prevent the absorption of zinc .
1 are phytates .
Now where do you get phytates ?
That's in all the cereals .
It's in the whole grains .
It's in the bran .
So if you're consuming cereal on a regular basis or you're doing breads and pasta and cereal and crackers , things like that , you potentially could be deficient in zinc .
Also , oxalates can deplete your zinc and that would be in spinach , almonds , chocolate , kiwi , rhubarb , and acids .
Antacids will also lower the absorption of zinc and it really has to do with your stomach acid .
You need a lot of strong stomach acid to pull in the zinc .
So antacids pull the stomach acid out leaving you deficient in stomach acid and now you can absorb zinc .
Also , malabsorption .
If there's some type of pre existing gut , damage or inflammation in your gut because of whatever .
Maybe you took antibiotics when you're younger .
That could prevent the absorption of zinc .
Also , gastric bypass could be another situation .
So if you have any of those conditions , you need to take more zinc especially if your immune system is weakened and you're more susceptible .
You haven't seen my comprehensive video on boosting your immune system .
I put it right here .
Check it out .