Hey guys .
We're back .
I'm talking about Zinc .
This is part 2 .
If you have not , seen part 1 , I'll put a link down below .
You can check that out first .
First thing I want to touch on is depression .
Okay ?
Zinc is a natural antidepressant .
Okay ?
In patients that have major depressive disorders , they're usually always deficient in zinc .
So if you have depression , it's such a simple remedy .
Take some zinc .
It might just help you .
But generally if you're deficient in zinc , you get degeneration of your nerves , of your nervous system .
Now there's a lot of concentration of zinc in the neurons around the amygdala and the hippocampus .
Specifically the dentate gyrus or gyrus .
I don't know how to pronounce it .
Now the amygdala is this part of the brain that's involved with stress responses .
It's kind of you can look at it like the adrenal gland in your brain because it reacts and adapts to stress .
The hippocampus , which they don't know exactly what it does but it's involved in like a relay switch with your memories forming new memories and spatial memory like trying to find your way out of some maze .
It's kind of like your GPS .
Okay .
It helps you locate things in space .
Now the hippocampus in general has a very interesting , capacity to regenerate .
And this is why things that are connected to memory loss , focus , concentration can be improved with intermittent fasting so well .
Because intermittent fasting stimulates the regeneration of this part of the brain right here .
And these structures right here directly influence one's mood .
Dopamine for example binds to zinc .
So dopamine gives you pleasure .
So what's the opposite of pleasure ?
Depression , right ?
Also it's involved in , like I said before , making proteins and guess what neurotransmitters are .
They're proteins .
So if you have any problem with depression or any type of mood disorder , take zinc .
It can potentially help you greatly .
Alright .
Now let's shift to skin disorders .
Now you may already know this , but there's so many different skin creams and skin healing creams that involve zinc .
And if you're zinc deficient , you can get acne , eczema , dermatitis , many different types of dermatitis , rosacea .
A zinc deficiency can dry out the oil in the skin .
It's called the sebum .
It can lead to ulcers of the skin both superficially and internally like ulcers of the stomach or ulcers in the mouth or even like bed sores .
One of their treatments for bed sores is a is a zinc cream that you would put on it or even diaper rash , for example , irritation in the skin , use this zinc .
So you can look at zinc as a natural anti inflammatory .
So a zinc deficiency can also lead to hyperpigmentation on the skin and alteration in color .
Alopecia , that's where you have hair loss in different patches .
This is an autoimmune condition .
Cracked skin , skin that's fissured , nail changes and skin is the 3rd most zinc abundant tissue in the entire body .
Alright , guys .
Stay tuned for part 3 when we get into the relationship between zinc influencing your blood sugars and insulin , your immune system and the prostate and testosterone .
Hey , guys .
Real quick .
I have a new healthy keto eating plan for you .
Just go to doctorberg.com .
It's right on the front page .
I put a link down below .
Download it .
It's free .
Check it out .