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2023-08-29 09:12:58

Can You Really Grow Taller By Having Sex

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Hi there .

My name's Hayden Carter .

I'm author of the best selling guide that shows you how you can increase your height up to three inches or more in just three months , the grow taller book located at grower book dot com .

I prepared this video to explore the question of whether the physical act of sex can actually help you grow taller .

It seems to be a hefty stretch of the imagination at best and an outright fabrication at worst .

But the fact of the matter is that the physical act of sex may actually help you grow taller .

Now , there are at least four factors that give credibility to the notion that you can grow taller simply by having sex on a regular basis .

The first of these factors is that sex is not only a healthy exercise , but it actually closely imitates the undisputed champion of height increasing exercises , which is swimming .

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Swimming is the best exercise to perform regularly for those who want to grow taller because of the active role of exertion that swimming places on your spine .

Your spine is a complex system of mechanics consisting not only of the bony vertebrae , but also the soft flexible cartilage that binds it together and allows it to flex in an infinite number of positions up to an inch or more of permanent height increase can be gained by bolstering the spongy cartilage in a healthy controlled manner .

Swimming and sex help accomplish the active role of strengthening the cartilage in your spine and the muscles surrounding it to make them strong and healthy , a crucial element in growing taller .

Now , the second factor is that having regular sex can help keep you limber and strong .

It's no secret that sex is highly regarded as one of the healthiest forms of exercises that you can perform .

It raises your heart rate .

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So it's a superb form of cardiovascular exercise .

But even more importantly , in terms of increasing height , the motions involved in sex can help keep you limber by actively using muscles and motions that you otherwise probably are not actively using .

Simply put when combined with active schedules of stretching .

Exercises to increase height .

Sex can be a powerful tool to help keep you fit and limber and your body primed for additional height growth .

Third , a very large factor in increasing your height is ensuring that your body produces an adequate amount of naturally occurring hormones that not only keep you fit agile and youthful but can help you increase your height through these means .

Well , after your natural growth phase has ended , while you are still limited by your body's natural time clock .

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In that , you absolutely cannot instigate another growth spurt by keeping your body's natural hormone production at peak levels .

You will remain healthier and in turn better equipped to grow taller , using growth promoting physical activities .

The absolute best way to increase your body's hormone levels is to do so in a natural manner .

This means eating a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise that actively promotes increased metabolic function and hormone producing activity .

The end result is a much healthier body that reaches its goals , synergistically and all at the same time , so that the body's natural rhythm is never out of sync .

Finally , the fourth way that sex can help you grow taller is that it is such an active exhilarating activity .

It promotes deeper , more productive sleep .

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Now , I don't have to tell you how well you are rested after a day of physical exertion or after an evening of sexual activity .

The sleep that you get that night is deep and productive , which further bolsters the body's natural cellular repair functions in short , better sleep equals a healthier body which equals a body that is much better suited to grow taller through the more active means such as stretching and exercise and proper nutrition .

In conclusion , keep in mind that sex alone will not make you grow taller .

However , when combined with a healthy lifestyle and active participation in a program like the Grower Book Membership program located at Gro Toler book dot com .

Sex is most certainly one of the most advantageous forms of activity that you can engage in to reach your height increase goals .

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Finally , I've prepared four more videos that show you the exact crucial strategies that I've used to gain over 3.5 inches in less than three months .

I put up a special website just to share them with my youtube video .

Viewers .

Go to taller secrets dot com right now to check out all four crucial strategy videos that allowed me to go from 5 ft 6.5 inches is to write at 5 ft 10 inches in less than three months .

I'm confident that these strategies will help you accomplish your height goals as well .

You can also read my full story on how I gained over 3.5 inches in height .

This has been to Hayden Carter , the author of the number one best selling Grow Taller book .

Go get the free four free videos right now at taller secrets dot com .


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