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2023-08-31 07:40:06

The Greatest Fried Pickle On Earth _ Vlog _ Feast of Fiction

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The winner of the Snes Classic giveaway is What's up ?

What up ?

Welcome back to the vlog .

Hey , everyone loves seeing you , by the way , all the comments .

My Filipino pride , brother and sisters are there .

Yeah , they definitely had a lot of pinoy pride .

You know what that means ?

No .

Hello .

They'll let you know in the comments below .

Is it my like or is it ?

You'll never go .

So , Aaron yesterday I went to mcdonald's because they had this Sichuan sauce thing and I was gonna get you some so we could eat it and try it together .

What sh she didn't get any for you .

So this is just me telling you to be disappointed .

I don't even know what it is , but I'm still hurt .

You should have seen everyone though .

They were pissed off really upset like that .

Moose , right ?

Moose ?

Didn't you want to see sexual ?

Did you watch that ?

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Did you want the Moose Ding Dong ?

Hey , what's up , man ?

It's my leftover tenders from the failed Rick and Morty experiment .

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It wasn't failed because you gained a lot of insight .

Did I hear you say insight ?

Here's the truth about Rick and Morty fans , there are a lot of us and when there's a lot of something that means you're gonna get a lot of different kinds of that thing .

It's like a bunch of different polka dots on the ball .

Now , one of the polka dots I live on , I have a bunch of friends around me and we all like things like Rick and Morty because we appreciate good animation , great storytelling .

And for me , a really morbid and dark look at the world that makes you confront it in a really just sort of , I don't know , mind boggling way and it makes sense .

The show is about interdimensional travel with a crazy , really messed up family .

And that the head of this family is a very flawed dark and messed up character named Rick .

Rick is essentially a God in Rick and Morty .

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He will never die .

He will never be outsmarted .

And there is never going to be a situation that he can't eventually find his way out of .

And just because he's a God does not mean you should war ship him .

Now , here's what I think the show uses Rick as an example of a character that we can then judge on how he treats other people because clearly everything else he's doing in life has to be right because he never fails at anything .

And Rick has a really messed up family and that family is systematically mentally and psychological controlled and abused by Rick because he is essentially a God .

Ok .

This got really convoluted .

But this is one of the main reasons I like the show .

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The show uses all of these characters and brings them together in an incredibly funny universe where it's not about look at how bad of a person Rick is to his family that revolves around this relationship that forces you the viewer to confront the bitter and harsh realities of your own life in relation to that .

So Rick and Morty is like hella dark .

It's a dark comedy and it makes me look at the world in my life sometimes to go man .

That's dark .

That's some dark stuff right there .

OK .

Do you remember the Polka dots ?

OK .

That's just my polka dot There are a lot of different polka dots because the bigger the show , the more polka dots there are and guess what ?

This show is massive .

Sometimes those polka dots are the simpler times when we would get in fights at mcdonald's parking lots over a packet of Chuan sauce .

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But hey , I love your neighbor such insight .

So Rick and Morty is obviously the biggest thing on the planet , but because we can't get none of that Sichuan sauce , I can't be bothered to make it .

So instead we're gonna be doing something else this week .

I got Josh Elkin here and we got ourselves some pickles in the pouch .

So Josh , you made some pickles attractions before and I remember Instagramming you and messaging you and D ming you and being like , what is this ?

I want it so bad .

What did you make deep fried pickles that are like spiraled on a stick ?

And then I coated them in like a milky kind of like batter and then I double coated them in .

Crushed up Doritos .

What ?

Cool ranch .

Let's see if it's cool ranch .

That's a cool ranch .

You know how I know it's because I've eaten cool Ranch Doritos before Kiwi .

You're very excited to eat some food , aren't you ?

Well , guess what ?

You get ?

Not sick .

I'm just making this batter .

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What is this batter made flour and it's supposed to be buttermilk .

But I didn't have , I didn't have any buttermilk at the grocery store because clearly people are making this recipe which you can see at youtube dot com slash the josh .

Oh , yeah .

Just click .

Oh , wait , no .

Ant don't work anymore .

Sorry , dude .

So I made my own buttermilk by melting butter and adding it to milk .

Oh , nice .

Which is next level .

That , that is what buttermilk is , right ?

Yeah , essentially it says please do not use sharp objects .

Making me very nervous .

Oh , look at all these pickles in the pouch .

Wow , these things are huge .

Have you ever seen a cat being scared by a cucumber ?

Yeah .

What's the deal with that ?

I don't know .

I think they think it's some kind of creature like a snake .

Let's see Kiwi .

Are you afraid of Pickles ?

No , I'm just curious .

Oh my God , this is humongous .

What the hell ?

Look at how big it is .

It's Pickle .

R , this is Pickle .

R .

Yeah , that's pickle .

Call up a couple of eyeballs on this .

That , wow .

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You know what this is ?

This is like when you get a pack of magic cards and there's only one card in the whole deck that's actually worth anything .

That's what this pickle is to this box of Pickles .

Dang .

So you got the , you got the rare , the mythic of the box is this pickle .

It is .

So now we got like coat coat it in this magical goo , this magical sludge to inch follow him .

If you like seeing food every day that makes you hungry every single day , literally every day I wake up and I'm like , I haven't eaten breakfast yet .

I mean anything I go to Josh's channel .

Boom .

You got coffee .

You got , you never skip egg day .

Things are being thrown in the pan on the daily .

I'm super hungry already because you make awesome stuff like this that we forgive you .

That's the thing .

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If people blame me unfollow me because they're forced to like they , they can't follow me .

That's not how use social media , bro .

I know it's not my fault .

Oh Here's the magic right here .

Look at this move .

This is worth that .

That's cool .

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Hold on .

Start to finish .

Probably took like 10 minutes .

You're making me out to be really efficient .

You are , you are really efficient .

If you guys saw it in the first blog , Josh , hit up that grocery store in out .

Boom .

Done .

I'm ready to eat this though .

Ok .

Well , how do you even start with something like this ?

I eat it like a corn in the cup .

Ok .

Cool .

Hm .

It got so much ranch on my face .

That's what she said .

Oh , salad , ha .

That joke .

Real fried pickle sticks .

I love it .

I wish every carnival in the world had these .

You know what ?

There's a great inspiration to help us make pickle record .

Thank you , Josh .

I know I can always count on you for some delicious recipes , right ?

Kiwi .

You wanna go , you go for a walk .

Yeah , Kiwi girl .

Yeah , you , Josh .

Love you , buddy .

Bye bye .

Thanks for coming .

Don't forget to follow Josh on the social media channels .

I have Josh on everything .

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So last Monday I announced that we were giving away this Snes Classic on the channel .

Another great reason that you should always be watching the vlogs , but this is not the last giveaway that we are doing on the channel .

In fact , we have a lot more planned and I am not joking when I said that .

In fact , we are going to be giving away 25 of something very soon .

So make sure you stay tuned , watch the vlogs and find out how you can become a winner .

So we asked you to follow .

So we asked you to follow DXP official on three different accounts .

We took all of those names .

We put into a huge random number generator and we popped out a winner .

So the winner of the Sns Classic is someone on Twitter .

That person is at life story 526 .

So if that is you , I will be sending you a tweet and all you have to do is DM me your address and boom , this thing is coming to your house .

I hope you can put it to some good and have some fun with it .

So , congratulations again and thank you to everyone else that entered again .

This is not going to be the last giveaway .

I repeat .

We are giving away a ton more stuff on the channel .

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Make sure you hit , subscribe in the little notification bell .

We are so close to getting to a million subscribers and when that happens , guaranteed there's gonna be some fireworks up in here .

All right , we have two more videos for you this week .

So make sure you stay tuned tomorrow , Ashley and I are going to be making Pickle Rick .

Yes , a one for one recreation .

And on Friday , we are going to be making eye holes from Rick and more .

A lot of you out there have requested the Chuan sauce and here's the thing .

It's been made about 1000 times on youtube already .

In fact , I'm almost confident that whatever we do recipe wise isn't going to change the game .

So , if you want to find out how to make Chuan sauce , just go on youtube .

But there's plenty of other places that are doing it , but not many have made the eye holes or Pickle Rick .

So we want to do something new and fresh for y'all .

So make sure you stay tuned tomorrow .

Pickle Rick Friday eye holes .

You're not gonna want to miss it .

All right , thanks so much , everybody and we'll see you next time .


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