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2023-08-31 07:22:43

DO THIS! For 12 minutes to Grow Taller

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Hi and welcome back to the channel .

In today's video , I'm gonna be teaching you how to do a 12 minute grow taller routine .

Now , I'm sure you're thinking Lance .

12 minutes is nowhere near enough time to do a grow taller routine and you would be right .

This routine is not perfect .

However , if you want to just get a little bit of that maximum potential height , then you need to do something .

And I would recommend that you do this workout .

If this is the only workout that you do , make sure you do it every single day to ensure you get just a little bit of that potential growth .

This workout is absolutely perfect for beginners .

And if you're looking to grow taller , this is a great stepping stone .

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To start with , this will be a great test for those people out there who tend to bite off more than they can chew and actually see for themselves if they can commit to just 12 minutes every single day for the next month or so .

Now , I know some of you are gonna be , like once encourage my maximum potential height with this programme .

Maybe because if your calories are right and everything else is lined up .

If your body is ready for a second growth spurt and you're doing this routine , then there is a possibility that by using this you could actually reach your maximum potential height without having to do anything else .

Which is exciting news for people who don't particularly want to spend too much time concentrating on growing taller .

So let's get on with the routine .

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For the first two minutes , you're going to be using the rowing machine and we're going to do roughly about 500 metres , which should take you up to about two minutes .

So to set the rowing machine up , you just need to adjust the fat rests so that your toes are locked in .

Then we will adjust the resistance .

I'm just going to put it on 10 because I'm quite used to the rowing machine and then we're gonna choose select workout standard list and just 2000 metres , because that's the lowest one that they do .

But if we watch the screen once we hit 500 metres or about two minutes , we're gonna come off the rower .

You don't need to go too crazy .

The idea is that we just warp the shoulders and the rest of the body , ready for the first exercise .

For the first exercise , we are going to do three sets of hangs .

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Now , if you've got one of these in your gym , then that'll be absolutely perfect because we wanna hang off the highest bar possible to allow freedom in the legs .

If you just notice , then I'm using a box to get myself up to the highest bar .

So it's easy to get on and also easy to get off .

And I'm just using a neutral shoulder width grip for each hang .

We're gonna try and hold it for at least 30 seconds and then have 30 seconds rest in between each hang .

If you want to use a chin up style grip , then that's totally fine .

And also as well .

If you do struggle to hold yourself up for 30 seconds , then you can use these .

These are gym straps Now .

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If you just look at the way that I'm tying the straps to my wrist , you'll notice that the knot is just on the underside of my wrist , and when you go to the bar If you're gonna do a overhand grip , then you need to thread the strap under , so you're gonna go underneath the bar and then thread it over .

That's just so that when it does tighten , it's not gonna loosen off .

It's actually gonna get tighter so your wrist can take the majority of the weight , which will help you if you aren't used to this exercise .

So moving on to the underhand grip , we're actually going to put the straps over the bar , and then we're gonna thread them round so that when we do need to get a tight grip on the bar , it will also tighten on our wrists .

There's no real technique to a hang .

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The idea is just to let all your muscles stretch out and let the spine decompress , and you should actually just feel a sense of relaxation while you're doing it .

It's actually very , very therapeutic , just undoing the effect of gravity on the body .

If straps aren't your thing , then maybe you can try gloves .

Sometimes I know in particular with the bar at my gym , when people's hands have been sweating , then it can be quite difficult to get a grip on the bar .

But these gloves are very cheap and absolutely perfect for the job .

So I'm just going to do a shoulder width neutral grip here .

And also , if you prefer the chin up underhand style grip , then that's also fine as well .

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If you don't have access to a bar whereby you can let your full body hang from it , then you can just make do with a normal bar .

And then what you'll need to do is just tuck your legs up and cross them over and hang in this way .

So if you do a total of three hangs with 30 seconds rest in between , then the total time will be 2.5 minutes .

So the next exercise we're going to do is a stretch called the Mountain .

Now we're gonna do three sets of these for 30 seconds with 30 seconds rest in between .

And all you need to do is have your feet shoulder width apart , and you're gonna raise your hands all the way up as if you're gonna touch the sky .

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And then you're just gonna hold that stretch , pushing all the way through to the tips of the fingers for 30 seconds .

So far , we have done a two minute rowing machine warm up .

We've done 2.5 minutes of hanging , and now we're doing 2.5 minutes of the mountain stretch .

The next exercise we're going to do is on the lateral pull down machine .

Now I'm just adjusting the knee pad so it's comfortable and just checking that the the bar isn't loose .

And then you want to wait that you're gonna be able to do three sets of 10 reps , so it may take a bit of adjustment .

You may need to have a bit of a trial and error with it just to see what you're actually capable of , and it's similar to a chin up .

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But using a bar so all you're gonna do is use a underhand grip and you're just going to pull the bar to the very top of the chest .

If you feel like you actually can do 10 chin ups and have just 30 seconds rest in between and giving you a total of 30 chin ups , then by all means that's totally fine .

But I think for most people , this itself would probably be difficult enough .

It should take you roughly about 30 seconds to complete 10 good repetitions .

So so far , we've done a two minute warm up .

We've done 2.5 minutes hanging 2.5 minutes of a mounting stretch and now 2.5 minutes on the lateral pull down machine using a underhand chin up grip .

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The final exercise we're gonna do is known as the unnamed stretch , also known as the fish .

So you want to grab yourself a mat , and then what you're gonna do is lie down on the floor on the mat and then what you're gonna do similar to the mountain .

But imagine it on the floor and you're gonna point your toes in one direction , and then you're going to point your fingers in the other , so completely stretching out the whole body .

And you're going to do this for three sets of 30 seconds with 30 seconds rest in between each set .

And the key here is just to really focus on pointing the toes as you have done the upper part of the stretch already with the mounting stretch .

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But this particular stretch will really give you that huge stretch across the whole body , and that's it .

You've done a two minute warm up .

You've done 2.5 minutes of hangs 2.5 minutes of a mountain stretch , 2.5 minutes of underhand chin ups with the lateral bar and 2.5 minutes of the fish forward slash or named stretch , which gives you a grand total of a 12 minute grow to routine .

Thanks again for watching this video , guys .

If you did enjoy this video , then please , like comment and subscribe as it really helps me out as a youtuber forward slash content creator .

And also one thing I forgot to mention last week was I actually have a brand new channel that I'm trying to promote .

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It's gonna be a Lancelot Ward lifestyle channel .

At the moment , it's just named Lance's Life Answers , which it kind of is .

But I'm probably going to rename it because I don't think that's a very a very good slogan .

Lance's life answers anyway .

It's got all kinds of stuff on there , and the last video I did on there was a one of my paranormal experiences , and there's also tanning regimes on there .

Anything to do with my lifestyle that isn't necessarily growing taller is all gonna be on there .

So I would really appreciate if you guys came over to that channel as well and followed .

I think you'd really enjoy some of the content .

Perhaps some of the stuff will interlink with growing taller , such as workouts from the gym , food , et cetera .

You get the idea .

But if you subscribe to that channel , I really appreciate it .

And I'm gonna put a little icon somewhere around here .

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I think it's probably gonna be here because the YouTube studio has now changed , so thank you very much .

And don't forget Grove toilet today .


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