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2023-08-29 09:14:50

30 MIN GROW TALLER & GET LEANER WORKOUT _ Full Body Pilates Slim Down!

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Hey there , friends .

I'm Desiree for those of you who are new to my channel .

And today I have a fabulous Pilates matte , full body workout for you that I specifically designed to have the perfect balance between strengthening , lengthening and stretching out our entire bodies .

This workout over time is really , really going to help you with your posture .

And of course , the more we strengthen and lengthen our bodies , the taller , longer and leaner , we will feel and appear and who doesn't want that ?

Grab your yoga mat ?

That's all you need .

And let's get started .

Let's begin by sitting up nice and tall on our mat .

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And I just want you to walk your hands out to your table , top position , start breathing nice and deep to really get in touch with your breath and then step your hands out in front of your shoulders , keep breathing deep and let's shift our weight back and really stretch your arms nice and long in front of you .

From here , we're going to wave the body forward , dropping your hips down towards the mat , arching the back and dropping the head back .

Good and let's go for it again .

Waving the body , shifting your weight back , bottom , goes towards your heels and then wave the body forward , arching the back and looking up to the sky .

Beautiful .

Let's go for this two more times .

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Breathing nice and deep , whatever feels natural for you .

Good .

And here's our last one .

Make it a good one .

Keep it moving .

Nice and smooth and controlled .

Beautiful job .

Everyone and we'll shift again back into our child's pose .

You can bring your hands a little bit closer in and just take a nice deep breath here .

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Let's return back to our table top position , hands under the shoulders , knees under the hips and of course , the spine is in neutral , release your right arm in front of you just keep breathing naturally and try to make your right arm as long as possible .

Lower your right hand down and let's do the same thing with the left arm .

Really feel the energy shooting out of those fingertips , but make sure you're pressing your shoulder down , bring that left hand down and let's do the same thing with the legs lengthen your right leg behind .

You don't just think about how high you can lift your leg really strive to make your leg as long as possible .

Bring the right leg down and lengthen the left leg behind .

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Same thing really feel the energy going up and out , lower that left leg back down with control .

And from here , let's go into our bird dog pose , release your left arm and right leg .

Keep breathing , pull your nasal to your spine and let's add in our taps .

Everything lowers down and then lifts back up and two , keep going .

Three and for good .

Really ?

Feel your arm and leg lengthening and opposition .

This is all about lengthening and stretching out our body as best as we can .

Very nice job .

Everyone last one here and gently lower your limbs back down .

Beautiful .

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Let's now release our right arm and left leg .

Same thing , breathe naturally and take a moment to feel the longest line from fingertips to toes and then lower everything down and lift up .

Good .

Keep going .

We have eight repetitions , make sure you're not losing your core engagement .

Otherwise we're going to experience lower back pain .

We don't want that .

So keep pulling your belly button in and up to protect your back .

Good .

Last one here and lower everything down with control .

Very nice work .

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Shift your weight back into your child's pose once again and just take some nice deep breaths for um here everyone .

Let's shift our weight forward again into our table top pose .

And I want you to tuck your right toes under .

We're going to hold this position and I want you to exhale as you bring your knee towards your chest and round the back and tuck the chin towards your chest .

Exhale , inhale , lower exhale in in hell , lower good .

Keep going .

And here's our last two repetitions .

Last one beautiful from here .

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Let's come down to our forearms , untuck , your right toes externally , rotate your right leg .

And now we're going to lengthen the right leg up and lower back down with control and again , length and up , toes reach towards the sky and take it down good .

We have six more eight repetitions total .

Again , tummy muscles working , feel the energy shooting out and up in that leg .

And of course , we're squeezing those glutes at the top of the lift .

Good .

Keep going .

Everyone almost there .

Last repetition here and lower down with control good .

Internally .

Rotate your right leg back to your parallel line , tuck your right toes under , adjust to your hands and then lengthen your left leg back .

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So we're in our beautiful high plank poses .

We are going to shift the weight back and then again , weaving the body forward back to your plank pose .

Very similar movement to what we did at the start of class .

But now we're just increasing our range of motion .

Keep going .

Everyone for me , it feels the most organic to exhale as I shift back , rounding my back and tucking my chin and then I inhale to wave my body and shoot back out to my high plank .

Keep going friends .

We have two more .

We're doing eight of everything .

Keep it smooth , stay in control .

And here's our last one .

Beautiful drum here .

Keep breathing deep and I want you to step your feet off your mat .

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So you're in a wide stance , start walking your hands back towards your feet .

And then once your weight is completely on your feet , cross your arms above your head , we're gonna let gravity do its thing .

And I just want you to start swing your body gently side to side , close your eyes .

If you want , keep breathing deep , you're gonna feel a really nice stretch in the backs of the legs .

And this position really allows space to be created between each vertebra .

So this should feel quite nice on your back .

Let's take a little pause , place your hands back onto your mat , walk the hands back out to your plan , keeping your legs in that wide stance .

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Gold and Greek good .

And let's step the feet in , bend the knees and shift back into your child's pose .

Beautiful job .

Everybody take some nice deep breaths here , right ?

Friends .

Let's come back out .

We're going to repeat that same thing on our second side .

Tuck your left toes under and here we go .

Exhale to bring the meat in towards the chest .

Inhale , lower your shin back down , exhale in , inhale , down and three and four .

Good .

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Keep going four more .

And in last two and last one , very nice .

Adjusting to your forearms , untuck , your left toes externally , rotate your left leg and lengthen the leg up long , beautiful ballet .

Arabesque lower down with control .

Good again , really feeling the energy going from your hips all the way to those toes .

Remember , it's not just about the height of the leg , it's about the length .

So no bent knees here , try to feel the length in the back of your knee .

Keep going .

Keep breathing , tummy muscles working .

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And here's our last repetition .

Make it good .

Nice work .

Let's adjust back to our hands internally .

Rotate the left leg , tuck the toes lengthen your right leg , back , tuck the right toes under high plank .

And here we go , exhale to shift back , inhale to wave and shoot out and shifting back and shooting out good .

Really bending the knees , rounding the back , tucking the tail , tucking the chin .

Good job .

Keep going .

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Stick with me three more reps and last two and last one , really nice job .

Good .

Hold your high plank .

And now we're going to step the feet out into our wide stance .

Keep breathing , keep pulling your navel to your spine and then slowly walk the hands back towards the feet .

Once your weight is all the way on your feet , cross the arms above the head breathing deep .

And when you're ready , start your gentle sway side to side like a pendulum .

Good .

Keep swaying .

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Really nice work .

Everyone take your paws , place your hands on the floor , walk your hands back out to your high plank .

Keeping your legs in that wide stance .

Hold and breathe .

Feel your body in that nice straight line , adjust to your forearms once again and lower your body all the way down , untuck your toes .

And let's press the floor away with our palms and arms arching the back , opening up the chest , dropping your head back , close your eyes and breathe .

Beautiful .

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Let's gently lower the body back down and from here , just close your legs , push the floor away , shift your weight back and let's come to a seated position on our maps sitting up nice and tall lengthen your legs .

As long as you can lengthen your arms .

As long as you can take your inhale to scoop the belly , exhale to tuck your tail and just roll all the way down to the floor .

Continue the arc with your arms and relax your arms on the floor as well .

Keep breathing deep and really think of elongating your body toes , reaching one way , fingertips reaching the other way .

You can even let your back arch , open up the rib cage .

Just feel this nice long line in the body .

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Now , I want you to close your rib cage and allow your arms to float off the floor .

So your spine isn't neutral .

Let's go for a roll up , inhale , reach your fingertips to the sky , tuck your chin towards your chest , reach forward , imprint your spine , exhale to peel your back off the mat and round over your legs , nose to the knees .

Good inhale , scooping the belly exhale , tucking the tail and making your way all the way back down .

Rib cage stays close , spine stays in neutral .

Let's roll up again .

Really articulating through the spine .

Rounding over the legs .

Beautiful .

And let's just come up to a seated position from here .

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Everyone place your hands behind your pelvis , bend the knees feet flat on the floor and let's lift up into our reverse table top .

You can keep your head up or you can totally drop your head back , whatever feels more comfortable for you just feel the back of the body really working arms , shoulders , backs , glutes hamstrings and gently lower your pelvis back down , lengthen those legs out lengthen the arms out .

And again , we inhale to scoop the belly , exhale to tuck the tail , roll all the way down and continue the arc with the arms one more .

Roll up , go for it , make it nice and smooth and round over your legs for them .

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Here , I want you to pause at your half , roll back position , scooping the belly , tucking the tail once you get to your halfway mark , bring your right knee in towards your chest , lace up the fingers and place your hands behind your thigh .

And we're going to lengthen our right leg as long as we can make it and bend it down and again , stretch and lengthen and bend good .

Keep going with this .

Make sure your shoulders are down , belly is scooped .

Tail bone is tucked and really strive to make your longest leg possible .

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Even if you can't stretch it all the way , just really strive to make your longest line really nice job .

Everyone .

Let's take a pause here and now if you can walk your hands up closer to your ankle and stack your shoulders right above the hips and drop your head back .

If you don't have the hamstring flexibility , you can keep your knee slightly bent , that's OK .

Bring the head up and use your core so you can lower your leg and your body down to the floor as a unit .

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Once your leg hits the floor , round your back over the legs , dropping the nose down to the knees and roll up to your seated position .

OK .

Friends take it all the way down .

Once again , we're going to repeat that whole sequence one more time so we can do it on the other side .

Here we go again with our roll ups , really articulating , peeling the spine , rounding over the legs and rolling back down with control .

Good and again , rolling it up .

Beautiful .

And we come to our seated position .

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Hands go behind the pelvis bend , the knees legs hit with a part and we lift up into our reverse table top , hold and breathe back of the body really activated .

Very nice .

Gently , lower your pelvis down , lengthen your legs out , bring them together , lengthen your arms out , roll it back down good .

And here's our final roll up from here .

You're going to take your halfway point , pause and bring the left knee into the chest , lace up the fingers .

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Hands go behind the thigh and we stretch the leg up and bend good .

Seven more times .

Make sure you're breathing shoulders down , belly scooped , tailbone , tucked , length and length and length and longest leg .

You can make really nice job .

Everyone hold it here , walk your hands up , try to sit up nice and tall stacking the shoulders above the hips and drop your head back .

Good .

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Bringing the head back up , engaging your core and we lower the leg and body down as a unit .

And then just round your back over the legs , dropping the nose down to the knees , roll up to a seated position .

We're placing the hands behind the pelvis .

Once again , legs stay straight this time and now we lift up into our reverse plank .

Hold it here , drop the head back again , feel the whole entire back of the body , working arms , shoulders back , glutes hamstrings and gently lower your pelvis back down .

Shoot those arms out and roll all the way down to the mat .

Beautiful job .

My friends stick with me .

We're almost there for here .

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I want you to bring your knees into your chest , hug those legs and just breathe deep and rock your knee side to side just to massage out that lower back a little bit .

Let's place the hands on the shins .

Use your core to crunch up .

Nice and high .

Take a moment here to make sure you're feeling your imprint , meaning your back should not be arched , press your back into the mat , keep your chin tucked and let's lengthen out our right side , right leg , right arm , keep breathing naturally .

And let's arch that right arm forward and back and then your leg towards the palm and then lower back down to hover the floor .

So we're moving one limb at a time , making sure that you're staying in that nice high crunch .

So the head should not fling back .

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This is definitely one of those exercises where I would remind my students to pretend like you have an apple under your chin .

Don't let your apple roll away .

So the head has to stay still .

And of course , we need to keep pressing our back into the mat .

So we don't arch , keep going .

Everyone biggest range of motion that you can make .

Keeping the length in your arm and your leg as much as possible .

Beautiful .

Keep going really nice job .

And let's return back to our home base for a moment .

Breathe deep , rock the knees and we'll repeat that on our second side .

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All right , once again , hands are on the shins , use your core to crunch up and now we lengthen our left side , left leg , left arm palm is facing up and then we arc the left arm forward and back and then lengthen the left leg up towards your arm and lower back down to hover the floor .

Good .

Keep going .

Everyone stick with me .

Don't give up .

We have six more reps .

Always striving to keep your limbs super , super long , good .

Keep going .

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You can do it almost there .

Beautiful job .

Everyone and return back to your home base .

All right .

Breathe deep .

Rock those knees .

OK .

This next combination is quite fun .

If I do say so myself , we're going to do this slowly and then pick up the pace a little bit .

So let's go for it .

Lace up your fingers , place your hands behind your head again .

Use your core to curl up your head , neck and shoulders .

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I want you to inhale to lengthen your left leg , out , exhale to kick it up , inhale , to lower it back down .

Exhale to bring your left elbow to your right knee .

Inhale , bring your body back to center exhale , kick the leg up , inhale , lower the leg down .

And now we do the same thing on the second side .

Inhale out , exhale up in hell , lower exhale , twist and held back .

Exhale kick in hell .

Lower and exhale .

Bringing me in .

Yes .

All right .

Let's pick up the pace .

Here we go .

Left leg goes out and up and down .

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El bone center kick lower , bring it in second side , right leg out and lift lower , twist it out the center kick down , bring the knee in good one .

More time .

Both sides out and up and down and twist center good kick .

Keep imprinting your spine .

We're almost there .

Last round lengthen from the waist elbow to knee good and me in .

Yes , great job everyone .

Alright .

Return back to your home base .

Lower the head down .

Rock the knees .

Breathe deep .

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Right .

Everyone from here .

Let's lengthen up the right leg .

We're going to externally rotate the right leg , grow up your head , neck and shoulders .

And from here , let's also lengthen that left leg up .

Just the left leg moves , we lower the leg down to hover the floor and then we bring that left leg up to meet the right .

So we're really isolating here .

Just that left leg moves .

Both legs are long , both legs are externally rotated .

Spine is imprinting all that good stuff .

Keep going .

Really nice job .

Everyone stick with me .

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I want you to grab your left ankle now , bend your right knee , really pull that left leg as close to you as possible , then lengthen your right leg up and here we go .

Only that right leg moves .

Everything else stays nice and quiet and still make sure you're breathing .

Imprinting the spine shoulders away from the ears .

Good .

Almost there .

Really nice job .

Everyone take a little pause , lower your head down , keep your legs where they are internally rope , tape them to your parallel position , flex the feet .

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And if you can grab onto your toes , if you can't reach your toes , just place your hands behind your ankles , calves , knees or thighs , wherever you can comfortably breathe deep .

And now let's open the legs to our center or straddle split again .

Move your hands , wherever is most comfortable for you , close your eyes , breathe deep .

Enjoy this nice inner thigh stretch .

OK .

Mhm Good .

And keeping the feet flexed , join your legs back together , squeezing them in towards your center line , place your arms on the floor .

And I want you to lift your pelvis off the mat and go into your rollover position .

Really try to tuck those toes and keep those feet nice and flexed .

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Hold it here and breathe and with control , I want you to slowly roll up into your beautiful teaser pose .

Grab onto your ankles .

If you can reach , if not hands can go on the calves .

If you can't stretch your legs all the way , just bend your knees and place your hands behind your thighs .

Fold it here , belly scoop , tailbones , tuck shoulders down , legs are as long as you can make them release your legs .

And we're going to go open , close , open , close again , open , close , last time , open , close .

Now , I want you to tuck your left leg under your right left palm goes on the floor behind you and we're lifting up , reaching that right arm back , arching the back , opening up the chest , dropping your head back .

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They should feel delicious good .

And gently lower your pelvis back down , scooping the belly tucking the tail back to your teas or pose .

And again , we open and close four times and now we took the right leg under the left , right palm on the floor .

Reach back with that left arm , arching the back , really pushed the hips forward .

Breathe deep , very nice and lower your pelvis back down and again , return back to your tees or pose , grabbing onto the ankles , calves , knees or thighs , close your eyes .

Take a nice deep breath here and release the legs .

Lower the legs down , flex the feet , inhale arms , come up , exhale , fold your body in half .

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Let's come up just enough to make our beautiful flat back , dropping the head back , really flexing those feet feeling a nice stretch in the backs of the legs , calves , achilles and last time rounding the back over the legs , dropping the head down , rolling up to a seated position and let's just circle the head all the way around both ways .

Really let it go and shake it on out .

So proud of you , my beautiful friends .

I hope you are already feeling maybe a little bit taller longer and leaner perhaps .

Don't forget to give this video a thumbs up , comment down below , share this video with your friends and of course , subscribe to my channel if you're not already subscribed , sending so much love and hugs your way , take care of you and I'll see you soon in the next one .

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Bye , friends .


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