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2023-08-30 06:46:12


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This would be a hit at any , any dinner , any party , whatever you do , people will be like , oh my God , I want more .

He know about be chicken food , chicken , chicken , go on , go on .

What's great .

You got a , you don't know where in December .

So I wanna say Merry Christmas if I fall from and today's video is a well anticipated and requested video .

What are we making ?

You saw the title We're making Macaroni casserole and macaroni pie .

I say anyone to call it that with today .

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This has been a highly requested video just like the rest of videos that are all done doing well .

It's December time .

You don't know macaroni and cheese is the most un table as well as your fruit cake , your cereal , your roast beef , your ham , the wall works .

I have an entire plate is dedicated to the Christmas season .

So check that out for all your Christmas desires .

You know what I'm saying ?

So we're gonna step in the macaroni and cheese .

But the first thing we wanna do , I wanna bring it over here where I have some water going .

Well , let me grab myself some salt we're gonna see .

It's not that boiling water I have here about six cups of water .

I was gonna season it with about two teaspoons of salt .

So the pasta that we're using is the macaroni pasta .

The el also known as Elbow Macaron .

You know what I I'm saying ?

And this is the typical one that everybody would use for their macaron energy you can use whichever pasta you like .

If you wanna use penny , if you want to use a shell macaroni , your choice .

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But we're just gonna keep it plastic and simple with a little twist to it doesn't mean cookies about a £2.5 package .

I'm just gonna be using half of this , about a pound and a half .

So I'm using half of that package .

Next thing you want to add in your water is some oil , vegetable , olive , any oil you have .

Let's put a generous amount and that way we don't have the pasta sticking and we'll just give that a stir to ensure that not is sticking to the bottom or to each other .

And that's how the oil comes in .

It's boil the pasta , you season your water it with a salt and oil .

Eight minutes should do because we don't want to overcook this .

So 8 to 10 minutes at most on medium high .

The instruction on the packages state that you cook this for three minutes .

However , I do not like my macaroni pie too .

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So I go for eight minutes on mine and you must say I need them to be not too hard , not too soft .

So that's coming on .

So , comment below and let me know how you like your macaroni .

I don't want to be eating my macaroni casserole .

And the macaroni is too and a , is a chef term for firm .

I don't like your macaroni to be too firm .

Neither do I want it to lose its shape .

That's it .

So see it there .

I have two more minutes and a timer .

I'm using one pot here .

So that's why we're gonna wait until the macaroni is cooked .

And I wanted to show you my process of cooking the maro if everybody knows , but this is just my way of doing it .

Season it up with pepper oil and cookie thing .

Is it ?

All right ?

So the macaroni is ready that down .

See , half package .

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How much macaroni you get with the half package that's gonna add some cold water to this ice water if possible .

And that way you stop the macaroni from cooking and see it guys , even though it's up the stove , it's still cooking while it's hot .

But this way we ensure that it stops and there is our timer we see still hold some not sticking together .

That's a result of the oil .

See it and that gonna add our drink pasta in our bowl , but past the nice and cooked and then now we're gonna juice it a little bit more of that oil over after you cook and cool it down just so , and then mix them up just so they don't stick because they will still stick after the fact .

You know .

So you keep them nice , you know , and I know you're gonna say the cheese is gonna help them to stick together .

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Yes .

Or you don't want them to stick before that because you don't want to have too much of a big clump while you're handling this .

You know , uh my bowl is too smart for this pasta that's mixed and cool .

We're gonna set our pasta aside .

Alright .

So in order to get your macaroni and cheese kick off , you know , you have to have a sauce and that's the base of it and the most important part and how we're gonna be making our sauce today .

We're going to be making a and then we're gonna make our Alfredo sauce and then we're gonna flavor that top with the cheese and all the good stuff .

So how you make a it's input , you need half fat and half flour , you know what let's say .

So we're gonna be using some unsalted butter and all purpose flour for the base of our sauce and of course , we're going to finish that off with some 35% cream .

So follow me , I learn .

No , that's not half of that unsalted butter , right ?

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So , so we're gonna add our butter to our pan and our pan is a medium heat .

The I have to melt the secret to a nice sarsen of for a nice rule .

We're not gonna just make the regular rule .

I'm gonna go in now with one medium white onion dice .

So this , but now we're just gonna cook off those onions in the , but this is really good .

So you just want to caramelize the onions in the butter and allow them to become translucent , the more you cook them out is the sweeter they become and this is how we're gonna transform the typical mac and cheese to become beautiful in this .

We develop the flavor from the ground about two minutes in because we don't want to burn the garlic .

We're gonna add about two teaspoons of that died fresh garlic .

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You so you put the garlic after because you don't want to burn it .

Nothing .

There's nothing worse than this in burn garlic .

Trust me , right ?

So that you don't see very often is scratch by pepper .

A K a habanero .

We are caribbean all over with spice .

We now go over to it because this brown one is very hot .

This is optional but we are we going with a liquid with a pepper in a tea .

It's in our room .

Give it , give it a little pepper a kick .

Alright , you see everything starts cooking nicely .

All the onion smell great .

You see that with a season with double with one teaspoon of salt at the same for the grown black pepper .

You season it from the get home of people .

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It's season onions nice then no smell like it smells and we're gonna add now to this are all purpose flour and that is gonna start over really , really sweet .

And this is quite a cup of all purpose you wanna put of f because that will result .

Then you're gonna mix that in right away .

That's gonna result in a sauce that's too thick .

So we rub that out nicely .

See you wanna find Arnold knobs .

We cook this for about 2 to 3 minutes to cook out that raw flour taste from our flour .

You know what I say ?

Get the sauce nice and thick .

Uh show them the consistence .

You know , see you , it's a bit at the bottom of that and we're gonna add to that now or milk .

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We're gonna use the entire piano for this , the entire bottle which is 473 mL mix that in .

Turn off the heat now so thin it looks this is gonna heat up it .

This is gonna thicken in no time because that floor right .

The floor is a thickening agent .

Half teaspoon of not make that .

Just give it a nice , like a distinctive flavor and a half teaspoon of clove .

You call this a spice a half teaspoon of a spice .

So that's it .

Now we have the spice you see what that lipstick .

Don't worry .

Something I like to use is my evaporated milk that gives it such a great flavor .

So we're gonna add that in .

Remember the rule that was , there was nice and lump free .

So this won't be lumpy .

If the rule was lumpy , then this would be lumpy .

Just don't get panic when you see it look like that .

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Just take your , take your time and stir and you'll see that get out of the lump .

So whatever chunks you see there , that's just the onions .

Don't worry about the onion .

This is a nice armor coat .

All right , we're gonna season this with our purple season two tablespoon of our P for season mix that in and the beauty about this .

You can add more evaporated milk or the um , 35% cream if you file , find that it's getting too thick , but we're not gonna worry about the thickness just yet .

Another thing that I like to use is cream cheese .

So this is the first cheese we're gonna kick start it cream cheese .

Just give it that nice creaminess .

And I like the flavor of cream cheese .

So this is 340 g .

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I'm gonna be using half because I need the next half for my breakfast in the morning .

Is it ?

Yeah .

So a half can of that cream cheese in which is 100 and 50 g cheese .

Make everything better .

Consistency .

Starts to change instantaneously .

You know , I the rest of that evaporated milk .

So two kind of that Eva no mix that over .

So the cheese have choice .

We're gonna be using the mixed cheese , you know what I say .

And this have cheddar Mon Monterey Jack and mozzarella , but we need more mozzarella .

So to have a separate package .

However , this package is 320 g , we're gonna be using the entire thing .

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So it pops up that cheese in and we're gonna gradually add it and mix it in .

So keep this on low just so you don't burn anything and then mix that cheese right in .

So I do want it on there in there and the mozzarella and cheese give you that nice stretch .

It was mozzarella .

We have some in here but nut , I'm gonna go in just one cup of the mozzarella in here .

So we're gonna add two eggs and we add the eggs for structure .

You know what I say ?

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When you make your macaroni pie , when you dip in there and leave it up , you want to get a nice whole some slice .

So that's what the egg will do for this one .

I'm just gonna gradually add that like temp it like that .

Mix it in .

This will help to thin out the sauce , not only but to add structure to that macaroni and cheese .

Alright .

So look at that consistency .

It's nice .

So that's it for that .

We're gonna turn off for it .

So we're with our macaroni in .

So just break that up .

See , it's easy .

It's not sticky , sticky .

I'm gonna just pour some of that cheese sauce in .

We're just gonna mix that in .

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Mm If that makes this in a separate bowl , not the bow that you're gonna cook it in .

Is it ensure that everybody get caught here ?

I can't even do .

It should do because we don't wanna overcook this .

So 8 to 10 minutes at most on medium high .

So , you know , the egg and the cheese herb is firm up with a coin .

All right , I'm gonna make a like a personalized one .

That's it .

And we're just gonna top that off with some regular cheddar on top .

You know , that will give you that nice finish nothing too much because you know the cheese spreads .

You just want to get that nice cover on here , spread that evenly and then for my little personalized one , this is my dinner .

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I'm gonna just put a little bit of paprika over this , just Sprinkle generously garnishing .

This is not for really flavor or anything just for garnish my people .

This is optional .

I always clean up the edges because nothing looks bad like when you have burned cheese all over the edge .

So just clean up the edges with a clean rug or paper towel if you have a damp paper towel .

So that way now two things , it makes the presentation way better and secondly , it saves one scrub in the pan .

It will properly soft .

And I , we're gonna bake it at 350 °F for 30 minutes .

Right .

And then once that 30 minutes is over , everything is heated through the pasta and everything , then we're gonna remove the paper and then I'm gonna show you what I do next .

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We're gonna go into that melted butter and parsley into a bowl .

I'm gonna put a little bit of pepper in there .

Nothing too much .

So right here we have the parsley , we have this the black pepper and then we have the melted butter , right ?

I'm gonna go into that .

Now it's something I like to use as my finisher for my pies .

Some bread crumbs .

Yeah .

Mix that in .

That's it .

So the the amount of breadcrumbs I'm using , I use Half cop and I'm gonna show you the consistence that we want .

We don't want this to be runny or anything .

So I'm gonna take that out and go on with my hands and it just basically mix in with your hands .

So if you had just put the dry bread crumbs in , it would have just burned , right ?

But when you add the butter in there , it gives it a nice flavor and makes the bread crumb color nicely .

You don't have no black color .

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You have that nice brown .

So look at this with the parsley in there .

You see me and this is the consistency that you want the bread crumbs to be .

And then our parsley is in it and then this is gonna be our finisher for a pie .

We just gonna spread it over it and then put it on , broil for about 2 to 3 minutes .

Get them nice and crispy .

And that adds flavor and garnish as well as a different texture to our macaroni and cheese pie .

A nice crunch on top , so to speak .

All right .

So we have four minutes left .

Gonna pull it still .

All right .

So just pull that off .

You get it for then .

Now we're gonna finish this off with the bread crumbs , parsley and butter and this is almost dry .

We just want it to be moist , right ?

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As as I said , it's better .

So we're gonna Sprinkle that on here .

So what the bread crumbs will do too .

It will also help to absorb any excess oil from our um our cheese and it will provide a nice um layer , as I said before , of crunch .

You see when people sit there , I that I eat , I eat , I eat .

And the bread crumbs that I'm using is a pan of bread crumbs .

That's the Japanese style bread crumbs without the crust and it's not flavor .

You see me and the parsley .

If you want a white parsley again , garnish purpose , you see me , the parley just provide such a nice little look to it when it's done .

And as always I'm cleaning up as presentation is .

Ok ?

Alright .

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So we're gonna put this back in for five more minutes .

So we're just gonna put this on bread to get those , those bread crumbs nice and crunchy .

You know where I come from and melt that cheese and give the cheese that nice burned cheese .

Look .

Right .

Damn , Sean .

Do you think this is the best looking pipe I've ever seen in my life ?

Yeah .

Have ever seen anybody put ketchup on this ketchup on this , put ketchup on my side .

Macaroni .

Big cos it doesn't taste that good .

Why ?

It a fresh ramp ?

This is dope .

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Um And the texture of the top crunchy .

Who ?

This is 100% the best mac and cheese I've ever had .

No , no , no , yo , this is legit heaven .

This will be , listen , I don't know if you listening , but let me tell you like , I might even being , I might have been like exaggerating , like eat a piece of the crust with what's with the macaroni ?

This will be a hit at any , any dinner , any party , whatever you do , people will be like , oh my God , I want more .

Give me the recipe .

So yes .

Do you have it ?

How to make your own wholemeal macaroni and cheese casserole .

A K A macaroni and cheese pie .

We bake ours , we top that off with the bread crumbs and the parsley .

And you saw how that looked , isn't it ?

So if you enjoy this video in any way , shape or form , do me two things .

Give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel .

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If you're three things , leave a comment below how you like your done .

And as I , I said earlier in the video , we have over 220 videos for you to check out if it's international cuisine , you will have it .

If it's Jamaican cuisine where I'm from , we have it .

So your table should not be empty .

This Christmas .

Yes , I am going to pray that your table won't be empty .

I know how the financial things to some people , but regardless they can cook for cheap and make it nice for you and your family .

I mean , we recently developed our website WW dot ho chef dot com .

That's H A double tchef dot com .

Check out my website for all , all things , me .

So everything you want to know about me for my autobiography , my vlogging channel , my cooking channel , my Instagram , Facebook , everything we wanna know the recipes that we have here .

We share them over on our website .

So check that out .

Merry Christmas when it comes and a happy and prosperous New Year for you and yours .

2020 .

We have the vision .

You see me .

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So once again see if go up been but no , if I grow up mon .


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