In a moment , you will begin to feel very sleepy .
Please make sure that you're in a comfortable place and that there are no distractions as this time is just for you to relieve any tense muscular memory .
Take a few easy deep breaths and really feel your shoulders and body relax , breathing in , breathing out , breathing in , breathing out , breathing in and breathing out .
You may continue this pattern or breathe in a way that is comfortable for you .
Imagine now that your hands and feet are warming up , feel the sensation of warmth between your fingers and toes relax slightly by resting your shoulders .
Now letting your arms just let go .
The tingly warm feeling you sense , relaxes your hands and feet more and more as you experience the spreading relaxation , washing your body .
Now take notice again of your breathing , make this the only sound you hear through the curtains of your eyelids closing down for now , bringing your attention more and more to sleep .
Your head and neck relaxes into submission , your hands feeling warmer and warmer , let your arms let go and your every muscle unwind thoughts are now .
But a distant idea as you begin to experience those sleepy sensations drifting in and out .
As your attention drifts from your breathing to the warmth that you sense and sensing of drifting in and out of consciousness , your body relaxes more and more with each and every smooth breath that you take relaxing more .
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And as any thoughts fade away , all you hear is silence .
As you sleep heavily , deep and warm , relax more , the more you let it go and let go , the more you relax , the more you listen , the more my voice begins to be lost in the gaps of silence .
With the silent intervals becoming longer and longer .
You begin to sleep by relaxing down more and more feeling warm , heavy and sleepy , breathing freely .
Your body resting and your mind calm .
You let go more , you let go into warmth , you'd let go into breathing .
You let go into rest and relaxation .
You let go into calmness and you let go into sleep , your hands now relaxed your fingers , resting your wrists , feeling limp and heavy , bringing your arms down more and more your feet .
Now relaxed , your toe resting , your ankle is feeling limp and heavy , bringing your legs down more and more .
Your whole body lets go of all energy as it becomes easier and easier to slip into sleep , feel your body drain of all energy as you let go one more time as you feel yourself let go , you sink down deeper , heavier and warmer into a sleepy relaxed state .
Everything is perfect .
Now , as you enter into that restful night's sleep , you are looking forward to every now and then let go more feeling your body sink down deeper and heavier , resting and relaxing your mind and body into full sleep , relax and sleep , relax , sleep , sleep .