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2023-08-29 08:50:39


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Hey guys .

Hm .

What should I make for you guys today ?

You have plenty .

Look store buy .

You don't glow with .

Yeah .

Right .

Well , guys , it looks like I'm gonna have to make some gummy worms .

I think I'll do just fine .

Give a thumbs up if you agree .

We'll need jello in different colors .

A syringe and a special worm mold and true love .

Tenderness and tenderness .

Sam help me or leave me time to go .

Let's take the jello bowls and pour some water into them , but not too much .

So our worms are not running , got it .

Worms running done .

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Now we'll stir it and leave it for a while .

Are you staring for ?

Do you want me to give you a candy ?

Just rude .

So , yeah .

No , I hadn't .

It's coming .

Hi .

And here is a whole worm pile for you , but on one condition you can only take one worm an hour .

Yes .

So yeah , should be enough for the day .

Leave again .

One woman an hour .

She's out to get me guys .

At least you don't disappoint me .

Subscribe to the channel about that .

Oh , I feel better already .

Ok .

I need to stir it again .

Just a little bit .

It looks very transparent and so , so bright , but it's awesome .

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Just have to make sure all of the powder dissolves .

Look , it's not time yet .

My alarm clock .

What a sneaky slime .

Oh , wow .

Looks like it's ready now .

We'll just fill up the mold with our syringe .

Let's add the yellow jello first and fill up these bad boys to the top .

Huh ?

Interesting .

Do you guys notice how the yellow looks kind of transparent when we put it in a green mold ?

Now , let's do the red .

I really like red jello .

It's my favorite .

Wow .

Look , because it's red .

It's a little bit darker and you can see the color better .

Hm .

Well , the worms are ready for their cool journey in the refrigerator .

Good luck a w here , you know .

Oops , almost forgot .

Yeah .

Oh .

Right .

Wow .

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These worms are so nice and chilly .

Hm .

How am I gonna take them out ?

Let me , how are you gonna do that ?

There is one ancient Japanese method ?

Oh , now , let's see .

Hey , it's not so bad .

Wow , this is really cool .

You guys , I knew we could pull this off and look , all of the worms are staying whole .

Wow .

They look like actual real gummy worms .

Hm .

I wonder what they'll taste like , huh ?

Hey , Sam , what do you think ?

Ah , you know who I love guys if you like the video ?

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Give us love and all the , we have to go .

Ok .

The result was really amazing .

Guys , don't you think if you agree , give a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to our channel .

We'll show you lots of cool things .

Are you done now ?

You'll be rewarded with another interesting craft .

Everyone , anyone , one candy is nothing for you , but it'll be a world to Sam .

Sam .

What on earth are you doing ?

What ?

No candies at the house ?

I don't even have a house .

How am I to get by ?

Oh .

And where do you live now ?

Well , not my own house , that's for sure .

Ok .

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Let's feed you first candies .

Yeah .

Right .

Then I'll die from the cute .

Yeah , my will you calm down ?

I'll make you popcorn , crap , white popcorn , like in the movies .

Remember ?

Ah , no candy .

But right after microwaving this little pack will triple in size .

Interesting .

Does it work the same way with candies ?

Small ones ?

Turn into huge ones .

Let's put it inside this side up and set it on high for four minutes .

I wanna see , I wanna see who came up with these stupid dots on the window .

I can't see anything .

Come on , baby .

Grow big and make me happy .

Oh , there is no gunfire .

Sam .

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Uh , you probably don't like me anymore and you wanna get rid of me ?

Don't be silly .

You are right on it .

You like them all ?

Ok .

Let's see what we have here .

Ouch .

So hot .

I should have asked Sam to do it .

Popcorn is ready and it looks good .

Let's open the pack and spill it in the bowl .

Sam , where are you come ?

Have a bite .

Yeah , I can look .

This tiny grain turned into this big thing .

It's not all that impressive .

If only it could turn into this thing , this into that greedy slimes lose both coconut and popcorn .

Your popcorn is so small because you get it wrong .

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That's what you should make it out of .

You'll see , sorry to burst your bubble , but it's not gonna work .

You're only saying that to upset me .

Hey , guys , do you think Sam will be able to make popcorn out of the cob ?

Press the pause button and comment below .

You'll find out the answer very soon .

Although I already know like you are the popcorn expert .

Do your thing .

I'm washing my hands .

I can't stop before everyone subscribes everyone did Sam .

Not everyone .

That's better .

Sam is out .

OK ?

Cop .

Let's put you in just like this , bro .

You are heavy .

You shut the door .

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OK , Sammy .

Enough fun .

Let's turn it on .

It must grow .

I carried it .

I opened the machine for it .

I lost so much energy that only a pound of candies will save me from exhaustion .

Besides sue has to be proven wrong .

Are you sure ?

An inch ?

Oh , I know this machine is defective and I should try the candies .

They will definitely grow .

OK ?

My sweet .

Don't let me down .

I love you with all my heart .

It's time to return a favor .

What's my , all that dies ?

What is this that killed my daughter ?

How can you be watching TV ?

When your machine is robbing me in broad daylight ?

I put there's a puddle .

No candies .

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You owe me 20 candies .

No , 30 maybe 40 44 more damages .

I'm running your popcorn is shapeless .

And how do you want it ?

Lime shaped ?

How am I supposed to do that ?

Let's do Ginger Men .

Ok .

Science can be men .

We are going to need two molds and a chocolate bar .

First we'll melt the chocolate in a double boiler .

Here .

I melted it in your evil machine .

At least that can do so we just need to pour the chocolate in the mold like this so liquid and the second one .

Bye .

And it's time to put in the popcorn .

I'll put some here and some there and drizzle generously with more chocolate .

Mm .

It smells really good .

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Is it ready yet ?

I don't like to wait that long .

I might pass out and I don't like mean slimes .

Keep your pants on now .

I'll throw them in the fridge to cool down .

It's been an hour and our Ginger men should be ready by now .

I'll try to take it out of the mold without breaking it here and here .

This smell is great .

It's melting fast but it turned out great .

Hm .

Less popcorn , more chocolate .

Perfect guys .

Give a thumbs up if you like our choco popcorn , man .

Yes .

Don't forget I already did also sue .

Where is my house ?

So I need the house .

Mhm .

Here you go .

Are you happy now ?

Not quite but it'll do for now .

Candy for a house warming party .

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Enjoy .

Maybe now you'll leave me alone and stop complaining to our viewers .

Sure .

Sure .

Just take my house to someplace quiet .

Ok , guys , this craft turns out great if you like it and if you know how to make it even better or using other materials while you're doing that , we are moving on to the next craft .

Oh , where did Sam go ?

He can't still be sleeping , can he ?

Hey , Sammy , are you in there ?

I'm sleeping .

Go away .

Well , all right .

Sleep your head off .

If you want , I'll start without you .

Then it's boring in here .

Hang out now .

Hm .

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No , I rather stench there .

Not there .

I need to take .

I swear I can smell it .

He really stinks .

I here .

Nope , I still have to find that thinking thing and get rid of it at once .

Maybe here seems like , oh , I'll search every inch of this place but I'll find the source of that stench .

You know , it smells , but it's not the thing I need to continue .

I can smell .

I'm close .

You .

What are you doing here fondue ?

What do you need to fondue ?

Will it help you to get more thumbs up .

No , Sammy , there's no such verb to fondue , right ?

No verb but there's this smell .

It stinks .

You .

Now look who's talking candy ?

Gourmet cheese has to be fine to flavor .

Well , let me show you here .

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I have some melted cheese .

I take a piece of bread .

Dip it into the cheese .

Mm Delic here .

Try it .

Stretchy happened .

Sam .

Simmy .

Wake up .

I'll just move the cheese away .

Maybe candy will bring him back to his senses .

Hey , Sammy , it's chocolate candy .

Who was that ?

Everything went dark .

Is that Kim ?

Yes , Sammy .

It's for you .

Thanks .

Did you put your stinky thing away ?

I did .

And it's just cheese .

It's cheesy .

If you ask me a moment .

Where are you going ?

Mm .

Yummy .

Oh .

Can we find , do something else in your fon ?

Do , do you mean melt ?

We can chocolate , for example , chocolate .

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Oh , I'll be just a sec .

Don't go anywhere and watch your fun .

Do .

Well , will you wait .

Where was it ?

No , that's not it .

This is no good .

It's a thing you can .

Sorry .

Take me saying favor .

It's me in my head .

Fine .

I'll take my in this one too .

You need to get them out .

Now , that's what I call flavor .

Give a thumbs up if you like chew and candy and I'm off here .

I've watched it .

Where's Sammy ?

Well , and then a next to you , but it's not cheese and not even chocolate .

It's better .

It's toffee with chocolate now , open it up and put it into that of yours .

All right .

All right .

Don't hurry .

Me .

Fondo is not candy eating , you know , one more and another one at this rate , we'll be fun .

Do it till winter .

Let me help .

Please .

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Candy remind me of something .

Sam .

Come down .

Fine .

Let's light the candle up and your toffee will start to melt .

Mm .

I know me .

I want it melt .

Have some patience .

Sam .

Fine .

Guard my gummy bears and I will search for a fork .

Where did I get it there ?

I'll grab it and run for it .

There's a piece of bread stuck to it .

I need to get it off .

Let me hope .

Oh , thanks .

Right now , I'll grab a gummy .

Wait , what's with the fork ?

It's all wrong there .

Now there is a king of forks 10 , we've got a runner stop right there .

Get right into the bath .

Now , that's what I call fun .

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Sammy , may I try one too ?

You may but only one .

Thank you .

Well , since you're such a wonderful cook , I'm giving you a canny .

Haven't you had enough ?

There is no such thing , Sammy .

Since you're a cook now you should wear a chef's hat here .

A chef's hat .

A marshmallow hat .

Now that's more like it .

I'm so stylish now .

Right ?

This deserves a ti and guys if you like Sam's dance , give him a thumbs up .

And let's get it to 10,000 thumbs up to see his new cooking adventures as soon as possible .

And thanks to everyone who subscribed and to those who haven't subscribed , please subscribe .

Will you ?

Well , I'm off .

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I need to finish on doing the remaining gummy guys .

If you want to know what happened after that video , leave a comment below and while you're doing that , we'll get to our next interesting cares .

Let's go .

I can smell it .

I smell something fishy .

Definitely not a cake .

I need to check it out .

Come on , I'm sure I'm getting closer .

Oh .

Oh Sammy , why are you screaming ?

It's my fish , my lunch .

You want to buy it ?

You know , things will pass another noble flavor .

Let's say it's just a flavor .

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I like fish .

Is there a sweet fish ?

You know , I'm not sure .

Ah don't worry I'll think of something .

Ok .

Today I'll be making delicious sweet fish for Sam .

Here I have this beautiful pineapple and a couple of red apples , right ?

I'll set the pineapple aside and start with the apples .

And where are the candy candies ?

Wow .

I thought you'd make fish out of candies .

Well , the fish will be sweet but not out of candies .

Something much healthier though .

There will be a tiny sweet treat .

Wow .

Alright .

Uh could you bring me some ?

Oh I be just a moment .

We need to cut the apple but be very , very careful with the knife guys .

Alright .

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We'll cut a piece just like this .

Turn it over and cut out a triangle very , very carefully like that .

Hm .

Does this remind you of anything ?

I'll need one more apple triangle .

So we'll cut another piece of apple , a smaller one just like that and we slice it to look like a triangle .

They done .

Hm .

I wonder what Sam's up to .

And meanwhile , Sam , the brave pirate was crawling through the jungle .

He was ready for any kind of danger .

He had his trusty spear with him .

It's saved him many times .

Oh , yeah .

The treasures were so close .

Touch that there .

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Oh , believe p like that .

Oh , what are you doing here ?

I'm hunting for treasures in the jungles .

Can you ?

I see .

Well , I'll just take a piece of the pineapple and a cure and then you can hunt all you want .

This is unexpected .

The jungles became smaller that beer .

This must be the tricks of an evil jungle spirit .

Hey .

Well , like maybe not an evil spirit .

Hm .

Especially if the spirit has kids here .

Right .

Mhm .

Alrighty .

I need to cut the top of the pineapple off just like this and then a slice there .

That should be enough .

So now we need to cut off this excess part .

So we'll slice it just here here .

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Now we need little sticks .

So we'll slice them just like that .

Oh , be careful right .

Here's the tail , slide it in .

Now the pieces of the body two and some more .

There and the head and there , check it out .

It's almost ready .

I just need to add the eye .

So we'll take a mini marshmallow , cut a small piece and place it right on top of the apple head .

A pirate , these treasures , the treasures , the pirate tries sweet fish .

Really ?

Well , probably he does .

Hm .

This smells much better .

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Hey , guys , give us a thumbs up if you like this dessert and don't forget to subscribe to the channel to see new cooking experiments for Sam .

And if you make this fish , please send us a photo .

I'm off .

I need to restore my strength after my public adventures lines on a candy .

OK .

I'll let sue enjoy her new toy .

And meanwhile , I'll make for you guys something special to subscribe to our channel and press the bell button .

So you always watch your favorite videos first .

If you made it to the 1st 100 use a hashtag hashtag early squat .

What does this sound ?

O is that you Becky ?

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Now , I , so is it on something on the fly ?

I knew it eating without me .

I is best nothing .

Give me a bite here .

One bite slime shaped , you know it .

Hey , you guys , obviously , regular chips are too boring for Sammy .

So we'll be making a special kind today .

I'm going to need potatoes .

A couple of spices and a ginger man cookie cutter slime shape like a ginger man .

If you say so .

Very skinny slime , by the way , look at his bone sticking out .

Hint is taken now .

Scat and candy .

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Wait for your chips .

Oh my first .

Let's peel the potatoes like this .

You know what ?

It's strangely relaxing .

Happy as you are .

I tell you good .

Changed my mind .

Story of your life .

OK ?

I'll finish up myself .

Potatoes are peeled and now I need to slice it and these slices should be thin .

I actually have a special wavy knife and it'll make our chips look even better .

I'd say nice slicing on my end .

Now I need to shape the slices as ginger men .

I mean slimes .

Yeah .

Looks like I should have gotten a bigger potato .

It .

Sure , Sam .

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Now I need to remove excess liquid .

I'll simply put the slices on a napkin just like this one by one .

No overlapping .

Love you .

Yeah .

OK .

Hands out .

We actually have this cool holder for making chips .

I'll place the chips right here .

It's time to microwave it .

I forgot to add some flavor .

A little bit of veggie mix for a taste .

Hm .

It doesn't stick that good .

But OK , you almost doesn't count Sammy .

Now , let's cover it with some yummy herbs too .

Where's the main chocolate spies ?

A ?

It's not a thing .

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Well , it should be , I'll put it in the microwave for four minutes .

Here they are .

Mm .

I should give it a try .

My kids you are like a terminator on a mission to you all .

Whatever .

Give it a try .

Let's skip it in chocolate .

Let's make some sweet chips instead and you are only saying it now , I'll make sweet chips the same way as potato ones , but using an apple and cinnamon instead .

No need to peel the apple .

I'll just slice it like this and make sure to leave the center out .

Perfect .

Nice job .

Sue .

Take this wine come just in time , Sammy , let's cut the apple prices carefully .

So we don't ruin them .

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That looks good .

Next one , the last one looks great .

These leftovers look fun too .

Now I'll need to blot extra liquid still carefully .

They look fragile all dry .

I'll put them in our cool holder and Sprinkle with cinnamon .

What pom to the microwave ?

Apple chips are ready .

This is from you .

Hey , what kind of lamp stop talking and eat ?

Not really sweet .

And with a candy , I thought you'd never can we , you a shit .

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I just leave it here .

Weird heavy .

Did you like the video ?

Give a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to the most at the most wonderful time .

And now to the next video .

Enjoy another adventure at the most wonderful .

Of course , guys .

Hello .

Today we're going to , 00 , holy cow , Sam .

You can't scare people like this .

Can't forget about people .

I mean , flying's favorite holiday .

What do you mean ?

What do you mean ?

What do I mean ?

Halloween ?

Small candies , large candies , lollipops , cookies , marshmallows , chocolate candies .

Ok .

Ok .

I got it my bad .

Calm down and let's make you some Halloween treats .

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That's probably the best thing you've said so far .

I'll get the ingredients , guys .

What are you going to do for Halloween ?

Press the pause button and leave a comment below .

Don't start without me .

Well , guys today , Sam and I will show you how to make some Halloween sweets .

We'll do a candy stuffed pumpkin , a pumpkin lollipop and a ghost lollipop .

Everything is here .

I'll be right back .

I'm going to need scissors .

A few coins , white napkins , orange and green construction paper , green paper like this .

A few nice long ribbons , a regular black marker and of course candies .

Hm .

Sam , where are the candies ?

Come on these ?

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Who , how did it get here , Sam ?

Or take your candies and eat them all greedy .

So yeah , I'm the greedy one .

Tell me .

Have you ever shared candies or any of your sweets with me ?

No , because I care about your teeth .

Yeah .

Right .

Two .

The candies are rescued from Sam and I can get started first .

Let's make a candy stuffed pumpkin .

Can I eat it ?

Nope .

Can I break it ?

No , it'll serve as a decoration .

Got my day .

You owe me breaking this pumpkin .

Ok .

You convinced me .

Let's do a pinata instead I'll take a piece of orange paper and cut out a circle perfect .

And now I'll just grab a handful of candies and place them in the middle .

Oh , Sam .

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Stop stealing .

Oops .

Last Dad Graham .

No .

Respect for slimes around here now , I'll just wrap it up like this and tie it with a green piece of paper .

Looks nice .

Right .

Can I break it now ?

Nope , not yet .

What about now ?

Yes .

Really ?

No , we'll put it aside and get to the other crafts guys If you like the pinata .

Give a thumbs up .

Yeah .

Next on our list are special .

Scary Halloween lollipops .

I'll need orange and green construction paper .

Let's cut out circles like these .

The green one should be a little bit bigger than the orange one .

The orange circle will go under and the green one on top place a coin in the middle and on top of it .

That's right .

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Let's wrap it up nicely like this and make a little bow .

Great .

And to make it look perfect , we also need to draw a face on our pumpkin .

Oh , I definitely should have gotten a thicker marker .

Lolly .

It has too many layers on .

I watched over it for a while .

Sam .

Yeah .

While Sam is Lolly sitting , I'll start making the last Halloween treat .

I'll just take a napkin and wrap it around a lollipop .

Super easy .

Great .

Now , just tie it like this and draw the eyes on the face .

Looks scary enough .

All done .

It's a piece of cake .

What ?

No .

Cake .

But look at this Halloween feast .

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Yes , Sammy .

All for you .

Made my first .

Yeah .

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Hey , guys , if you want to get to know me a little bit better , comment below and we'll tell you even more of now out while you're doing that , we'll show you another .

Why does it seem in sure one pan .

What happened ?

I've such a day .

What day ?

Groundhog Day ?

No , the anniversary of my return from the mountain .

Congratulations .

Then here .

What's this present ?

And our best of cake ?

Uh Well , all right here .

Hm .

Let's see .

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This isn't even food .

Hello ?

Uh , you need to open it first .

Sit here there .

See , for yourself .

Hello .

These are just ordinary but very delicious cookies and small ones too .

What do you want then ?

Hi .

Hi , a gummy and , and a present .

Yes .

Hi guys today .

I'll be making a giant gummy Oreo for Sam .

I'll use this Oreo shaped lid .

It'll make a wonderful mold .

Want candy , Sammy .

Soon you'll have your giant gummy .

You can't eat so many sweets .

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Gummy and candy are different things .

Actually , I have something better than candy for you .

Yeah .

Just wait and you'll see .

Mhm .

Why do I always have to wait to make a gummy Oreo ?

I'll need some instant coffee and milk .

Also , some sugar and gelatin .

I'll pour some water into the pot .

I like this .

Add some coffee here and stir it really well .

Wow .

Then I'll add some sugar .

Uh that should be enough and a few spoons of gelatin .

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Then I'll stir it well , to combine , just don't combine milk and cucumber and you should be good .

What valuable piece of advice ?

Hm .

Right .

I'll set it aside and make the mix for the white part of the Oreo .

I'll pour in some milk there .

Add some sugar along with the gelatin there .

Then I'll start to combine , it should look like this .

Almost like the creamy feeling .

Right .

Mm .

The gelatin has bloomed here and it's time to melt it .

I'll put the pot on the stove and wait for it to melt completely .

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Be very careful here , guys .

The stove is so hot .

Make sure you ask the grown up for help .

Oh , it's so goopy there looks good .

Now , I'll take the lid from the Oreo box and pour the mix into it .

Nice and slow , big and all mine .

Well , actually you can make a gummy in any shape you want this one , for example .

Don't forget about the white part .

Don't worry .

I won't .

The gelatin has bloomed here as well and it's time to heat it .

Remember to stir it constantly while heating .

Now , I'll pour it into the Oreo box carefully .

Now , by the way , did you know that in Latin gelatin means stiff or frozen and the small mold too wonderful .

Now , let's wait until it firms up .

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Wait for gummy to firm up .

Wait for my , no , waiting for your present .

Yep .

Come on here , dear Sammy .

A present for you .

I'll go open it there .

Let's check our gummy .

Hm .

It's firmed up and it's time to take it out of the mold .

I'll carefully peel it off .

Oh , wow .

It comes out so easily .

Oh , it turned out so cool guys .

If you like it , give a thumbs up .

Now , let's check on the small one .

Oh , it looks good too .

There is nothing good about .

It doesn't look like an Oreo at all .

I think it does .

Now , I need to pour in the mix for the second half .

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Here and here .

Ta da Speed freeze has been successful and the second half is ready too .

I just need to take them out of the molds and the white part too .

There you go .

Wonderful .

Now , I only need to assemble everything .

I'll flip it over .

Put the white part on top like this .

Then I'll cover it with the second half .

It's done .

Oh , it looks like the real thing .

Only much bigger .

Very rubbery and fun .

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Wow .

Hey , Sam , come here .

Oh , man .

This one's yours and this one is mine .

Yours doesn't look like the real thing .

Hm .

I think it does guys .

What do you think ?

And I'm gonna put it away .

I want to get Sam .

What are you doing ?

I need to put your present somewhere to , to admire it .

Well , do you know what's inside ?

Well , of course , I do but tell me just in case these Sammy are strawberries , they're very delicious .

Almost like candy but much healthier .

Oh , I don't know .

Strawberry sounds cute .

Oh , wow .

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Take giant Oreo for example .

And by the way , it's fine here .

A Giant Oreo for you .

That's what I call an anniversary treat .

Come .

Yeah , and I'll try the small one .

Yeah .

Hm .

Not bad .

But too much coffee .

Hey guys , if you like this gummy , give a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to the channel to see Sam's New culinary adventures as soon as possible .

Bye bye .


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