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2024-06-23 09:14:08

Amazing Health Benefits of Zinc – Dr. Berg

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Hi , guys .

Doctor Berg here .

In this video , we're gonna talk about an amazing mineral , a trace mineral called zinc .

It's actually a cofactor for over a 100 enzymes .

Seems that these enzymes , these magical proteins require trace minerals to actually be activated .

Some need manganese , some need magnesium , some need calcium , but a lot of them need zinc .

So let's just talk about the different functions .

Zinc is involved in , an enzyme that helps you control your pH of the blood , of the stomach and of the urine .

So if you have a pH problem and you can't seem to balance it out , it could be just a simple zinc deficiency .

To absorb zinc , you need a real good acid stomach .

So those people who take anti acids , develop zinc deficiencies .

So zinc aids in reducing allergies and histamines , that stuff that causes mucus congestion in your sinuses or your lungs .

Most people with allergies are Zinc deficient .

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Then we have the common cold , which most of the time it's viral in nature , So zinc will speed up the time of recovery .

Zinc also controls growth in a child , your hair , like you can have alopecia and it could be a zinc deficiency , or nail issues , skin issues , eczema , psoriasis .

I mean , if you think about all these different creams that people put on the skin , they're zinc based .

Zinc also improves acne .

So if you're deficient in zinc , you can also be susceptible to bacterial infections or viral infections .

Zinc also prevents diarrhea .

So men that are getting estrogen dominant , they're getting breast tissue .

They have problems with libido , sex drive .

They should start taking zinc .

In the form of zinc that I would recommend is called zinc orotate .

It seems to be the highest quality zinc based on absorption .

Alright .

Thanks for watching .

Hi guys .

Hey listen .

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I created a pretty amazing evaluation quiz down below that actually analyzes your symptoms to find the cause , the root cause of all of your symptoms , the most likely cause .

So take the quiz now and we'll send you a report .

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