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2023-08-30 06:45:13

Buffalo Chicken Mac N Cheese (Best Ever) _ The Golden Balance

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This is buffalo chicken mac and cheese .

Absolutely incredible .

These are the three cheeses .

I like to use extra sharp cheddar grier and then Kobe Jack , but I'm using a spicy three pepper one .

I always like to shred my own cheese because a lot of prepackaged cheeses also have corn starch and we want to control how thick it gets .

Now take a third of each cheese and save it for later in a sauce pan .

Melt down with some butter pretty much a bottle of your favorite hot sauce .

And as soon as it's melted , I add honey and kill the heat when cooking your elbow .

Macaroni .

Rigorously , boiling water means they don't stick .

The water should taste like a well seasoned soup for the cheese sauce .

I like to use a deeper nonstick pan .

We're gonna melt down a little bit more butter and now cook down with equal parts flour .

This is called the roux .

We wanna cook this down for a couple of minutes .

We want it to darken it in color as well as take out that raw flour flavor , evaporated milk gets added .

And I like to add chili chili powder , paprika and garlic .

Obviously , don't forget a pinch of salt .

Let this come to a very light bubble , then kill the heat .

I always add in a little pasta water and we're just gonna go in with our trio of cheeses .

This is the consistency we're looking for and to finish .

I like to just add a little bit of that buffalo sauce .

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I always watch the macaroni when it's done cooking .

Just invite all that cheese to the party .

I personally like to serve this out of a cast iron .

I don't know why .

It just feels more official .

We do one layer of our macaroni , a layer of our mixed cheese .

Final layer of macaroni , make it rain parmesan and to finally seal the deal more cheese , you can prep this and bake it when you're ready to serve 3 50 for around 20 minutes .

OK ?

We have a quick intermission .

I'm fasting and I'm literally so hungry .

I'm like drooling when I making this time for the chicken part for the buffalo chicken mac and cheese .

First station has flour and seasoning and a bowl .

We cracking two eggs .

Just give them a quick beat down the final stations .

Panko and more seasoning .

I even like to grate a little parmesan in the pan .

You want to use nice and thin cut chicken breast into the flour egg wash and just straight into the pan .

We're gonna be shallow frying this in a light layer of oil .

Use a neutral flavored oil unless you like olive .

Like I do .

For me , there is literally nothing better than chicken sitting in oil .

Even though these are thin , by the time the panel gets crusty , they're still raw on the inside .

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So toss them in the oven just 5 , 10 minutes at 3 50 .

Remember our beautiful buffalo sauce ?

Just make sure they're beautifully coated .

I actually like to toss them on a quick broil just to let it caramelize and it'll lay beautifully on top of the mac and cheese .

Speaking of the mac and cheese , this is just perfection .

I have waited to break my fast just to give you an honest review .

And as always , honestly , that is out of this world , the the Chipotle chili powder and the buffalo sauce running through that mac and cheese .

Just incredible .

The three cheeses we use give it a beautiful creamy cheese pole .

But because of that sharp cheddar , there's a lot of cheese flavor which I love with the mac and cheese , the chicken on top , you just take a scoop out of that with the mac and cheese and this just might be one of the best bites you'll ever have .

If you are lacking toes like me , every single bite is worth it .

Ok ?

One more intermission .

Before we finish the video , I wanna take a moment to thank every single one of you .

Your constant support means the world to me and this will continue to push me to make the kitchen a less intimidating place for you .

Thank you from the bottom of my heart .

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You've honestly changed my life now , back to the video because I have one more question .

Would it be illegal to drizzle ranch all over ?


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