In this video , I'm showing you how to teleport to villages in both Minecraft Java and Minecraft bedrock .
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And let's jump straight into this guide .
First thing we need to do in order to go and teleport to Villagers actually go and locate one , and we can do it with the command and make sure cheats are enabled on this world as well .
You have this option when you first created the world , so you may need to go and create a new one in order to go and teleport to the village .
So the first thing you need to do is go and open up your chat and commands .
So to do that , go and press T .
If you're using a computer or Minecraft java or Minecraft bedrock and if you're using another device , then just go and open up the chat and commands .
Then what we need to do is go and type in slash and type in locate , just like so and then what you need to do is type in structure just like this .
And then after you've typed in structure , if I can type it incorrectly like that , then all you need to do is type in village just like this .
And then once you've got un type in village just like I've done , you then need to go and choose a biome .
So as you can see , there's desert Plain , Savannah , snowy and TEGA .
I'm going to do a plains biome in this case , and what we need to do is go and press underscore and then type in plain .
It's just like certain here enter .
Then it's gonna go and take a moment , and it's going to go and give you a response or take a moment because it has to go and search for a village .
Then , as you can see , we then go and get this message here saying the nearest Minecraft and village planes is at this coordinates here .
If we go and get a response saying something like cannot find this structure , then this probably means either you haven't got generate structures on enabled in your world or alternatively , too far away from the village you went and selected .
So what I'd recommend doing is doing the same command and changing the bi M .
For example .
I did planes .
I could go and change that to or desert .
I'd recommend changing all of those until you go and try and get a result .
And now that we've got these coordinates , as you can see , we've actually only got the X and the Z coordinate .
We are actually missing the Y .
So what we want to do is go and check out our own coordinates just so we can get the Y current our current Y position .
So to do that , all you need to do is press F three .
If you're using Minecraft java , as you can see , here we are .
And if you're using Minecraft bedrock , then all you need to do is pause the game and go to your game settings .
And what you need to do is go and enable show coordinates so I can go and see .
My current Y coordinate is 64 So that is the one I'm going to use .
So I'm now gonna close off my coordinates just like so .
Then what you want to do is go and press on the chat button once again .
So it's T in this case and then type in slash TP and then all you need to do is go and type in the coordinates , so I'm gonna type in negative 20322032 .
And then what I'm gonna do is type in the Y coordinates , which is 64 .
But this is going to vary depending on on what your current Y coordinate is .
So type your own in and then I'm gonna type in minus , um 864 , which is the Z coordinate for the village .
I'll type that in now minus 864 and then I'm gonna go and hit , Enter .
And as you can see it , we will take a moment to load and yeah , just basically wait a moment for it to load .
And as you can see , I think I have spawned underground .
So if this is the case , all you want to do is mine your way out like this .
As you can see , we're getting there .
And boom , There we go Now .
As you can see , I spawned underground because of my Y .
Coordinate was too low .
So even if you do spawn underground .
All you want to do is go and re enter the command .
Um , but I'd probably go and make the higher .
So in this case , I could go and put 100 for example .
But the only disadvantage of making it too high , um , is that you may then die for un survival or something like that .
So , yeah , if you go into one underground , just go and make the Y coordinate higher , but yeah .
Here we are , guys .
We're now in the village .
Um , and we can go and apply this to desert villages and all the others , which was listed when we first entered the locate command .
And yeah , if you guys found this useful , please go down below and leave me a like peace .