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2023-08-30 06:24:43

10 SECOND VS 10 MINUTE SLIMES - Slimeatory 708

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So today we are doing one minute , 1st 10 minute versus one hour slot .

It's easy .

We really did this like two times .

You guys didn't really love it .

I really love it .

I think it's really fun to see the differences in between the slimes that you make that stressful when you have one minute versus an hour .

And it's really funny .

But anyways , let's just straight out into the video .

All right guys for the first round , your theme is Rainbow .

You got Yeah , you gotta go and make the best rainbow .

That's really difficult in one minute .

One minute .

I feel like we did Rainbow .

But that's OK .

Let's go .

I know .

So I already grabbed my Inflammatory Medical and you know what ?

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I'm just gonna grab it all myself because a Mia takes forever .

She's probably sleeping somewhere .

Got myself some brim gonna get some lotion and some white glue .

Now you gotta get the ingredients .

Oh man , I'm sorry .

I , I ate a bunch of cotton candy and I fell asleep .

Now you have to add that in your slide .

No , that's not allowed .

That was not in the rules in the rules .

No , I don't want this .

Now you have to add it .

I don't catch them throughout the season .

No .

Curse my cray skills .

Well , guys , I already had a plan that I want to do .

I was gonna make a holographic clear slime with foam beads inside for a very nice quick thing .

But now Paul gave me blue paint and hot pink , dark pink clay .

So I don't know what to do .

I'm just gonna do the same thing , but I'm gonna eat a sandwich and I don't know how it's gonna turn on .

Honestly , I have very low confidence in this .

We're gonna leave it .

Ok .

We're gonna do it , we can do this and it's gonna be good birth first .

Clear glue .

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So this is actually probably a terrible idea because clear glue is really difficult to activate and I have one minute to do this , but I'm gonna use glitter in an activator .

So hopefully I can do it fast .

Then I'm gonna fill it up with a bunch of glitter because holographic glitter , it's technically a rainbow .

So I thought that would literally be perfect .

Last thing I'm gonna get guys is some .

I said that wrong .

The last thing I'm gonna get is rainbow phone beads because it's literally a rainbow ready guys .

So I just got to throw it in there , deal with the other supplies .

Paul decided to give me and I'm also gonna grab a little bottle of glitter .

All right , we got supplies .

Now , it is time to start the challenge .

We have one minute to make our slime ready to go out .

I forgot to .

Oh , my gosh .

All right .

I'm gonna put activator inside .

Seconds left here and then glistering inside the activator .

All right .

This is my special recipe on how to make clime fat .

So , 20 seconds left .

That's what it's not .

Why are you saying 20 seconds , 36 seconds left .

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Oh , my gosh .

30 seconds left .

Don't tell me .

Don't tell me , don't tell me .

Don't tell me .

Don't tell me I made it a disaster .

20 seconds left .

Turkey .

Turkey .

Well , I love it .

587654321 .

Stop .

Stop on my head and I couldn't mold that into anything .

But there it is guys , guys .

One minute .

I just secret to making instant clear slime .

It's all in the cholesterine .

I made a major breakthrough , guys , major breakthrough .

Anyways .

Here's my slime .

Um , here's my slime .

It's all the clouds and there's a rainbow .

Oh no , you got a rainbow just like the theme .

And then let's look at yours .

You've got the same .

Don't see that .

That's rainbow .

Oh , it's a scatter rainbow .

Not organized .

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So it's , it's a mess .

Do you have a term ?

Uh So a mess .

Look at yours .

I know yours is a mess .

Mine is the clown .

You know that crab in Moana that has , he likes all that stuff .

This is his first place .

This is the heart of , to feed .

Oh , that's so cool .

The harder to , is this one , this is the heart of your feet .

All right .

I like , go ahead and play .

Oh , look at that .

It's actual slim in one minute .

Thank you .

Absolutely crazy .

How did you do that to be expected for one minute ?

And it's pure clear .

So I didn't even put any water in there .

Beautiful .

And then we have that one which is she's still playing around there for you to anyway .

I mean , congratulations .

You won the first shit .

Oh I forgot to put my g looks pretty cool .

You even have time and please please do better next time .

Look at that .

It's a mess .

You have it all over your heads .

I I can't even try it .

I can't even test it .

I try .

That's what matters .

Ok ?

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Now we've gotten round number two , we got 10 minutes to steal rainbow because I want to see some better rainbows .

Let's go and go get your hand .

Ok ?

So I got my magical clay again and you know what ?

I'm just gonna try the same technique again because one minute was like nothing .

So I'm gonna grab white glue , white , Limy glue that lotion again and maybe some charms and glitter .

All right guys .

So for this one , I have the perfect idea , I'm gonna make a rainbow sandwich , ice cream sandwich thing .

So like it to be ad I line , but it's gonna have all the colors in the rainbow in the middle and it's gonna have white clay on the top and bottom .

And I think I do a fast , gonna take a while .

But I think I do a fast , especially from my new breakthrough in a change .

Slime forever .

First thing , white glue and then every single slimey food curry I have .

All right .

Well , here's not back , but I think we should get it too .

Go , go , go .

All right .

Timer starts .

Oh darn it .

I probably sleeping again .

No , I'm not .

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We waiting waiting for you .

Oh man , II I can't get into your phone .

I changed the password .

Uh There's that means go glue .

I can't open it .

Ok ?

I need a bunch of you .

You can't even you took my glue .

Ok .

Fine .

That's what I I need to make a bunch of slime because I'm making a giant slime because I got these new containers .

I can't tell my I had to spill .

Why am I going so slow ?

Alright , activator .

So here's the thing guys make the activator and then you put glycerine in there .

Mix it up and this makes the freaking instant slime activator .

It's amazing .

I mean I don't have the the measurements correct just yet , but I will work on it and I'll tell you guys about it .

I'm gonna put some bubble delicious scent , bubble gum scent and watermelon scent .

So that's nice and smelly .

Smell , smell .

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And then I think that's it for the slime part right now .

Uh , activate it .

Oh , my gosh .

That smells delicious .

I felt like that's what a rain would smell like bubble gum .

And was it a watermelon ?

Ok .

Well , I'm getting a little tired .

I mix all that in there .

How much time do we have ?

We got a whole eight minutes and 30 seconds left ?

I just have to make this slime as quick as I possibly can .

And then I think it'll be good .

Making a lot of slime in is not a very good thing to do .

I'm fine .

I'm fine .

All right .

As long as I can get the slime done , I can do everything else in like two minutes maybe .

Plus what's the point of the challenge if you're not going to challenge yourself and take a risk ?

Exactly .

Let her challenge herself .

See , it's this slime like you barely need usually , like you're needing like forever .

And I would know that because I've stood for so long needing slime .

But this one you barely even need to need it .

It's perfect .

So you're telling me you don't need your slime .

I do need my , I don't need it .

No need , I don't need to need it .

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I need , oh , this is so hard .

It's not perfectly done , but I'm going to mix the food cards in there and that will need the rest of it .

So now we're gonna need to put 77 different parts .

That is five , 11 minutes left .

Uh That's six .

I need one more .

I don't have time to be doing this .

Ok .

So red nine .

No , no , no , I don't have time for you and your shenanigans mother .

No , she can tell you my so forever .

All right .

Red next time you take , steal my slime .

I will whip you with this lime .

00 I would never do that .

Am .

Hey , we're gonna do orange , yellow .

There's a freaking spill of clear glue here .

It's so annoying .

Clear glue .

Make green blue .

Oh man , I'm putting too much in this .

You guys have five minutes and 60 seconds .

It's orange .

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I wonder if there's an easier , better way to mix slime .

This smells so good .

This is so stressful .

Ok .

Lets take it forever .

Why are you still making your slime so tired ?

I literally just had an entire scientific sli aic breakthrough here and you're still taking forever and making your slime .

Ok .

Green , five minutes 1.5 mark guys .

Yeah .

What does the green book ?

I never know what the green book , red , orange , yellow , green , blue , indigo , red and then take a yellow , red and then blue .

Ah , I can't open this .

I can't open it .

I , my hands are full of lot when I'm making rainbow slimes and my hand becomes a giant mess with .

I , I don't think I'm gonna fit this again .

Four minutes left .

Ok .

I am almost done with all my colors and then we have pink as the last one .

Hopefully it mixes right , because I do have like some purple .

Ok .

Lotion guys .

Not a good idea on when you're being timed .

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I got all my colors done most of them .

Hopefully it goes .

Well , um , now I'm going to do my clas I can't put one layer of clay on the bottom and , 01 layer of clay on the top .

Ah , man , these clays got a little melted over the summer .

Um , I do , I need a whole clay under on the bottom three .

We got three .

Ok .

So now it's time to make my actual slime rainbow .

I have my red , my orange , yellow .

Oh , my gosh , my greens falling .

It dripped all over the floor .

The amount of slime I have on the floor because it drips is just , it's embarrassing because , like , why haven't I learned by now ?

Purple pink .

It looks so pretty .

Ok .

Focus , sorry .

Ok .

Now we're just gonna mix it like this .

That's just beautiful .

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Oh , man , I gotta make my top patty .

That's not really gonna fit all that well , but I don't care because I am not taking any of that rainbow out .

Well , look , it kind of , it's kind of taking the color from my hands and it kind of looks cool .

I think I can calm down because I think I have time .

Actually , I've got one minute two minutes left .

Basically .

Put that on top .

We call it a day .

Actually .

There's one more thing .

These smiley spray sprinkles .

Yeah .

Yellow .

What is that ?

There's a curby .

I like this one .

All right .

That's good .

I'm finished .

And I have extra time .

Well , since I have extra time , I'm gonna play the Slimy app .

My phone's in use .

Dang .

You can't , oh , hey , I guess since I can't play , you guys can play it for me .

Go and check it out guys .

It's this new slimy slime simulate app .

You can make your own slime , choose whatever you want to put in it and then you can actually , so you guys haven't asking for this for a very , very long time .

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We finally came out with it .

We've been working on it for so long .

So make sure you comment down below what you think we should add it into it because you know , I think it definitely needs your guys's suggestions to make it perfect so that you guys can have the most fun with it .

Oh , you got 10 seconds there .

No , it's 876 54321 and done .

You're the artist .

I am an artist , artist time .

Who want to go last ?

Who wants to go last , last , first ?

Who want to go first ?

Who wants to go last ?

Me ?

OK , you go first .

Let's go .

OK .

Here is my ice cream rainbow sandwich .

What does that ?

Just not make you want to , like , die .

I wanna eat it .

It makes me wanna , no , I wanna , I wanna to drown in this like this .

This belongs in the background .

Yes , I agree .

I agree .

It attacked you .

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It's ok .

Here it is .

All right .

Well , I don't want to poke it .

Go ahead .

Put it .

Then it's beautiful .

It's ok .

I'll do it .

Oh , my gosh .

Look at that .

Would you look at that ?

That's gorgeous .

She's not so gorgeous anymore .

No , mine's better now .

I mean , not that mine wasn't better before .

00 , it smells really good .

What ?

Mm .

That smells really good .

It doesn't fix this slime because this needs fixing .

It doesn't need fixing anyway .

Now let's fix it .

And that is what you made in 10 minutes .

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This is magical clay and this is , you have to see some good time .

You gotta see the art in it .

Ok ?

Oh , yeah , that's a good sign .

Yeah , it's like blatter of rainbow .

I honestly , I , I really like it .

You did a really good job .

I like it .

I just really can't play with it .

Why not ?

Because you can mix it and play with it .

Paul , please play in front of me .

Thank you , Amira for competition reasons .

It looks like trash and that's burrito .

It's a rank for burrito .

All right .

Well , I'm in my decision .

Jay .

You win .

I'm kidding .

I'm sorry , I'm in my decision .

I'm me .

You win .

I took a risk .

This time and I did it , but I'm gonna make this intense .

The last round counts as three points , three points .

So you're saying if she wins the last round , she uh she can win this .

If you win the last round , you get five points , she get zero .

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So you get like Super Sun clean title .

Ok ?

You got one hour .

Make a rainbow and make a really good one .

Go , go go .

Let's do this .

We got all our some pies .

I'm gonna be making a rainbow slushy .

I'm gonna be making a surprise .

You don't know what you're gonna make .

Do you do ?

What ?

Hour on the clock ?

Everybody .

We have an hour .

Well , you shouldn't just say that .

I want a masterpiece .

I want something I can think about tonight .

What ?

Oh , and my dreams of rainbow .

I don't , I don't know what I'm saying .

Just make something amazing .

Ok .

All right .

These bears out to make my slime .

I'm gonna do my special activator that .

Oh , it's just amazing , man .

Uh Ohh , I need some scent though , which I have under the counter .

Ok .

I'm a mess .

I'm back .

All right .

It's canny frosting .

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Ah , this is mixing two of my favorite things .

Fine candy and rainbow .

All right .

Let me mix that to see how foggy it gets and let's add our activator .

Oh man .

I was gonna add water .

All right .

I'm adding a little bit of water .

Hopefully that's water because is that ?

Not water ?

Oh , man .

Ok .

I , I think it was but I'm still not entirely sure , but I'm adding water to make the glue a bit thinner .

That way , the slushy is a bit more like fluffy because I want it on the thinner side .

Guys .

I really don't know if that was activated or not .

Or water .

How many times are you gonna take my glycerine ?

Well , I mean , who's gonna pass on your new formula ?

Me ?

Not me .

Well , I could still .

No , not me .

I used to make slime super quick .

I mean , II I used to not me .

As you can see , I need this thinner .

So glue is too thick guys .

It's not too thick .

It's just how I wanted it .

Actually the perfect thick slime glue and I finally made it , but it's too thick for my recipe right now .

But luckily you could literally just add water .

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So it's perfect .

Let's see .

The magic happened .

Oh , my scent .

I'm just watermelon and I'm just gonna mix it here .

This feels like it's going wrong .

Ok .

I'm done with the slime .

It is a little bit rippy , but it's actually better because I am making slushy , which it's probably gonna melt a little bit .

I'm gonna make my ins know now and I actually refilled this with water .

40 minutes .

I don't know what you did , but you took 20 minutes to make your slime .

It was my slime's done .

Now , I'm gonna start making my little , I'm not gonna say what it is .

You guys will see .

She doesn't know what she's making .

She's just lying .

This , I used hot water , guys and the snow gets hot itself and I don't even think it's like inflating as much as it should .

Or maybe I just didn't add enough water .

Man .

That's , that's hot .

That's hot water .

That's hot .

Ok , guys , this is burning snow .

Oh .

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Ow .

Snow is weird here in the slimy .

I think it has something to do with the government .

Am I the government ?

You're the government of slimy world ?

All right .

I'm done making the snow now .

I gotta put it all in my giant slime flap and I had to turn this entire thing into icy slime and I gotta hurry because apparently I spent 20 minutes just making the slime , which , I don't know , I kind of feel like , I mean , are you spaced out ?

I did not space out .

I would have known I , I couldn't even record because I was spaced out .

I was not spaced out .

Look how slow you're going .

That's exactly what I'm talking about .

You guys have 30 minutes left .

You took 10 minutes so far , you're sitting down because she's sitting down .

You guys are taking your sweet time .

You got 30 minutes .

You're , you're like , no , I am not taking literally is taking you probably like five minutes .

No , it's been 10 .

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I haven't stopped working at all .

Guys , why did I do World Cream ?

I always do this .

It takes so long .

I just have to reactivate this lime .

I took only half of it because it became giant .

So now I'm going to add more into the snow .

But this time I'm gonna put a bunch more water because like I said , the glue is very , very thick and I think that a bunch of water will help it .

So yeah , guys look at my little bear .

Alright , you guys have 25 minutes .

Ok , I better hurry .

Ah I'm so tired .

All right , I'm finally done now .

It's like kind of nice and fluffy but I kind of like this it kind of seems more slushy but I also worked really hard on this and I'm gonna use it right now inside two , change the colors .

So again seven different piles .

12345 .

Now it's just where it's tricky now I gotta make two more piles .

I'm on a time limit .

I'm just gonna redo it .

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It's too difficult .

1234 .

That's six .

I need one more pile .

We're just gonna do it like that .

All right .

That should be good and let's go .

One red , orange , yellow , green .

Oh I gotta hurt you guys because I'm pretty sure I'm running out of a lot of time and purple and lastly pink and now I gotta mix them all .

It looks so pretty orange .

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Dream blue .

Sure .

Ok , I've hopped up with the colors .

It looks so cool .

Now I'm going to put them in a little pile again just like the other one .

I don't have a little orange but it's ok .

You guys have 10 , 10 minutes later .

I can , um , except though because I did take a really long time on making this slime and the colors .

I don't know , a cheating look at this , this girl .

Uh I love it .

I like how I'm going crazy over rainbows and I'm wearing a complete black outfit today .

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Wrong day .

Would it be cool ?

Just to shove it in there like this maybe .

Yeah , I think it would be cool to do that where the orange go lost it .

The orange is gone guys .

All right .

So I have this cup here from Circle K because I like to drink blue raspberry slushies or my favorite from Circle K and I decided to save it in case I want to make a slushy slime and now I'm making a slushy slimp .

So now all I gotta do is put in there like that and then I don't know .

Should I just like twist off the top ?

Perfect .

Oh my gosh .

That's so pretty and no , I'm not done yet .

I have some toppings to add on , but practically I'm done .

All right , I'm gonna just top it off with these .

So I got rainbow candy sprinkled .

They're literally perfect .

Oh man , they're not sticking on .

There we go .

And I want to put some more happy faces because rainbows make me happy and I feel like it's perfect for that .

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And then I got some foam beads because these kind of look like nerds to me and they put nerds on slushies and I really love those .

And then lastly , I'm gonna top it up with some holographic glitter also some more holographic letters and there's stars this time and I've with my rainbow splashy .

Well , congratulations because you have a whole six minutes left .

Jay .

You only have six minutes .

You almost done .

I'm almost done .

I'm done .

All right .

You guys are booked up five minutes early .

Congratulations .

You don't wanna do anything else for five more minutes ?

You don't wanna run around the building ?

I don't know .

Ok , I wasn't serious but that took you two minutes .

You got three more minutes .

What else do you wanna do ?

I wanna go .

Wow .

She said I wanna go .

All right .

All right .

All right .

Is up .

No more touch in this slime and let's go .

Let's see what you made .

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So you had one hour and you made this beautiful thing over here .

It's very nice .

Uh I wish it was more color in the slime though .

Why this song ?

They're because this is , this is , this is the clouds and the , the stars .

These are all clouds .

There's a , there's a moon , here's a rainbow bear to like add more to it is to make the line .

Fluffy .

Yeah .

Next time .

Well , it looks really nice .

Um , some is a little rippy and some , some is just a little rippy .

Anybody want some .

It's just a little cold .

That's all you're just hating pop .

All right .

This guy's hat , that's a very tall hat .

Really nice .

Bear .

Want that hat anyways .

Uh , it's time for your dad what you made ?

And that is a slushy .

Right .

Does this taste good ?

No , no , I would totally drink in real life .

Yeah , I would .

But this is time .

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Imagine that in real life .

That would be amazing .

Look at that .

You spin it and you got a bunch of color .

That crazy .

All right .

Go ahead some more time .

All right .

Let's go .

Oh That's so cool .

You spilled your drink .

I think I could get it out like that .

I don't think I can just cut the cup .

I'm gonna cut this cup .

You do this again .

Come on , I'm gonna do it guys .

I'm so sorry .

I get a new cup .

Oh , it's coming .

Those colors are so pretty .

I have to touch it .

Oh my gosh .

Oh This is cloud .

Oh my God .

It's not just , it's not too , it's cloud .

I can smell it .

Can you guys smell it ?

Can you guys smell it ?

And then you put it back in the cup ?

It looks even cooler .

This tie dye what ?

Oh my gosh .

Oh my gosh .

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That is so cool and sparkly I wish I could get it to come out in one piece .

Oh , right .

It's brown .

It mixed all the colors .

You can't expect anything from rainbows .

It's , but I have a little extra .

Oh , look at that .

All right .

Anyways , guys , I made my decision and the winner for this last round is I really like yours because it's got a little bear and it's got a whole rainbow that's really describes a rainbow .

And I really like yours because it was presented inside a cup that was really creative .

And you got a whole rainbow spinning thing and you can spin it and see a rainbow , but I have to choose one winner and the winner .

And I congratulations .

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Hey , I , I thought that she was gonna win because like , usually you think that my steps too simple .

But I guess when I win this time guys , you want a part two or actually not a part two , I mean , like a part four of us and one thing we should do next .

And also if , uh , you think that she should have won , but I won with five points .

Hey , thank you so much .

I really hope I see you next time .


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