This is the biggest scam in crypto history .
Millions of investors are falling for this .
It's new .
It makes me so angry and this all stems from the realization that there is money to be made in crypto .
This is an emerging technology .
The innovation is real .
We are hearing from clients around the world about the need for crypto and much like the early internet days with hype excitement , real innovation , real scammers take advantage .
Gary got scammed in an internet scam .
I was a victim of an internet scam for a lot of money .
I mean , not like not like $10,000 but uh you got ripped off over two grand .
Yeah .
And , and I can't even figure out how to begin to get it back or who to contact me .
We saw this in the late nineties .
We are seeing this today and it's getting worse .
It's like any new technology , right ?
Where you know , the internet was around for 5 , 1015 years before something happened .
And you know , same with , with Bitcoin and Blockchain and it's nothing like a price rise to get people interested .
Let me take you through the three biggest crypto scams happening now .
So you don't fall for it and keep in mind bad people do not invalidate an emerging technology .
Internet , scammers did not invalidate the internet .
The internet is just a tool .
Like a knife is just a tool .
Good people can use it bad people can use it .
It's a tool .
But the innovation and adoption of a knife was happening either way .
And this is many elements of the same old scam .
Now , just with crypto , I was shopping for a Christmas present for someone on the show and I'll even tell you that it was you .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Don't worry , Robin .
So Robin and Artie and Fred , we were all going in on this game .
Do me a favor .
Don't get me anything good , but this will be , it's nice .
Don't worry about it .
I'm not gonna tell you what it is .
Too much pressure with the Christmas gift .
So the thing that I'm looking for for you is sort of hard to find .
So I went , what are you looking for ?
I'm not gonna say I went on ebay and I found it .
Ok .
And I bought stuff on ebay before ebay is great organization , right ?
So I buy this thing on ebay .
I bid on it and I don't get it .
I'm the second highest bidder right now .
Ebay has an internal email .
Do you know what I mean ?
Not like the regular email , but so I get a note a couple of days later said , uh , hey , listen , you were the second highest bidder , the highest bidder couldn't take it .
I will sell it to you at your last bid .
So I emailed the guy back a couple of times .
We're going back and forth .
But here's a stupid , it is the part where I screwed up .
He said , by the way , don't respond here .
Respond to me at my regular email address .
Ok .
So I do so once we agree that I'm gonna get it , I get an official email with ebay heading on it just like I've gotten in the past .
You are now the high bidder .
You won this item , you know , deal with this guy directly , et cetera , et cetera .
This is my gift .
This is your gift .
So then , so then it gets worse .
My boss was doing this , the guy away from England full of pounds , the hot be .
So the guy showed me documentation that , you know , he's got um insurance and all that stuff .
But they do , you know what paypal is .
Paypal is really popular .
He said , you know , I don't use paypal because I'm in London .
So just send it to me .
Western Union .
So I go , I go to like my local supermarket because they have a Western Union there .
They need cash .
They take the credit card , I go speak to the bank , send the guy the money .
I was the victim of a scam 2200 bucks .
Right .
So the guy's emailing me every day , like , are you interested ?
Just wanna make sure , let me know because I'm gonna put it back up , send him the money and you know , his note said that I will let you know immediately when I'm gonna ship it , day goes by two days , go by .
I think I worked that weekend .
I came back and I emailed the guy .
When is it coming ?
Don't hear from him next day .
When is it coming ?
So after like five days , I start to realize something's not right because this guy was really on it .
I don't think my boss was getting his gift .
He said I was not bitter .
And so I go to ebay's , um , uh , they have a thing that you can go to but you can't get a live person on the phone there , right ?
But they do a live chat .
So I , I'm , you know , instant messaging with this guy .
And he said , yeah , you're the victim of a scam .
He sends me an email .
I fill out a form with the FB I's like internet scam for me .
You know , they , they sent me a note back and the note back says , hey , listen , we get a lot of stuff .
So , you know , we have it on record but this is stupid .
We can't help it .
I don't even know where to begin to try to .
I mean , I got a guy's name and address in London it's probably fake .
Should I just ignore it then ?
And just chalk it up and say you got taken ?
That's it .
I don't feel , I feel like , well , if the guy's gonna cash the check , who would you make the check out a check ?
It's cash , you're done .
Many of the very same elements you'll recognize now in crypto and while what's happening with A I will shock you .
This first scam affects the most people affects all youtube users because they're in the comments section of almost every single prominent channel's video .
Let's go to this one released a few days ago , Kathy Wood .
The crypto bull run is about to go effing crazy .
We click , we see hundreds of thousands of people have watched over 9000 people have liked .
But when we scroll down to the comment section , what do you notice scams , fake scam coins being promoted ?
The likes are bought .
They claim this is Amazon's new Token that's fake .
What they want you to do and what new people fall for .
They want you to research this .
What is it ?
This new Amazon Jeff Bezos Token I can make money on uh oh right at the top of Google .
Nobody .
You should not do this .
I am making content right now .
I'm taking the risk .
The goal is to educate for you .
You should not click any link because the wrong link , you can lose your Bitcoin .
So let's watch 30 seconds of this video .
Obviously a scam .
Hey guys , what's up in today's coin market news episode ?
We talk about something that might be the breaking news of the year .
Amazon is making the first moves to join the crypto scene .
The US tech company under CEO Jeff Bezos has opened up the pre sale for their new AM Z .
Amazon Token .
And again , tens of thousands of new crypto investors fall for this every day .
If this wasn't profitable , they wouldn't be doing it .
In fact , sending today's video to a friend , could save your friends crypto in the link , we attached one invitational code you can use to join the Pres salee .
We can still be early on this project .
No brainer to tell you that a brand like this is almost fail proof making a strong coin for the future .
Again , please do not fall for this .
This scam has been going on for years .
I know it's a scam because this happened in 2022 .
It happened in 2021 .
This isn't even a real channel .
And while we see in the home tab , if we scroll down , well , they are associated with coin market cap .
These are the coin market cap guys on the youtube page .
It looks legit , but this is not their content .
You actually go over to videos and they only have eight videos all shilling this scam and I know what you're thinking .
You're thinking Austin , why don't you and youtubers like you just block it , mute these words .
So the audience doesn't have to deal with it .
This is the back end of youtube youtube studio will go into settings will go into community .
And then you can see right here at the hundreds and hundreds of hidden bot accounts we've blocked over 200 and we scroll down blocked words again , hundreds and hundreds .
And we can see all the fake variations of the scam Amazon coins , these fake coins that are falsely promoted , they buy engagement in the comments and then innocent people fall for this .
And then finally , this is a fake youtube advertisement that was playing in front of our videos and other major channels , videos .
Ladies and gentlemen , I am Brad Garlinghouse , the CEO of Ripple and I am thrilled to be here with you all in this video .
Today marks a historic day for us at Ripple and for every XRP holder around the globe , meaning scammers are using A I to steal your money and youtube is accepting payment and allowing these scammers to advertise in front of videos in light of these remarkable milestones and to show our gratitude to the XRP community for your unwavering support .
We are excited to announce the ripples 100 million XRP giveaway .
Here's how you can double your XRP with ripple's 100 million XRP giveaway .
Look for the QR code at the top right corner of this video and scan it .
It will direct you to our official website where you will find an address , send a minimum of 1000 XRP and a maximum of 500,000 XRP to the address listed on the website .
And this is not just for XRP , it's for Bitcoin , it's for Ethereum .
They trick you into sending your crypto to a phony giveaway .
They promise to double your funds on any amount sent the reality , they steal everything and you get nothing within less than a minute , you will receive back .
Double the XRP that you sent to the same wallet you sent from .
This giveaway is our way of giving back to the community that has stood by us , believed in our vision and held XRP through thick and thin .
We are here because of you and we want to ensure that you share in our success .
Stay safe .
My friends stay vigilant , share this youtube is now allowing these to be used as advertisements .
Uh The creators have no control .
I'm trying to reach out , reach out to youtube .
It makes me sick .
Comment down below your thoughts on this .
There's hundreds and hundreds of thousands of hours of footage of my voice , my brother's voice , you know , we're going to be a fake A I video sooner rather than later .
So again , just make sure you're following the quality crypto channels , the real ones .
And like always we drop one video per day keeping you informed about crypto .
See you tomorrow .