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2023-08-29 08:49:33

Whatever You Make With Slime I'll Pay For!

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Whatever these four contestants make out a slime I'll pay for .

So , if you make a car out of slime , I'll get you a car .

If you make a Macbook out of slime , I'll get you a Macbook .

It's pretty simple , but only the best out of these four will win .

You will have three hours to make your pieces .

Every time I started on this table over here you have all the materials you need to make the slime .

So you guys should get started question .

I wanted to do a frog but I don't want a frog .

The first thing I need to figure out is how in the world to make slime .

I'm at a huge disadvantage video because everyone else here has made slime art before .

Except for me , I'm kind of screwed .

Yeah , maybe I'll pull a Ks and say that I want an all exclusive trip and I'll just , I'll just make a tropical island .

Cut the shade there .

Boy , how do I make student loans out of slime ?

Wait , you're gonna make student loans out of slime .

Wait , jake , you should make a car .

Can I make a car too ?

So that way Jake has double the odds of getting a car .

So you're gonna make a car and if I get you a car you're gonna give it to Jake .

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Yeah .

Wait , are you actually ?

No , wait , Michelle , what are you making ?

I don't know what I'm making .

You can make something as a gift for someone .

A hamster .

Not a hamster .

How about you make mac and cheese ?

You wouldn't want my parts off their mac and cheese guys .

Think about it this way .

You want to make something cool , but you also want it to be something practical .

So a vacation , for example , don't make like plane tickets out of slime .

You can make like a scenery out of slime Mackenzie .

What are you making ?

I'm gonna make the Eiffel Tower the little Eiffel tow from the New York gift store .

No , I want a trip to Patty .

I'm completely guessing on how to make slime dragon , but I need a smart way .

No .

How many dragons have you guys seen ?

Let's boycott Dragon .

If you do a dragon on like a Macbook , I can paint .

You customize it for me .

Wait Michelle , you're making a frog .

Yeah .

Hey , you , you want me to buy you a frog ?

A frog that is from Mexico and we can go to Mexico .

What ?

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No , I just want to make a fr how do I make slime this detergent ?

What's going on ?

How much do I do that ?

How much slime do I make with this .

How much did I put in ?

Come on , there are over there .

Get out of what is happening .

How did you get the color ?

How did you get the color guys ?

Grab your stuff ?

Return to your seat , please ?

It's actually getting crazy .

Get that out of here .

Are you sure you want me to ?

Are you sure you want ?

Wait , what is that ?

Everyone ?

Listen up , this is a spin wheel .

You will spin the wheel and whatever it lands on .

You must include that in your slime that's going in your piece .

You need to incorporate popsicle sticks into your piece .

Michelle , you gotta use flowers .

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Alright , Ben , you must use green beads .

You have to incorporate purple beads that actually works out great .

Everyone go grab your materials and make sure it goes in your piece .

I think I'm finally reaching the consistency that I want .

How ?

All right , Jake .

If you make a Lamborghini out of slime , I will get you a car .

Jake .

Normally , if you wanna get proportions correct , you need to map it out first before you start going in with your final lines .

I'm a professional artist , Zachary .

So why did you ask for tips ?

The first person to grab me a penny gets an advantage .

I do not , I do not this time .

Once you guys have a penny , just place it in my hand .

Does anyone have a penny ?

Does anybody have a penny ?

Does no one carry a penny .

Is there a penny in here ?

It's a pretty big penny .

But no , that's not a penny a leak .

And what do you mean ?

Give it a real ?

Yeah .

Well done .

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No .

Oh , Jake , you were just a little bit late .

I couldn't run past the camera , man .

All right , Mackenzie .

You came two seconds before Jake .

So , here's your advantage .

So you got to steal one person's container of slime and you get to choose someone and they have to make you a container of slime .

In fact , I think I'm going to take Jake's slime dolly .

I'm bulldozer .

You next time to also make him make you could , there's a better advantage later like destroying a piece .

I will go after her and I will try as hard as I can to make a truce if I don't pick you truth doesn't matter .

Remember what happened last time .

Are you gonna do a truce or not ?

Yeah , I'm still taking this .

Is that ok ?

No , I have to give this to you .

No .

You know what you take that .

I'll make your slime right now .

No .

All right with you stealing my slime .

You do a truth right now .

I'll give it back then .

Whose slime are you taking that ?

No , the show .

You're making me slime .

I do like it .

Jake .

I just made a truce with Kens .

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I'm not going to go back on my work and if she wins then she wins unfortunately , honestly sketching out this Lamborghini is probably going to take three hours .

So wait , Jake , how are you gonna incorporate flowers into your Lamborghini ?

It's gonna be running over flowers .

Yeah , there's gonna be flowers on the Lambo .

Here's some ZD trivia and Zack's first .

Whatever you draw , I'll pay for a video .

He drew a Lambo .

Oh , yeah .

Is that one container of slime or maybe my girlfriend did two containers .

She's coming to Paris with me .

Is she really ?

If she wants to , I'll make as many slime as you like .

All right , everyone , there's a twist that I forgot to mention .

So yesterday I was reading some comments and everyone was talking about how they love seeing the end of punishments .

I asked a couple of fans and they said one of their favorite punishments happens to be slime .

Whoever doesn't win this competition gets slimed .

One hour into the challenge .

I spent 30 minutes making slime .

And so this is what I have .

I'm starting over .

You spent an hour on that fine .

It'll be a lot easier in a different way .

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The first person to bring me drunk goggles gets an advantage .

You gotta put it in my hand .

No grabbing for Michelle .

No , no , you guys can't all grab for it at the same time , guys , guys .

No .

Hey , hey , guys , guys on our system , who found it first ?

I don't want you guys fighting Michelle .

Well , Michelle , since you were the first one to find drunk goggles .

You gotta put this on someone for half an hour .

I'm sorry , because you are in the lead .

I would say I'm not in the lead .

All right , Ben put that on .

Look at Jake down right now .

All right , Ben , once that clock hits 1 14 , if you can even see it , you can take it on Ben .

I need to test your reflexes catch .

I can't see the camera right now .

Thank you for this amazing gift Michelle .

I gave him drunk goggles and now Ben turns into a different person .

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I don't know what's going on over here , but Jake doesn't have one bit of slime on his board yet .

Jake .

Everyone else is at least like a third of the way through their art piece .

You haven't even put a piece of slime on yet .

Yeah .

Yeah .

This is about how much I've improved over the last two years at this show .

My previous , this big is doing a back flip slime art , right ?

Everyone stop what you're doing .

I have a mini challenge set up on the table over there .

So come with me .

Everyone in front of you is a bucket of slime with a lot of legos in it .

So you have to remove every single lego piece from your bucket of slime .

There's gonna be a first place price , second place , third place , fourth place .

Are you ready ?

Ready go ?

You need to remove every item .

So raise your hand once you have every single item out , make sure you guys try to take as much of the slime off .

A little bit is fine , but I don't want to see giant chunks on it .

Slime on Jake's good , Michelle .

You're good .

You're good .

Ben .

Oh Mackenzie , you are last .

Wait , Mackenzie .

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How'd you let Ben Beachy get fast .

The slime you have in front of you , you can take back to your table .

Jake your advantage is you get to choose someone to help you for 15 minutes .

Michelle , your price is nothing .

I'm sorry , Ben , you have 50 burpees mckenzie .

You have to choose one of our last 10 videos and watch the entire thing on half speed .

Can I watch it while I work ?

Nope .

And once you're done you can get back to work .

Wait , what are you talking about ?

Who said Barbies were easy ?

So , over here it says 0.5 times speed .

All right , have fun watching that .

I , as a person have zero patience and this is just really testing that right now .

Exercise .

Normally our videos are very enjoyable , but when you put it at half speed , things get weird .

And I'm not even in this video .

What are you doing ?

Are you done no more with the drum ?

Oh , yes .

Oh , yeah .

Oh my God .

Well , yours looks sick .

So , I guess Michelle's making a frog because she wants to eat frog legs .

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50 MS Michelle , my Charles are off .

I'm sorry , please don't hurt me .

Michelle .

You said you want to eat frog legs ?

Yeah , I'm sorry , Kermit , you are not supposed to hear that .

We have an hour and 10 minutes left and I still have nothing down on my beeps .

Now that I'm done with my punishment , I plan on finishing this piece for dragons before looking .

All right , I'm pretty happy with it .

I just have to detail it a little bit more and I'm gonna add the apple logo to make it look like a macbook .

My phone's dead .

No , just what I'm about to start .

I don't have my Lambo reference .

We are two hours in and Jake does not have a single piece of slime down on his board .

All right , everyone .

We're going to play a little game called ZHC Crafts Trivia .

So I have a few things in mind for the winner .

So you're gonna want to do well , first up on ZHC Craft Trivia , I am going to play a video and whoever guesses the title first , you only have one chance to answer .

Right .

This is the video first .

What is it ?

Best , best Sharpie Art .

Yep .

All right .

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One point for Jake .

First person to three points wins .

Oh , yes .

That's , yes .

Jake's two for two .

Yes , Squid games .

All going Cookie challenge .

Wrong hand hand .

I saw your hand first .

Yes .

Oh , yes .

Yes .

All right .

Ben has two points .

Yes , Michelle .

It's whatever you make with a watermelon I'll pay for .

Oh , yes , that's , yes , Jake .

Yes , Jake .

So you remember the first advantage Mackenzie had ?

Uh , no .

So the first advantage she had was she gets to take someone's slime and have someone make slime for her .

You get that advantage too except for it's pretty crucial right now because we don't have a lot of time left .

I made a truce with Mackenzie , so I'm not attacking Mackenzie .

You want me to make you slime ?

I'll make you slime .

Uh No .

Ok .

Do you want to just make me green slime ?

I don't even need to take any of yours .

Ok .

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Ok .

Go Michelle .

Make some slime , dark green , dark green .

Wait , Jake .

And whose slime are you gonna steal ?

I'm not gonna steal any slime .

I don't need any .

Uh I lost the challenge and now I have to make slime again .

I was feeling really good about my piece in the beginning , but I've taken a look around at everyone else's and I think shelves is really good and I also think Ben's is really good .

I'm not worried about Jake because Jake has barely started dark blue green .

Wait , wait , I may or may not .

Have you seen this ?

Ben is painting with slime ?

All right , everyone listen up , you're gonna throw three slime balls into this bucket and we're gonna see who has the most slime balls in the bucket .

Mackenzie .

You're up .

Ben is the best at basketball here .

So I expect him to make all three .

Oh , Ben , you missed everything .

Oh , Jay got one .

Oh , Jay got 20 , Jay got three .

Oh , oh .

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Oh , you got one .

So here's where things get interesting .

Jake , you came in first , Michelle .

You're second .

So here's what's gonna happen .

Jake , you can choose two people and remove five minutes from their total time .

Michelle , you can choose one person and remove five minutes from their total time .

It's up to you guys .

Well , I have to choose Ben and Mackenzie because I , well , first I choose you , Jake .

Exactly .

That's why .

So you're breaking the trip .

I have no other option .

The only reason I'm choosing mckenzie is because he's the only one I haven't targeted yet .

So I'm getting a double Whammy Mackenzie .

Once the timer hits 10 , you're done , then once the timer hits five , you're done .

We have 13 minutes left and I don't think I'm gonna finish .

Guys , Jake chose to take five minutes off my time .

But honestly , it's OK cause I'm pretty much already done .

Jake , where are the flowers ?

The flowers are not on yet ?

I literally don't even have the whole car down yet .

My time is done 10 minutes earlier than everyone else's , but it's ok because I was pretty much done .

My time is about to be up right now and honestly , I'm really proud of my piece .

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I think it looks pretty cool .

Jake .

You have two minutes to get flowers on your Lamborghini .

I'll be ok .

Oh , wait , there's flowers in here .

Did you get the flowers ?

Yeah .

Oh , final minute .

35 .

4321 time's up .

All right , everyone .

Let's take a look at these .

All right , Michelle , let's start with you .

I did a frog because I want frog legs for dinner .

My puzzle sticks will act as a log .

It's a very good use of the clear slime .

This gives me like the slimy feel of a frog .

It's really not bad .

Michelle .

Nice Michelle .

Well , against all odds .

I ended up finishing my Lamborghini .

I think the proportions turned out .

Ok .

And now it's straight on because clearly the other angle was not working .

It's a very clean piece , I must say .

Oh , I also incorporated my flowers .

It's , they're down here as well as up here up here .

It was an aesthetic touch down here .

It's more of like this .

Lamborghini was driving through like a flower field .

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Take , I feel like the flowers remind me of when I was in school and we had a minimum requirement of three pages on our essay side .

Slowly add more spaces here and there .

I shrink everything down by like a centimeter on the sides to reach two pages and the teacher didn't notice and you passed .

Correct .

No , I still failed to have the essays .

It's not bad .

Hey , good job Jake .

This is a dragon on a Macbook Pro .

Because if I win you're gonna customize me a Macbook .

I still can't believe you gained with slime .

Well , I saw Jake do it first and I was like , hey , that's pretty cool .

So then I just did it .

I see you went with the very dense slime .

Ok .

So I tried to make my own slime , but as we saw throughout the video it did not work very well .

So you use the kid's jumbo pack slime ?

Yes .

Oh man .

It's a little bit of a stretch .

But sure if you win , I'll buy you a new Macbook and paint it for you .

Good job Ben .

I made the Eiffel Tower in Paris .

Very cool .

What's a little Sprinkle ?

It supposed to be like a bunch of people like people ?

Yeah .

Like if you squint .

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Ah , true over here looks nice .

I'm not sure if I would have added the little white balls .

Interesting piece .

Well , today I think it's safe to say that a lot of the pieces are going to be pretty close .

I think after doing slim out for a video , everyone kind of learned except for Ben because we didn't have Ben back then .

I wouldn't be surprised if I get out first .

Well , let's let the voting begin guys .

So here's how this voting is gonna work .

We are gonna go head to head in sudden death .

I will be sending a ton of random subscribers your pieces and I'm gonna tell them to choose their favorite two .

Each time someone chooses yours as their favorite , you get one point .

First of five wins .

I hope you like .

The first subscriber has voted .

First vote goes to Ben Yay .

Second vote , Mackenzie .

Second person has voted .

First vote goes to mckenzie .

Second vote goes to Ben .

The next person has voted Ben next vote , Mackenzie .

I was not expecting to do this good .

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I'm really happy right now .

Next subscriber has voted .

First vote goes to Michelle second vote , Jay Kelly , next person has voted .

First vote , goes to Ben .

Next vote mckenzie .

Are you guys ?

Four and four ?

This one is really , really close .

Last vote .

First vote goes to mckenzie and second vote .

I'm pretty sure you guessed it .

It's Ben .

Wait , what ?

No , let me , we're out , Jake Michelle .

You guys are out since you guys are both at five points .

I'm gonna ask my subscribers which one their favorite is and we're gonna do best of three .

The first vote goes to Ben .

Right .

Second person has voted .

Next vote goes to .

All right , Michelle , choose a random subscriber .

Ok .

The boat goes too then .

Yeah .

Fuck .

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It's like I'm not going to Paris .

Thank you guys for liking dragons so much .

I love you .

Ben .

Congratulations .

I will buy you a Macbook .

I will customize it just for you because you did a Macbook with a dragon on it .

Ya ?

Guess what time it is ?

Slime time subscribe .

Let's break .

That's inappropriate .

Oh , It's sticky .

You got your cream all over it .


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