More wealth will be created by Blockchain technology than any technology in the history of mankind .
Technological progress will increase one quadrillion X .
The best time to ever invest in your life is in the depths of the bear market investing .
Expert Mark Yusko , founder of an over billion dollar hedge fund at the file coin conference in Vegas explains how the greatest wealth transfer in human history is happening now .
And even though any new asset class is incredibly volatile , the problem is you don't get to wait until , you know , if you wait until you know , it's already in the price , that's why human beings suck .
It's a technical term at investing human beings do two things really , really well , we buy what we wish we would have bought and we are spectacular at it .
Everybody piled into crypto in November of 21 literally at 69,000 , they were piling in and then it goes down , 74% goes on sale and everybody runs out of the freaking store .
Investing is the only business .
The only one when things go on sale , people run out of the store , you put wedding dresses on sale , women will kill each other to get in the store .
Why do we run out of the store in investing ?
Because we're human and then we compounded , we sell what we're about to need .
Here's a crazy stat over the last 20 years if you bought .
And so if you just bought and held stocks , you made almost 9% compounded for 20 years .
If you just bought and held bonds , you made almost 6% .
You know what the average investor made over the last 20 years , 2.9 because they're idiots .
All you had to do is pick one or pick 5050 .
But no , they bought stocks when they went up , sold them when they went down , they bought bonds .
When they went up , the long bond is down , 50% long treasures are down 50% in the last year .
People were piling in when interest rates were close to zero because we're human .
And while Cryptocurrency is just the natural evolution of technology , meaning the early digital age was just read , then came , read , write and now read , write , own .
I think of web one as really being about read only .
So people were trying to put magazines and newspapers kind of published on internet and you would just read those in web .
Two , of course , with javascript and some of these technologies , we got more interactive web applications like Gmail or Google Maps and we were able to do read and write , you could kind of interact with these applications .
So Web three is really about read , write and own .
So web two is read , write .
So now we could interact .
But the problem with Reed , right is the people in charge of it .
The centralized authorities are the ones that made all the money .
Now , Web three , we we the people get to own it turns out file coin and other things are are involved in that and just understand that web 3.0 meaning you can read , write and verifiably trust will impact every aspect of our online lives .
It's just the masses haven't quite realized yet .
Blockchain technology will impact every business , every business in the world from voting to health care .
My mom almost died .
This is crazy .
This true story .
My mom almost died because a doctor in er , treated her without seeing her medical record because they're two separate systems and they wouldn't allow them to see the medical record .
What the absolute f that is malpractice squared .
You can't treat a patient without seeing the medical record , but that's the world in which we live .
Voting no more .
Hanging chads no more vote .
Every person can punch a button on their phone .
One person , one vote , not early and often like Chicago and we'll know the minute the polls close , who won or lost on a Blockchain .
That's easy .
That , that's super easy travel , hospitality education .
We can actually educate kids instead of putting them on squares and making them memorize stuff .
You know what our education system is about .
It's about training factory workers .
It was created 100 and 20 years ago .
We don't need factory workers , we need knowledge workers , we need people with reasoning skills .
I mean , we need to punt the entire education system and reboot Blockchain can help .
Big statement .
Blockchain will usher in a period of unprecedented wealth creation .
More wealth will be created by Blockchain technology than any technology in the history of mankind .
Big statement , decentralization of trust value flowing without intermediaries .
We we liberate $7 trillion a year that's stolen from us by banks , insurance companies , brokers , auditors , accountants , no offense to the people .
Um but it's stolen .
Blockchain will completely revolutionize Spanish services the same way the internet revolutionized media and commerce , all the values to be at ABC NBC CBS .
Now it's all at Netflix because of the internet .
All the values being a mom and pop stores .
Now it's at Amazon because of internet .
Same thing happens .
All the value from JP Morgan and all the global banks is going to Blockchain .
It's gonna be the the beating heart of the new financial system .
Uh Do we really need banks ?
Haven't been in a bank ever ?
Like really ?
Why would anyone go in a bank ?
You could do it all on your phone .
No one gets a mortgage in the old days .
You had a banker and you went to their office and they gave you coffee , you got a toaster and great .
But that's not what we do .
Now , we use our phone and in fact , 40% of people in the world , 40% of adults in the world don't have a bank account , but they got cell phones , we can deliver financial services through their cell phone , through Blockchain technology .
And if nothing else just understand that the now over 100 and $9 trillion in the global stock market , all of this and more will be tokenized .
Why don't we digitize everything and trade it digitally with proof of ownership , novel concept .
$14 trillion a year trades hands , we can do that all on Blockchain .
And this is the big 100 trillion , there's $700 trillion every stock , every bond , every currency , every commodity , every piece of art , every case of wine , every private business , every everything , everything that can be titled in the world will be a token on a Blockchain , not a little thing , a line item on a ledger secured , immutable , permanent , all of it's going , it's gonna happen .
It's so this is as inevitable as automobiles , as inevitable , as biotech , as inevitable , electricity is coming , you can't stop it .
And even though several Bitcoin spot ETF approval dates are happening either end of this year or early next year , Mark Yusko is even invested in two of them even he admits that Black Rock is gonna get it and the approval of something like this is coming sooner than you think .
Five years ago , this guy on television said it's a index for money laundering .
Now they're gonna do an ETF and he's telling people that you better put your money in as long as it's ours better put your money in to protect yourself against currency devaluation .
Wow , this is gonna happen .
Blackrock will get approved .
Everyone else won't and I'm , I own the two companies ahead of them , but they both got pushed .
So sucks for me , but Blackrock's gonna get approved .
Um and just like Top Gun , there are no points for second place so they'll get all the money um because they're part of the cabal .
Oh , I'm not allowed to use that word anymore , but um $30 trillion of assets that can't invest in this today will be liberated .
And uh what if they put 1% ?
That's 300 billion .
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