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2023-08-29 09:10:30


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All right .

So you want to grow tall , you want to look more attractive , you want to add some vertical interest to yourself .

You want to be that ideal tall , dark and handsome .

Well , then good news there then because I got your back .

If height is such a major priority in your list , then I shall definitely help you get some by your side .

So gentlemen , my name is my Batara and I am 6 ft one .

You are watching men's essentials .

Now , let's see how much you can run .

Oh , that didn't make any sense at all .

Anyway .

So what I do when I'm out show OK , how many of you remember the seven standard biology ?

Yes .

How many of you remember the different systems in our body , the cardiovascular system , the respiratory system , the nervous system , the muscular system , the skeletal system , the expy system and the reproductive system .

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Now , out of all these varied systems , only one , maybe to some extent , only two is responsible for our humans growth .

I mean , the physical growth of a human being and out of these two systems , only one is majorly responsible for your height , your skeletal system or the bone structure , as many would like to say .

Now , the thing is your bone structure is majorly dependent on your genes .

If you have the tall and long bones in your genes , chances are you will be tall .

If you don't , chances are you'll not be tall .

So let's take my case .

For example , as I'm a very odd example here .

My parents are 5 ft 5 5 ft six .

My uncles , both maternal and paternal are from 5 ft 3 to 5 ft nine .

So nobody tall .

There are no height thing happening there .

But my granddads were tall , they were really , really tall .

I mean , my granddads range from 5 ft 10 to 6 ft five .

So there is a wide tall genetical thing there .

So a part of me being 6 ft one is could see my granddad , but here's a fun fact , a very fictional fun fact .

I could have been taller .

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Yes , I could have been 3 to 4 inches more taller .

I could have been about 6 ft 3 6 ft four if I would have done the things that I want to tell you right now .

So without any further ado , let's get started .

Tip number one .

Work for anyone in school and college play some competitive sport , be a part of a competitive sport and by competitive sport , I don't mean stupid fucking girly cricket and all that nonsense .

I want you to train for a sport .

I want you to play for your club , your school , your district , your city , your state .

I don't care .

I want you to play competitively beat any freaking sport .

I mean , I want you to play a sport that will force you to wake up at five o'clock .

I want you to play a sport that will force you to work out and train in the evening and morning and force your genetical structure to grow its maximum potential .

Now , if you can't do that , then go get a gym membership .

I mean , that's the last thing you have .

I think I won't have been 6 ft one if I hadn't played national badminton , I mean , I grew up six inches in like 1.5 years , six freaking inches .

All because of my competitive badminton that I played when I was 13 , 14 years old .

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So if you are of that age , if you are someone about 18 or under 18 watching this , please play some competitive sport , please do it anyway .

Moving on tip number two , nutrition , you see if you are someone under 21 especially under 18 , watching this video .

This is the golden tip for you .

You have to eat right .

You have to eat a lot and you have to eat the right foods .

I mean , this is where I screwed up .

Please don't do the mistakes that I did .

I learned it hard way .

I want you to eat right because that's the last thing that you can do to your amazing human body .

Eat right .

Eat strong , eat a lot and go lift some weights .

Speaking of weights , by the way , here is tip number three , start weight training .

Now , this may sound rude to some of you watching this , but I don't care if you have to work part time .

I don't care if you have to save for months to get a gym membership , but please go work for it or do some juga get a gym membership and go to a gym and start lifting some freaking weights .

It will only add up to your growth cycle .

It will only help you reach your genetics , maximum potential so much better , so much faster .

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So go to the gym and do the most basic exercises , Scots , dead lips , bench press , shoulder press curls and dips .

That's it .

I don't want you to sit on any of the exercises .

The only thing that you will be using the bench for is the bench press .

Everything else is standing .

You're pressing , standing , you're doing everything standing , using your legs up .

A lack with proper nutrition should and rest and trust me , you will grow , you will grow to be your absolute genetics beast .

Now before you go out and start training , heavy relax , come down and watch the entire video .

I have the fourth tip for you .

I have the most important and probably the most underrated tip for you to grow your absolute freaking potential you ready for it .

Here we go .

Sleep , sleep a lot .

I mean , hear me out on this one because this is really very interesting .

There have been studies and there have been researches proving that sleep and proper rest and recovery is the most is the best natural steroid you can give to your body .

And I don't deny that one bit .

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One of my best friends who was my height when we were in 11th and 12th standard , you 3 to 4 inches more .

He's 6 ft 4 6 ft 4.5 now just cause he outlet me like crazy .

Now this might sound funny and you may not like it but you did freaking outs sleep me like crazy .

I mean you did that but hey , not angry just saying the same variations .

That's all about the video that concludes a video for quick , easy and most practical tips for you to grow and become your absolute genetics .

Beast eat right .

Train right .

Play some sport and sleep .

Well , I mean that's the most basic thing you could do for your body to reach its absolute best , safe and calm in case you like this video , in case you want to see more of these videos , you can watch two first videos on the channel by subscribing to the channel or by going to the video section on the channel page and watching all the other fitness style grooming and lifestyle videos on this Epic Man's Lifestyle channel .

Anyway , I'll get back to work .

I'll make more videos .

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Meanwhile , you don't forget to check out my Instagram because I've been putting a lot of exclusive Instagram content on Instagram , obviously like stories and live chats and answering DAS and a whole bunch of things that , that is just exclusive to that platform .

If you want to be a part of it , if you want to join the mighty Men's essentials army , then do that first link in the description box .

You'll be happily hugged and welcomed on board .

Anyway , I'll get back to work .

I'll make my videos .

I'll get my lips in .

Meanwhile , you don't forget to dress up , stay strong and stay stylish .

My name is , thanks a lot for watching .

I'll see you in the next one .

Cheers .


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