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2023-08-29 08:43:10

How to Use a Chemex to Make Coffee

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Hi , I'm Sonia from a couple cooks .

Here's how to use a chem to make the perfect cup of coffee .

This is our chemi .

You can tell it is very well used .

We use this every single day at least twice a day to make really amazing coffee .

Now , it looks beautiful and this coffee tastes amazing .

We will show you all of our secrets to making the perfect cup of coffee to make two cups of coffee .

Weigh out 34 g of coffee beans .

If you want the perfect cup of coffee , you've got to grind your own beans and we use this be grinder .

It has a very consistent grind .

When we make chem coffee , we're looking for medium course , grind on those beans .

All right , we've got our filtered water heated up to 205 degrees .

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If you're doing this in a kettle on the stove and it comes to a boil , just make sure to let it sit for a few minutes .

So it doesn't scald the coffee .

When you open up your chex filter , just make sure the side with three layers of paper is towards the spout .

You can pinch the bottom .

So it opens , then pour in some of your warm water to wet the filter .

This gets rid of any papery taste and you can just discard that water .

Now , make sure that that filter is snug against the glass of the chem .

Add your ground coffee , give it a little shake to even out the top and then tear your scale .

All right , we're ready to add the water .

The scale reads at zero .

We're gonna add 70 g of water just to get the coffee grounds wet and then you'll just wait for one minute .

This is called letting the coffee bloom so that all the grounds get wet , right ?

Pro tips .

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Sometimes a scale might time out during this one minute , wait time .

So stay engaged .

You might need to tap your scale just to make sure it stays alive .

Ok ?

Now here's where we add all of the water .

We're gonna add up to 520 g and we'll start in the center just pouring slowly in concentric circles .

Make sure you don't touch the filter with your water on this first pore .

You'll go up to about 400 g because that's all that will fit in the chem .

Alright .

We'll wait for the water level to lower and then we'll add up to the 520 g after it lowers a bit .

You can pour in the rest of the water from here .

It's just a waiting game for all that water to drain through the coffee .

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And now if you want to make more coffee than just two cups , you can use more .

All you have to do is remember our magic formula .

It is 1 g of coffee to 15 to 16 g of water .

So you'll just have to play with it and figure out what your taste is .

And that is it a perfect cup of coffee in the com .

You'll notice it takes a few minutes , but those minutes are absolutely worth it .

If you have a question about anything we've done here , our gear , our ratios , let us know in the comments below .


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