How to gain weight .
Today , we're going to be talking about how to gain weight .
If you're a girl or a woman that is naturally skinny and you want to learn how to gain weight .
This video will really , really help you .
You are unique because while most other people are struggling to diet and exercise , you have the opposite problem .
No matter what you eat , you stay skinny , no matter how hard you try , you generally stay around the same size .
You might want to learn how to gain weight so that you are a little bit more curvy or maybe so you have a really nice butt .
This video will help you .
We are going to cover the number one mistake people make when they're trying to gain weight , the number one secret you need to know to gain weight .
The number one food you need to be eating to gain weight .
The number one thing you can do today to gain weight .
My goal is to help you learn how to gain weight so that you can transform your body into whatever it is that you want it to be .
So let us begin the number one mistake people make when trying to gain weight .
Every single girl I know that is trying to gain weight has made this mistake .
The mistake is this many people think that in order to gain weight , all they need to do is eat more food .
The idea goes something like this .
If I want to lose weight , I need to eat less .
Therefore , since I want to gain weight , I just need to eat more .
Sounds logical , but it's a mistake .
A very big mistake .
Yes , it is true that you have to eat more to gain weight .
But that's not the whole story .
If you simply eat more and stop there , you will probably end up with issues like increased lower belly fat , chub your cheeks and unfortunately not much improvement in the areas that you were hoping to improve .
Like your legs , your butt and your thighs to gain weight .
You do get to eat more , but you can't stop there .
There's a secret you have to add to the mix which leads me to my next point .
Delicious .
The number one secret you need to know to gain weight .
If you want to gain weight , you must understand this secret .
Here .
It is .
This is the best way to gain weight without gaining excess fat .
You have to do exercises that involve resistance .
This is the key .
This is the secret .
Now , you might be wondering what is resistance .
I'll tell you resistance is anything that makes your exercise more difficult over time .
Things like a gallon water jug , resistance bands , dumbbells , ankle weights and gym equipment , resistance is important because it is what tells your body that you want to be toned , not just bigger , it's what tells your body to keep it right and tight , not loose and flabby .
Just as a side note , there's nothing wrong with being big loose or flabby if that's your goal .
But if your goal is to gain weight , so you can look like a bikini model , then you need to understand the secret .
And that secret is that you must train with resistance .
Now , you know that in order to gain weight , you have to one eat more but not just eat more .
Also exercise with resistance .
So now let's talk about what exactly you should be eating , what to eat to gain weight for most people .
All that is needed to gain about half a pound a week is just 200 extra calories per day .
Are you surprised ?
Don't be of those 200 calories ?
You should make sure that the majority of your calories come from protein .
Protein is what tells your body again that you're trying to look like Kim k , not family guy .
The subject of protein is extremely important for gaining weight and it's far too broad to cover in this short video .
But I think it's enough to say here that protein is your friend and you should aim to eat about 1 to 1.5 g of protein per pound of body weight per day if you're trying to gain some weight .
So , if you currently weigh 100 and £10 that would be about 100 and 10 g to 100 and 65 g of protein per day .
That's a lot of protein , but it's what you gotta do , girl , the remainder of your calories can be split however you like between fat and carbs .
So what can you do today to start to gain weight ?
I'll tell you the number one thing you can do today to start to gain weight is to calculate your calorie goals and decide how many grams of protein carbs and fat you want to eat per day , try to hit your numbers every day .
But don't stress out if you don't make it exercise with resistance 3 to 4 times a week .
But again , don't stress out if you don't make it just be consistent over time and you will gain curves in all the right places if you want more information on this topic , click the link below to get my 10 steps to a beautiful bubble , but completely free .
Thanks for watching .
Remember to subscribe and I'll see you in my next video .