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2023-08-30 06:47:45

How to make Southern Baked Macaroni and Cheese

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Now that the mac and cheese sauce is ready , let's add the noodles just stir to combine .

But then you're also gonna want to turn the heat up back on to medium so that it gets nice and piping hot .

And then we're going to add the pink over Bid crumbs and get it nice and crispy .

I like to use PICO burrows because they actually have a really nice surface area and they have a really good crispy crunch so that you get extra texture with each bite .

Now , we're gonna put the mac and cheese into the oven on a high roll for about 3 to 5 minutes until the topping is nice and golden brown .

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Uh What I like to do is I boil my water , I salt my water and I cook the noodles for around about 11 minutes .

Get them nice .

And OK , so now you're gonna need some cheeses and let's start over here .

We're gonna be using uh between four and six ounces of cream cheese .

You're gonna need some butter .

I have one stick of sweet cream butter .

We have some Monterey Jack cheese , some mozzarella cheese .

That's gonna give us that nice cheesy pool that we all love .

You're gonna need some Colby cheese and I have some sharp cheddar .

We have two of those and also we have some Velveeta cheese .

Now , you're gonna need a half a cup of flour so we can make a nice through .

And also we're gonna need something really interesting .

I have some sweet condensed milk and then also you're gonna need some evaporated milk .

So we have four cans of that and then you're gonna need a couple of spices so we can make this taste amazing .

Here's what you'll need .

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Now you've got a big pot of piping hot creamy and super crunchy macaroni and cheese .

I promise there will be no leftovers if you like this recipe and the tips , please like and share the video .

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If you have the time to shred it yourself .

I would definitely say it tastes better .

But do I make macaroni and cheese with pre shredded cheese ?

I do , I do a lot and that's delicious as well .

So it , it's kind of like a toss up , you know , how do you want to do it ?

Do you want to shred it ?

You know , do you have the time or like I said , go out and get it out of the bag and it's already shredded for you .

So , you know that , but when it's the holiday time , I like to shred it myself .

Put some more love into it when it's the holiday .

Ok ?

So now we're gonna get this nice and shredded .

We're gonna do the same thing with everything else .

And now as far as our Velveeta cheese , we're gonna chop it up into cubes and then we'll get it nice and melty .

So let me show you what our cheese is looking like .

Beautiful cheese right there .

Ok .

So now what we'll do is we'll get started shredding up the other cheeses and then I'll be back to show you all what you need to do next .

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I can be more excited to share this recipe with you guys .

Like , and I , I must say there is a lot of ways that I like to make macaroni and cheese .

But this one right here , it really tugs at my heart .

I like what I like about this recipe is I love that .

We put sweet and condensed milk in it .

Now , some of you might say sweet and condensed milk .

Like , what is that all about ?

It brings an amazing flavor that when you , your family and friends and your loved ones taste it .

They're gonna say , yes , they're gonna say give me more .

They're gonna say give me the recipe .

They're gonna go nuts .

It really brings out an amazing flavor because you have that sweetness and it's kind of up against the sharpness and the saltiness of the cheeses and it's like a wow factor .

You have to try it in your macaroni and cheese this year for holiday .

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So I've chopped up or I've shredded up the sharp cheddar and now we're gonna go into some of the Kobe .

I like using the different cheeses .

If you wanted to .

You can use just straight one type of cheese , whatever type of cheese you love .

Heck , listen here .

If you love provolone and Pepper Jack , you can use that and guess what ?

It would be delicious .

So now I'm gonna do the other cheeses off camera and when I come back , I'll show you all what we're gonna do next .

So we have a nice mound of cheese over here that we have shredded dang I know everybody say dang gina .

That's a lot of cheese .

Well , it is a lot of cheese and I like my macaroni and cheese .

Nice and cheesy .

I don't know about you all .

Like , we don't want plain noodles , right ?

So , now you could pull this apart or you could chop it up like I'm doing , I find if you chop it up , um , you know , it melts a little quicker .

Ok .

So we'll just set that aside .

And next , what I wanna do is I wanna get started on this roux .

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The roux is simple .

It's quick and it requires one stick of butter .

And if you have sweet cream butter , use a stick of sweet cream butter .

OK ?

My mouth is salivating and we're not even halfway through with the recipe .

Ok ?

So I got my stick of butter in and I wanna get that nice and melty as soon as that melts , what we're gonna do is we're going to incorporate a half a cup of all purpose flour .

If you just have like self rising flour around the house , that's fine .

You can use that .

It does not have to be sifted when I come back , we'll incorporate our flour with our butter and then I'll show you all what we're gonna do after that .

All right .

So now our butter is nice and melty .

Let's go ahead and mix in that half a cup of flour to make a root .

And this is gonna be the base of the macaroni and cheese .

All right , you don't want this to look like plaster .

Like I always tell you when making a root , it should never look like plaster .

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You know , it should look like this nice and smooth and it should never be clumpy .

So make sure you get it well , incorporate and just incorporate a little , a little bit of flour at a time into the melted butter .

Now , what you need to do is you wanna cook that flour taste that raw flour taste out for just about maybe 3 to 4 minutes .

And once that's done , we're gonna come back and I'm gonna show you all how much evaporated milk you need to use .

Now , if , for some reason , you can't find evaporated milk , you can use some heavy cream and some regular milk .

But that evaporated milk is gonna give you a really rich holiday taste about 34 minutes on that roux , like I said , and look how smooth it is .

Never clumpy .

It doesn't look like plaster .

So now we're gonna take a whisk evaporated milk and honestly , sometimes I use three cans .

Sometimes I might use four cans all depending on how I feel .

But guess what's good about that ?

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Um , you can use the three or the four , you can't go wrong with this recipe .

Ok .

All right .

So , what I'm aiming to do is I'm gonna really mix in that roux with my evaporated milk and once this gets nice and warm , we're gonna start incorporating our cheese just like .

So I'm so excited .

So the first cheese that I wanna get in is the Velveeta and also that cream cheese , the milk is nice and hot .

It's mixing in with that root .

Let's get our , our , our Velveeta takes a while to melt down .

But we , we got all the time in the world , you know .

So what I wind up using for the evaporated milk was I use 3.5 cans .

Ok .

So , and honestly , if I need the rest of the can , I'm gonna use it .

Ok .

So let's get , let this get hot and melty .

And the next thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna start incorporating our shredded cheese .

So now our Velveeta and some of our cream cheese has melted it .

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Not all the cream cheese is nice and melted .

Look at that .

My goodness .

That looks delicious .

All right .

So now , but don't worry about that because the cream cheese it'll melt .

Trust me .

So now we're gonna go in and we're gonna take mounds and mounds of that cheese that you took your time to shred and we're gonna incorporate it just like so , and then we want everything to get nice and creamy to form a cheese sauce .

So now that we have our cheese in now , is that perfect time to kind of nestle it down into your beautiful roux and the evaporated milk mixed with our cream cheese and our Velveeta .

Once everything gets nice and smooth , I'll come back , show you all what you need to do next .

Yum .

Now , there's one ingredient .

I almost forgot to tell you all about .

I always do that , but it's never too late .

You're gonna need two large eggs and the two large eggs is going to help you to hold your macaroni and cheese together .

Ok .

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So we have two large eggs that I've beaten up and you can see some white stuff on top of my .

So the white stuff on top of the macaroni is one third of a cup of flour .

I like to use the eggs in a flour and it really helps to pull everything together .

Now , we are going to use three tablespoons of the condensed milk .

You can use a measuring spoon .

I like to use a house tablespoon .

OK ?

So don't do anymore .

OK ?

Because you don't want to rule it guys .

Like listen to me .

All right .

So we have one tablespoon , one house table tablespoon .

All right .

And there's two , this really gives you an amazing flavor and then there's three no more than that .

Don't do any more than that .

OK ?

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So now what we're gonna do is we wanna go in and start to incorporate that egg , that sweet and condensed milk in that flour just like so and once you get it nice and incorporate , we're gonna season our noodles now , not only are we gonna season our noodles , but we're gonna go in and we're gonna season that cheese sauce .

The cheese sauce is nice and melted and we're gonna season up both .

Let's go ahead .

Put some garlic powder in .

I love to put garlic powder in baked macaroni .

It's like almost , you have to , you know , it gives you a great flavor .

Don't just do cheese and noodles , you know , gorgeous .

And then we're gonna go in with some onion powder , onion powder is gonna really brighten it up .

All right .

A little bit of salt .

Not too much because those cheeses , guess what ?

They have salt in them .

So that's enough .

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And then we're gonna go in with some black pepper if I was using my grandma's recipe , you all that are familiar with me , you know , I would be putting the onion in there and the um cream of chicken soup in with this and that recipe is amazing .

Now , I want you all to check that recipe out .

So what I'm gonna do is I have , I have two other macaroni and cheeses that I want you all to check out .

I'm gonna tell you the title of those and in the end of the video , I'm gonna post both of the , I'm gonna , you know , attach both of those videos to the end of this video so you can watch it after this .

So make sure you watch it and , and kind of see which one you wanna make for your holiday time to season our cheese sauce .

Same thing .

Onion powder , garlic powder , no salt for this stuff .

Black pepper .

Not too much cause I don't wanna to sneeze and we got a gorgeous sauce here .

Now listen , I'm gonna go ahead and turn this off .

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All of the cheese is not all the way melted but guess what ?

Don't worry about it because when it hits that oven , it's excuse me , it's gonna get nice and melty .

I'm gonna pick this cheese up .

I'm gonna need some assistance from my husband .

So I'm gonna put the video on Paul's .

We're gonna pour the cheese sauce in with our noodles and I'll be back .

So now that we have all of our cheese sauce nice and poured on to our um our noodles and our eggs and our flour and our seasonings .

Take a look at what it looks like .

And then what I did do is I cubed up some cheese in little pieces like this and I just kind of doused them in there .

You can see , let me see like little pieces like that .

I just kind of push them in the top .

So when you bite down into your macaroni , you're gonna get a little surprise .

So now here's what we're gonna do .

Go ahead and cover top of your macaroni with some cheese .

You don't have to use a whole bunch .

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You can use a nice thin layer , we are going to cover up our macaroni and cheese and plan to cook it for around about an hour and sometimes it might be a little bit over an hour .

Ok .

But you wanna cover it up so that everything can cook and get nice and bubbly and hot .

Now , the last 10 minutes of the cooking process , we're gonna take our foil off .

Um , so the cheese can get nice , beautiful and golden brown and you know those crispy edges that will happen once you take the foil off and throw it back in the oven .

Now , I'm cooking this in the oven on a 355 degrees .

Be right back .

I'll say an amazing prayer .

You all are gonna get that first bite .

I want you all to take a look at this .

I'm not gonna get really close to it because I don't want the heat to go into my camera .

Now , this macaroni has cooked for exactly one hour and you can see there's the foil .

We took the foil off .

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Now we're gonna close the oven just like so and we're gonna let it cook until that cheese gets nice and crispy and golden brown .

Then I'll come back , say an amazing prayer .

You all are gonna get that first bite .

And what I've done was I take a , I took a fork and I kind of pushed my fork in the side just to make sure that uh macaroni is nice and set up and it's gorgeous .

Take a look at this .

Everybody .

So now this cooked in the oven for one hour .

Exactly .

355 degrees covered up the last 10 minutes .

I took the foil off and we got it nice and crispy and golden brown .

Let's in here .

Make you some young style homemade baked macaroni .

Make some for your holiday .

Listen here everybody , if you all enjoyed this here video , give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed .

What are you waiting on ?

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Tell your family and friends and everybody you know , tell the whole world about Jeanie Young , what I'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis .

Let's say a quick prayer so you all can take a bite .

Heavenly Father , Lord Jesus .

We wanna thank you once again for a beautiful day for loving and protecting us and keeping us safe .

We pray that no weapons formed against us shall prosper and we buy the devil away from us in Jesus name , devil .

You have no authority over this household .

Heavenly father .

We thank you for the rope over our head , the food , the love , peace and joy .

You bring us every day .

Amen .

I just want you all to see what it looks like as it comes out of the pan .

Now come with me guys .

Oh , here we go .

We gotta turn it around for you .

Listen here , look at this stringy cheesy .

00 baby .

I couldn't be , I can't help myself .

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All right .

Look at this .

Mm mm mm .

Look at that .

I want you all to see right there .

Oh Yes .

Amen .

Once again to my beautiful prayer and as always you're gonna get a bite , but I need you all to get a look at the inside of this mac and cheese .

This is what you call mac and cheese .

You're gonna wanna make it for your holiday .

It's steaming hot right now .

Honestly , guys , I know you love when I take a bite but it's so hot .

I would burn the roof of my mouth , but I will be tasting this after the video and as always , God bless you all .

Thank you all for watching .

Good night .


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