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2023-08-30 06:44:55

BEST Baked Mac And Cheese Recipe EVER

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Mhm .

Mhm .

Hi , everybody , everybody .

I'm back , everybody .

Jeanie Young is back and I'm back with you and amazing recipe .

I am so excited today because today at the Young's house , Jeanie Young is gonna share with you all how easy it is to make an amazing baked macaroni and cheese .

This recipe is delicious .

It's so easy to make .

It requires a lot of ingredients and you know , make a young salad is gonna be so tasty .

Y'all never had my baked macaroni before .

You better make some .

Here are the lovely ingredients you're gonna need , you will need some elbow macaroni .

So that's what we have right here .

And then also you will need some evaporated milk .

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We have four cans and then we have my secret ingredient right here , sweetened condensed milk .

You're gonna need some shredded sharp cheddar cheese .

You will need two eggs and also you're gonna need some Kobe cheese .

We have pepper jack and mozzarella right here .

I have some sweet cream butter and I also have some flour .

We have some Velveeta Philadelphia cream cheese , a couple of spices .

So we can spice everything up onion powder , garlic , powder , salt and pepper make sure your hands are impeccably clean .

Let's get started with this really easy recipe style .

OK .

Everyone .

So we're over here at the stove .

I have some hot water boiling that I have salted .

Anytime you make noodles or even potatoes , you always want to salt the water .

I'm gonna use around about a pound and a half of these noodles .

This is a £2 package .

OK .

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So what I wanna do so that they don't stick together .

Let's give them a nice stir .

Just like so perfect .

11 minutes is how you cook these noodles to get them to Perfect Al Dente .

We're gonna cook them a little bit under keeping in mind that we're going to cook these two times .

OK ?

Everyone .

So while our noodles start to cook up , we have some cheese that we need to shred .

Now there's a couple of different ways you can do this , you can shred it or you can chop it up into chops .

I'm gonna shred it because I find when you shred it , it melts a little bit more easier .

So we're gonna take this Kobe cheese when I get this bad boy open .

You wanna chop it .

OK .

Pretty simple .

Every recipe that Jeanie Young shares with you all .

It's gonna be simple and you better believe it's gonna be delicious .

You hear me ?

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So I know I said chop it , we're gonna shred it right .

I had chopping on my mind even though I want to shred this just like , so we're gonna do the same with the pepper Jack .

Same with the mozzarella .

Beautiful .

When I come back , we'll shred that pepper Jack up just like .

So OK , now we're gonna shred up this mozzarella in the pepper Jack .

I like to use mozzarella because mozzarella is gonna give you that cheesy pull , you know , when you pull something and that cheese , you know , kind of strings out that way .

That's what the mozzarella is for and also for a great flavor as well .

Any cheese that you love , then this is the cheese that you're gonna use .

This just happens to be the cheese blend that I love to use for this here recipe .

When I come back , all of the cheese will be shredded and I'll show you what to do next .

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OK ?

Everyone .

So what we wanna do while our no noodles boil , we have already shredded up our cheese just like .

So what I'm gonna start on is a milk .

It's so easy to make .

I'm gonna show you how it's done .

We're gonna take one stick of butter .

This is sweet cream butter .

You don't have to use sweet cream butter , any kind of butter you have , whether it's salted , unsalted , it's just fine .

We wanna get this nice hot and melty and bubbly .

And once that happens , we're going to put this half a cup , this whole half a cup in with the butter and we want for that flour to cook .

So the floury taste and floury is a word .

It's gonna be a word today .

We want that flour taste to leave .

So in order for that to happen , we need to cook the flour and the butter together for around about 3 to 4 minutes .

I'll be right back .

Ok .

Everyone .

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Now that our butter is nice , hot bubbly and melty , we're gonna put this flour in only a half a cup is needed .

Ok ?

So you can see that it's nice and frothy .

It's bubbly and it's hot .

Get the flour in there .

Cook off the flour taste by stirring this together and letting it cook for 3 to 4 minutes just like .

So make sure you all don't use too much flour because we don't want this to look like plaster .

It should never look like clay or plaster .

It should look just like this consistency .

That's what you're wanting and don't cook this so long to where it turns brown .

OK ?

Everyone , we're here at the stove .

I want to rinse the noodles just like .

So um I'm sorry , we want to drain them .

We will not be rinsing these noodles .

Now it's time to make the Basa milk .

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We wanna add our milk , evaporated milk right into the butter and the flour .

Ok ?

We've let the two cook together , like I said for about four minutes and now we wanna add our liquid .

Ok ?

Since I've added my liquid , what I wanna start to do right away is start to whisk the two together just like this .

Sometimes I use two cans .

Sometimes I use three , all depending on how many noodles I cook .

I feel like I wanna use 2.5 .

So I'm gonna put in a little bit more evaporated milk just like so in this manner .

Perfect .

Ok .

So once you feel like that flour has really evaporated or not evaporated but kind of dissolved into the milk , now it's time to put our cheese .

Ok ?

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All of that shredded cheese goes right in and we're gonna make an amazing cheese sauce .

You're gonna taste the cheese sauce and then we are going to season the cheese sauce to your desired taste .

So now what I wanna do is I wanna take this time to chop up this beautiful Velveeta cheese .

You can't make macaroni and cheese at the Young's house without that block of Velveeta .

Now , this is a smaller block .

That's what we're using for this recipe .

Ok ?

Just gonna pull the rest apart .

When you make smaller pieces of the Velveeta , it just melts a little faster , right ?

Once everything starts to get nice and melty , I'll come back and show you what everything looks like .

Beautiful .

OK ?

Everyone take a look at the cheese sauce .

I'm so excited .

So this is what we have and you see that cheesy pole that I was talking about , that's what you will be .

That's what you will achieve when you use that mozzarella .

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OK ?

So now that we have that consistency , go ahead and put half of your eight ounce cream cheese in .

If you wanted to put a little bit more cream cheese in .

Absolutely .

You could OK .

I only like to use four ounces of the cream cheese .

We're gonna wait till everything gets nice .

Beautiful and smooth .

And when I come back , I'll show you what we'll do next .

OK ?

Our noodles have cooled down just a little bit .

They've cooled down enough to where I can put my two beaten eggs into the noodles .

So let's beat those two large eggs .

You need the eggs .

What the eggs does is it kind of binds everything together , right ?

So we're just gonna do this just like , so get it all over those noodles and right away , give it a nice stir so that every noodle can be coated in this gorgeous egg .

OK ?

We'll take a pecan over here at our sauce and then I'm gonna talk about this recipe .

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OK ?

Oh , it's looking good .

It's really starting to melt now and I'm getting excited .

So let's talk about the recipe because so many of you have seen me make baked macaroni before and you say you might say Jena , you don't make macaroni like this .

This is a different way that I like to make baked macaroni .

This recipe right here is not my grandma's recipe that you all are familiar with .

This is something different .

This is a more down south baked macaroni .

Ok ?

And that's where the sweet and condensed milk comes from a little birdie from down south to if you're gonna make you some baked macaroni from down south , you gotta put something sweet in it .

Not enough sweetness to turn this dish sweet .

Don't worry about that .

It's not gonna be sweet .

It's gonna be a flavor .

It's gonna be like a Mommy factor .

It's gonna be like it puts so much flavor in it .

Whoever eat this they're gonna say oh Mommy what is in there ?

OK .

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And I'm gonna show you what's in there and how much of this you're gonna use .

OK ?

Everyone I wanna taste that cheese sauce and see how much of what seasonings we're gonna need .

OK ?

So I'm just gonna go in with my spoon .

I cannot wait for this .

Oh I can't wait gonna give it a nice taste .

Mhm .

Mhm mm delicious .

It doesn't need a lot .

OK ?

We are gonna use the garlic , the onion , the salt and the pepper but not too much .

So let's do that .

Now pepper .

Keep in mind that we use that Pepper Jack .

It does have lots of flavor in there .

OK ?

Onion powder .

I'll be afraid to season though garlic powder and salt .

Not too much salt .

Keep in mind that your loved ones can put their own salt on as they make their plate .

OK ?

That's gonna do the trick .

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The burner is turned off .

You see how it's nice , beautiful and smooth .

Here's what we're gonna do now it's time to pour that cheese sauce right on top of these noodles that have been coated in those two eggs .

Let's do it .

This pan is heavy .

Oh My .

Oh , I'm gonna pour a little bit in at a time .

I wanna go in and mix and then we'll put more in after we mix it .

I'm gonna start to mix this and I'll be right back .

Let's mix .

Come on in , guys .

Take a look at what we have .

I didn't want things to overflow .

OK .

Here we go .

Gorgeous .

And I'm gonna take a little bit of that sharp cheddar keeping in mind that we didn't use any sharp cheddar .

We used that Colby .

I want sharp cheddar going throughout this as well .

It's gonna give a great addition .

Now there is a such thing as putting too much cheese into your macaroni .

Don't be that person .

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If you put too much , you kinda destroy it .

All right .

So we're gonna get this nice and mixed up just like .

So when I come back I'll show you what we're gonna do .

Beautiful .

OK .

Everyone .

Now what it's time to do it , time to put your sweet and condensed milk in .

Now if you don't want to use sweet and condensed milk , you can use white sugar as well .

We're gonna use three tablespoons full .

No more .

No less .

If you put two more , you'll destroy it .

Absolutely .

You will .

If you put too much , you know , too less you won't be able to taste it .

Is it gonna taste sweet ?

Like I said , no , not at all .

Don't worry about that .

All right .

Just like .

So I hope you all are having an amazing day today .

There's three .

You wanna really incorporate this as we mix it and then we are going to top this with a sharp cheddar cheese .

OK ?

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I find when you top it with just a little bit of cheese , it can assist it to get nice and golden brown on the top .

We're gonna put this in a 350 degree oven for around about 35 to 40 minutes or ever .

How long it takes for the top to get nice and golden brown .

Keep in mind that everything is cooked .

We just want it to get hot and bubbly and golden brown time to chop our macaroni with a little bit sharp cheddar just like so and then also we're gonna use a little bit of paprika for that color .

It's not gonna give much flavor .

It's gonna give a beautiful color that we're all used to when we think baked macaroni , OK ?

You wanna cover all of the circumferences but like I said , just a thin layer is needed for the top just like so and then we get this in the oven , get you some paprika in there .

Come on out here we go .

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Beautiful when this is hot and bubbly and golden brown .

I'll be right back gorgeous in the oven .

We go just like .

So look at it guys , Gina Young style baked macaroni make you some OK , everyone .

Something really quickly for all of you wine lovers out there .

I wanna give a special shout out to a company and their name is Scout and Seller and the name is Amanda Amanda Capan and the website would be scout and seller dot com for slash Amanda .

OK ?

So now their wines is really unique and so they are not grown naturally with no synthetics and pesticides .

Independently .

Lab tested 0 g and no added sugar .

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This sounds like something you want .

If you are a wine lover out there , listen here , if you all enjoyed this here video , give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed , make sure you subscribe , make sure you click on that notification bell .

So you can be notified every time Gina Young uploads one of these awesome recipes .

Tell your family and friends and everybody you know , tell the whole world about Gina Young and what I'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis .

We're gonna see an amazing prayer .

You all get that first bite .

Heavenly father Lord Jesus .

We thank you for yet another beautiful day .

Lord .

We thank you for your love .

Time , your mercy and your understanding .

Please forgive us for our sins .

Come into our hearts .

We make you our Lord and Savior .

Send your angels down to surround us day and night and your holy Spirit to help us make the decisions .

Give us peace over our mind .

In the name of Jesus , we pray that no weapons formed against us shall prosper in Jesus name heavenly Father .

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We thank you for the roof over our head , the food , the love , peace and the joy that you bring us every day .

We thank you for that .

Amen .

Let's dive in .

I can't wait any longer .

Come on guys .

Come on in , come on in .

I want you all to see this gorgeous .

Oh my goodness .

Listen , here we're gonna turn it this way so you all can really get down there and see it .

This right here is what you call a macaroni and cheese bake .

Oh Gina Young style dog on it .

Make you some .

It's gonna be delicious .

Oh And you wanna get that crispy bit right there on the edge .

Oh Look at this .

Holy , let's taste this right away .

It's hot but I'm going in and I know you all want that crispy edge and that creamy feeling .

Oh .

Take a bite .

Let me know what you think about this recipe .

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We gotta blow it for a second , gotta blow it .

I'm going there .

Hm mhm mm God , this is good and as always , God bless you all .

Thank you all for watching .

Mm .

Good night .

Hm .


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