Wow .
Black Rock just took down finance .
This is big breaking news and this is shaking the Cryptocurrency industry to its core .
A lot of people like CZ think he's done a lot of good for the crypto community .
A lot of people dislike CZ think he hasn't done great for the Cryptocurrency community .
The news is that Cz himself , Shang Penang Zhao has just resigned as the B CEO CZ will plead guilty to violating anti money laundering requirements .
According to the Wall Street Journal , he's scheduled to appear in a federal court in Seattle Tuesday afternoon where he will enter his plea .
It's interesting to note that the SEC complaint against finance originally was full of allegations of commingling what really happened with FTX and yet these are absent from the DOJ complaints which we're reporting on today , which does not include fraud related charges and the SEC did not sign on to the joint settlement agreement either .
Interesting .
I think something fishy is going on here .
Wow .
Did Black Rock just take down finance ?
And it seems CZ almost warned us about all of this three days early in the guise of a Sam .
All Chat G BT Open A I tweet , CZ said this investors and founders don't always align , don't let anyone tell you otherwise to be fair .
No two persons can always be 100% aligned .
I'm both a founder and an investor .
Knowing when to let go of a company that you founded is one of the trickiest decisions .
C Z's last tweet from three days ago was a sign .
So CZ and finance owe the US government some money .
Finance , the exchange is settling for 4.3 billion .
And CZ Shang Pang Zhao himself has agreed to pay a $50 million fine .
If you know somebody who uses Binance , you might want to send this video to them .
Important to note though that this is not an FTX situation with Binance doing proof of reserves .
And CZ is one of the richest crypto billionaires in the world .
Hey , I guess we can add another chapter to this story .
Hey , this is the richest guy in the world from crypto and you don't even know him .
Hi , my name is CZ .
He made over $60 billion but his mom still called him stupid .
Let me tell you his incredible story .
And back to the news of the day by now its founder , Chang Ping Zhao agreed to step down and plead guilty to violating criminal us , anti money laundering charges according to the Wall Street Journal .
So let me give you my take , I think this is what you really need to understand my take is that CZ fell hard on the sword .
So Cryptocurrency in the United States could flourish .
I mean , whatever you think of .
Czb John E Deaton crypto lawyer writes he had no real choice being able to keep his majority stake in Binance plead out to a money laundering charge and likely just get 2 to 5 years of probation .
There's not a criminal defense attorney alive that's going to say nah you should just roll the dice .
So the SEC sues more exchanges .
CZ resigns as the ceo of finance blah , blah , blah , blah , blah .
They're clearing the way for the next Bitcoin Bull market .
I don't agree with everything the SEC has ever done .
However , it's clear that they're aware of what is going on and you know what people like Larry Fink at Blackrock want to be the ones selling to you at the beginning of this next cycle to sum it up .
The bull market is about to start and without question will be the most insane one that will probably ever happen in crypto because who takes the number one spot from Binance ?
If this plays out like Arthur Hayes and bit me , for instance , nobody wants to hold the number one spot after all this , nobody except one man .
So it seems like Larry Fink and Blackrock really did take down Binance and this was always something those in the know were wondering what was gonna happen .
Travis Kling back , June 16th 2023 .
Lots of chatter on this Black Rock Bitcoin ETF and rightfully so Blackrock more or less is the US government .
They've also received approval on 575 out of 576 of their ETF applications .
One thing I'll say there is no chance and I mean , zero that this ETF gets approved with Binance in its current position of market dominance .
If this ETF is approved , Binance is either gone entirely or their role in price discovery is massively diminished if Binance holds on to its current level of influence , no chance this ETF is approved and we just witnessed all of this play out with finance leashed .
The SEC can now finally accept the Bitcoin Blackrock spot .
ETF and it is Blackrock and Blackrock's associates like Coinbase who will be the biggest winners .
I expect to see Blackrock and Vanguard buy more .
By the way , 90% of Gary Gensler's $120 million fortune is with Vanguard .
See how this works yet .
Did you all think that they were just gonna bring in the biggest clients to Bitcoin kick off a massive bull run and then just let Binance and Kr and make a killing off the subsequent US retail interest in crypto negative .
The top 10 owners of Coinbase global Vanguard Arc .
Blackrock Coinbase benefits with Binance getting kicked the curb , the Bitcoin crypto bull run benefits from all this B Deris is one of the biggest catalysts we could have in crypto right now .
Crypto is a real industry .
Post a $4 billion settlement c takes a long needed Miami vacation .
A La Arthur and Bit ma market rips higher ETF S approved in January .
Maybe a GOP wins the 2024 election crypto laws are passed .
Guys , interact with this video , get this information out there , share this video with everybody , you know , especially if they're using Binance , especially if they need to understand what's to come in this coming crypto bull market .
And for the record , it's my opinion .
I've always liked CZ what CZ built is unquestionably .
I , I mean , this guy has brought more people to Bitcoin and crypto than almost anybody on the planet .
We had a chance to interview CZ in a live stream back in 2020 .
And , you know , we really got to get a sense of who he is .
CZ Binance , I'm not against governments , I'm not like anarchist .
I'm not against government , I'm not against anybody .
I'm a very freedom driven type of person .
So I think people should be given a very high degree of freedom .
Um And we should only be punished for things that uh that are really bad .
Uh So for example , if you scam somebody , if you hurt somebody , if you uh take somebody's property without permission .
So uh those type of things , yes .
Uh we should be protected against and , but uh by and large , we should , uh , give people a large degree of freedom to exercise their own thinking and choices .
So let me just keep things 100 with you .
I have never been more sure of the upcoming Bitcoin bull cycle crypt bull market fueled by ETF S than I have right now .
And to be honest with you , about six months ago , I just , I wasn't as bullish as I , you know , as I thought I had been before other uh supposed bull cycles just like six months ago .
I was like , it are , are things lining up enough to get a good crypto bull cycle .
I wasn't sure cut to today with everything that's happened .
I'm damn sure of it , particularly because the mainstream media is fing crypto hard on this news .
They're not doing the retail investor any favors .
Just listen to the way that Bloomberg handles this story .
And for more , we're joined by Bloomberg's Hannah Miller .
When you look at this guilty plea coming from the head of the world's largest crypto exchange weeks after the SB been free trial ended .
How much of a cloud is there over the industry ?
Still ?
It's yet another stunning blow to the crypto industry .
See , the is the big biggest name in crypto right now .
B is the largest crypto exchange by trading volume in the world .
So this is a major hit for an industry that's just been , be set by scandals and scams .
Yeah , absolutely .
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